Why Chevrolet Left India

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Why GM Failed In India

Why GM Failed In India


Over the last 20 years, the
Indian automotive market has grown from
about 500,000 new passenger cars,
hatchbacks, sedans and utilities to
about 3.5
million in 2018.
The market has an expected compound annual
growth rate of about 5 to
6 percent over the next 10 years.
But, some automakers have struggled
to make it work.
Among them is General
Motors, the largest U.S.
car company. GM stopped selling cars in
India in 2017 after years of
declining market share.
It's a striking move for GM, which
in recent years has also closed
shop in other regions around the
world, as leadership focuses on
maximizing profits and making investments
in new technologies such as
electric power trains
and mobility services.
With a population of more than
1 billion people, India is becoming
one of the world's
largest automotive markets.
The country is poised to surpass
Japan as the world's third biggest
new car market in 2021.
So while there is ample
opportunity for automakers, the Indian
landscape has been particularly difficult
to navigate, especially for
American firms. GM watched its share
of the Indian market erode
steadily over several years, bottoming out
at about one percent in
2016 just before the
automaker pulled out.
So if the Indian market is
growing, why did GM struggle, especially
when GM has been
so successful in China?
To be fair, quite a few automakers
tend to have difficulty in the
Indian market. First of all, India
is a massive country with a
diverse population of roughly 1.3
billion people.
India, I think, we are
definitely a complex market.
The income levels
are quite heterogeneous.
We are divided, actually into
urban India and rural India.
The consumer requirements are actually
different even the needs are
different in both these markets.
There are a few criteria a
mass market automaker ought to meet.
They are fuel efficiency, resale
value, proximity of service stations
and the affordability of parts
and low servicing costs.
I think first thing is price.
We are a country with a
very low per capita income.
Indians are very price sensitive.
But price is not the only factor.
So now the customer also needs
some more value, for example, with
styling elements. And then, I think,
the consumer also wants a global
brand. They want a
brand which is aspirational.
The consumer wants an overall combination of
all P's, you know it may
be product, it may be
price, it may be positioning.
Which makes the things
quite complicated for OEMs.
These might seem pretty attainable,
but many automakers have
struggled to meet these
in the country.
There are a couple of companies who
have managed to crack that code
and there are several more with shares
of the market ranging in size
from small to smaller.
By far, the most successful automaker
in India is the Japanese firm
Suzuki, which alone owns
half the Indian market.
Suzuki has enjoyed something of
a first mover advantage.
It was the first major automaker to
enter India, and it did so
through a joint venture
with Indian manufacturer Maruti.
Suzuki also specializes in highly
fuel efficient vehicles, which are
extremely important in
the Indian market.
After Suzuki, Korean maker Hyundai is
the second largest with 16
percent of the Indian market.
After that, Indian, Japanese and Korean
makers such as Honda, Tata,
Kia and Mahindra all more or less
have equal degrees of market share.
Kia in particular, is a relatively
late coming brand that has been
able to succeed in India.
I think an excellent example is
Kia Motors which recently entered, it
was a new brand and
they gave a great proposition.
They were in an SUV segment and
I think suddenly right from the month
one, we saw a great success
for this OEM, in India.
Then the remaining 10 percent of the
market is made up of others such
as Ford, Renault, BMW and Nissan.
Early on, GM entered the India market
with its Opel brand, a mass
market brand GM had
owned in Europe.
While Opel cars tended to be
affordable, they failed to resonate with
Indian buyers.
I think later on they realized that's
not a brand which is really
going to work well in India because
that was not a value proposition
which they were offering
to their customers.
But then GM introduced its Chevrolet
brand to the country, which
brought it more success.
It was a great success.
They launched a few great
products like Chevrolet Cruze Chevrolet
Beat. They had that start which
they were really looking forward.
Despite these efforts, the automaker had
trouble taking share in the
Indian market. It was the first
automaker to introduce a diesel fuel
powered car of its size.
At the time, the Chevrolet beat
was the smallest diesel powered car
customers could buy in India.
It was a strong proposition and
benefited from a government subsidy
on diesel engines.
But in the end, the
diesel Beat had few takers.
The company may also have made a
misstep by trying to introduce a
low-cost vehicle GM manufactured with
its Chinese partner SAIC called
the Chevrolet Sail.
Their plan got derailed with the
introduction of Sail because I think
they underestimated the consumer aspiration
and then, I think, the
decline started. GM also fell victim
to a kind of self-reinforcing
cycle. One challenge it struggled with
was the lack of an adequate
dealer and servicing network.
More premium brands such as Mercedes
and BMW often attract customers
with the means to travel
further for service and sales.
But, mass market brands such as
GM's Chevrolet are targeting middle
class buyers who value convenience.
Dealerships in India often sell a
single brand so GM's low sales
volumes meant a single dealer might sell
only a handful of cars in a
month and risk taking losses on
the costs of running the business.
In the end, such low market share
made it difficult for GM to justify
maintaining a presence
in the country.
The automaker officially stopped selling
cars in India on December
31, 2017.
GM told CNBC it explored many
options for its India business, but
ultimately withdrew after it
determined the increased investment
originally planned for the country would
not deliver the returns of
other global opportunities.
It continues to operate services
for existing Chevrolet customers in
the country. In September, the
automaker entered a long-term
partnership with Tata Consultancy Services,
which will do engineering
design for GM vehicles meant
for markets around the world.
The move out of India was part
of a larger pullback GM has been
making around the world as
it restructures its business.
We're seeing other automakers follow
suit as they're pruning.
They're pruning the dead branches and
focusing on where they can be
strong. For GM, this is a huge shift
because GM of old used to be all
things to everyone everywhere.
And, it has now decided that
is not the proper strategy.
The automaker told CNBC if it doesn't
see a clear path to leadership
and long term sustained profits in
a particular market, it will look
at opportunities to focus its resources
on areas that will lead to
the greatest results. It added that this
is the same approach it has
taken elsewhere.
The automaker also sold its
European operations to French carmaker
PSA in 2017.
At the time it pulled out of India
GM had two factories there, one in
the Gujarati city of Halol
and another in Talegaon.
The Halol plant was acquired by
MG Motor, the once famed British
brand now owned by Chinese
automaker SAIC Motor Corporation.
GM has a joint venture with
SAIC to produce cars in China.
Reports surfaced in November 2019 that
SAIC is also in talks to
acquire GM's Talegaon plant, along
with fellow Chinese automaker
Great Wall. GM told CNBC it
is exploring strategic options for the
plant. The move out of India was
a retreat for GM and for American
auto industry. Ford is starting
to do the same.
It's trimming some
of its offerings.
Global economy and global auto
market is slowing some.
Certainly true here in the
US, it's true in China.
There's just not enough money to
go around to every single market,
too every single vehicle line.
Look at Daimler and BMW,
they've announced major employee cuts.
But in some ways it might
have been a shrewd move.
The other thing that is happening
in the market that has never
happened before is we are on the
verge of massive disruption of the
industry. You know, we're going to
have a future of electric
vehicles, autonomous vehicles and new
ways to acquire personal
transportation and now
mobility service.
There's all kinds of things.
Nobody knows when that's going to happen
or how it's going to happen,
but it's requiring a
lot of investment.
Companies like GM just can't keep putting
a ton of money into the
future as well as a ton
of money in today's stuff.
While analysts do expect the
Indian automotive market to continue
growing in the foreseeable future, it
did hit a slump in 2019.
Maruti Suzuki sales were growing
until February 2019, but have
slipped every month, year
over year, until October.
Suzuki said in November that the slowing
Indian market was one of the
factors behind the company's falling overall
sales and net income in
its second fiscal quarter.
So I think right now the
market is going through turmoil.
Our economy is struggling and if
we only talk about the automotive
market we are talking about a decline
of minus 14 percent in 2019
calendar year light vehicles.
So obviously this year is the
kind of degrowth happening, which has
not happened in last
two decades, in India.
2020, we are just talking about a
kind of a flat growth but then
going forward, in 2021, '22, '23,
the assumption that our economy
should be back, you know, the
GDP growth rate will start growing
above seven percent. Indian
automotive analysts note the country's
auto industry has to contend
with the relatively recent rise of
mobility services such as ride
hailing. The potential of these
competing technologies is still
unknown, but could affect how
interested in car ownership Indians
remain in the future.
In the end, GM did make some of
the right choices when trying to go
into India. GM was right in
terms of localizing their products
typically for the Indian market, making
it, in line with the taxation
because they were able to save tax.
But, at the end of their day, were
really not able to match with what
the competitors were offering.
If the Indian economy picks back up,
GM may find itself trying to
profitably re-enter the country.
GM's rival Ford, which has been in
India since 1995, said in October
2019 it will create a new
joint venture with Indian manufacturer
Mahindra, which Ford said will help
it develop new products faster
and drive profitable growth.

