Why Chevrolet Leave India

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Why GM Failed In India

Why GM Failed In India


Over the last 20 years, the
Indian automotive market has grown from
about 500,000 new passenger cars,
hatchbacks, sedans and utilities to
about 3.5
million in 2018.
The market has an expected compound annual
growth rate of about 5 to
6 percent over the next 10 years.
But, some automakers have struggled
to make it work.
Among them is General
Motors, the largest U.S.
car company. GM stopped selling cars in
India in 2017 after years of
declining market share.
It's a striking move for GM, which
in recent years has also closed
shop in other regions around the
world, as leadership focuses on
maximizing profits and making investments
in new technologies such as
electric power trains
and mobility services.
With a population of more than
1 billion people, India is becoming
one of the world's
largest automotive markets.
The country is poised to surpass
Japan as the world's third biggest
new car market in 2021.
So while there is ample
opportunity for automakers, the Indian
landscape has been particularly difficult
to navigate, especially for
American firms. GM watched its share
of the Indian market erode
steadily over several years, bottoming out
at about one percent in
2016 just before the
automaker pulled out.
So if the Indian market is
growing, why did GM struggle, especially
when GM has been
so successful in China?
To be fair, quite a few automakers
tend to have difficulty in the
Indian market. First of all, India
is a massive country with a
diverse population of roughly 1.3
billion people.
India, I think, we are
definitely a complex market.
The income levels
are quite heterogeneous.
We are divided, actually into
urban India and rural India.
The consumer requirements are actually
different even the needs are
different in both these markets.
There are a few criteria a
mass market automaker ought to meet.
They are fuel efficiency, resale
value, proximity of service stations
and the affordability of parts
and low servicing costs.
I think first thing is price.
We are a country with a
very low per capita income.
Indians are very price sensitive.
But price is not the only factor.
So now the customer also needs
some more value, for example, with
styling elements. And then, I think,
the consumer also wants a global
brand. They want a
brand which is aspirational.
The consumer wants an overall combination of
all P's, you know it may
be product, it may be
price, it may be positioning.
Which makes the things
quite complicated for OEMs.
These might seem pretty attainable,
but many automakers have
struggled to meet these
in the country.
There are a couple of companies who
have managed to crack that code
and there are several more with shares
of the market ranging in size
from small to smaller.
By far, the most successful automaker
in India is the Japanese firm
Suzuki, which alone owns
half the Indian market.
Suzuki has enjoyed something of
a first mover advantage.
It was the first major automaker to
enter India, and it did so
through a joint venture
with Indian manufacturer Maruti.
Suzuki also specializes in highly
fuel efficient vehicles, which are
extremely important in
the Indian market.
After Suzuki, Korean maker Hyundai is
the second largest with 16
percent of the Indian market.
After that, Indian, Japanese and Korean
makers such as Honda, Tata,
Kia and Mahindra all more or less
have equal degrees of market share.
Kia in particular, is a relatively
late coming brand that has been
able to succeed in India.
I think an excellent example is
Kia Motors which recently entered, it
was a new brand and
they gave a great proposition.
They were in an SUV segment and
I think suddenly right from the month
one, we saw a great success
for this OEM, in India.
Then the remaining 10 percent of the
market is made up of others such
as Ford, Renault, BMW and Nissan.
Early on, GM entered the India market
with its Opel brand, a mass
market brand GM had
owned in Europe.
While Opel cars tended to be
affordable, they failed to resonate with
Indian buyers.
I think later on they realized that's
not a brand which is really
going to work well in India because
that was not a value proposition
which they were offering
to their customers.
But then GM introduced its Chevrolet
brand to the country, which
brought it more success.
It was a great success.
They launched a few great
products like Chevrolet Cruze Chevrolet
Beat. They had that start which
they were really looking forward.
Despite these efforts, the automaker had
trouble taking share in the
Indian market. It was the first
automaker to introduce a diesel fuel
powered car of its size.
At the time, the Chevrolet beat
was the smallest diesel powered car
customers could buy in India.
It was a strong proposition and
benefited from a government subsidy
on diesel engines.
But in the end, the
diesel Beat had few takers.
The company may also have made a
misstep by trying to introduce a
low-cost vehicle GM manufactured with
its Chinese partner SAIC called
the Chevrolet Sail.
Their plan got derailed with the
introduction of Sail because I think
they underestimated the consumer aspiration
and then, I think, the
decline started. GM also fell victim
to a kind of self-reinforcing
cycle. One challenge it struggled with
was the lack of an adequate
dealer and servicing network.
More premium brands such as Mercedes
and BMW often attract customers
with the means to travel
further for service and sales.
But, mass market brands such as
GM's Chevrolet are targeting middle
class buyers who value convenience.
Dealerships in India often sell a
single brand so GM's low sales
volumes meant a single dealer might sell
only a handful of cars in a
month and risk taking losses on
the costs of running the business.
In the end, such low market share
made it difficult for GM to justify
maintaining a presence
in the country.
The automaker officially stopped selling
cars in India on December
31, 2017.
GM told CNBC it explored many
options for its India business, but
ultimately withdrew after it
determined the increased investment
originally planned for the country would
not deliver the returns of
other global opportunities.
It continues to operate services
for existing Chevrolet customers in
the country. In September, the
automaker entered a long-term
partnership with Tata Consultancy Services,
which will do engineering
design for GM vehicles meant
for markets around the world.
The move out of India was part
of a larger pullback GM has been
making around the world as
it restructures its business.
We're seeing other automakers follow
suit as they're pruning.
They're pruning the dead branches and
focusing on where they can be
strong. For GM, this is a huge shift
because GM of old used to be all
things to everyone everywhere.
And, it has now decided that
is not the proper strategy.
The automaker told CNBC if it doesn't
see a clear path to leadership
and long term sustained profits in
a particular market, it will look
at opportunities to focus its resources
on areas that will lead to
the greatest results. It added that this
is the same approach it has
taken elsewhere.
The automaker also sold its
European operations to French carmaker
PSA in 2017.
At the time it pulled out of India
GM had two factories there, one in
the Gujarati city of Halol
and another in Talegaon.
The Halol plant was acquired by
MG Motor, the once famed British
brand now owned by Chinese
automaker SAIC Motor Corporation.
GM has a joint venture with
SAIC to produce cars in China.
Reports surfaced in November 2019 that
SAIC is also in talks to
acquire GM's Talegaon plant, along
with fellow Chinese automaker
Great Wall. GM told CNBC it
is exploring strategic options for the
plant. The move out of India was
a retreat for GM and for American
auto industry. Ford is starting
to do the same.
It's trimming some
of its offerings.
Global economy and global auto
market is slowing some.
Certainly true here in the
US, it's true in China.
There's just not enough money to
go around to every single market,
too every single vehicle line.
Look at Daimler and BMW,
they've announced major employee cuts.
But in some ways it might
have been a shrewd move.
The other thing that is happening
in the market that has never
happened before is we are on the
verge of massive disruption of the
industry. You know, we're going to
have a future of electric
vehicles, autonomous vehicles and new
ways to acquire personal
transportation and now
mobility service.
There's all kinds of things.
Nobody knows when that's going to happen
or how it's going to happen,
but it's requiring a
lot of investment.
Companies like GM just can't keep putting
a ton of money into the
future as well as a ton
of money in today's stuff.
While analysts do expect the
Indian automotive market to continue
growing in the foreseeable future, it
did hit a slump in 2019.
Maruti Suzuki sales were growing
until February 2019, but have
slipped every month, year
over year, until October.
Suzuki said in November that the slowing
Indian market was one of the
factors behind the company's falling overall
sales and net income in
its second fiscal quarter.
So I think right now the
market is going through turmoil.
Our economy is struggling and if
we only talk about the automotive
market we are talking about a decline
of minus 14 percent in 2019
calendar year light vehicles.
So obviously this year is the
kind of degrowth happening, which has
not happened in last
two decades, in India.
2020, we are just talking about a
kind of a flat growth but then
going forward, in 2021, '22, '23,
the assumption that our economy
should be back, you know, the
GDP growth rate will start growing
above seven percent. Indian
automotive analysts note the country's
auto industry has to contend
with the relatively recent rise of
mobility services such as ride
hailing. The potential of these
competing technologies is still
unknown, but could affect how
interested in car ownership Indians
remain in the future.
In the end, GM did make some of
the right choices when trying to go
into India. GM was right in
terms of localizing their products
typically for the Indian market, making
it, in line with the taxation
because they were able to save tax.
But, at the end of their day, were
really not able to match with what
the competitors were offering.
If the Indian economy picks back up,
GM may find itself trying to
profitably re-enter the country.
GM's rival Ford, which has been in
India since 1995, said in October
2019 it will create a new
joint venture with Indian manufacturer
Mahindra, which Ford said will help
it develop new products faster
and drive profitable growth.

