Chevrolet Near Me Oil Change

Posting Komentar

How to Perform Oil Change 14-19 Chevy Silverado

How to Perform Oil Change 14-19 Chevy Silverado

1A Auto Parts:

How to Perform Oil Change 09-17 Chevy Traverse

How to Perform Oil Change 09-17 Chevy Traverse

1A Auto Parts:

Chevy Silverado 25000HD Oil and Filter Change: 6.0 Oil Change and Oil Life Reset

Chevy Silverado 25000HD Oil and Filter Change: 6.0 Oil Change and Oil Life Reset

Escape PowerSports:

hey ya'll, its Danny with Escape Power Sports.
And I went to change the oil on our new/used
work truck for first time last Saturday and
I figured I'd share the procedure with ya'll,
in case anyone was interested in seeing how
to change the oil yourself in a 6 liter gas
powered Chevy.
I started by running the truck for a few minutes
to warm up the oil.
And once she's warmed up it, it sure don't
hurt to pop off the oil fill tube, to help
the oil drain smoothly.
Then we can grab a 15mm socket or wrench,
crawl under the passenger side of the truck,
and remove the drain plug here.
Got the truck up on blocks so hopefully we
can see a little better, but to get to that
drain plug we're gonna come in here on the
passenger side.
And right there on the bottom of the motor,
over here on the passenger side, you can see
your 15mm drain plug, right there.
Having a drain bucket ready, to catch the
oil, and a few shop towels for our tools and
And at this point I like to put a piece of
duct tape right over the key hole.
Just to make damn sure she don't get cranked
up without oil in her.
Now oil filter tools come in a variety of
shapes and sized, and work in a couple different
But the bottom line is any of these tools
should work on this truck.
And to get to that oil filter, we're gonna
come in here from the driver side, if I can
crawl up under here, and show ya.
Oil filller, oil filter's gonna be right here
over on the driver's side.
Nice and easy to get to.
Now we can remove our old oil filter by spinning
it counter clockwise.
And after picking the wrong oil filter off
the walmart shelf, I just went to the local
auto parts store to make sure I ended up with
the correct one.
And once its finished draining, will add a
dab of oil, to the rubber gasket on the new
filter and thread it into place clockwise,
it don't have to be crazy tight or anything.
Now usually at this point I like to spray
this area with degreaser and hose off the
mess to make checking for leaks easier.
but all my cans of degreaser we're frozen
solid, so we'll just get em next time.
With our new oil filter in we can re-install
our drain plug.
And I like to go until its hand tight and
then an 1/8ths to a 1/4 turn with the ratchet.
And if you got a torque wrench that'd be even
better you can just set it to 18-20 ft. lbs.
Now we can add 6 quarts of your 5w-30 oil
of choice.
I went with this walmart brand oil because
it was the cheapest full synthetic, it was
the correct 5w-30 weight and it had all the
performance certifications the chevy book
said to check for.
That being said if your budget allows for
6 quarts of the pricier mobil 1 full synthetic,
I hear its great stuff.
But what's really whats most important is
that we change our oil when the light comes
on, or on your trucks recommended schedule.
With our 6 quarts of oil in we can check our
dipstick has oil on it , and crank her up
checking for leaks around the oil filter and
drain plug.
And I definitely like to check the oil again
after the trucks ran for 30 seconds or so
as the reading will go down, once the oil
has had a chance to circulate through the
And I'll add some oil if necessary to get
to the middle of that safe range.
And I'll also check the oil a couple times
in the coming week as I put miles on the truck,
just to be 100% sure she's getting the proper
lubrication to her delicate motor parts.
Now on this new/used truck I was able to scroll
to the oil change notification and trip reset
button to reset it.
But on our work truck model I do it by turning
the key to the on position and mashing the
gas three times right quick without starting
the truck.
Anyway I hope this helped with your 6 liter
Chevy oil change.
And if it did do me a quick favor and give
this video a thumbs up.
And if you happen to haul Polaris or Can-Am
atvs and side by sides with your chevy truck,
check out some of our other how-to videos
on those machines.
I'm Danny with Escape Power Sports, I really
want to thank ya'll for watching and until
next time, we'll see ya'll on the trails.