Why General Motors Left Europe

Why General Motors Left Europe


In 2017, General Motors,
the largest U.S.
automaker with brands known around the
world made perhaps one of
its boldest moves in its history.
It sold its European Opel and
Vauxhall brands to the French
automaker PSA known for brands
such as Peugeot and Citroen.
It was the end of an era
for GM which had first ventured into
Europe nearly 90 years before.
It also marked the end of nearly
two decades of losses for the
brands under GM's stewardship.
GM executives said the deal
would unload a difficult and
struggling business and allow the company
to focus on its more
profitable North American market and free
up cash to make needed
investments in new technologies such
as electric cars and
autonomous driving.
But the move came with risks.
The European new car market is about
as large as that of the
United States and leaving it would
not only hit GM's volume but
also increase its exposure to the
ups and downs of the U.S.
auto market.
The sale of the unit
also racked up huge costs.
GM took a $3.9 billion
loss in 2017 owing
mostly to the $6.2
billion in costs it had to
shell out for the sale.
So why did GM leave?
Did the automaker simply
screw up or fail?
Was it wise to get out of Europe?
And what does it mean for GM's
future and the future of the auto
The decision actually says a lot about
how difficult it is to be a
global automaker today and the
sometimes subtle ways markets
around the world increasingly favor
local players who can tailor
their products to
specific markets.
In the end GM may have failed
in Europe in part because it just
isn't European.
The numbers show General Motors was
having a rough time on the
continent in the nine years or
so before the divestiture of GM's
European business.
It bled money at the EBIT line
every single year for a total of
about $14 billion in
losses on $208.4
billion dollars in sales it's nine
year weighted loss of 6.9
EBIT stands for earnings before interest
and taxation and is the
metric GM uses to report
the money its international business
divisions make.
Its worst year during that time
was during the financial crisis in
Where GM incurred a 15
percent loss of $3.6
billion dollars.
The best year in that period was
2016 where it still had a 1.4
percent loss totaling
about $257 million.
Now that sounds like an improvement
and in absolute terms it was.
But consider that over the same
nine year period GM turned a
profit in North America of
$28 billion on $823.7
point billion in sales.
That's a nine year
weighted gain of 3.4
percent an automaker generally tries to
target an 8 percent EBIT
for any given region and for
the world as a whole.
GM's rival, Ford for example has an
8 percent EBIT target for its
European business.
The automobiles never really
sold well with consumers.
And one of the reasons they
weren't able to achieve profitability
is because what they did sell
were primarily passenger cars and
not the higher margin trucks and SUVs
that they saw a lot of in
the U.S..
So that's that's a
big part of it.
There's also a lot of headwinds that
they faced on the cost side
of the equation with with the
cost of labor, unions, and
also more stringent regulation
particularly from an emissions
So a lot of those reasons are
why they had such mixed results and
from a market share perspective when
they pulled out they were
they only had about 6
to 7 percent market share.
So it wasn't really a
dominant market for them.
And GM was losing ground
during that time to competitors.
Consider that the automaker
had a 9.3
percent share of the European car
market in 2008 but that fell
below 7 percent in 2014 and stayed
there for two years and then
fell again to around
6 percent in 2016.
Meanwhile European competitors seem
to be faring better.
And once GM sold off its
European business its earnings shot up.
The automaker earned a
global EBIT of 9.9
percent in 2017 and 8.4
percent in 2018.
But why was GM struggling in Europe
when it does so well in the
United States and is
even leading U.S.
automakers in China a market that is
by no means easy to do
business in.
One reason is that
Europe is pretty unique.
To be fair to GM it is not
the only automaker that has had trouble
American cars have never been an
easy sell in the European market.
Ford for example has dialed back
its presence in the region.
Gm is not alone
in their struggles.
You see Ford pulling out of
Europe and American cars just never
have really sold very well there.
That market is really dominated
by the big three German
manufacturers and others.
But it's also a
fairly fragmented market.
So they just really were never
able to compete and consumers just
didn't really like their cars.
There were larger economic and political
factors such as the great
recession and tightening emissions
regulations that made it
tougher for companies to
do business there.
Another factor is the
distinctiveness of European tastes.
At the time GM CEO Mary Barra
said 80 percent of the vehicles in
the Opel portfolio didn't share
parts or platforms with those
sold in any of
GM's other markets.
When we look at the portfolio
going forward from a vehicle
perspective or a portfolio perspective
only 20 percent of the
portfolio overlapped with the rest
of the General Motors
So we think the real opportunity
for PSA is to leverage that
Europe specific scale.
That put the company
in a tough position.
Major automakers generally want to
build flexible platforms and
parts that can be used in
a variety of models in different
This helps them keep costs low
and achieve those highly desired
economies of scale.
There are forces however that make
it difficult to share parts and
Automobiles tend to be highly regulated
products and many of the
markets where they are sold
and the regulations can vary
sometimes widely from
region to region.
One example of this is
fuel economy and emissions regulations.
Both the U.S.
and Europe have them.
But they tend to differ and
producing cars to meet each
regulatory regime costs
more money.
It requires that the company engineer
and test every vehicle to
fit every set of rules.
But many industry observers say GM
made a number of missteps over
the years that contributed to
the brand's struggles in Europe.
Opel and Vauxhall are often thought
of as sensible cars but they
do not have the glamorous
reputations of more premium brands.
GM typically sold Opels and Vauxhalls
in high volumes usually to
keep costs low.
But simple supply and demand shows this
has a way of driving down
And while GM produced a lot of cars
it was hard for it to make
money on the cars it made.
It also introduced its Chevrolet brand
into Europe which had the
effect of undermining sales
of Opel and Vauxhall.
Both brands already had
difficulty distinguishing themselves in
Europe's competitive landscape and
selling highly similar
Chevrolets right next to
them further confused buyers.
Furthermore the company didn't
have the right products.
Opels portfolio was heavily
weighted toward traditional passenger
cars such as
subcompact and sedans.
And the brand missed the boom
in crossover and small SUV sales.
At the end of the day Europe is
a large market but it is a mature
one and does not offer the
opportunities for growth companies can
find in China and other emerging
markets or even the kinds of
opportunity in the U.S..
A lot of it is really reflection
of the economic growth in Europe
relative to China.
You have one of the fastest growing
countries in the world and the
U.S. which is growing stronger a
lot stronger than Europe now.
You know if you look at European
GDP over the last several years
just has really lagged the
North American market in Asia.
China is now the world's largest
car market with 28 million new
vehicles sold in 2018.
That number is likely to continue
to rise as the auto market
continues to grow.
In North America particularly the
United States, is becoming an
ever more profitable market as
consumers turn toward higher
priced crossovers, SUVs,
and pickup trucks.
So GM cut the cord in Europe and
said it would use the money to
focus more on its strong business
selling trucks in North America
while sinking piles of cash
into its investments in electric
vehicles and self-driving cars.
Those aren't cheap aspirations and it may
be a long time before GM
or anyone else makes
money off them.
Meanwhile GM's North American sales
have grown pretty consistently
from 56 billion dollars in 2009
to 113 billion dollars in 2018
according to FactSet.
Meanwhile it was able to sell the
business to Peugeot and a large
automaker that has been successful
focusing on Europe but who
also has plans to
return to the U.S..
They've been very open over the
last few months about their
interest in specifically
Fiat Chrysler.
Which I think they view as a
opportunity to gain a foothold in the
North American market and obviously
you know that company has
said some very well-received brands with
Jeep and a lot of the
new products that
they're introducing.
In a comment to
CNBC, General Motors
Peugeot surprised the industry by saying
it had restored the Opel
and Vauxhall brands to profitability in
part by cutting costs and
introducing new more
profitable models.

Chevrolet Cruze 2016 | Road Test Review | Motown India

Chevrolet Cruze 2016 | Road Test Review | Motown India

Motown India:

The Chevrolet Cruze was launched in India,
back in 2009 and it still remains a best-seller
from General Motors India family. It has undergone
many facelifts and today we have yet another
facelift and it looks pretty. The Chevrolet
Cruze has always been a right mix of comfort,
luxury and technology. Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to a new episode of the Motown India
show, my name is Aakash and today we will
be reviewing the new 2016 facelift Chevrolet
Cruze. The front of the Cruze has undergone
some subtle change. As you can see there is
this dual-port chrome plated radiator grille
and the golden Chevrolet bow-tie, which is
smaller than it was in the previous version
of the car. You have dual bezel design headlamps
and below them you have something new. You
have projector fog lamps which have daytime
running lights. While everything about the
car remains rich and beautiful it is still
powered by the same 2.0L VCDi engine mated
to a Gen2 6-speed automatic transmisison.
The variable geometry turbo charged engine
with common rail direct injection produces
164bhp @ 3800rpm and a lovely torque of 360Nm
@ 2000rpm. The ride in this car is absolutely
awesome and feels like a breeze. The only
hassle here is that when you floor the throttle,
it takes about 3 seconds for the expected
response to kick in. But fear not, for you
can shift the car into manual mode by simply
putting the gear to the left. This makes the
throttle response more accurate. Taking sharp
right turns can be a bit frustrating as the
A pillar is thick enough to give you a blind
spot and you have to be careful. The suspension
is on the softer side so expect a comfy ride
over broken roads. But you have to be a little
careful not to damage the underbody. We felt
confident while braking due to the presence
of Disc brakes in all four wheels and ABS.
The car has a Corvette inspired dual cockpit
interior which come in premium black and it
looks very good. You have steering mounted
controls, you have a Start/Stop button and
the biggest change is a 7-inch infotainment
system that is touchscreen enabled. You have
automatic headlamps up front and you also
get passive entry/passive start feature which
enables anti-theft alarm and central locking
system without the use of a mechanical key.You
also get rain sensing wipers and cruise control
and you also have a very sweet sunroof up
top. The seats are comfortable and the side
bolsters keep you padded and in place. The
front row passengers won’t have to fight
for leg room and head room as there is enough
of that. The driver seat is a 6 way power
adjustable one, so finding a sweet spot is easy.
Although sadly the same cannot be said for
the rear. The low floor combined with an inclined
roof can make it slightly less comfortable
for anyone above 5’ 10”. The presence
of a tunnel in the middle means inconvenience
for a third passenger seated at the back.
The boot space is enough to carry enough stuff
for your weekend picnic. While this new facelift
of Cruze might not look as Camaro-ish as the
North American release, it still looks great!