Why General Motors Left Europe

Why General Motors Left Europe


In 2017, General Motors,
the largest U.S.
automaker with brands known around the
world made perhaps one of
its boldest moves in its history.
It sold its European Opel and
Vauxhall brands to the French
automaker PSA known for brands
such as Peugeot and Citroen.
It was the end of an era
for GM which had first ventured into
Europe nearly 90 years before.
It also marked the end of nearly
two decades of losses for the
brands under GM's stewardship.
GM executives said the deal
would unload a difficult and
struggling business and allow the company
to focus on its more
profitable North American market and free
up cash to make needed
investments in new technologies such
as electric cars and
autonomous driving.
But the move came with risks.
The European new car market is about
as large as that of the
United States and leaving it would
not only hit GM's volume but
also increase its exposure to the
ups and downs of the U.S.
auto market.
The sale of the unit
also racked up huge costs.
GM took a $3.9 billion
loss in 2017 owing
mostly to the $6.2
billion in costs it had to
shell out for the sale.
So why did GM leave?
Did the automaker simply
screw up or fail?
Was it wise to get out of Europe?
And what does it mean for GM's
future and the future of the auto
The decision actually says a lot about
how difficult it is to be a
global automaker today and the
sometimes subtle ways markets
around the world increasingly favor
local players who can tailor
their products to
specific markets.
In the end GM may have failed
in Europe in part because it just
isn't European.
The numbers show General Motors was
having a rough time on the
continent in the nine years or
so before the divestiture of GM's
European business.
It bled money at the EBIT line
every single year for a total of
about $14 billion in
losses on $208.4
billion dollars in sales it's nine
year weighted loss of 6.9
EBIT stands for earnings before interest
and taxation and is the
metric GM uses to report
the money its international business
divisions make.
Its worst year during that time
was during the financial crisis in
Where GM incurred a 15
percent loss of $3.6
billion dollars.
The best year in that period was
2016 where it still had a 1.4
percent loss totaling
about $257 million.
Now that sounds like an improvement
and in absolute terms it was.
But consider that over the same
nine year period GM turned a
profit in North America of
$28 billion on $823.7
point billion in sales.
That's a nine year
weighted gain of 3.4
percent an automaker generally tries to
target an 8 percent EBIT
for any given region and for
the world as a whole.
GM's rival, Ford for example has an
8 percent EBIT target for its
European business.
The automobiles never really
sold well with consumers.
And one of the reasons they
weren't able to achieve profitability
is because what they did sell
were primarily passenger cars and
not the higher margin trucks and SUVs
that they saw a lot of in
the U.S..
So that's that's a
big part of it.
There's also a lot of headwinds that
they faced on the cost side
of the equation with with the
cost of labor, unions, and
also more stringent regulation
particularly from an emissions
So a lot of those reasons are
why they had such mixed results and
from a market share perspective when
they pulled out they were
they only had about 6
to 7 percent market share.
So it wasn't really a
dominant market for them.
And GM was losing ground
during that time to competitors.
Consider that the automaker
had a 9.3
percent share of the European car
market in 2008 but that fell
below 7 percent in 2014 and stayed
there for two years and then
fell again to around
6 percent in 2016.
Meanwhile European competitors seem
to be faring better.
And once GM sold off its
European business its earnings shot up.
The automaker earned a
global EBIT of 9.9
percent in 2017 and 8.4
percent in 2018.
But why was GM struggling in Europe
when it does so well in the
United States and is
even leading U.S.
automakers in China a market that is
by no means easy to do
business in.
One reason is that
Europe is pretty unique.
To be fair to GM it is not
the only automaker that has had trouble
American cars have never been an
easy sell in the European market.
Ford for example has dialed back
its presence in the region.
Gm is not alone
in their struggles.
You see Ford pulling out of
Europe and American cars just never
have really sold very well there.
That market is really dominated
by the big three German
manufacturers and others.
But it's also a
fairly fragmented market.
So they just really were never
able to compete and consumers just
didn't really like their cars.
There were larger economic and political
factors such as the great
recession and tightening emissions
regulations that made it
tougher for companies to
do business there.
Another factor is the
distinctiveness of European tastes.
At the time GM CEO Mary Barra
said 80 percent of the vehicles in
the Opel portfolio didn't share
parts or platforms with those
sold in any of
GM's other markets.
When we look at the portfolio
going forward from a vehicle
perspective or a portfolio perspective
only 20 percent of the
portfolio overlapped with the rest
of the General Motors
So we think the real opportunity
for PSA is to leverage that
Europe specific scale.
That put the company
in a tough position.
Major automakers generally want to
build flexible platforms and
parts that can be used in
a variety of models in different
This helps them keep costs low
and achieve those highly desired
economies of scale.
There are forces however that make
it difficult to share parts and
Automobiles tend to be highly regulated
products and many of the
markets where they are sold
and the regulations can vary
sometimes widely from
region to region.
One example of this is
fuel economy and emissions regulations.
Both the U.S.
and Europe have them.
But they tend to differ and
producing cars to meet each
regulatory regime costs
more money.
It requires that the company engineer
and test every vehicle to
fit every set of rules.
But many industry observers say GM
made a number of missteps over
the years that contributed to
the brand's struggles in Europe.
Opel and Vauxhall are often thought
of as sensible cars but they
do not have the glamorous
reputations of more premium brands.
GM typically sold Opels and Vauxhalls
in high volumes usually to
keep costs low.
But simple supply and demand shows this
has a way of driving down
And while GM produced a lot of cars
it was hard for it to make
money on the cars it made.
It also introduced its Chevrolet brand
into Europe which had the
effect of undermining sales
of Opel and Vauxhall.
Both brands already had
difficulty distinguishing themselves in
Europe's competitive landscape and
selling highly similar
Chevrolets right next to
them further confused buyers.
Furthermore the company didn't
have the right products.
Opels portfolio was heavily
weighted toward traditional passenger
cars such as
subcompact and sedans.
And the brand missed the boom
in crossover and small SUV sales.
At the end of the day Europe is
a large market but it is a mature
one and does not offer the
opportunities for growth companies can
find in China and other emerging
markets or even the kinds of
opportunity in the U.S..
A lot of it is really reflection
of the economic growth in Europe
relative to China.
You have one of the fastest growing
countries in the world and the
U.S. which is growing stronger a
lot stronger than Europe now.
You know if you look at European
GDP over the last several years
just has really lagged the
North American market in Asia.
China is now the world's largest
car market with 28 million new
vehicles sold in 2018.
That number is likely to continue
to rise as the auto market
continues to grow.
In North America particularly the
United States, is becoming an
ever more profitable market as
consumers turn toward higher
priced crossovers, SUVs,
and pickup trucks.
So GM cut the cord in Europe and
said it would use the money to
focus more on its strong business
selling trucks in North America
while sinking piles of cash
into its investments in electric
vehicles and self-driving cars.
Those aren't cheap aspirations and it may
be a long time before GM
or anyone else makes
money off them.
Meanwhile GM's North American sales
have grown pretty consistently
from 56 billion dollars in 2009
to 113 billion dollars in 2018
according to FactSet.
Meanwhile it was able to sell the
business to Peugeot and a large
automaker that has been successful
focusing on Europe but who
also has plans to
return to the U.S..
They've been very open over the
last few months about their
interest in specifically
Fiat Chrysler.
Which I think they view as a
opportunity to gain a foothold in the
North American market and obviously
you know that company has
said some very well-received brands with
Jeep and a lot of the
new products that
they're introducing.
In a comment to
CNBC, General Motors
Peugeot surprised the industry by saying
it had restored the Opel
and Vauxhall brands to profitability in
part by cutting costs and
introducing new more
profitable models.