How to Change Oil 10-17 Chevy Equinox

How to Change Oil 10-17 Chevy Equinox

1A Auto Parts:

Chevy Colorado ZR2: Oil Change Guide - FAIL

Chevy Colorado ZR2: Oil Change Guide - FAIL


doesn't want to come out oh my god holy
so whoever chose this oil filter
location is a total asshole and I hope
the design engineer is watching this and
just punching himself in the dick
And welcome back to Speed Freak Garage,
home of PowerSports on YouTube!
we're going to try to do a quick video
on changing the oil in your Colorado zr2
in this case 2017 plus so at the bare
minimum you're going to need a 3/8
ratchet with a short extension you're
gonna need a 15 millimeter socket and a
funnel some towels and a drain pan and
that's it to change the oil sorry 6
quarts of 5w30 obviously you need the
oil so if you want to do the job right
you're going to need a 15 16 socket or a
24 will work in a pinch you're going to
need an o-ring pick a new oil filter
cartridge in this case I'm using a Bosch
39 83 and you're going to need a
magnetic drain plug with a new washer if
you're going to change your oil put a
freaking magnetic drain plug in it I
mean it it's a little bit of money for a
very very high payoff so in this case
I'm using a gold plug this says it's a
gold plug AP - 0 for however I recommend
just going on their website and
double-checking because the part number
underneath the sticker is different
which is kind of scary
oh and two really really really do the
job right
you need a torque wrench in this case 18
foot-pounds on both the filter and the
drain plug and then you want to use a
high-quality full synthetic in my case I
stick with redline synthetic 530 it's
the best oil I've ever used in fact on
turbo FRS it was the only brand of oil
that didn't get burnt by the turbo
that's I mean this running straight
through a hot turbo and it lasted at
least 5,000 miles easy so in this case
my truck has 1200 miles on it but it's
break-in oil so fuck that shit we're
gonna get it out we're gonna get good
oil in it along with the magnetic drain
plug and the new filter so the first
thing to do is kind of pop the hood and
for those of you that might be new to my
channel I don't edit anything I go out
of my way to go I forgot this hoods a
bitch I go out of my way to go step by
step and do the job start to finish no
editing I'm gonna get these
jingle-jangle keys out of my pocket cuz
they're driving me nuts but anyway so I
mean n even here it says 530 so I don't
like the whole engine cover look where
it's just all plastic but anyway so pop
open your plug and in this case I'm
going to use this to set it off to the
side while covering the hole at the same
time this will just allow air to get in
and oil to get out so hmm
we're gonna grab our wrench and we are
going to grab the oil pan and get under
probably a good idea to grab another
towel because I always I always always
always mess this part up so yeah luckily
now I have a feeling the skid plates
gonna make kind of a mess because it's
just barely cut back from the drain plug
and one of the things I forgot to
mention in order to actually truly do
this right you need a hot oil in my case
I drove a good 45 minutes before doing
this and the trucks only sat for maybe
20 minutes so the oil still it basic up
basically still at operating temperature
so that'll give us a much better oil
change I'll break it loose and I'm just
gonna let it drop into the pan since I'm
replacing it anyway and hopefully it
doesn't spray oil all over me and
fucking burn me alright here we go
fuck fucking thing's a menace come on
doesn't want to come out oh my god holy
shit look at that arc on that thing
every time I change oil in like a car
I'm not used to this happens because I
completely underestimate how much
pressures on the oil
oh what a fucking mess so anyway let it
drain let it drain for five to ten
minutes that way all the oil drains out