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

Success Secrets TV:

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5
Billion Company
The name Chevrolet originated from a Swiss-born
American racer Louis-Joseph Chevrolet, who
founded his company with William Durant in
1911, stayed for four years and then left
his own company to Durant in 1915.
The Chevrolet Company previously called the
Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company
and simply called the Chevy is the automobile
department of General Motors, a manufacturing
company in the United States.
How Chevrolet Began
Twenty years before Chevrolet, Durant was
the founder of a successful Durant-Dort Carriage
Company which manufactured horse-drawn vehicles.
And so Durant wouldn't even touch a car with
a ten-foot pole, let alone allow his daughter
to ride in what he called, "loud and dangerous
horseless carriages."
But as time passed he realized that there
were more cars than carriages on the American
streets; an experience that did not settle
well with the relatively tentative public.
As the government regulated cars for their
safety, Durant had other ideas.
Why not improve the security of these cars
In 1904, Durant approached a struggling Buick
Motor Company and became its controlling investor.
Within a span of four years, Durant demonstrated
his salesman attitude and transformed Buick
into a leading automobile name amongst the
likes of Ford, Oldsmobile, and Cadillac.
For Durant, however, it was only the start.
Durant figured he could further improve his
odds in the industry if he built a holding
company that would control several automobile
divisions, with each division manufacturing
their own car.
With the Buick's outstanding profits, Durant
had sufficient capital to found the General
Motors Company in 1908.
A year later, General Motors acquired several
car brands like Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac,
Elmore, and others.
Unfortunately,Durant got so carried away in
his "automobile acquisition crusade" that
GM suffered cash shortage with their sales
losing to Ford's.
And so, in 1910, General Motors showed Durant
the exit door.
But Durant did not give up.
Having regained his bearings, he reunited
with an old colleague from the days of the
Buick motor company, Louis-Joseph Chevrolet.
Durant knew the Swiss-born American as a man
whose competency for car mechanics matched
his passion for racing.
In 1909, Louis had participated in the Giant
Despair Hillclimb.
An oddly apt name, considering the Hillclimb
race was less about the racers themselves
and more about test-driving the competing
car brands they drove.
Therefore, when Durant offered a chance to
build more automobiles, Louis couldn't resist
signing his name on the dotted line alongside
In 1911, Louis co-founded the Chevrolet Motor
Company with Durant.
Durant used Louis’ racing status as a means
of building a motor company, and his way of
getting back at General Motors.
The first Chevrolet car, the Series C Classic
Six was designed by Etienne Planche with directions
by Louis.
The prototype was ready before the company
was incorporated even though the production
didn’t happen until 1913 where it was introduced
at an auto show in New York.
In 1914, Chevrolet redesigned its logo.
And so a "bowtie emblem" logo was used on
Chevrolet’s first produced cars in 1914:
the Chevrolet H series and L series models.
That same year, Durant and Louis argued about
their differing intentions for Chevrolet’s
future car designs.
Durant wanted simple and affordable cars that
would surpass those of Fords.
On the other hand, Louis preferred playing
it fast and loose, with luxury or racing cars.
These differences split these two associates
and Louis sold his shares of the company to
Now alone at the helm, Durant was able to
focus on his next winning car design.
He achieved this in 1916 when the cheaper
Chevrolet Series 490 finally outpaced Ford
in sales and cemented Chevrolet’s place
among the big automobile names.
To say Chevrolet made huge profits during
this period would be a severe understatement.
Durant revisited General Motors as a controlling
investor, purchasing their stocks, which gave
him the leverage to launching himself into
leading General Motors once more.
By 1917, Durant had become the president of
General Motors.
All was right, now that Durant's "big automobile"
dream was back on track.
And of course, his first directive was merging
the highly successful Chevrolet into the parent
company General Motors as a separate division.
How Chevrolet Grew
In 1918, Chevrolet launched a new V8 powered
model, the Series D for open two-seat cars
and the touring cars that could seat 5 passengers.
These models didn't sell well though and they
were scrapped by the next year.
Given Chevrolet's successful track record
in the market, General Motors rebranded and
sold their commercial grade cars and trucks
as Chevrolet with similar appearances with
the Chevrolet’s vehicles in 1919 from Chevrolet
factories located in Flint, Michigan.
The automobile company built several branch
assembly plants in New York, Ohio, Missouri,
California, Texas, and Canada.
Somewhere between the 1920s and 1940s, Chevrolet
would see Durant's vision for "producing simple
and affordable cars" come true.
In fact, Chevrolet, Ford and Plymouth were
known to Americans as "the low priced three".
During this period, one of Chevrolet's most
notable cars was the Stovebolt introduced
in 1929, which was tag-lined "a six for the
price of four".
This and several generations of the car model
blew away the competition of Ford and Plymouth.
In 1953, the Chevy Corvette, a sport’s car
with two seats and a fiberglass body debuted
to become the first mass-produced sports car
in the United States, championing the "America's
Sports Car" appeal.
The appeal of the Corvette and other Chevrolet
passenger cars would be enhanced with the
first-time introduction of Rochester Ramjet
fuel-injection engine as a high-performance
option for the price of $484.
The Chevrolet small block V8 car design made
its debut in 1955 and remained in circulation
longer than other mass produced engines around
the world.
Modifications to the V8 engine including the
aluminum block and heads, the electronic engine
management and the port fuel injection gave
birth to the designs in production today.
In 1958, Chevrolet introduced the Impala series,
which went on to become one of the best-selling
American cars in history experiencing popularity
during the 60s and 70s.
The parent company General Motors introduced
Chevrolet to Europe in 2005.
With rebranded cars manufactured from the
General Motors branch in Korea acquired Daewoo
The economic depression between 2007 and 2010
hit Chevrolet hard.
But the road to recovery began in 2010 with
the introduction of fuel-efficient cars and
trucks to compete with foreign automobile
Within the same year, Chevrolet introduced
the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Chevrolet
Volt in America, which was sold under the
name Opel/Vauxhall Ampera throughout Europe
with a record 5,268 units soldand became the
world's best-selling plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle (PHEV) car in 2012, winning the award
for the North American Car of the Year, European
Car of the Year and World Green of the Year.
The series was then named the combined Volt/Ampera
that was sold across the world.
It exceeded the 100,000 unit sales milestone
in late 2005 and eleven years later the Volt
family of vehicles had become the world's
best-selling plug-in hybrid as well as the
third best selling electric car after the
Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf cars.
In 2011, Chevrolet set a global sales record
of 4.76 million vehicles sold worldwide
In late 2013, the Chevy brand was withdrawn
from Europe by General Motors leaving the
Corvette and Camero lines.
In 2016, Chevrolet unveiled the first affordable
mass-produced all-electric car the Chevrolet
Bolt EV.
This car too has won several awards.
Where Chevrolet Is Today
Chevrolet now has its headquarters in Detroit,
Michigan, and operates throughout 140 countries
in North and South America, Asia, Australia,
South Africa, and Europe with over two million
vehicles sold annually in the US alone and
a brand value of $11.5 billion.
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Charlotte Flair learns Bhangra in India: WWE Now India

Charlotte Flair learns Bhangra in India: WWE Now India


Why Ford And Other American Cars Don’t Sell In Japan

Why Ford And Other American Cars Don’t Sell In Japan


When it comes to cars, Americans
seem to love the Japanese.
But the Japanese don't seem
to love Americans back.
Japanese brands sell remarkably well
in the United States.
Several of the best-selling automakers in
America are from Japan, and
their products seem to dominate entire
segments in sales and critical
acclaim. Japanese automakers sell so
many cars in the U.S.
that they actually employ vast numbers
of American workers in factories
around the country.
Japanese automakers actually build a third of
all the vehicles made in the
U.S. But the Japanese don't seem
to be interested in America's SUVs,
pickup trucks, muscle cars or just
about any vehicle made by Detroit.
Ford left Japan entirely in 2017.
General Motors keeps a presence there, but
it is tiny — the largest U.S.
automaker sold only 700 cars
in Japan in 2018.
And people are divided as to why
and what, if anything, should be done
about it.
President Donald Trump has criticized the
imbalance, but so have U.S.
automotive trade associations, who
blame Japanese protectionism.
While there are no
Japanese tariffs on U.S.
imports, a number of critics say there
are all kinds of technical barriers
that make it harder for U.S.
companies to sell in Japan.
Here in the United States, when we
set regulations for fuel economy or
safety or communications standards or whatever,
all of the automakers that
sell and produce in the United
States are party to that conversation.
In Japan, it's a much more
closed process for regulatory compliance.
It's "these are the rules and
you will meet the rules."
Japanese producers have input into that
and suppliers, but it's pretty
closed to any external companies that
would be doing business there.
But some industry experts say
that really isn't the problem.
Instead, the reasons U.S.
cars are so rare in Japan, which
is the world's third-largest car market,
have more to do with Japanese
consumer tastes, the abiding if outdated
stereotypes the Japanese have about the
quality of American cars, and the
very different way customers shop
for vehicles in Japan.
It is first important to note
that Japanese brands all but completely
dominate local roads.
More than 95 percent of all cars
sold in the country are Japanese.
Imports make up the balance and
most of those are higher-end European
luxury vehicles and sports cars.
This is partly because the
Japanese have pretty specific needs.
For one thing, space
is incredibly tight.
Wildly popular in Japan are these
so-called Kei cars, which are tiny
vehicles preferred by drivers who have
to thread their way through narrow
streets and crowded cities.
Kei Cars alone make up
40 percent of the Japanese
market and U.S.
automakers don't make them.
Americans, on the other hand, tend
to excel in making big vehicles,
particularly pickup trucks and
large sport utilities.
In recent years, American automakers have
scaled back or even entirely
killed off their own lines of
compact vehicles, which are often still
bigger than their
Japanese counterparts.
In fact, many of the Japanese vehicles
sold in America — from sedans such
as the Toyota Camry all the way up
to the pickups — are not even
particularly popular in Japan.
All three Detroit automakers have less
than 1 percent market share.
One of the bestsellers, Jeep, sells about
10,000 vehicles in Japan a year.
The Japanese car buying experience would
also likely shock many Americans,
who often view a trip to the
dealership as one of life's necessary evils.
Much of Japanese business culture is
built around service and hospitality,
and auto dealerships
are no exception.
Japanese dealerships offer customers nearly
white glove service, and the
way buyers choose cars is entirely
different from the traditional buying
experience in the U.S.
Whereas American shoppers will often choose
a car from what is available
on a dealer lot, Japanese buyers can
often custom-build a car out of a
catalog and then have it made for
them in a matter of weeks.
A strong local supply chain and
local factories allow Japanese automakers
to do this.
Furthermore, quality of service
is often quite high.
Dealerships frequently have amenities such
as cafes and complimentary car
washes. They will also follow up
with customers sometimes even years after
a purchase.
Foreign automakers overall have had difficulty
adapting to this way of
selling. Moreover, the Japanese have
longstanding perceptions of American
cars as inefficient and unreliable.
This somewhat outdated view originates in
the decades from the 1960s
through the 1980s, when Japanese
brands were ascending and American
automakers were plagued with criticism and
scandal over vehicles such as
the Chevrolet Vega, the AMC Gremlin,
the Ford Pinto and the Chevrolet