Why Ford and GM Scaled Back in Europe | WSJ

Why Ford and GM Scaled Back in Europe | WSJ

Wall Street Journal:

(thoughtful music)
- [Narrator] Take a look at this map.
It shows 23 plants that Ford
has in Europe from the UK to Russia,
but recently, Ford laid out plans
to cut six of these European factories.
- So six of 'em, they're gonna sell one.
They're closing several,
they're gonna lay off about 20%
of their workforce there,
which is about 12,000 people.
- [Narrator] But Ford is
not the only U.S. automaker
that's scaling back in
Europe, two years ago
General Motors pulled out of
the market almost entirely,
selling their European brands
to French car maker Peugeot.
Both companies expanded
to Europe decades ago
as a wider strategy to scale globally,
but they both had trouble
making money in the region.
Let's take a look at these two charts.
This one shows Ford's operating costs
in Europe over the past six years.
The gray is profits overall,
and the red is profits in Europe.
Now let's go to GM, this chart
shows GM's losses in Europe
over the 20 years before they
pulled out of the region.
So, why has it been so hard
for these two auto makers
to turn a profit in the European market?
- So the first reason is that
Europe's always been a real tough market.
Ford and GM have always been sort of
middle of the pack there,
I mean the real powerhouses
are Volkswagen, Renault, Peugeot,
and when you're sort of a
middling player in Europe,
when you already have
small profit margins,
it just makes life a lot
harder for the U.S. brands.
GM is making a decision to only compete
in markets where they're the number one
or number two operator,
and so they felt like
they've lost money there for 20 years,
and they didn't wanna continue to do that.
- [Narrator] And while GM has largely
pulled away from Europe, Ford is looking
to scale back and shift focus.
- What's behind this is a
change of business strategy.
They're selling fewer passenger
cars to individual buyers,
and they're focusing more
on their commercial market
where they're strong, which
is cargo vans and trucks
to business buyers and governments.
Bigger vehicles generally
equate to bigger margins.
There's less competition,
they're the number one commercial
van auto maker there, so they
already are more profitable
in that space and they
feel like if they focus
on growing that, they could
boost margins even more.
- [Narrator] The second
reason U.S. auto makers
are scaling back has to do
with Europe's tight environmental rules.
- Another big factor that
GM talked about a lot,
when it pulled out, was
emissions standards.
Europe has some of the most
stringent in the world,
and they're only gonna get tougher,
and that's gonna cost a lot of money
for the car companies to comply
because they're gonna have to invest in
hybrids and battery electric cars.
It's mostly battery technology.
Battery cells, the costs
have come down some,
but most experts think we're still
six, eight, 10 years
out from an electric car
being sort of on-parative cost
wise with a gas powered car.
- [Narrative] The last major reason
is that Ford and GM are gravitating
back to their sweet spot, SUVs and trucks.
- I mean these U.S. car
companies are really good
at making big SUVs and big pickup trucks.
I mean Ford's, the best
selling truck in the U.S.
is Ford's F150, it has
been for years and years.
GM sells the Chevy Silverado,
and the Chevy Suburban.
These are huge vehicles
that aren't sold in Europe.
The gas prices are too expensive.
You know, the streets are narrower.
People don't have as many big
garages like we do in the U.S.
And so, I mean that's what
Detroit has focused on,
and that's where they make
virtually all their money.
And that's why they've never
really been all that great
at making small cars,
and the European brands
have a big advantage over
the U.S. brands there.
So they're playing to their strength.
Companies like GM and Ford, for decades
they tried to build
scale, not only in Europe,
all around the world because it's
a really capital intensive
business, and you need scale.
And now what you're seeing is,
they've got other needs to
spend that capital elsewhere.
Electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles.
So they realize they can't
be all things to all people
in all markets, and they've
gotta pick their battles.
They've gotta choose where
they're gonna spend their money.
(soft music)

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

Success Secrets TV:

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5
Billion Company
The name Chevrolet originated from a Swiss-born
American racer Louis-Joseph Chevrolet, who
founded his company with William Durant in
1911, stayed for four years and then left
his own company to Durant in 1915.
The Chevrolet Company previously called the
Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company
and simply called the Chevy is the automobile
department of General Motors, a manufacturing
company in the United States.
How Chevrolet Began
Twenty years before Chevrolet, Durant was
the founder of a successful Durant-Dort Carriage
Company which manufactured horse-drawn vehicles.
And so Durant wouldn't even touch a car with
a ten-foot pole, let alone allow his daughter
to ride in what he called, "loud and dangerous
horseless carriages."
But as time passed he realized that there
were more cars than carriages on the American
streets; an experience that did not settle
well with the relatively tentative public.
As the government regulated cars for their
safety, Durant had other ideas.
Why not improve the security of these cars
In 1904, Durant approached a struggling Buick
Motor Company and became its controlling investor.
Within a span of four years, Durant demonstrated
his salesman attitude and transformed Buick
into a leading automobile name amongst the
likes of Ford, Oldsmobile, and Cadillac.
For Durant, however, it was only the start.
Durant figured he could further improve his
odds in the industry if he built a holding
company that would control several automobile
divisions, with each division manufacturing
their own car.
With the Buick's outstanding profits, Durant
had sufficient capital to found the General
Motors Company in 1908.
A year later, General Motors acquired several
car brands like Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac,
Elmore, and others.
Unfortunately,Durant got so carried away in
his "automobile acquisition crusade" that
GM suffered cash shortage with their sales
losing to Ford's.
And so, in 1910, General Motors showed Durant
the exit door.
But Durant did not give up.
Having regained his bearings, he reunited
with an old colleague from the days of the
Buick motor company, Louis-Joseph Chevrolet.
Durant knew the Swiss-born American as a man
whose competency for car mechanics matched
his passion for racing.
In 1909, Louis had participated in the Giant
Despair Hillclimb.
An oddly apt name, considering the Hillclimb
race was less about the racers themselves
and more about test-driving the competing
car brands they drove.
Therefore, when Durant offered a chance to
build more automobiles, Louis couldn't resist
signing his name on the dotted line alongside
In 1911, Louis co-founded the Chevrolet Motor
Company with Durant.
Durant used Louis’ racing status as a means
of building a motor company, and his way of
getting back at General Motors.
The first Chevrolet car, the Series C Classic
Six was designed by Etienne Planche with directions
by Louis.
The prototype was ready before the company
was incorporated even though the production
didn’t happen until 1913 where it was introduced
at an auto show in New York.
In 1914, Chevrolet redesigned its logo.
And so a "bowtie emblem" logo was used on
Chevrolet’s first produced cars in 1914:
the Chevrolet H series and L series models.
That same year, Durant and Louis argued about
their differing intentions for Chevrolet’s
future car designs.
Durant wanted simple and affordable cars that
would surpass those of Fords.
On the other hand, Louis preferred playing
it fast and loose, with luxury or racing cars.
These differences split these two associates
and Louis sold his shares of the company to
Now alone at the helm, Durant was able to
focus on his next winning car design.
He achieved this in 1916 when the cheaper
Chevrolet Series 490 finally outpaced Ford
in sales and cemented Chevrolet’s place
among the big automobile names.
To say Chevrolet made huge profits during
this period would be a severe understatement.
Durant revisited General Motors as a controlling
investor, purchasing their stocks, which gave
him the leverage to launching himself into
leading General Motors once more.
By 1917, Durant had become the president of
General Motors.
All was right, now that Durant's "big automobile"
dream was back on track.
And of course, his first directive was merging
the highly successful Chevrolet into the parent
company General Motors as a separate division.
How Chevrolet Grew
In 1918, Chevrolet launched a new V8 powered
model, the Series D for open two-seat cars
and the touring cars that could seat 5 passengers.
These models didn't sell well though and they
were scrapped by the next year.
Given Chevrolet's successful track record
in the market, General Motors rebranded and
sold their commercial grade cars and trucks
as Chevrolet with similar appearances with
the Chevrolet’s vehicles in 1919 from Chevrolet
factories located in Flint, Michigan.
The automobile company built several branch
assembly plants in New York, Ohio, Missouri,
California, Texas, and Canada.
Somewhere between the 1920s and 1940s, Chevrolet
would see Durant's vision for "producing simple
and affordable cars" come true.
In fact, Chevrolet, Ford and Plymouth were
known to Americans as "the low priced three".
During this period, one of Chevrolet's most
notable cars was the Stovebolt introduced
in 1929, which was tag-lined "a six for the
price of four".
This and several generations of the car model
blew away the competition of Ford and Plymouth.
In 1953, the Chevy Corvette, a sport’s car
with two seats and a fiberglass body debuted
to become the first mass-produced sports car
in the United States, championing the "America's
Sports Car" appeal.
The appeal of the Corvette and other Chevrolet
passenger cars would be enhanced with the
first-time introduction of Rochester Ramjet
fuel-injection engine as a high-performance
option for the price of $484.
The Chevrolet small block V8 car design made
its debut in 1955 and remained in circulation
longer than other mass produced engines around
the world.
Modifications to the V8 engine including the
aluminum block and heads, the electronic engine
management and the port fuel injection gave
birth to the designs in production today.
In 1958, Chevrolet introduced the Impala series,
which went on to become one of the best-selling
American cars in history experiencing popularity
during the 60s and 70s.
The parent company General Motors introduced
Chevrolet to Europe in 2005.
With rebranded cars manufactured from the
General Motors branch in Korea acquired Daewoo
The economic depression between 2007 and 2010
hit Chevrolet hard.
But the road to recovery began in 2010 with
the introduction of fuel-efficient cars and
trucks to compete with foreign automobile
Within the same year, Chevrolet introduced
the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Chevrolet
Volt in America, which was sold under the
name Opel/Vauxhall Ampera throughout Europe
with a record 5,268 units soldand became the
world's best-selling plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle (PHEV) car in 2012, winning the award
for the North American Car of the Year, European
Car of the Year and World Green of the Year.
The series was then named the combined Volt/Ampera
that was sold across the world.
It exceeded the 100,000 unit sales milestone
in late 2005 and eleven years later the Volt
family of vehicles had become the world's
best-selling plug-in hybrid as well as the
third best selling electric car after the
Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf cars.
In 2011, Chevrolet set a global sales record
of 4.76 million vehicles sold worldwide
In late 2013, the Chevy brand was withdrawn
from Europe by General Motors leaving the
Corvette and Camero lines.
In 2016, Chevrolet unveiled the first affordable
mass-produced all-electric car the Chevrolet
Bolt EV.
This car too has won several awards.
Where Chevrolet Is Today
Chevrolet now has its headquarters in Detroit,
Michigan, and operates throughout 140 countries
in North and South America, Asia, Australia,
South Africa, and Europe with over two million
vehicles sold annually in the US alone and
a brand value of $11.5 billion.
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Charlotte Flair learns Bhangra in India: WWE Now India