of the filter and it makes the filter
change hopefully not this awful and keep
an eye on your oh man what a mess yeah
it's gonna start dripping down onto the
skid plate so pro tip if you have a
bucket of oil dry make sure you actually
have something to scoop it with in my
case I'm gonna have to use this turn
signal lens from the Porsche this is a
scoop and I'll just have to go take it
to the sink and wash it off okay so
while that's draining you can go after
the oil filter so in this case I'm sure
that's clean this case you have a
cartridge which is very frustrating but
whatever and it's supposed to come with
a new o-ring under no circumstance
should you reuse the old Oh ring okay
you have your o-ring pick so basically
where did the ratchet go
okay the ratchet was spared so you're
gonna need like hella long extensions to
really get to this Oh okay so because
I'm I'm not short but I'm not tall
either and it's a lifted zr2 well
factory lifted I'm using my Porsche
wheel to stand on so that's the second
Porsche part that's helped me with my
so whoever chose this oil filter
location is a total asshole and I hope
the design engineer is watching this and
just punching himself in a dick so
anyway so we loosen this and it'll feel
pretty damn loose that sure as hell
didn't feel like 18 foot-pounds to me
but I'm gonna have to double check that
before we put it back together so so
since we let the oil drain technically
this should come off pretty easy the
only problem is its plastic I'm kind of
scared to reach my hand down there all
the engines hot kind of seems like a
good way to get burnt
I mean how the hell are you even
supposed to
so this is probably gonna be pretty
messy yeah see so since we let it drain
for a little bit it really wasn't as bad
as I'm sure you could imagine if it was
full of oil now the o-ring okay so
anyway what we want to do is pull this
out okay and then we need to get this
o-ring off so you can use your pick and
there's like a little groove here and
the threads to come and splash more oil
everywhere okay anyway so now I'm kind
of hesitant to put that at 18
foot-pounds I have a feeling somebody
was being a forum asshole I'm gonna
double-check that but so now the new one
just important that you don't fuck it up
because you only got one of them so just
kind of get her down over there seated
and then get a little oil and rub it
with oil that way it doesn't get bound
or anything okay and then you can take
your new filter make sure it's the same
it's the same close enough anyway much
better brand than whatever they put in
it and then pop her in place there she
is yeah I don't I'm not gonna pretend to
understand the engineering thought
behind these god-awful cartridges
so got that
this stuff's technically trash okay so
getting it back in without screwing
anything up okay we're getting dirt on
it obviously if you had gone off-roading
and you know trashed your engine bay
you'd probably want to wash it down
before you attempted this so you want to
go back down in and there's like a
alignment post that the filter has to go
on yeah that is hot as shit I'm not even
close what a dick design
oh no don't turn on damn you the poke
Hey ah ah it's cold and awesome but it's
noisy and interfering okay so then you
want to thread it in by hand under no
circumstance should you put a wrench on
it until you've got it snug by hand and
you know the threads are engaged and not
cross thread it or anything stupid like
that okay
now I'm gonna really quickly want to
really quickly cross-reference my torque
spec on this filter cap okay so the air
conditioner finally turned off and we
can now change over to our torque wrench
so we're going to do 18 foot-pounds but
because of the giant extension it
actually won't 18 foot pounds and I
confirm that online in several places
actually the owner's manual is not kind
enough to even mention it
but I got some other sources from people
who have the service manual so now the
only problem with this is we're using a
ton of extension so we're not gonna get
a full 18 foot-pounds but I can't see
that being a problem considering how
loose it was okay just my OCD 3 clicks I
know a lot of people had a couple people
say 2 clicks maximum but I don't know my
OCD I just can't handle it so then I'm
gonna reach my hand down here and feel
and make sure that the cap is flush and
it is so it's not cross threaded or
anything and that was way tighter than
the way than what it was at the factory
now before you make a huge mistake and
regret it you need to tighten or install
your new drain bolt because you do not
want to waste oil especially the shit
I'm using is very expensive make sure
you have a brand new crush washer if you
don't don't reuse it you know you can go
on Amazon and for like a dollar you can
get some nice copper ones that are close
enough and they seal really nice because
I mean it's copper so mmm anyway we got
this we will actually need the torque
wrench don't we
try not to fuck it fuck up my brand-new
paint job okay and I don't know probably
lost the extension so I'm just gonna
grab a whole new socket cuz it's not
worth wasting time cleaning it off make
sure it's a fifteen on the new one it is
awesome so we're now gonna go back down
here in this mess and first we'll thread
it in by hand okay then we'll come back
with the torque wrench and we will
torque her up to 18 foot pounds I don't
really have much room to work with so
woah that had 18 foot pounds fast and I
double-checked while I was working on
the oil filter torque i double-checked
the torque on this too and several
different sources of information so
alright now we can put oil in it so