And though American manufacturers have
made far more fuel-efficient engines
in recent years, the U.S.
has historically made some gas guzzlers
when compared with cars made
Yeah, I think there is
a hangover for American vehicles.
You know, what does an American
car say about you in Japan.
That baggage is carried with that.
Meanwhile, the Japanese rose to power in
the auto industry in large part on
their reputation for building solid, efficient
cars that don't break down.
Of course, many observers note that American
autos have done a lot to
close the reliability gap over the years,
and cars overall are able to log
far more miles on the road than
they did even a decade ago.
And U.S.
automakers are adamant that they would be
better able to compete in Japan
if the country removes barriers
that make doing business difficult.
The trouble for Detroit is that Japan
is just one of the international
markets where U.S.
automakers have struggled.
All three Detroit automakers have had
challenges in South America and
Europe. While China which is the world's
largest car market could become a
tougher place to do business
with slowing economic growth, increased
competition, and trade disputes.

If something doesn't change, U.S.
automakers could become just that: American
companies that sell trucks and
SUVs to Americans.

Why Ford and GM Scaled Back in Europe | WSJ

Why Ford and GM Scaled Back in Europe | WSJ

Wall Street Journal:

(thoughtful music)
- [Narrator] Take a look at this map.
It shows 23 plants that Ford
has in Europe from the UK to Russia,
but recently, Ford laid out plans
to cut six of these European factories.
- So six of 'em, they're gonna sell one.
They're closing several,
they're gonna lay off about 20%
of their workforce there,
which is about 12,000 people.
- [Narrator] But Ford is
not the only U.S. automaker
that's scaling back in
Europe, two years ago
General Motors pulled out of
the market almost entirely,
selling their European brands
to French car maker Peugeot.
Both companies expanded
to Europe decades ago
as a wider strategy to scale globally,
but they both had trouble
making money in the region.
Let's take a look at these two charts.
This one shows Ford's operating costs
in Europe over the past six years.
The gray is profits overall,
and the red is profits in Europe.
Now let's go to GM, this chart
shows GM's losses in Europe
over the 20 years before they
pulled out of the region.
So, why has it been so hard
for these two auto makers
to turn a profit in the European market?
- So the first reason is that
Europe's always been a real tough market.
Ford and GM have always been sort of
middle of the pack there,
I mean the real powerhouses
are Volkswagen, Renault, Peugeot,
and when you're sort of a
middling player in Europe,
when you already have
small profit margins,
it just makes life a lot
harder for the U.S. brands.
GM is making a decision to only compete
in markets where they're the number one
or number two operator,
and so they felt like
they've lost money there for 20 years,
and they didn't wanna continue to do that.
- [Narrator] And while GM has largely
pulled away from Europe, Ford is looking
to scale back and shift focus.
- What's behind this is a
change of business strategy.
They're selling fewer passenger
cars to individual buyers,
and they're focusing more
on their commercial market
where they're strong, which
is cargo vans and trucks
to business buyers and governments.
Bigger vehicles generally
equate to bigger margins.
There's less competition,
they're the number one commercial
van auto maker there, so they
already are more profitable
in that space and they
feel like if they focus
on growing that, they could
boost margins even more.
- [Narrator] The second
reason U.S. auto makers
are scaling back has to do
with Europe's tight environmental rules.
- Another big factor that
GM talked about a lot,
when it pulled out, was
emissions standards.
Europe has some of the most
stringent in the world,
and they're only gonna get tougher,
and that's gonna cost a lot of money
for the car companies to comply
because they're gonna have to invest in
hybrids and battery electric cars.
It's mostly battery technology.
Battery cells, the costs
have come down some,
but most experts think we're still
six, eight, 10 years
out from an electric car
being sort of on-parative cost
wise with a gas powered car.
- [Narrative] The last major reason
is that Ford and GM are gravitating
back to their sweet spot, SUVs and trucks.
- I mean these U.S. car
companies are really good
at making big SUVs and big pickup trucks.
I mean Ford's, the best
selling truck in the U.S.
is Ford's F150, it has
been for years and years.
GM sells the Chevy Silverado,
and the Chevy Suburban.
These are huge vehicles
that aren't sold in Europe.
The gas prices are too expensive.
You know, the streets are narrower.
People don't have as many big
garages like we do in the U.S.
And so, I mean that's what
Detroit has focused on,
and that's where they make
virtually all their money.
And that's why they've never
really been all that great
at making small cars,
and the European brands
have a big advantage over
the U.S. brands there.
So they're playing to their strength.
Companies like GM and Ford, for decades
they tried to build
scale, not only in Europe,
all around the world because it's
a really capital intensive
business, and you need scale.
And now what you're seeing is,
they've got other needs to
spend that capital elsewhere.
Electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles.
So they realize they can't
be all things to all people
in all markets, and they've
gotta pick their battles.
They've gotta choose where
they're gonna spend their money.
(soft music)

2016 Chevrolet Cruze | CarGurus Test Drive Review

2016 Chevrolet Cruze | CarGurus Test Drive Review


The Chevrolet Cruze is an affordable,
fuel-efficient car, but year after year
it keeps getting outsold by the Honda
Civic, Toyota Corolla, and the Ford Focus.
I'm Clifford Atiyeh with CarGurus, and
this is the 2016 Cruze.
Now that it's in the second generation,
is it worth the attention?
Let's take a drive and find out.
So driving the Cruze you feel the
steering wheel, which is heated on our
Premier trim - very nice - but these are not
paddle shifters behind me here, they're
volume and seat controls for the radio,
which is nice, but there's really no
manual control at all of the car.
So there's no SS version of the Cruze,
not like the Cobalt that they used to
have from years ago, but the steering is
pretty good actually for this
We're riding on 17-inch tires. You can
actually move up to 18s if you order
the RS package, but the ride is actually
really composed over pretty much
everything, and the same goes for
the engine. There's only one engine available now
in the Cruze - it's a turbocharged 1.4-liter 4-cylinder. It's 153 horsepower and
177 pound-feet of torque. That may not sound like a lot, but the
gearing on the 6-speed automatic is
such that it doesn't really have to
downshift as much, because there's a lot more torque now than the previous car.
So before the Cruze had a separate Eco
trim, which is only a really small
percentage of cars you could find on the lot, that had the highest fuel economy. That's
no longer the case now. Our car gets 40
miles per gallon on the highway, as rated
by the EPA, and 30 in the city. Now
depending on the wheel size and other
various trim choices you have, that can
go as high as 42 on the highway.
In combined driving we've averaged about 36 miles per gallon.
That's a pretty good number for a car this
size. Even under full throttle
the Chevy Cruze is actually really quiet in
here - you don't really get a sense that
the car is vibrating, that it's groaning. Part
of that also have to do that there is no
continuously variable transmission like
you see in some Nissans and some Hondas.
That tends to keep the revs up really
high all the time so that the car always
feels like it's straining. This
transmission is really smooth even
though it's not like a 7- or 8-
speed or even the 9-speed automatic
transmissions that you're seeing
nowadays. The ratios are pretty good, and
that means that to be honest I'm not
really finding that I'm lacking for power.
The Cruze also has an automatic
stop/start system that will shut down
the engine when you're fully stopped. Uh,
it's kind of annoying because i actually
there's no way to turn it off. There's no
switches here,
there's no settings in the infotainment
system or in this main central screen
I haven't found it. Now the engine just
restarted and we have to go,
but as you see we have the air
conditioning on, too, and so it really can't
stay off for very long because running
off the main 12-volt battery.
This is not a hybrid. A lot of car makers
are doing this to promote higher EPA
numbers, but in reality it doesn't really
do that much - just kind of upsets you.
So that is annoying - I wish there was a
button for that, but there isn't.
I was driving for about 2
hours this morning, and the seats are
actually quite good.
They're not at all flat - they're actually
pretty supportive. Moving around
not too badly here - not that you would do
that in normal driving, but on some of
these little fast switchbacks,
it's nice to know that you can still be
in place. Again it's not a sports sedan, and it's not
supposed to be, so you can't really get
your hopes up if you're in this part of
the market. You would probably get a
used 3 Series, but you can also search for
that on CarGurus if you want to, but you're here to learn about this car. So
it's not torturous to sit in the back of
a Cruze, cause there's actually quite a lot of leg-
room - you almost think you're in a
midsize car, but it's quite nice.
Optional heated rear seats that we have
here and a 120-volt household outlet.
The only problem really - there's enough
headroom, there's enough legroom -
there's no center headrest - that's kind
of an oversight.
It would be nice and certainly an added
safety feature, but what is good is there's
10 standard airbags in this car
including rear side airbags.
Those aren't federally mandated, and you
hardly see them even as an option in
luxury cars, so the fact that you can get
one in a Chevy Cruze? That's pretty good.
So there's 14.8 cubic feet of cargo space
here in the trunk, and it's a really
nicely designed cargo hold.
You don't even need to fold the seats
down. Now it's a little bit less than the
Civic in total room, but more than the
Now if this isn't enough for you, for 2017
there's a hatchback model of the Cruze coming
this fall. The nav in our car has an 8-inch
screen, the standard car has a 7-inch.
It's a touchscreen - it's got all the familiar
apps that you're seeing on iPads and all
the other tablets these days. All these
apps here can be rearranged
if you touch and hold it. You can move
things around to anywhere you like.
It's got all the systems like Bluetooth
and everything else you're used to. This
also has Apple CarPlay and Android Auto,
so if you have a connected smartphone
with a USB cable, that will replace the
regular Chevrolet screen with the
smartphone display right on here so you
can easily access it.
We've also got Pandora on here, we've got
live weather, because it's also comes
with Sirius XM. This vehicle also has an
onboard Wi-Fi connection - it's a 4G LTE
system through OnStar. OnStar now has
that trial, essentially the
3-gigabyte trial that you get when you buy
the car, and then of course everything
expires, like most new cars, and you
have to have a monthly fee. Only problem
is with this touchscreen,
we're parked in an area right now where
there's shade. Because there's no no covering
over it, it can really be washed out in
direct sunlight, and that's kind of a
problem with a lot of screens.
Our car has the Sun and Sound package,
and that has obviously a sunroof, it's got better sound, it's got a 9-speaker Bose
system versus the standard car's 4
speakers, and we also have navigation - it's an 8-
inch screen versus the standard 7 inch. Now for $27,000 there actually are a few
options that this car doesn't have. You
can load up a Cruze all the way up to a
little over 29, and that's with two
Driver Confidence packages.
Those are a bunch of driver-assist
features like blind-spot alert, and you
have lane-change assistance,
you've got Lane-Keep Assist, which will
actually move the steering wheel for you
to center the car between the lanes, and
also forward-collision alert. Those
are nice to have, but again those aren't
very critical. Average transaction prices
for new cars are over $30,000 these days, so it's not too
surprising to see a $27,000
Chevy Cruze. Our car's pretty fully loaded
and offers a lot of refinement, some
luxury, and a lot of technology you won't
find elsewhere.
It's not as sporty as the Ford Focus, but
if you value refinement, you'll probably
like this car more than the others.
This is an incredibly competitive
segment, so we'd like to hear from you.
Would you consider a Cruze over an Elantra, over a Focus, Civic, Corolla?
Let us know in the comments below, and if you like this video, subscribe to our
YouTube channel, and check out my full
review on the 2016 Cruze on
CarGurus.com. Thanks for watching!