2018 Chevrolet Traverse - Review and Road Test

2018 Chevrolet Traverse - Review and Road Test

Kelley Blue Book:

the second generation Chevrolet Traverse
it's a three row midsize SUV that we
really like propelling our positive
vibes is a deeply functional interior
let's start somewhere boring door
storage the front rear doors are loaded
with bins and nooks galore though I'm
not quite sure what defines a bin versus
a nook beyond the aforementioned door
nooks smaller items can be stowed in the
sizeable center console in this spot
below the second row climate controls or
in a handy USB adjacent bin beneath the
center stack aside from slight pressure
in the upper back region the front seats
are superbly comfortable and as the
driver you'll enjoy a highly
customizable driving position supported
by well-placed arm rests just know drive
like a maniac and you'll wish for more
lateral support Headroom is
unsurprisingly excellent up front but
that excellence extends rearward as well
Tim is six foot something and look his
head is not mashed against the headliner
nobody cares also he's British and too
polite to complain about legroom so I'm
going to proactively slide and angle my
seats slightly forward. Thank you. Sorry I was uncomfortable. It's fine.
with less diplomatic occupants rear-seat
nice space could be tight but as
consolation third row dwellers are
gifted a wealth of cupholders decent
foot space under the second row and two
USB outlets on that note the Traverse
comes with USB ports in all three rows
that plus an optional three prong outlet
means well-charged devices ensuring your
family never has to, you know, speak
where material quality is concerned the
Traverse leaves room for its Buick
Enclave sibling to fancy things up even
so GM's mainstream offering incorporates
some soft materials and in many places
uses a soft coating to spruce up hard
plastics in other places it doesn't with
the second and third row stowed Traverse
owners have a substantial ninety eight
point two cubic feet to fill raised
those seats and twenty three cubic feet
of dedicated cargo space remains
supplemented by an additional 3.2 cubic
foot underfloor storage hold while
prattling on about the traverses many
fine qualities we should reserve time to
talk about how it drives and how it
drives is lovely the suspension
skillfully absorbs bumps while keeping
the chassis in check when cornering and
when you pick up the pace interior noise
is mostly quashed except for some
whistling in this region, which you would
hear if I didn't have to stop for that
the man says I have to stop
providing propulsion is a mighty 3.6
liter v6 that tows up to 5,000 pounds
and moves the Traverse with real
authority when asked maybe more
impressive is the standard 9 speed
automatic it's a shining star of a
transmission that delivers virtually
seamless transparent shifts and when you
introduce the accelerator to the carpet
acceleration and downshifts occur without
delay for its size the Traverse is
fairly efficient aided by an
inconspicuous but undefeatable automatic
engine start/stop system that saves fuel
when the vehicle is motionless if you
don't mind giving up a few mpg the
optional all-wheel drive system adds
traction inslippery conditions a
turbocharged four-cylinder engine is
also available but only in the sporty
Traverse RS producing less horsepower
more torque and better city fuel economy
than the v6 the real trick with a
relatively large SUV is to hide its
girth the Traverse does just that with
light and easy steering and a tight
turning circle that make it a confident
parking tool parked on the flipside
visibility over your right shoulder is
terrible especially since depending on
where the seats are the right second row
headrest completely blocks the side
window in my experience if you can see
what's in the adjacent Lane lane changes
are less stressful
helping address those visibility
concerns our higher trim features like
blind spot monitoring a 360 degree
camera system rear cross-traffic alert
and rear but not front parking sensors
rounding out the option roster are
indulgences like wireless phone charging
a hands-free tailgate heated and
ventilated front seats leather and a
heated steering wheel choose the fancy
high country trim with its power folding
seats and traction enhancing dual clutch
rear differential and you can spend
nearly fifty three thousand dollars it's
worth mentioning that adaptive cruise
control is only offered on the high
country trim while many competitive SUVs
offer similar technology at a lower
price point and if you need eight seats
you're stuck with the low end L & LS
trims as higher Traverse trims only come
with seven in basic not quite $31,000
form the Traverse comes surprisingly
well equipped with keyless entry and
push-button start three-zone automatic
climate control a wide-angle backup
camera a smart slide 2nd row seat for
easy third row access and 7 airbags
including a center airbag that deploys
from the inboard side of the driver's
seat the standard infotainment system is
a 7-inch unit featuring apple carplay
and android auto but buyers can also
upgrade to an 8 inch system with a
lockable storage area behind the screen
hiding the traverses elusive seventh USB
port either way the screen is decently
sized placed within reach and the menus
are a cinch to navigate while shopping 3
row midsize SUVs it's always smart to
investigate the alternatives some
standouts include the roomy VW Atlas
the practical Toyota Highlander the
thoughtfully crafted Honda Pilot and the
strong selling Ford Explorer
pleasant to drive and
competitively-priced with lots of cargo
space and room for up to 8 passengers
the Chevrolet Traverse is fantastically
suited for family duty despite some
formidable competition the Traverse is a
midsize SUV that deserves your attention

The 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Is Actually AMAZING

The 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Is Actually AMAZING

Vehicle Virgins:

Next to me is the 2019 Corvette ZR1
The fastest Corvette ever made
And with a base price of $118,900, the most expensive Corvette ever made
So is the ZR1 worth the money and can it keep up with supercars of modern day
That's what i'm here to find out
Special thanks to StreetSpeed717 for loaning me this car, this is his personal baby
And I really appreciate it, I've got a link in the description below to his channel if you wanna check it out
Under the massive hood of the ZR1 is a 2.6 liter, supercharged V8
Dubbed the LT5
It's actually very similar in architecture to the ZO6's LT4
Only the blower is 52% larger
Let's go ahead and pop the hood, In fact the new 2.65 liter blower was so big
That they had to completely redesign the hood in order for this to fit
And in order to keep up with the amount of fuel required for the ZR1 at full load
Not only does this have direct injection, they had to supplement it with port injection as well
All combined it results in a massive 750HP and 715PFT (Pound Feet of Torque)
Oh yeah, and the top speed of 212 miles an hour
Around the back we have a newly designed quad tip exhaust
That makes this ZR1 the loudest Corvette ever made
And under full load when the exhaust is heated and up to tempature
It shoots massive blue flames
Now not the type of flames where you accelerate and let off the gas and then is shoots flames for a couple seconds
I'm talking about, when your flat out in the ZR1 it shoots a blue flame... the entire time your on the gas
Like this is some sort of rocket ship
Now you'll notice this wing is a little bit small for the ultimate track Corvette
That's because it's one of two downforce options that Chevy calls the "low wing"
The other one is the high wing and that produces 60% more downforce
Than the current ZO6 with the same levels of drag
It's also fully adjustable up to 5 degrees
If you look at the rear window
A ton of tiny Corvette logos
That forms this nice gradient
Did they have to do that on the rear window? Absolutely not, but it's pretty cool that they did
the front facia of the ZR1 now has 3 air intakes
instead of one
That helps feed air over the newly added radiators
In fact there are 4 additional radiators over the ZO6
For a total of 13 heat exchangers
That's actually 3 more than a Bugatti Chiron has
Cooling was huge issue on the ZO6
When it was first released and Chevy didn't want to make the same mistake again
Well the previous generation ZR1 featured a clear poly-carbonate window
In the hood so that you could see the supercharger
They didn't do that with the new ZR1 that's because
The power-train actually sits 3 inches higher
Than any other Corvettes
So as an engineering challenge, developing a hood
That both fits over the supercharger
and doesn't completely obstruct the view of the driver was quite difficult
They've done that...
Sort of,
Come around to the side of the ZR1 and you'll notice the massive wheel arches
These are actually half an inch wider than the Zo6 to help incorporate the
To help incorporate the wider 10.5 inch front wheel
285 section tires on the front
335's out back with Michelin Pilot SuperSports
Is that enough to tame 755HP, just to the rear wheels
We'll find out, the side profile of the ZR1 actually looks
Very similar to the ZO6
Minus this large carbon fiber vent here
doesn't have that ZO6 insignia looks a little bit cooler
The interior of the ZR1 feels very similar to that of a ZO6
It's familiar yet still upscale and classy
Weve got a plethora of carbon fiber
Alcantara, leather
and you can tell that Chevy took criticism into consideration with the C6 generation
As they radically improved the interior for the C7
And even upped the game a little bit more in the ZR1
There are 2 trim options for the interior of the ZR1
We have the 1ZR package and the 3ZR package
The 3ZR being the more expansive upscale version
It comes with heated and ventilated seats
custom lether interior a ten speaker BOSE sound system
It even had this camera in the front
That allows you to see exactly where the curb is
So that you don't smash the bumper of your ZR1
Into a curb, it also comes with PDR as standard
And a few other optinons as well
With the 3ZR package you also get 11 interior color choices
Instead of just one in the base package
and because this is a ZR1
You have tons of space in the back like all Corvettes
I love the fact that this is a full fledged supercar
Yet you can also carry around a lot of luggage
15 cubic feet of space
Lets compare that to the GT3 RS another car that's
Close to this one in its competition on the track
That only has 4.4 cubic feet of storage
Not even close
Alright well enough talking just stationary
Let's go ahead and put this in first gear and take it for a spin
[sounds of heavens gates opening]
[and closing]
This ZR1 is fitted with the optional
Competition seats they grip you in place a lot better
And they look a lot nicer than the normal GT seats
If I had to describe
The driving experience of the ZR1
with one word it would be brutal
whether its the sound or the acceleration
Everything about the ZR1 is intense and raw
Standard of the ZR1
Is magnetic ride suspension that scans the road
Every single milisecond and
can make corrections in as little as 15 miliseconds
to make sure the suspension is set up
optimally for for the conditions ahead
We have 3 different driving modes in the ZR1
That can be selected via this toggle in the center area here
We've got "Tour", "Sport", and "Track"
There used to be two additional modes, wet and eco
On the ZO6 but, we don't need wet and eco
On the ZR1 there's also four different
exhaust settings as well
There's "Tour "Sport" "Track" and
"Pussy" I mean stealth mode, please never use stealth mode
Not only are the driving modes customizable
Changing the throttle response and steering effort
Suspension layout
The actual dash Display is customizable as well
Your able to link them or make them independent
of what mode your in track mode has this lovely
horizontal display where the tachometer
Revs this way, the rest look like familiar circular tachometers
That's why I leave it in trac
There's a brilliant heads-up display that has 3 different settings as well
With varying amounts of information from what gear your in, RPM
As well as speed, I like the track setting
With all the performance data on that as well
If you equip your ZR1, which this one doesn't have
With the optional ZTK package
That gives you Pilot Sport Cup 2's
Instead of Pilot Super Sports for more grip
You also get a re-tuned magnetic ride suspension
With 30% higher spring rates in the front
And 13% higher spring rates in the rear
It also gives you a massive carbon fiber front splitter
And the higher carbon fiber rear wing
generating over 950 pounds of downforce
At it's new top speed of
202 miles an hour, know the difference of ten miles an hour because
Because of that extra drag caused by the downforce
The ZR1 has 2 transmission options
A 7 speed manual fitted in this car
And a 8 speed automatic having driven
A ton of automatic ZO6's
They have lackluster paddle responce
When you leave it in automatic mode, sure it upshifts and downshifts
Pretty quick but having a car
At that level of performance
When you clock the paddle there's a significant delay in downshifts
It's just disappointing and that's why I think
No matter what you should get your ZR1 with a manual
Sure it's 755 HP
With a manual it's definitely a handful
And you might be a little slower in the quarter mile
And around the track then the automatic equipped car
But there no denying
It's a heck of a lot more fun
And you might notice on the steering wheel itself there's actually paddles
Mounted behind it but what do the paddles do if i'm in a manual car
Well both of them actually activate automatic revmatching
I have that off right now and if i'm in third gear
and I downshift into second I have to actually revmatch myself
Otherwise the car lurches and the wheels spin so
Normal downshifts there, but if I click the revmatching button
I'll shift back up into third
Let's go to fourth watch this
You all of the sudden seem like the best manual transmission driver ever
Go into third perfect downshift, go into second, perfect downshift [exited giggles]