we're gonna put in six quarts straight
in a funnel funnel would be very helpful
I might not actually need one yeah
actually I don't need one awesome I lied
to you you do not need to follow and I
guess if you're super crazy more OCD
than I am which is possible II fucking
I'm gonna use a funnel
it's just too risky okay all right
again you want six quarts of 5w30
okay and just let it drain while you go
and drag over the trashcan okay and grab
the next one so this is number two I'm
gonna do three four five six that way I
over or under fill by mistake so that's
one two three four five six and then
these we're gonna put away I think I
ordered too much oil I meant to order
two oil changes worth and I accidentally
ordered like five oil changes worth
somehow okay so that one's done yeah
it's a trash night tonight so hopefully
I can stuff all the shit in there okay
you can squeeze on her and kind of get
her to come out a little faster if
you're impatient in this case I'm
filming a video so I'm very impatient
come on girl okay let that one drain I
open the next one and I'm still debating
on whether or not I want to get a ECU
tuner I'm pretty much definitely gonna
get the I think it's diem metal fab
shock guards or skids they call them
shocks kids I'm gonna get those I just
don't have any money for them right now
and the place we're going off-roading
here soon hopefully is there really
aren't any rocks to worry about just mud
and hopefully mud wouldn't rip your
shocks off but I've seen crazier shit
happen come on I got other shit to do
okay glad I didn't cut my nails yet cuz
now these aren't come on
sometimes they a little too much glue on
the easy-open tab alright come on let's
go go go go I'm actually gonna back the
truck up away from the oil pan I'm not
gonna try to slide the oil pan out
because oh god it's a mess under there
of course the truck has oil on the tires
so I'm not really sure if I'm gonna be
able to avoid having like a tire pattern
oil stain all the way out door but I
mean that's why I built a shop instead
of using my house garage even though
I've already destroyed my house garage
with the transmission fluid from that
thing or I should say gear oil that was
nasty God that shit smells so bad even
new gear oil just makes you want to
fucking puke
yeah come on ah come on red line you
bastards it's not easy open if you if it
takes more than one second okay and last
okay put that in there for a second so
we're going to move this out of the way
I'm gonna put this back where it belongs
okay keys I need the keys back in my
pocket I apologize for the jingle jangle
okay you're gonna over the interior so
you want to do a pressure test you want
to make sure you're not spewing oil
so I still can't my fuckin lost my
fucking flashlight uh but I'll use this
to make sure no oils coming out from
around here or down there but while that
drains first we want to get under here
and we want to wipe this off so it's
nice and dry and clean that way I'm
gonna go drive through the car wash
because somehow I got fucking tar all
over the front of the truck on my way
home today or some asshole is leaking
oil out of their vehicle ahead of me so
that's nice and dry make sure it's not
dripping especially when you start it
and I'm gonna do the same for the oil
filter so all right get that out and
then I always recycle the rag so come on
okay that's I guess in and then I just
poked this rag in here to keep it from
making a big mess all right so now can
do our pressure test quickly so I don't
oh fuck me nope there it goes all right
break it open don't care don't care okay
all right so real quick we're gonna look
down at the you can't even see it
motherfuckers oh my god you can't see
I don't see the oil filter under here
what a joke
okay all right anyway so if we look here
it's still dry there's no drips and
obviously you want to check again after
an hour to but then I need God can't
shit I'm an idiot I should have left
this over here whoa watch the door
okay all right I don't see any oil
spewing out of there but you would
notice right away cuz it's under a lot
of pressure oh look the cap says 25
Newton meters 25 Newton meters 2
foot-pounds let's double check that well
25 Newton meters is actually 16
foot-pounds but with the extension I
could see how 18 would be a good setting
so anyway that's it I'm going to get her
out of here well that didn't work
fuck my life okay aside from looking
like a total reads harder can't even
close a hood alright I will catch you
I think that's it really I'll show you
the mess under here I guess but
otherwise I'll see you guys next time
thank you for watching so for those of
you who haven't really used oil dry
before it actually works pretty good you
can see the mess isn't near as bad as I
thought apparently the oil just bounced
off the tire and didn't really get under
the tire so that's good so if you're
worried about your concrete staining I
mean you're screwed it's already stained
but you can at least kind of like work
the oil dry in I this is my only broom
so I don't really want to go overboard
but and I need a dustpan I don't even
know if I have it if I own a fucking
dustpan but basically you know if you
have a shitty broom you don't care about
you actually can grind the oil dry
around on the floor and it does a better
job not really interested in fucking
this broom up though so I'm gonna leave
it like that but yeah so that's how I
guess how not to change your oil it's
the real world you know shit happens
nothing's perfect you end up with dirty
Heat well I cleaned them dirty hands and
a dirty floor in a good-looking truck so
again thanks for watching guys and I'll
see you next time