MG ZS, RX5 SUV and MG 3 Hatchback in India! | Walkaround | ZigWheels.com

MG ZS, RX5 SUV and MG 3 Hatchback in India! | Walkaround | ZigWheels.com


Hie Guys welcome to ZigWheel and the first-ever
public exhibition of MG Cars In India and
now the car we see here is The MG ZS and it might be one of the SUV that comes to India
now the first SUV that is related for India
launch will debut in Q2 of 2019 and then it
will be followed by an electric SUV and we
Make an educated guess that it will be based
on the ZS. now it is quite a forgiving thing
the start with the Stearous quite a forgiving
thing if you see the nice redaction on the
grill the look quite sporty it’s got these
nice Black and chrome inserts in the Grill
which does make it look Quite premium and
doesn't And there no chrome overload here.
Similar redaction on the front leap.
It’s run along the length of the front Moving
on to this side. You have a nice looking five-spoke alloys
Which are Now one thing to bear in mind this
is not an India specs car and the dead giveaway
has that the steering is on the wrong side
So no Right-hand drive here only left-hand
drive but will get to the interior in to a
bit of now moving on to the rear I mean size
wise it does seem like it will compete against
the Creta and Astros and just like the Creta
it does have twin impart headlines on the
rear on which lower on the teal gate again
the rear looks quite nice as well the. The
high pleased rear wind shield do give it a
sporty or sporty look. And Now let’s Check
out what the boots spaces like now like
a lot’s of a car the boutique opens with
The logo so quite a spacious boots. It
Get’s a boot lamp as well as you can
see quite a flat floor lots of space here
And we should be good enough for a weekend
getaway but if it does come in the electric
guys the boots spaces might be smaller
because the battery might just occupy bit
of space in the rear now let's move on to
the inside quickly now this is open to the
public will have to hurry along because there
as the agency there is a lot of crowds around.
And will just have to go about the business
quickly Now stepping inside
It is quite nice placed to be now see so you go to nice looking up it's it's just a simple
layout but it does the job it’s nice and
clearly laid out instrument cluster and the
batteries little low so we can not switch
on so now another now you can see
there's a red stitching on the steering wheel
which looks again quite sporty
These Air-cons whens also get red actions and
shape like a turban again quite sporty and
very Coolkey and again reforming Is sporty
nature could be a is this carbon fiber pattern
here On the dash and there's more carbon
fiber here on the center console in again
on this side as well more red stitching this
is the automatic version.
And the do you get a soft touch I mean you do get fow leather full screen here
And Again more redaction and turbine shape
airborne wents there
Now the quality fit and finish is quite nice
and again in this segment no one gives a panoramic
sunroof like Creta is the only one who gives
a sunroof which comes to the sunroof but the
ZS comes with a panoramic sunroof I am
sorry again we will not be able to open this
because again the battery of the car is a
bit of low and you don't have the key again
the nice door pads
Again the finished in. Finished in all for
lather they also look pretty nice so you good
bucket seats inside with the red stitching.
So, all in all, it looks like a good place
to be in
Again Two them USB Slots there And twelve volt socket it's too dark there so i'm sorry it's
not visible but it's there and now this is
a China spec car and now this will be available
now we think that the electric SUV that will come to India will be based on the ZS and but the
first SUV that comes here will be based on
the Bouch on five thirty it will be powered
by a one point five litre petrol and two-litre
And apart from that Now we think that it bought
it might be offered it with a five-seater
and the seven-seater option as the recently
reviews several captiva was reviewed with the
seven seater options so we can make an educated
guess both car as quite closely related. Again
this is the rear seat
Now the car now the seat in front is in my
a driving position mostly sit here there is
a decent amount of space the reclaim the
The decent amount of space it is the bit snag
but I do have enough space for my feet And
there is the fare gap between the feet as
well. It does touch but it’s not uncomfortable
and again adjustable headrest at the back.
Another adjustable the middle as well
And you get specific amount of as well again
this is not and the India spec cars so we
less not get into one eighty degrees to it.
let’s move on to the next cars quickly.
now One of the premium offerings here is the
RX5 which is right there now It comes with
all LED headlamps and it’s come with MG
Roewe all LED technology as you can see there.
Now EGA light viewers might find bit similarities
between the design of this and that one
and Now moving again to this side You have
a nice looking alloy mixing with rubber
now moving to the rear.
Still over tail lamps, as usual, like on most
MG Cars The boots space also is quite humble
since it is quite a large car
So You got a massive boots now it is not confirmed
that this will come to India but if it does
come it will go up against. It will go up
against the to Soon And it will be slot about
the jeep compass but the MG has also informed
us that Cars will come with built-in internet
so as in you do not have to connect your phone
to access wifi the car will have it’s own
inbuilt wifi the specifics and the partner
of it are still being worked out but one thing
is first certain when MG Car comes they will
be offered with internet in their cars
And it will be it will be on subscription
base so you don't have to recharge again and
again it will be one seven to five year
on subscription so you renewed have to only
up to three to five years depending on your
usage which should be The even the you mean
the usage According to them like the package
the offer should be enough to last three
to five years regardless of the usage Let's
get into the back first that's the rear seat
of the RX5 quite spacious actually very spacious
A nice spacious Interia lot’s of headroom
lot’s of nee rooms nice seating position
you can sit here and relaxed and it's got massive
panoramic sunroof which is also there in ZS
but since it was covered we could not really show you
That is how it looks let's me quickly get into
the front and show front looks like this is
the front of the car
Now Again very simply layout Instrument
And the very very easy to read. Now it is
very very premium in here as you notice now
this gets a different shape aircon went
You get a soft touch plastics all around and
with leather upholstery so this is quite a
premium offering even in the market it is
currently sold in but if it does come to India
it will be again as he told you earlier it
will go against the Hyundai towson
it could be similarly priced but do not be
surprised if it does end of being a little
more expensive.
On this nice little big touch screen infotainment
system here a very very simply laid out cabin
with not much clutter in here so it looks
really elegant and really nice
Again automatic gearbox lots of storage spaces
and adjustable and adjustable armrest and
again lots of storage space here you also
have an electric parking brake for that was
the RX5
Now let's move on to the MG 3 now this is
the MG 3 and in our personal opinion the cookiest
car here and again no India plan as of now.
And Even if it does now this is the old car
This is from before 2016 so it is due for
an update and if it does come to India it
will come with new generation now the quirky
things here you can if you can notice are
these orvms which are quite large and look quite
retro again Another retro looking feature is are these
door handles and which are of an older design
which is not really seen on the car anymore
now stepping in inside now this is the cockiest
bit again ZS you get turbine style aircon
but the black actions but the cookie but here
this. This tweet pattern is very very British
it's is there on the dashboard which along
with the carbon fiber V. looks really nice
it's even that on the seats
So all in all a pretty British cabin at least
fabric and design wise
Again instrument console in all Cars all MG’s
is simply laid-out and very easy to read but
it doesn’t look out of date or old multifunction
steering wheel in place again a touch screen
infotainment system now the aircon went here
do look a little less premium than the other cars and
Going by the size and the layout of this
car it's easy to see if ever launch it will
go against the Maruti Baleno and elite i20
but for now, MG will be concentrating on SUVs.
So two our on routes again
one will arrive in the second quarter of
2019 which will be based on the by June five
thirty the electric SUV will be coming in
after that
So that's all from the first ever MG public
exhibition in India we are we at the all
ambiance mall Gurgaon the exhibition is here
for the next two days.
So in case, you won't have a look you can
come here and check it out so that's all from
us till next time drive safe and take care.