It's totally cheating but it is a little bit fun
Let's turn that back off though
I can throw my own gears
[A Car Lovers Music]
[Parker Laughing At The Merciless Sounds That Exit A ZR1]
This thing is scary
755 Horsepower
[Sweet Mother Off V8's that exhast note is beautiful] *Parker didn't say that, thats just the only way to explain the noise*
Oh wow it is a lot of power
The steering feel in the ZR1 is fantastic
It's nice and heavy it feels precise and direct
Making the ZR1 feel nimble
And easy to dance around the track
It actually set the Virginia International Raceway Lap Record
Going around the track 1.4 seconds faster
Than the new Ford GT
That's a really big victory for Chevy especially considering
The Ford GT with options is closer to $500,000 which is
Esentialy four times more than
A ZR1, certainly not getting four times the performance
In fact, actually this car is faster in every measurable statistic
Now a lot of people have been referencing
The 7 minute and 12 second Nurburgring lap time
If in fact the ZR1 did actually set a 7:12 Nurburgring lap time
That would be pretty embarrasing, the new generation GT3 RS
With 245 less horsepower than the ZR1
Just did it in 6:56
That's actually not the case for the ZR1
Yes it did a 7:12, but that was recorded unofficialy
By bystanders on the side of the road
With there own measuring equipment, there's now way to know if there was traffic
on the other side of the track
Or if it was raining or snowing on the other side as well
And they where simply testing the ZR1
Setting benchmarks, they weren't actually going all out for the lap time
Considering the new Viper ACR
Was able to do it in the low 7 minutes
Actually 7:01:03, this things is surely
Capable of a sub 7 minute lap time, what about acceleration statistics?
Well as you'd imagine
With a car that weighs 3,500 pounds
And has 755 horsepower
They're pretty crazy
0-60 happens in a face ripping 2.85 seconds
And the quarter mile in 10.6
At 134 mph
That is serious speed, now how does that compare to it's more
expensive foreign rivals
Well a Ferrari 488 does 0-60 in 2.7 seconds, a little bit faster, and it does the quarter mile in
In an identical 10.6 at 135 mph
Second gear roll on the throttle, it's a little damp out
[The elegant sound of a 755hp LT5 all american beauty of a Chevy V8]
The fact that this is stock and you can just buy this
2019 Cheverolet Corvette ZR1 Goodness
Oh my god that's ac... that is actually terrifying
What's insane is, the ZR1 is now
Offered in convertible form
Thats right if you live in california and you want limitless headroom
and weather isn't a concern you can get it in a convertible
And the top can reatract at speeds up to 30 mph
Does it make sense to get a track performance monster as a convertible
Not necessarily, but some people might want that
Another new feature although its nothing new is the
Performance Data Recorder (PDR), this actually comes standard
With the 3ZR package
That gives you the ability to record lap times
Both with data, also with audio
and visual, there is a camera
mounted on the back of the rear view mirror, there's also a dedicated
Interior microphone for the PDR system as well
But my favorite part is valet mode
When you put the PDR system in valet mode it records
All around the front of the car
So you can see whats happening outside the car and it also records the audio inside
So if you let somebody else drive your car
Who knows Mike (StreetSpeed7171) might be recording me right now
And upload some weird video in case I do something crazy in his car
A corvette actually captured my Gallardo
While I wasn't driving crashing into a wall
and catching air, thankfully it was on film so I could
So I could figure out exactly what happened to my car
Just take this in

We have Mike aka StreetSpeed717 in the car now
So youve had this car for it looks like 2,295 miles, and before that you had a ZO6
Yeah I've had 2 ZO6's, and 2 Stingrays
And now a ZR1, so I've had the lineup, well except for a Grand Sport, I guess that's the one i'm missing
What do you think of it so far
Well this one it's an incredible machine, it's so, just crazy in your face aggresive
And loud, the sound it makes bone stock
It has such a aggressive crazy exhaust bone stock
Ya know probably, i'm gonna make it louder at some point
But it really doesn't need...
This is one of the few cars that doesn't need to be louder
And your not maiing an excuse like, "Oh, well it doesn't need to be louder cause I wanna daily drive it"
Or so on and so forth, it actually doesn't need to be any louder because it doesn't freaking need to be louder, it is so loud
But yeah, it's been a great 250,000 miles
It had it's first track day, ya know where this car is supposed to be driven
Did very well, felt very stable, was keeping up with Mclarens all day long

And I'm not a track driver
Ya know, I'm getting better
I'm in no way an expert at all
And I'm still keeping up with cars of that caliber that easily
So you where saying something very interesting and that was
This is the current highest horsepower manual car on sale
Yeah, I mean this is one thing that iv'e touched on multiple times in my videos
And I haven't heard anyone else say it, I haven't heard an interview, I havent heard GM like boast about it
But I feel like its the case, and if it's not the case, so be it
But, I feel like this is the most powerful production car you can buy with a manual transmission
And i'm not talking about like Koenigsegg or Pagani, who'll build you your own, Zonda
But, you know, actual production cars
And I feel like this is the most powerfull one
Yeah, cause the Demons only an auto
The Zl1 Obviously less power, I cant think ofanything either
The only thing potential thing that could have more power than this is the new GT500
I'd rather have this though, cause it can lap a track and go crazy fast in a straight line
We'll see about that, i'm exited to see that car
Well dude thanks again for letting me drive this car
It was raining earlier, so the fact that you trusted me out here
In a 755 HP RWD car
Appreciate that
Like always please browse the channel and subscribe, subscribe to Mike if you haven't already, link in the description below
I look foward to seeing you, in the next video

how to install a universal engine start stop button

how to install a universal engine start stop button

Chazz Coombes:

To start with you need to remove the lower panel by undoing 5 phillip screws
and then slide the panel out the way, now you will need a T20 bit
to undo the lower steering cover, held in place by 3 T20 screws.
gives you more excess to work
now to remove the volume control stalk, and lower the steering cover away
Get a flat head
there is a small section behind it, that will just pop out so you can move it right so that's
put it somewhere safe. and that's the excess
okay all right when you add the box you
know that the main wiring loom.
six wires on it black ground red
positive brown accessory two then got your blue
which is your accessory one your white
which is another accessory one explain
in a moment and then you've got yellow
which is your cranking wire.
I've already tapped into the ends of
these to make it easy and I'll finish
them off
as I'll show you cool underneath here as
some of you know I have had start switch
before by pivot so some of the wiring is
already spliced I just got to tap into
the rest of it okay all right I'll show you how to do this next.
okay when
you're ready to connect I've found it
easier to UM these little scotch
connectors okay we're going to tap in
the permanent 12-volt first the red wire
go into the red wire under the dash
just look around you will find it.
using a blue scotch connetor and a flat head to lift so you can get it in a bit more
Sorry if hand are in way you slide it over a pair of wire
cutters and then pinch it together both
the top over and that's the first one
connected and you do that for them okay
so the next one would take is the blue
if you accessory one, so when you push button once this will turn your radio on
doing the same thing as the red wire
get your Scotch connector and do the other wires
using your flat head again in case
you should struggle to just open up a
little bit
hook it in and all the way through
though let's make sure it's sitting so
and then this blue wire goes to the
yellow wire and just behind the red one.
sorry if the camera keeps moving it's a bit
fiddly at this angle, lol.
as before slide the wire over like so get your wire
cutters simple and hook it over and pinch together
And thats connected. Now we want the white one
next accessory two and as you can see it already has a
spade time right at the end of it
where i had the last switch, so I can just clip
straight to this if you haven't got
anything like that which is probably
assuming you haven't they look for the
so the white wire goes to the green and blue wire needs to be tapped
into that the same way as I've done with
the others. Then you want yellow wire
which is the starting wire and the yellow wire goes to your grey wire
okay as you see I've cut that glove
exterminated using give me some barrel
again I used to have a switch so there
were just a crimp it and connect okay
the next is the ground
so getting a tool
I've got a trim panel tool here let's
move the camera so you can see we're
both alongside here more light and I'll
pull the rudder get out put this box
back with that before
there you go sleep and you've got ten
mil over here so with a 10 mil yeah I'm
do it that's money time all right then
from inside you poke it through pull the
slack up
that's your brand and that is all your
wiring connected for your mainland okay
then I'd leave that side panel outs and
Alex you might depending where you want
to put your switch just poke us back in
and I'll see if you need to shut the
door for everything and I think the
toilet or whatever so be it and that's
the first part of the wiring done okay
next in the box
the to pin has a brown wire and a green
wire this is for the brake pedal you
want the green wire to go to the
positive in a brake pedal I'm gonna put
it inside the switch okay you can get
again use one of these Scotch rocks for
it and it's not an easy quick clay I
just move the camera and show you that
all right okay I've relocated the camera
a set show you where the brake switch
isn't Danny
I might not very clear on the video
because you can't get anywhere close off
and well actually swept that I can do
quickly take it over hold on please help
look for this switch right here I need
to come to these wise on my left I can
need to tap into wire them to the mat
which okay put the camera back and I'll
show you how
you don't get much while I need to play
with I might help to trim some of the
DeSoto take back if this album okay I've
repositioned the camera for a bit and
you just litter on the left here there's
a green and white striped wire just tap
that one with the green wire here you
can use one of these as well it's not
much as I see as you can see that
there's not much room for this sort of
doing a little bit blind the cameras in
the way so you could say I guess I can
use the camera third eye whatever you
want to call it okay even get your white
clothes and that's before I left
pinch together nice and tightly close it
up then just connect okay no it's top
oh my I've just loosened it with the
foot you might give me another pinches
of growth because that one's for you
Cruz the drill
that's break wine lines wire lifter push
the pedal to push the bun for the Indian
to start it's a safety feature all right
next is putting all this to the module
and yeah you plugged in and switch plug
in the trance trance coder toggle this
in then we'll see if it works
fingers crossed it should right so now
the wiring thing shuts the box you dig
out the unit okay
plug everything in please in the
description it'll tell you which was
where but it's quite simple really
your big plug straight in
looks like your brake line wire goes
next to it right so then get your your
button little gadget pain and you attach
that to the side
slide on then you get your transcoder
this big thing you can hide that
anywhere you want in the car
plug it in fingers crossed
okay you get your keys I still plugged
in lamp okay sort of position can again
so you can see a little bit the screen
and some of the desk not up and also so
you can see that ignition is actually
unplugged okay
alright so again it's transcoder there's
a key leap get the bone but you want
radio turns on okay again useful
clustered on if you read the fuel line
clamp on put them okay now I've done
this right
take that off at the air six this little
chip out the key okay oops sorry
as you can see the Alliance clashing
wasn't registered this understand on
my try against a cliche free and English
it down okay one see you're the logical
flashing that means all the wiring show
your foot pedal push the bomb again and
that's how you install it nice thanks
for watching if you liked this video
like it subscribe it