Chevy Colorado ZR2: Detailed Oil Change Guide

Chevy Colorado ZR2: Detailed Oil Change Guide


Hello, and welcome back to Speed Freak
Garage, home of PowerSports on YouTube!
Merry Christmas everybody, I am actually
recording this on December 25th 2019
because we had our family Christmas last
night but anyway this is my new attempt
at an oil change guide if you watched
the last oil change guide it was a total
failure spewed oil everywhere not good
so we're gonna try again we're gonna try
to do it quickly in a timely manner but
correctly so first I'm gonna go over the
tools and items you need and then I'm
gonna run through the steps real quick
and then we're gonna start the timer and
see how fast I can get it done without
screwing up so what you're gonna need
you're gonna need six quarts of 5w30 oil
you're going to need an oil filter
cartridge in this case I am using a
Bosch 39 83 ok tools 3/8 ratchet short
extension long extension a second long
extension you will need an oil sorry an
o-ring pick you will need a new crush
washer for your drain plug so I have a
magnetic drain plug I will put a link in
the description below so check out that
link and so each time you change that
specific plug it needs a new crush
washer so I have some copper washers
that'll work great you need a 15
millimeter socket a 24 millimeter socket
it's technically supposed to be a
fifteen sixteenths but I don't have one
so 24 works in a pinch again five quarts
of oil in this case I'm using redline
full synthetic this is a racing oil so
it is ten times better than the shit you
can buy at autozone you'll need some
random blue towels for cleaning up your
messes and oil funnel for dumping the
oil in the truck and then you need a
torque wrench so take me seriously on
this 18 foot
for the oil filter cap and for the drain
bolt not using a torque wrench is
basically like taking $40,000 and
throwing it in the trash right so get a
torque wrench oil drain pan I recommend
the biggest nastiest fattest one you can
find because this thing is going to spew
oil out the engine is hot I went on a
mmm 10 15 minute drive and got the
engine and oil hot you'll need a step
stool because unless you're seven feet
tall you need to be able to get up above
the engine bay and not scratch up your
fender and make sure you take everything
out of your pockets then trash can I
think we're ready to get started right
so the steps so the very first thing to
do is pull the drain plug and let the
oil drain otherwise if you try and
unscrew the cap first like on a car
it'll just spew the oil onto the tire so
drain plug first remove cap remove oil
filter after everything's drained out
because otherwise it'll be a big nasty
mess and then obviously you want to
replace the oil filter replace the drain
bolt and then start dumping oil in so
mmm all right so three two one let's go
so I'm gonna put this pan when I put
this pan way out here and you'll see why
in a second it is going to make a big
nasty mess yep so as you can see it just
even with the cap on up top it shoots
out so if you don't have the cap on
it'll actually shoot out onto the tire
it's a god-awful design I don't know who
screwed up the engineering on this truck
but they did a really bad job so anyway
make sure the pan isn't gonna splash
okay snow and you can see why I have
tons of towels that oil is black for
only having 3,000 miles on it granted I
Drive like a nut job so now you want to
pop this cap and put it somewhere safe
that's not safe somewhere safe okay and
then boy very carefully get any dirt off
of there and then just like put a little
cover over it so you don't get anything
in it and we need to rescue our socket
and so the magnetic drain plug if you
have one check and make sure it's okay
if there's little stuff on there that's
its job you know little tiny shavings
it's not an issue now if you find a big
chunk or like a piece of a gear or
something then obviously I would save
that little chunk and then since the
truck should be under warranty I mean
all the zr 2s are still under warranty
2017 up so go to the dealer and be like
hey what the fuck kind of shit you
selling me you know like this is
bullshit because these trucks
it seems like every year there's a new
problem with these trucks I did not have
enough hope I did did have extra towel
okay and I'm really not wasting any time
right now because we're letting the oil
drain out before we can remove the
filter because again if all the oil is
not out it's going to be a mess when you
pull that filter so clean off your drain
plug make sure it's clean okay and then
you will see this crushed washer here is
needs to be replaced so we will grab we
will clean this off and then we will
grab the proper size copper replacement
wow that's actually way too small shit
and it doesn't look like it would seal
oh boy
okay all right so the ghetto way is to
flip it over so this side was up now