Best New Cars for 2020-2021 | Latest and Upcoming Cars, SUVs & Trucks

Best New Cars for 2020-2021 | Latest and Upcoming Cars, SUVs & Trucks


CARLOS LAGO: Welcome to
the Los Angeles Auto Show.
Here's a collection of the
majority of model year 2020
and 2021 vehicles you'll see for
sale at dealer lots next year.
In this video, the
Edmunds team is
going to walk you
through what you should
know about these cars,
trucks, and SUVs,
at least the most important
and most significant ones.
As always, if there's
a vehicle that you're
interested in that
isn't in this video,
go to edmunds.com
for more information.
There you'll find
your perfect car
and how much you
should pay for it.
has been on a tear
for the last couple of
years, redesigning everything
in their portfolio.
This year, they're going to
be rolling out and filling out
their line-up with higher
performance S and RS variants.
But they are bucking
the SUV trend
by reintroducing some wagons.
In particular, the
A6 Allroad is back.
It offers the versatility of an
SUV but more driver engagement,
like a smaller car.
The big news, though, is
this mad dog, the RS6 Avant.
With 600 horsepower and a
matching six figure price tag,
it's an entirely different
take on family hauling.
Audi also brought
a sportback version
of the e-tron crossover.
It brings with it
all the goodness
we like about the e-tron, but
it takes a hit for practicality.
This swooping rear roofline--
it cuts into rear headroom
by almost a full inch.
There's also a pretty decent
hit for cargo capacity too.
But this shape is
more aerodynamic
and ends up gaining you about
10 miles of electric range.
Also returning is my
favorite Audi, the R8.
For 2020, it gets a
slight styling update.
But it also gets a little bit of
a horsepower bump for the base
It is the best way to live
out your Tony Stark fantasies.
doors are still cool.
The BMW i8-- there is nothing
quite like it on the road.
It looks like a supercar and has
the practicality of a supercar,
but doesn't really have the
performance of a supercar.
It's a hybrid, after all,
but like an 18-mile EV range.
For 2020, it comes in this
unique limited edition color
And whether you get it in the
two plus two configuration
or the roadster
configuration, like this one,
you can be guaranteed
that there's nothing quite
else like it on the road today.
Let's take a second
and just appreciate
how good this M8 looks.
It's quite pretty, indeed.
And it's hard to deny
the appeal of a vehicle
quite like this, the 8 series
and 8 series Gran Coupe.
And that's what the
M8 is based off of.
This is a very appealing
car, as it should be,
for a vehicle whose price
starts at around $150.
If you step up to the
competition package,
you get around 617 horsepower.
The base car has 600 horsepower.
Very stout.
Of course, the performance
potential of a large luxury
sedan like this--
kind of dubious.
If you want something a
little bit more nimble
and a little bit more
sports car minded,
there's the M2 CS behind me.
Weird name aside, the
BMW 2 series Gran Coupe
has effectively become
BMW's entry-level sedan.
And it's a pretty
attractive one too,
even if you think all BMWs
need to be rear-wheel drive.
This one's available with
all-wheel drive and power,
ranging from 228
to 301 horsepower,
if you get the M235i
variant, like this one here.
It could give the
Mercedes Benz A class,
this luxury sedan that we like
a lot, of run for its money.
It's a weird thing
to say, but we
live in a world where finding
a 600 horsepower luxury SUV
is actually pretty easy now.
And it's going to
be even easier come
next year with the addition
of the X5M and the X6M.
Standard guys, these
things make 600.
Horsepower in their competition
trim, they push that figure
to 617 horsepower.
If that's not ridiculous
enough, the front wheels
are 21 inches in diameter,
the rears are 22s.
What a world we live in, folks.
This is the BMW X3 X Drive 30e.
And that means it's the
hybrid version of the X3.
It goes on sale next
year, and that's
when we'll know more about
its specs and figures
for the United States.
We do know now
though, it's based
on the same motor, engine,
and the battery pack
that you get in the 3 Series
that was called the 330e,
it's a bit less confusing.
And it should come with its
solid amount of EV only range.
WILL KAUFMAN: We've been
seeing prototypes for a while,
but now, Bollinger is taking
preorders with delivery
is slated to begin
sometime in 2021.
This electric dual, the
B2 truck and the B1 SUV
pack a ton of offroad features,
removable doors, and some trick
storage compartments.
Think a big boxy Jeep Wrangler
but all electric and $125,000
to start.
These are definitely
niche vehicles,
especially with Rivian
bringing a more affordable
electric truck and SUV
to the market soon.
But they sure look tough.
CARLOS LAGO: When you think of
large three row Cadillac SUVs,
your mind probably wanders
over to the Escalade,
but you might want
to consider the XT6.
This new model from
Cadillac starts
at around mid $50,000
range and packs
a lot of standard safety,
comfort, and technology
features as well.
It's also pretty dang handsome.
Pretty spacious inside,
especially the third row,
which can seat real
full size adults.
Alas, the third row takes a
crucial bit of cargo space,
so you got to decide
whether you're
going to haul family or cargo.
Cadillac has two new luxury
sedans, the CT4 and the CT5.
If you can guess which
one is the big one
and which one is the small
one, congratulations,
you at least have a basic
level of deductive reasoning.
These are appealing
vehicles, one,
because they're attractive, two,
because Cadillac's problem has
never been driving dynamics.
So we expect them
to kind of drive.
Three, Cadillac is addressing
the bigger problems
we've had with the
previous models, which
is interior quality, namely,
the center entertainment
touchscreens, which were
a bit of a nightmare.
You also get access to
Cadillac's Super Cruise,
which on some freeways,
provides legit hands free
driving experience.
Taken altogether, these become
a very compelling option
among other luxury sedans.
2021 Chevy Colorado
is slightly refreshed
with new looks
upfront new lettering
on the rear tailgate.
But it's got the same
platform, same powertrains,
and same interiors before.
And unfortunately for the
Colorado and its GMC brother,
the Canyon, they still
have to do battle
with offroad kings like the Jeep
Gladiator and Toyota Tacoma,
and the extremely well
rounded Honda Ridgeline.
The Chevy Silverado is
one of the most capable
and one of the most popular
vehicles on sale in America
For 2020, it gets
some new tech features
like adaptive cruise control
and a trailer in camera system
that can support
up to 15 cameras.
And under the hood,
if you want, you
can now get a
three liter diesel.
But even though it's
significantly improved,
the Silverado still falls
behind the Ram and the Ford
in our overall rankings.
An old name with a new
face, the Chevy Trailblazer
is a small SUV that fits
in between the Tracx
and the larger Equinox.
It will hit US shores next year
or two small three cylinder
power trains and the
choice of two trim levels,
this kind of sporty looking
RS and the more outdoorsy
oriented Active.
Prices are going to
start just below $20,000
and the Trailblazer should
come with an impressive list
of standard features.
This is one of the biggest
debuts of the year.
The Chevy Corvette
has gone mid engine.
It gets a 6.2 liter V8, 495
horsepower, and a dual clutch
It goes up against rivals that
are nearly double the price
and it's quickly becoming one
of our favorite sports cars.
While the looks might
be up for debate,
the performance is
definitely settled,
and this is a Corvette
for the history books.
Chrysler Pacifica
is our number two ranked minivan
thanks to its surprisingly
sonorous V6 and excellent
cargo flexibility because
of those stow and go seats.
Of course, those seats are
a little less comfortable
than some competitors.
We also appreciate the plug-in
hybrid versions 30 plus miles
of all electric range.
For this year, the Voyager
nameplate is making a return,
but it's essentially just a
base model of the Pacifica.
Feature loadout is really
the only difference.
Sadly, there's no
would trim option.
Dodge is celebrating
the 50th anniversary
of the Challenger
with a special
anniversary edition.
Got anniversary
badges, new wheels,
unique interior options,
and a brand new color.
Appropriate for
a Golden Jubilee,
Dodge calls it Goldrush.
We think they should have
called it Bananaversary.
For 2020, dodge is offering
a wide body package
on its Hellcat and Scat Pack.
It adds 3 and 1/2 inches which
makes room for wider tires.
Don't worry, you
can still spin them.
If you want a slimmer,
less aggro Charger,
there are plenty of trim options
with the V6 cylinder and 57
hemi, so you can still enjoy
that comfortable interior,
the excellent styling,
and the great infotainment
system that keeps the Charger
a top five in our rankings.
biggest announcement from Ford
is the all new all
electric Mustang Mach E.
This however, is no muscle car.
It's actually an SUV about
the size of a Ford Escape.
It'll offer the choice of
rear or all wheel drives
in two battery sizes.
It'll be available
beginning the fall of 2020
with prices starting
around $40,000.
If you want to know
more about this vehicle,
you can check out
Edmunds' editor
in chief, Alistair Weaver's,
excellent video walk around.
It's been a big year for
Mustang from the new Mach
E to the new high performance
package for the four cylinder
EcoBoost, which makes
it incredibly dynamic.
oh and this subtle 760
horsepower Shelby DT500,
it's new, too, joining
the Shelby GT 350
flat plane crank V8.
The Mustang is currently
Edmunds' number one
ranked muscle car.
Can't imagine why.
The Escape has been
overhauled for 2020,
replete with sportier exterior
styling, a roomier interior,
and four new power trains.
Two turbo charge engines, plus
a hybrid and plug-in hybrid
The sportiest Escape
packing 250 horsepower
is estimated return 26
miles per gallon combined.
while the hybrid is rated
at 41 miles per gallon
with up to 30 miles of
electric range if you
opt for the plug-in version.
There's a lot riding
on this new Escape,
since Ford will soon be
getting out of the sedan
making business,
which leaves just
this and the extra small
Ecosport in their entry level
vehicle portfolio.
We were thrilled when we
heard the all new 2020
Explorer was returning to
a rear drive base platform.
For SUVs, that generally amounts
to better towing and driving
dynamics, which the new
Explorer delivers in spades.
What we weren't expecting was
a comparatively high price.
Prices range anywhere
from the mid 30s
to upper 50s,
which is a bit hard
to stomach when you see what
the competition is offering
for thousands less.
The Expedition became our
favorite non-luxury full size