2020 Cadillac Escalade: FULL REVIEW | Still the ULTIMATE Bling Machine??

2020 Cadillac Escalade: FULL REVIEW | Still the ULTIMATE Bling Machine??

Car Confections:

What's going on YouTube?
Now very few SUVs out there can claim to have the level of success that the Escalade has had
Since this is both Cadillacs most
Recognizable model and its biggest cash cow
That's why we're out at Quantrell Cadillac today to check out the latest
2020 version and of course if you're in the market for any new Cadillac make sure to stop by their dealership or
Visit them via their website, which we provided a link to in the video description. So
With an all-new Escalade just on the horizon let's go ahead and see if the current Escalade is still the king of a thing
So beginning things on the outside you're not going to notice any styling changes this year
That means you'll continue to find these signature bold and boxy front end and the large silver grille
Now there's not much of a difference
Between the trims but here on the Platinum you do have some extra chrome bars between the main silver
Of course as the flagship you have very nice-looking
Full LED headlights with five stacked crystals for the low beams and five more for the high beams
like other Cadillacs a daytime running light runs vertically down the front until it meets the halogen turn signal the
Only 2020 change to mention is that there is now a new color called dark mocha metallic
Heading to the side this is the standard wheelbase model so it doesn't look quite as massive as the ESV
We reviewed last year, but still even 20 inches shorter. This is still a giant vehicle
Naturally around back the same boxing looks carry over and it continues to have giant full-length LED tail lights
Along the bottom we actually have one of the only options which is the exposed chrome exhaust outlet
And while we're back here
I will go ahead and mention the tow ratings of 8100 pounds with two-wheel drive and seventy nine hundred pounds with four-wheel drive
But overall the Escalade definitely still delivers exactly what people expect of it
undisputable presents and instant recognizability
Now no Escalade would be complete without some flashy wheels and indeed Cadillac has got you covered all
But the base model will come standard with 22s, but there are 10 other options many of which are very bold
Moving up to the mirrors, they've got heating power folding and auto dimming across all models
But side blind-zone alert does require at least the luxury
And as far as all the other active safety features, the luxury is also where you get low speed automatic emergency braking
Lane Keeping Assist and Auto high beams
Adaptive cruise control and advanced front and rear auto braking come on the premium luxury
But Cadillac super cruise system won't be offered until the next generation Escalade
But anyways that does it for the bold exterior so now let's check out this flagship cabin
So as you pretty much expect for a collection luxury SUV you
Now as far as getting in Cadillac does not have a sensor behind the handle so you just never see a little butt
All right
So taking a look inside our 2020 Cadillac Escalade as you can see
It does have these same very luxurious interior design as it has in the previous model years
Your material and color options do also carry over for 2020. So what you'll be looking at is starting on the base model
real leather in jet black or shale
however, when you go to the luxury or the premium luxury trim
You've got those same two colors plus the additional option of Kona Brown for $2000
now when you go for the fully loaded platinum model like this one is
You have jet black or this exclusive maple sugar color options for the semi-aniline leather
Now turning over here to your door trim, it is very nicely appointed
As you can see you've got real leather all through here as well as along the middle and on the very top
On the Platinum we do have an exclusive ash wood as well. And we do have a real metal to door handle as well as
Far as your windows, they are OneTouch auto up and down for the front and auto down in the back
And then checking out the seats here all the models come standard with a 12 way power seat
Until you get to this platinum model, which is 18 Way of how we're adjusting and even has three mode massaging
Now we can already mentioned
This is semiannual weather which is the nicest creative weather you can get on any type of vehicle indeed
It does feel extremely nice. And you also have a really cool
perforation design particularly in this headrest
Now, of course most of the models do come standard with power running boards and they're really large
So getting in is actually very simple and easy
It's like I already said the interior itself has not really changed for 2020
But that does not change the fact that this is an extremely luxurious cabin
So here on the Platinum model
Basically, every single surface is going to be covered in leather that includes even the extreme upper parts of the dashboard here
So as you can see
This is all fully leather with a nice stitching detail and all through this middle portion as well
Now one thing to keep in mind is if you go for the jet black platinum model
you will see some of this leather changed out for an Alcantara on both the door trim as well as in the dashboard of
Course you have even more leather all through here and even down here in these lower areas underneath of the steering wheel and
Then we have more of this exclusive platinum wood
But definitely definitely a very nice quality cabin and everything does fit together very well
Obviously you do have standard push-button start and when you press it, you're gonna find this 8 inch display fire up
Now looking over here at the gauges Cadillac has nicely included a standard 12 inch reconfigurable gauge cluster
This is a really nice setup
As you can probably tell it is really crystal clear. Definitely has great graphics
And it's highly where you can figure Bowl. So we'll use as this button right here
You have three zones that you can basically change
So just scroll over to a certain zone and you can scroll through all different types of information here
Go into the center change that stuff
We also have the ability to change the design as well
So it can go into display layout and then choose kind of a really futuristic design here
It's like basically you have a lot of different options, so it's definitely a very nice reconfigurable setup
Now also in addition to that you will find a head-up display. This will be included on all but the very base escalated
Now coming back to the steering wheel
It is electric power assisted steering
and you will find a really nice leather wrap steering wheel that matches the interior color across all models and
A leather wrapped airbag cover if you go for the platinum model as far as your buttons here
These are for your standard voice and phone commands
Obviously, it does have standard heating as well as power adjustability and wood is integrated inside of it
And then on this side you have buttons for your multifunction display, you know top here. You will find standard rain sensing wipers
Now as with all the other General Motors SUVs here you do have a column mounted shifter
So, of course this is very easy to use you just gonna pull down for Drive
You can't actually shift manually via these little toggles here, but you're not gonna find paddle shifters
And then initially you can't press the end of this to activate your towing mode
Now hopping into reverse here Cadillac also includes a standard
360-degree camera system now one thing to note is this is not the newest 360 camera and like in other General Motors vehicles
So you don't have a bunch of different angles to play around with or the extremely high resolution of that model
But it is still nice the Cadillac includes this across all models because they do recognize that you will need it
And then there is an electronic parking brake located right over here
Now having that column-mounted shifter does have advantages when it comes to interior storage
So starting out over here with our center console
We do have a wireless phone charger right on top here and the same perforated design that mimics. What's in the headrest?
Once we open it up here
You'll notice we have a very large center console on this platinum hood. This is taken
Mostly by this cool box. So that's very nice feature to have
And you do also have two USB ports and aux jack as well as a 12-4 perfect
Now that's certainly not all the storage by any stretch of the imagination. So we have two covered cupholders there. You can open this up
To have a really nicely felt lined area to stick your phone
To more USB ports another 12 volt outlet as well as your button to turn on and off your toolbox
And then we can even go up here to our screen
Click on the bottom of that and it opens up to provide you with a really nice and cool
hidden storage area with an illuminated USB port
All right, so now that pretty much brings us up here to our center console
Now as with previous model years of the Escalade we still have the capacitive touch buttons
So most of these here are dedicated to our climate controls the you have standard three zone automatic climate
And what you do is of course, you can adjust the fan speed like so and adjust your temperatures right here
All right, some of most of your buttons are right here, but some of them are located up here
Specifically inside of the screen like for instance your zones have to be adjusted up here
Now in addition to that Cadillac does include
three stage heated seats
Standard across the board as well as three stage ventilated seats and in typical GM fashion