we're gonna flip it and I'm gonna have
to order you can order these from gold
plug so I'm gonna have to do that
because apparently it's different than a
standard crush washer so flip it over
again that's a ghetto-ass way to do it
you'll have to double check it's not
leaking all over your truck but alright
so that's pretty much good so now we can
pull the filter and the filter is
nightmare so you will need two
extensions because the engineer who put
this all together as a complete
douchebag and then you'll need your step
stool for sure and then you'll see here
there's actually a little plastic piece
to protect the AC line from the wrench
so the filter is right there okay you
know it's kind of there it goes okay
okay so it's ready to come off and if
your engines hot which it should be to
do a correct oil change then you're
gonna have to watch and make sure you
don't burn your hand down here but you
just want to bring this you want to try
to bring it straight up its total
retarded Wow okay and so here is why you
need to change it every time I mean it's
completely caked and shit so what you do
is you should just pop out what the hell
okay it just pops out and then get our
new one now it should come ooh got a
little bit of shit there
should come with a new o-ring okay so
the first thing you want to do is get
the old Oh ring off now make sure you
have a new o-ring before you mess with
the old one because taking the old one
off generally damages it beyond repair
so old Oh ring old filter okay make sure
it's nice and clean then you can get
your new new o-ring and you want to
actually get some oil on it before you
try and install it so make sure it's
lubed up so it doesn't get stuck on
anything and get ripped so then you just
kind of work it down over the threads
make sure it's seated in its groove
because if not you could pinch it with
the threads and then get as much oil on
it as you can so get it nice and covered
in oil okay and then you can take the
new filter make sure it's in good
condition this little piece of dirt here
is kind of bothering me but
there I'm getting it I gotta get that
piece of dirt out
so then you just clip this in all right
so make sure it's in okay then you got
to fish it back the frick down in here
and of course there's all kinds of shit
in the way it's just such a bad stupid
design unbelievable what am I stuck
great stuck on a wire what the you
designed this okay oh no no no no no
don't do that
come on fuck okay
jeez what a I don't remember having this
much trouble last time what the fuck
whoa my stool just slipped
okay now you want a hand thread the
filter in under no circumstance should
you use the ratchet to get the threads
started on the filter okay so all right
now we can set our torque wrench to 18
foot pounds so 15 16 17 18 and since
this caps plastic you don't want to
overdo it now because we're using an
extension it's actually going to mess
with the torque value a little bit not
enough to really matter for only 18
foot-pounds but what I'm gonna do I'm
gonna try and get away with just using
one extension to minimize the torque
loss so I probably could have been
putting oil in this thing while I'm
doing this but
you just want to very carefully get that
okay 18 foot-pounds no more I can't
stress that enough if you crack that cap
it will be a nightmare so then the same
thing get your nice clean drain plug you
should have a fresh crush washer I
screwed up I'll have a link to how you
can order both of these so so again you
want to hand-start it that's very very
important okay now before you go any
further it's generally a good idea to
wipe all the oil off so that you can
tell after you start the truck that
you're not leaking any oil
okay so again 18 foot-pounds no more
okay that's it doesn't feel like much
but it's an aluminum oil pan and it's
also very vulnerable to being impacted
so I know a lot of people that go like
hardcore off-road and get a whole new
lower skid plate cuz this oil pan is
pretty freakin vulnerable all right so
we're not we're not done just yet
get this out of the way so it'll makes
it a little run it over
so that's black woofer I swear I only
drove 3,000 miles on it okay so get some
more light and then ya gotta get oil on
it of course
so get your funnel sticker in there and
then get your oil and in my case this
oil can be kind of a pain in the ass to
open sometimes and then fast ways to
just let it chug
okay so drain plugs 18 foot-pounds oil
filter caps 18 foot pounds so we can get
rid of all this extra shit now so well
that's draining so the longest I would
argue the longest part of the oil change
is generally waiting for this oil so
I'll probably just do a little time
lapse so we don't lose count of how long
this oil change actually takes in the
real real world okay
so done next
okay so don't be fooled oil change is
not done yet you still have to do a
pressure check make sure you're not
spewing oil everywhere and you can check
the oil pressure in this specific
vehicle so okay so what actually we need
to do oil life reset yes okay and then
oil pressure forty six psi at idle that
is correct and then also one thing my
fuel economy average hopefully you can
see is 15 after driving on the highway
for 100 miles so no it does not get good
fuel mileage I don't know where the hell
you guys are getting those numbers from
but anyway so we check under here make
sure there's no leaks at all okay that's
very important no leaks okay now we can
also need to check the oil filter cap
and make sure that we did it right so
get back up on your stool check your oil
filter cap make sure you don't see any
oil spewing out because it's at 40 psi
so it will be flying out if it's wrong
so our oil filter cap is correct
okay so cap on everything's good so our
oil change is now complete stop the
okay so oil change is done so this was a
successful oil change guide so the first
time you got to make fun of me the
second time I feel like I did a pretty
damn good job I mean yeah this thing's
on its fourth year now so I'm not I'm
not a good mechanic I mean this shoulda
took maybe six months and I'm on my
fourth year but anyway I will next video
the next video I upload will be more on
the 944 so I will see you guys next time
thank you for watching
beautiful stars out random MasterCard
nothing can break me no no no

Take 5 Oil Change Overview

Take 5 Oil Change Overview

Take 5 Oil Change:

Welcome to Take 5 Oil Change, the
fastest oil change on the planet.
Take 5 Oil Change was founded in New
Orleans, Louisiana in 1984. We attribute
our success to our unique customer
experience. We are open early and close
late, and we're open on Sundays. No
appointment is necessary and you stay in
the comfort and safety of your vehicle
during the entire oil change experience.
When you, as the customer, arrive at a
Take 5 Oil Change center, you will
quickly be greeted outside of the shop
by a manager or a technician.
Once you are safely parked inside the shop, we will collect important personal
and vehicle information. Our managers and technicians are highly trained
professionals, who take pride in
simplifying the oil change experience
for you and your family by educating you
on what is best for your vehicle.
Once you as the customer select your oil, you can sit back, relax, and knock one
more thing off your to-do list.
We also inspect your air filters, your wiper blades and your vital fluid levels
and we may recommend replacement based on their condition.
At Take 5 Oil Change
we don't pressure you or your family to
buy unwanted services or products.
Instead, we train our crews to simply educate you on what you need.
After the service and safety checks are complete, we use this important time to review the entire
service, educate you on our top off
policy, and stand ready to answer any
further questions. While we process your
payment, we wash your windshield,
we guide you safely out of the bay, and we quickly and safely get you back on the road.
See you soon at a Take 5 near you!

Chevy Equinox Engine Oil Change | Techn' Moto

Chevy Equinox Engine Oil Change | Techn' Moto

Techn' Moto:

welcome to the shop I'm gonna instruct
you on how to change the oil on a 2017
Chevy Equinox all right we got the
Ecotech in this vehicle and it takes a

special kind of oil that's it right
dexos oil 5w30 you got to make
sure you get the right oil for this
vehicle man and I can't stress that
enough these newer vehicles they all
take different kinds of oil different
specs make sure you got the right oil
all right so there's your cover filler cover all right will you put the oil in
and right down here is the cover to
the oil filter it has an internal oil
filter yes it does and there's your oil
dipstick BAM
so first thing I've done is I let this
car run for a little bit so this is nice
and warm I like to change the oil on a
warm engine
here's your oil pan
it's the one that looks pretty
square and then you got the oil plug on
the back side and that's the plug that
we're going to take off to change your
oil I'm actually doing this with the
vehicle on the ground I have just enough
room to get in here which is pretty cool
I don't even have to jack this up so
it'll stay level and all the oil will
flow out and the engine is still nice and
warm so that should flow nicely all
right so that nut it's a 15 millimeter
nut WOW that's over tightened somebody
tightned the shit out of that alright so once you get it cracked open
or loose put your drain pan underneath and get that right off of there it should come
off easy smooth if you have a difficult
time removing this plug something's wrong
and there you go we'll let that drain for a little bit quick look at the oil plug
just want to make sure that the washer a
rubber gasket still in there and it
looks good make sure that threads look
really good they're not stripped or
damaged in any way and this one is actually perfect it's ready to go back
in were just gonna let it completely drain
and then we'll put that all back
together all right
once you're done draining all the oil
we're gonna go ahead and put the plug
back in
it is a good idea to wear gloves when
you're doing this kind of stuff you
don't get the oil directly on your hands
I usually wear gloves but man I don't
have any I'm all out and this thing is way overdue for an oil change all right so
just tighten it now on these plugs if
you're going to torque them they're about
25 foot-pounds honestly I'm not gonna to torque it I'm just going to snug it up I've done
this enough times where I kind of get it
right on the money I'm gonna put this
somewhere where the oil filter is going to be probably leaking there's gonna be some
leakage even though the filter comes from the top so it's kind of like in the area
hopefully it will catch any oil that drips
so let's go back up top I've got a thirty
two millimeter wrench and you can see
it's a big wrench it gets in there
it gets on the oil filter cover
and it fits on it very well I don't know
if I'm gonna have enough room to
actually unscrew that cover but I tell
you they really don't make this so the
average Joe can do his own freakin
maintenance they really want you going
back to the dealers but that's not gonna
happen here at the Techn' Moto garage
so basically I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
just attempt to take it out with that
thirty two millimeter here goes nothing
and there's your oil filter I use
ACDelco filters I like them their cheap
they're not that expensive comes with
the new o-ring and new filter all right
I'm gonna take the old filter right out
of there put that in the carton so i can
dispose of it you can tell this o-ring is still oem and I'm gonna take it off
though and replace it I'm not even
messing with these o-rings comes with a
new o-ring there's a reason for it you
just take it off put the new one on
there you go
just trash the old one this filter Clips
right onto the rings on here there you
it's got like a spring action to it make sure
it's actually clipped on right and it's
on properly
and now this is gonna go back into the
car all right so we're going to take
that housing assembly all right with
the filter on it and that's going to go
back in
they do sell these aftermarket
separately the covers incase you
damage these they do have them you can buy them it's just plastic I don't see that
lasting very long to tell you the truth and
then just get it started make sure you
don't cross thread it because it's
plastic and I don't know it will just be
a nightmare trying to get a new one
right now a new cover you probably have
to special order them and we're just going to tighten it back down so we take
the cover off so now we're gonna get the
oil in that bad boy I use Amazon basic
full synthetic 5w30 dexos oil I
find to be cheap and it works great
plus it meets all specs and it's
certified so I'm happy with it for the
price you can't beat this oil man
here's the dipstick it's the tip of the
dipstick the oil level must be between
the cross hatches so it's right here
minimum and here is max so we're just
gonna check it before we start it put it
into the dipstick hole there or the tube so
with five quarts she's right on the full
mark and we're good
I am happy with that now we'll just wipe
up the area clean our stuff up put the cap
back on we're gonna start her up make sure there's no leaks
all right quickly just double check your work the cap is back
on filter is in make sure it ain't
leaking and the dipsticks back in place
and of course check underneath
there is gonna be one more thing you got to do and that's come into the car you got to
reset to change engine oil soon light so
basically what you have to do for that
is you turn your key to on you hit the
gas pedal three times all the way down
then you start her up
and it should be all set so now we check
the menu remaining oil life 100% so
we're good
alright everybody so that's gonna be it for
this video it's doable with the 32
millimeter wrench not recommended I'm
gonna go out look to see if they have a
special tool which I'm sure they do or a
socket for that to get in there easily
because it's a pain in the buttox if you
know what I'm saying so that's it
god bless everybody god bless america
don't forget be responsible dispose of
your used oil properly let's take care
of this planet it's the only one we have