SUV shortly after it
was redesigned for 2018.
It won us over with its
exceptional passenger comfort,
user friendly tech,
and its ability
to tow over 9,000 pounds.
For 2020, updates
are rather light,
but the biggest news
being Ford's co-pilot 360,
which is a suite of
advanced driver aids
that's now standard across
all Expedition trims.
The Ranger was reintroduced
to the US market
last year to a mixed
reception for 2020.
Ford is offering a new FX2
package on all rear drive
rangers at any trim level.
It includes an electronic
locking diff, offroad tires,
an offroad tune suspension, an
offroad screen within the gauge
cluster, and body decals.
Now for $595, that's a bargain.
Sure, you don't get the advanced
terrain management and trail
control that you would in
an FX4 package and all wheel
drive ranger like you see
here, but you at least get
the offroad looks and some
of the capability for less
than half the package cost.
2020 Genesis G90
looks pretty different on the
outside, but under the skin,
a lot stays the same.
That's not actually a bad thing.
The Genesis G90 90
is a big plush luxury
sedan with available
executive seating in the back.
And a really excellent stereo.
The new exterior
design is handsome.
And I mean, just check out
these excellent wheels.
On the inside, you'll
find upgraded trim
like some nice open pore wood
and an infotainment system that
now supports Android
Auto and Apple
CarPlay, a welcome addition.
And the Genesis G90 is
significantly less costly
than its top competitors.
Redesigned just a year
ago, the GMC Sierra 1500 get
some significant tech updates
for 2020.
It's got available adaptive
cruise control now as well as
a trailer and camera system
that supports up to 15 cameras.
Under the hood, you can also now
get a three liter diesel power
And to top it all off,
it wins our tailgate wars
with the V6 way power folding
multi pro rear tailgate.
This CR2500 is completely
redesigned for 2020
and it uses a little brother,
the 1500, as a template.
It also gets the multiple
rear tailgate along
with updated technology, an
updated interior, and improved
towing and hauling capability.
Unfortunately for the 2500,
it has really strong rivals
like the Ram and the Ford,
so it's got an uphill battle.
CARLOS LAGO: There are
no significant changes
for the Honda Accord in 2020,
but that doesn't stop us
from recommending this
extremely well executed sedan.
It's stylish, fun to drive,
and hits big with utility.
A lot of its competitors have
been updated or redesigned
since this car came out,
but the Accord still
shines brightest in its class.
The Honda Civic is Edmunds'
top ranked small sedan.
And yes, we know this
is a two door SI,
we'll talk about
that in a second.
The civic lineup
gets small editions
throughout the model range.
For example, the hatchback
gets additional sound deadening
and the SI like this one
here it gets a shorter
final drive, which
makes acceleration
feel a bit more lively.
With prices ranging
between $20,000 to $30,000,
there's a Civic for most
shoppers and all of them
are an easy recommendation.
The big addition to
the Honda CRV this year
we should mention too, is
our top ranked small SUV,
is a hybrid model.
Now we don't know much about
the technical details yet oh
then it uses the drive train
of the Honda Accord Hybrid.
It has 212 horsepower,
though fuel economy numbers
haven't been released yet.
But if we had to guess,
it'd be around 40 MPH.
The rest of the CRV lineup
has some nice additions, too.
Specifically, the base engine
is no longer available,
so all you have is the 1 and
1/2 liter turbo four cylinder.
And that's the one
we'd recommend anyway.
The Honda Passport
came out last year
and quickly garnered a
lot of attention from us.
In fact, it's our top
ranked two row midsize SUV
and for good reason.
Essentially, it's a Honda
Pilot without the third row
and with a bit
shorter length, so you
get all the utility
of that vehicle
without of course, the seating
in a very compelling package.
There are no new
changes for 2020,
and that's OK because
it's still a good car.
The Honda Ridgeline carries
over into next year largely
unchanged and it's
still our number one
ranked midsize pickup truck.
Wait, wait, come back,
look, look, we get it.
You're really angry because
it's not a real truck.
Just get a Gladiator
or get a Tacoma.
And bring it in, bring it
in, it's going to be OK.
2020 Hyundai Kona
is our top rated extra small
SUV for its peppy handling,
and acceleration, it's
comfortable interior,
and user friendly technology.
The addition of adaptive
cruise control for this year
only makes it better.
The one drawback-- if
maximum cargo capacity
is your top priority,
it might be worth
checking out a competitor.
The Hyundai Palisade is an
upscale midsize three row
SUV with plenty of
room in all three rows
and lots of comfort and
technology features.
It would have upset the
segment and stolen the top spot
in our rankings if not for
its corporate twin, the Kia
That's not a knock against
the excellent Palisade.
Which you prefer
between the two really
comes down to what
kind of personality
you want from your vehicle,
with the Palisade offering
more of the on road luxury
vibe between the pair.
The 2020 Hyundai Sonata
has been totally redesigned
and it's got a sleek new look.
I mean, just check out these
daytime running lights.
The other thing it's got
is a ton of new features.
The new Sonata
really is a showcase
for Hyundai's next
generation of technology.
You'll get the ability to
use your cell phone as a key.
You can pull the Sonata in and
out of parking spaces remotely.
And on the interior, you get
this big new infotainment
screen and a digital display
instead of a traditional gauge
If you want the latest
features from your sedan,
the Sonata should
be on your list.
The Jeep Wrangler
is one of the most capable off
road vehicles on sale today.
And in other news, the sky
is blue and water is wet.
This current generation is
more comfortable, high tech,
and user friendly
than ever before.
And while there's
some compromises made
along the way for
off road capability,
this is the most
liveable Wrangler
that Jeep has ever made.
For 2020, you can get
one with a diesel.
For someone who doesn't
want to spend Wrangler money
but wants the iconic Jeep looks,
the Renegade is a good choice.
It's got a roomy interior
and a high interface.
And it's got more off
road chops than most
of the lifted hatchbacks
in this segment.
But if you want
something that's quick
or something that's quiet, we'd
steer you in another direction.
If you've always
wanted a Jeep Wrangler
but you also needed
a pickup truck,
well, the Gladiator
will solve that problem.
It's based on the same
platform as the Wrangler,
so it's got much of the
off road capability,
but it's got that pickup
truck bed in the back,
so it's got a bunch
of added utility.
It's only our number two
ranked mid-sized pickup
truck because it's behind
the super practical Honda
The Jeep Cherokee is in one of
the most competitive segments
on the market--
compact crossovers.
It goes up against well-rounded
vehicles like the Mazda
CX5 and the Honda CRV.
And while it isn't our
favorite in the segment,
we do like it for its
impressive off road capability
and its high tech interior with
a comfortable highway ride.
Seltos is new to the US
but it's been on sale
for just about a year
in other parts of the world.
It sits just between the
Kia Soul and the larger Kia
Sportage in terms
of price and size,
starting right around $22,000.
Like a lot of
subcompact crossovers,
it benefits from the
convenience of an SUV,
but it's in a smaller package
that's easier to drive
and more economical.
The Seltos distinguishes
itself with a slightly taller
right height and available
all wheel drive, which
isn't available on
the Sul or the Niro
that means you can do some
pretty light off roading.
But you will have to wait
until spring to get one.
And you wouldn't
think you'd have
to wait to get
yourself a Telluride
because it's been on sale for
a while, but you'd be wrong.
Apparently, Kia can't make them
fast enough to meet demand.
That's really no surprise
because the Telluride
is our favorite SUV.
And not just mid-sized three
row SUV, it's our favorite SUV,
With a lot of power,
tons of features,
and an incredibly
refined interior,
if you need something this
big, put it on your shortlist.
The Stinger is mostly
unchanged for 2020,
but it does add a new
mid grade GTS trim.
At a time when sleek sedans seem
to be eclipsed by mass market
action SUVs, the Stinger
is a refreshing detour
with the convenience of a
hatchback, strong performance,
and as any Kia, a very
generous warranty.
Who says fun is dead?
ELANA SCHERR: The Defender
is back in the US.
Ta-da, this it it!
We covered the Defender during
its international launch,
but it is very cool to
see it here at home.
2020 Defender promises strong
offroad performance and lots
of customization options,
including two different engine
Plus, it looks cool.
I think it looks cool.
Do you think it looks cool?
I think it looks cool.
The original Range Rover
Evo was a little bit
of a weirdo with a love
it or hate it design.
For the redesigned
2020 Evo, Land Rover
has gone a little
more mainstream.
It's bigger for more leg room,
and it has new interior tech,
like dual screen
infotainment system.
There's also a hybrid
powertrain option.
I think it looks like a
smaller Discovery sport.
took the wraps and the top
off the 2021 LC 500 convertible.
We thought the
coupe looked great,
but it seems as if the LC was
destined for roofless design
from the beginning, which
is another way of saying
that it looks fantastic.
There are 471 horses
generated from a five liter
V8, which also happens
to make wonderful sounds.
This convertible will make it
all the better to enjoy them.
Lexus says the LC's
top will open and close
in about 15 seconds, and
can operate at speeds
of up to 31 miles per hour.
So you're not stuck
playing stoplight roulette.
This topless LC is set to
go on sale next summer.
Lexus' most popular
SUV and my new favorite
because it has a surfboard
on the roof is the RX.
For 2020, it receives
a slight refresh
with new front and rear styling
and a revised suspension
for sharper handling.
The 2020 RX is also the
first in Lexus' line
to offer Android Auto smartphone
integration alongside Apple
And those can be projected
on a new optional 12.3 inch
Thankfully, this replaces
the old and clunky system
with the remote touch joystick
which we weren't big fans of.
a doubt, Corsair
is a much better name
than MKC, which was
Lincoln's previous small SUV.
The Corsair there is
based on the Ford Escape,
but Lincoln has worked hard to
distinguish itself from Ford
with Lincoln-specific
design options, new tech,
and different engine options,
including a plug-in hybrid.
Then of course, there are
those great Lincoln interiors.
It's not a pair of
sunglasses and it
has little in common with the
Aviator of the early 2000s.
The 2020 Lincoln Aviator
is based on a Ford Explorer
but with its own
here and interior.
If you've seen Lincoln's
interiors recently,
you know that's a good thing.
It's quiet cabin
and turbo charged
V6 make it a powerful
family cruiser.
And there's a plug-in
hybrid option for even more
power and better fuel economy.
What a world we live in.
If you've got the
garage space and you
want to fill it with
yacht-like luxury,
the Lincoln Navigator is
our pick for top boat.
I mean, our pick for most
highly rated large luxury SUV.
Ever since its introduction,
the Lincoln Navigator
has consistently
topped our ratings
because of its gorgeous interior
and impressive performance.
For 2020 safety features
become standard,
but what hasn't changed is
the navigators impressive
tow rating.
8,600 pound capacity, you can
tell a boat with this boat.
MARK TAKAHASHI: If it seems like
there are a lot of weird half
sizes between
conventionally sized SUVs,
you're not imagining things.
This is the latest
from Mazda, the CX30.
It sits between the slightly
smaller CX3 and slightly larger
CX5 with the starting priced
right around 23 grand.
It also pushes Mazda's
styling evolution
just a little bit further.
While other companies are
going with sharp deep creases,
Mazda is going with
these graceful smoothed
out arches that set it apart
from anything else on the road.
As a Mazda, we also
expect the CX30
to drive better than its
rivals from Honda and Toyota.
jumping in the EV game
with the hard top
two door Cooper SE.
This isn't a Tesla killer.
This is more of an alternative
to a more affordable city
runabouts like the basic Nissan
LEAF or the Volkswagen e-Golf.
Prices should
start under $30,000
and the EPA range is likely
to come in around 120 miles.
It is more stylish.
Adding that Mini personality
to the battery electric formula
might just make this
a compelling choice
for consumers looking
for an electric car.
instant hit for Mercedes Benz,
immediately climbing
to best in class.
It has all of the things
you want from Mercedes SUV--
a refined interior, tons
of comfort, lots of tech.
But this time around, they
dropped something crazy on us.
It's the GLE 63S from
AMG with 603 horsepower.
That's just bonkers for the
I don't know, wealthy parents
with racing aspirations, maybe?
And if you need more
space, they also
rode out the GLS and G
version with similar output.
What they didn't
roll out though,
is the top of the line
GLS Maybach edition.
We don't have full
specs on it yet,
but we can guarantee
it is going to be
over the top in every way.
Nissan Rogue doesn't
receive any significant
changes for 2020,
but it remains a highly
attractive vehicle
to shoppers looking for
an inexpensive compact SUV
with a lot of interior space.
And that's really what
you get with this SUV.
That and comfortable seats.
Now the driving experience
kind of pales in comparison
to our favorite SUV in the
segment, the Honda CRV.
But the road
delivers the basics.
The slightly smaller Rogue
sport gets some small changes
for 2020, especially a different
look front and rear bumpers
are updated and Nissan's
suite of safety features
is now standard
on the base trim.
If we're honest,
the Nissan Titan
has felt a bit dated
lately, but that's
because Ford, Chevy, and Ram
have introduced new generations
of their respective trucks.
The Titan has been updated
for 2020 though, fortunately.
Its powertrain gets a new 9
speed automatic transmission
and its 5.6 liter V8 gets
a small power bump, too.
Now 400 horsepower and
413 pound feet of torque.
There's additional
standard safety equipment
and an available nine
inch center touchscreen.
With the starting price from
the low to mid $30,000 range,
that makes the Titan a
pretty compelling value.
With 2020 times introduction of
a new generation of the Nissan
And it actually looks
pretty good, too.
It's a bit wider and
a bit lower in height
than the outgoing generation.
The interior gets
special mention too.
It's pretty attractive.
Plus, standard safety features,
like collision mitigation
and all that stuff.
Base engine is a two
liter four cylinder
with about 150 horsepower.
Look forward to our full view
and we get our hands on one
early next year.
Porsche's first
electric vehicle looks
to be a real stunning entry.
The Taycan promises the
performance of a real sports
car, but also, the driving
experience of an EV.
It's a really fascinating
combination of the two.
It's available in a couple of
different motor and battery
configurations from
the Turbo S which
has eye watering
acceleration, and top speed,
and price, down to this
more realistic 4S, which
starts in about $100,000,
has over 500 horsepower,
and could be a real competitor
to the Tesla Model S.
While the most recent generation
in the Porsche Cayenne
was introduced last
year, this year,
we have the addition
of the Cayenne coupe.
If you haven't been
paying attention
to luxury SUV as for while,
the modern trend with coupes
trade a little bit of rear
headroom and cargo space
for a more swoopy roofline
that mimics what you would find
on an actual two door coupe.
The Cayenne coupe
costs a little bit more
than the equivalent
Cayenne and it
gets all the same trim levels,
so you can get a Cayenne coupe
Turbo and Turbo SE hybrid.
With all the hubbub around
the new Porsche Taycan EV,
you may forget there's actually
a new generation of Porsche
And you may also be able to
tell from the outside too
because it doesn't
look that different.
It's more apparent inside
when you see the new gauge
cluster and all the
touch sensitive controls
on the center console.
When I drove this car
earlier this year,
I really enjoyed it
because, duh, it's a 911.
Starting at around $100,000,
this car gives you really more
than you could ever
need from a sports car.
TRAVIS LANGNESS: The Ram 1500 is
our number one ranked full size
pickup truck.
It's got a really comfortable
interior, a high interface,
and for 2020, it gets
a new diesel powertrain
added to the lineup the
control over 12,000 pounds.
And it enters the tailgate
wars with a new 60-40
split open beer tailgate thing.
the largest vehicle that Subaru
makes, offering three
rows of seating and space
for seven or eight
passengers while it isn't
at the top of our list for
mid-sized three row SUVs,
we do like it for its
standard all wheel drive,
its powerful
turbocharged engine,
and its crisp and responsive
touchscreen infotainment
For 2020, the Ascent adds a
standard rear seat reminder
alert and power folding
side view mirrors.
The Subaru Forrester was
redesigned just last year
and offers a great
blend of many things.
From a comfortable cabin and
ride to strong safety and tech
There's even a
new lane centering
function, which gets added to
its standard list of driving
All it needs is just
a little more power
and we'd be big fans.
The word legacy has
different meanings.
But Subaru is looking to
leave a positive impression
with their new midsize sedan.
For 2020, the Legacy
has been redesigned
and is still the
only one in the class
to offer standard
all wheel drive.
An optional 260 horsepower
2.4 liter engine
should help draw
some fans as well as
Subaru's comprehensive suite
of advanced driver aids, which
come standard.
The Outback is
Subaru's mid-sized SUV
and one of our
perennial favorites,
which somebody mistake
for a tall wagon.
But don't let
appearances deceive you.
This wagon could likely
outperform many so-called SUVs
off road.
Do it with standard
all wheel drive
and surprisingly generous
ground clearance.
For 2020, the Outback
has been fully redesigned
and is offered with two engines.
One of which is a 260 horsepower
turbocharged four cylinder.
There's also a new 11.6
inch tablet style interface
for the infotainment system,
which just looks awesome.
wasn't at the show floor,
company CEO Elon Musk
unveiled the bizarre
looking Cyber Truck.
Lofty targets include a max two
rating of over 14,000 pounds,
payload of over 3,500
pounds, and zero to 60 mile
an hour acceleration in
less than 2.9 seconds
in the most powerful version.
While Tesla has
announced pricing
and is taking
preorders, this thing
is still two years away
from delivery at a minimum.
The Cyber Truck can make you
forget all about the Model Y,
but it should be available
sometime during 2020.
It's an SUV-ish version of
the Model 3, promising similar
range, performance, a
little more cargo space news
ability, and a slightly
higher price tag.
We have one on order.
We've owned a Model 3
for a few years now,
yet answering the
question of what's
new for this year is difficult
because Tesla doesn't
do updates like any
other automaker.
It's more like your phone,
where you wake up one morning
and it has new features.
This experience is unlike
any other car out there,
and combined with the
Model 3's many strengths,
it makes easily for one of
the most compelling EV sedans
you can buy.
What's left to say about
the Model S and Model X?
Well, we really like the S.
At the time of this recording,
it has a simple ordering
process, great range,
and ridiculous-- or rather,
ludicrous acceleration.
And the Model X--
well, the doors
look neat, but severely limit
the utility part of an SUV.
But hey, at least it's fast?
Hey guys, guess, what.
There's a new Toyota Mirai
and it's not ugly, right?
This sleek sedan is going to hit
our markets at the end of 2020
and it's a welcome
departure from, let's say,
the awkward styling
of its predecessor.
It's also going to
be rear wheel drive
and Toyota claims they'll
have 30% more range.
That means you can go up to
400 miles on a single tank.
I'm not fully sold on
the future of hydrogen,
especially when you consider
that electrification
is far more accessible.
For example, Toyota's
best selling vehicle
gets a new hybrid model
in this, the RAV4 prime.
This plug-in hybrid gets
an 83 horsepower boost
over the standard hybrid,
which should push it
to 60 miles an hour a
full two seconds quicker.
Toyota also claims
it'll return 39
miles of electric only range.
When it goes on
sale in the summer,
it'll only be offered
in sporting SE and SXE
trims, with all wheel drive.
We recommend the hybrid RAV4
for over the standard RAV4.
And expect this
to be even better.
Volkswagen Atlas
comes in fifth place and
our mid-sized three row SUV
It was knocked down a
couple of spots this year
by the introduction of the Honda
Palisade and Kia Telluride.
Still, the Atlas is a super
roomy and practical SUV
for families.
It's just a bit down on
power and personality.
For 2020, Volkswagen is
trying to kick the personality
up a notch with the introduction
of the Atlas Cross Sport.
This is a more aggressively styled two row version of the Atlas with a sportier personality.
CARLOS LAGO: Thank you for watching. Hit subscribe.
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