How to Check and Fill Engine Oil 14-19 Chevy Silverado

How to Check and Fill Engine Oil 14-19 Chevy Silverado

1A Auto Parts:

EASIEST Oil Change - No Tools and No Mess - Fumoto Drain Valve

EASIEST Oil Change - No Tools and No Mess - Fumoto Drain Valve

RV with Tito DIY:

Hey Guys. Brian here. Hey today I wanted to
talk to you real quick and show you something
before I start on my next project which is
to install a Fan-Tastic Vent/Fan above my
kitchen in the RV. But um, before I do that,
I want to show you something I picked up recently
and it's for changing my oil.
I don't know about you, but I change my oil
in the RV about every year sometimes twice.
A lot of times before a big trip I'll put
new oil in. But every year it's becoming kind
of a hassle to find someone to do it for an
affordable price. A lot of these guys will
charge an arm and a leg or you'll go back
to the same place next year to find out they
don't do RVs anymore.
And the Ford dealer in my area doesn't have
a big enough lift or garage to service large
RVs. They just work on regular cars and trucks.
So for those reasons I decided to start doing
my own oil changes again. Which is why I got
this little gadget. It will make it easy on
myself. I picked up this Fumoto drain valve.
I don't know if you've seen these, but I've
had this on my wishlist for years and I just
recently decided to bit the bullet and get
it. It wasn't expensive. It was like 16 to
20 bucks. I forgot. But eh, essentially it
just screws right into where your drain plug
goes on your oil pan. You just take out the
old drain plug and replace it with this Fumoto
Once it's in there, all you have to do is
release the valve; oil comes out; you drain
your oil; you close the valve. It doesn't
require any tools to unscrew anything. Then
all you have to do is basically swap out your
oil filter and put new oil in. And your oil
change is done. It really simplifies it quite
a bit.
So I'm really excited about it and I think
it's gonna really make changing my oil in
my rig really quick.
I just get my oil 5w-20 for my Ford E-450
and the filter that goes with it at WalMart
for less than 30 bucks. Then you can do an
oil change. A lot of these places are starting
to charge like 120 to 150 dollars for an oil
change because "it's an RV". It's just crazy.
So if you're interested in checking out the
Fumoto Valve. Go to the Fumoto website (Link
down below). You select the one that fits
your engine. You can also get them on Amazon
if you know the model and size that you need
for your coach. Check it out.
I'm gonna go change my oil a little later.
I hope this helps. Talk you later. Bye.
Hey thanks for watching our video. Let us
know what you think in the comments below
and be sure to subscribe to this channel if
you haven't already done so. See you next

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