You can heat the back and butt separately
All right, and now that brings us up here to our audio system
Now kind of like it includes the same audio system actually across every single trim. It's a 16 speaker Bose Centerpoint sound system
So we'll go ahead and take a listen
Sound quality of this system is phenomenal
it's one of the best in any type of vehicle and
As you expect for you know vehicle famous for being driven by rappers and whatnot
The default sound setting of this. It does have really really great bass
Alright so now we're up here at our cue system. I'll go ahead and click through
Some of the features of it this is the older-style cue system
But of course the functionality is pretty much the same as the newest versions
So we do have our audio controls same as an all Cadillac models
You do also have standard apple carplay and android auto which pops up in that button called projection
Additional Cadillac does include standard navigation
So you do have pretty nice-looking graphic controls and
Just like some of you all might have seen in previous videos and whatnot
If you just kind of leave it setting here
The menus will disappear
And then they'll pop back up when you your hand gets near them because there is a proximity sensor
so it's a pretty cool touch so you can see you can reach back and now we have our
Controls come back as well as some handy shortcut buttons here in the audio or here having audio controls in the navigation
That's really all I want to talk about with the cue system
However, we do have a dedicated tech help video available
For those of you who want to learn more a link to that is provided in the video description
Now next to the screen you've got a few more different types of capacitive buttons here you'll find one called mode
This is for your three different drive modes. You have the standard touring mode the sport mode and also the snow and ice mode
Underneath that you have two buttons these adjust your power pedals here. So you can move these both frontwards and backwards
You also have a traction control button underneath that a button to open your glove box
Some of your safety systems as well as your parking sensors
Now moving on up here, but of course we do have a standard auto dimming mirror as you would expect
But you will have to upgrade from the base model if you want to get the really cool rear camera mirror system
that you've seen in other General Motors vehicles and
Then here are your home link universal remotes
And what you're looking at right here is your standard roof this does come on every trim level
There is not a panoramic moonroof offer though at this time
And while that's closing you can use to give you a chance to check out the Platinum's exclusive
Really nice kind of a suede headliner definitely has a nice look and feels really premium
But overall the cabin of the 2020 Escalade continues to be a very impressive space
I mean, this is the last model year before it will be fully redesigned
But yet that doesn't take away from the fact or just how nice this cabin is
It's this has been on sale for several years with minimum updates
But it just goes to show you how well how good of a job Cadillac did
The fact that this is still a highly impressive place
And you do have a rear seat reminder like in other GM vehicles
Already that does it for up front
So now I'll go ahead and hand it up to my brother Mason who will check out all these backyards
All righty, so heading around to the second row of the 2020 Cadillac Escalade you're gonna find a very opulent space as you would expect
now as far as how the rear legroom is concerned you are going to find 40 inches of rear legroom and
39 inches of rear headroom which is a tad behind the all-new Lincoln Navigator
However, it's still plenty of space for most people
Now turning over here to the door trim
We do have a really nice one as you would expect especially here on the Platinum trim
So you do have leather wrapping going all the way through here as well as above it and even on the upper portion
now we do also have a metal door handle as well as a auto down window and
all of that
We have a little storage compartment that has felt lined as well as another little storage compartment and one right here as well
We do also have the platinum running board running boards back here
And as you might notice, we do have the captains chairs on this particular model and that is standard across all the Escalade lineup
However, if you want the bench seating you can get that as well now
I do also want to mention something in regards to the legroom as you might know
There is a long wheelbase version ESV available, but that does not actually change the rear legroom for both the second or third rows
So anything I say does carry over to the ESV trim?
And as far as getting in I do have running boards and the seats do also slide in recline
Now of course here in the center you are going to find plenty of features especially on this Escalade platinum model
So right here is where you will find the climate controls now
The vehicle isn't actually on so everything is kind of sleek, and it's disappeared, but you would have your own climate controls right here
so you could adjust the temperature as well as the zones and
In addition to that we do also have three-stage heated rear seats
included on all of the models
Now down below that we do also have two two USB ports as well as an HDMI and a aux jack
And further below that here on the floor. We have a 12 volt power outlet as well as a household start outlet
Here in the middle. You will notice that we do also have the immersive entertainment system
So all you have to do is just pop this screen down and as you can tell we do have a nice 8 inch screen
As well as some lighting right here
Now you might be noticing. Well one of the 2020 changes and that is actually a deleted deletion of a couple features
so back on the 2019 Escalade platinum you would have a screen right here as well as one in the middle on this headrest and
also in the third row however for 2020 cadillac has opted to delete that and right now you only have
this one screen
Now up top we do have some your vent as well as a co hook in an assist grip
Now in order to get into the third rail itself it is very easy
So you have to do is locate this little strap back here pull it
And it does fold up and out of the way as you can see we do have hydraulic
Assisted so it is very easy to get out of the way
Now let's go ahead and get back there and see what the third row feels like for an adult
So sitting back here my first impression is that this third row is
It's not the best. So I do have actually plenty of leg room
But where I'm lacking is in the thigh support
So as you can see
There is like absolutely zero fly support and I do want to talk about this because this is an important thing
And my feet also don't have any room to go
So I would highly recommend going for the esv model
if you want to haul people in the third row because
This seat basically sits right on the floor. And if you opt for the ESV, while, you're not going to get any more legroom
you're not going to be sitting on the
Body-on-frame like part so you're going to have a lot more thigh support
Now off to the side
We do have a cup holder as well as a little storage cubby a coat hook and you do also have some vents and lights
Now heading around to the tailgate the Escalade is pretty unique and the fact that it does allow the rear glass to be popped
So I have to do is push this button twice on the keyboard and the rear glass does open up
And you just pull it up like that
Now the tailgate itself is a horsepower and it's also hands-free
So you have to do is look wave your foot under the bumper to open it up
Now once inside the
You're gonna find a class competitive amount of space
You'll find 15 cubic feet of space behind the third row seats then expands to 52 cubic feet and is a maximum you have
94 cubic feet of space
Now like I mentioned this is the standard wheelbase version
So if you want more space you can go for the ESV version which will add at least
25 cubic feet to all those figures that I just mentioned
Now as far as how Cadillac finishes that back here at is finished nicely. So I do have a carpeted floor board and
Underneath we do have a little bit more storage. This is probably about six inches deep and it goes across the entire back
Off to the side you will notice a few features
So you do have a 12-volt power outlet and you do also have a power folding third row as you would expect
so in order to fold it, just push it and
They do full fold nice and fast
Now in addition to that we can also fold the second row from back here as well
And as you can see that's a very very quick process and that gives you all types of space and a completely flat loading for
And coming over to the passenger seat it is 18 way power adjusting on this platinum and you do also have a massage function
Now in order to open the glove box itself it is pretty easy
so you just push this little button and it does open right up and
As you can see inside you do have a good amount of space. It is illuminated and also nicely felt lined
Up top we do have a Sun Visor with LED lights and mirror and it does also detach and stuff
But anyway guys that sums up all the practical stuff about this 2020 Escalade
So now let's go ahead and get on the road and see how it drives out there
All right, so let's go ahead and discuss the powertrain
Now, of course this being the Escalade this is always the Big Daddy
The top of the line for the GM crossovers so they don't mess around. They go straight to the 6.2 liter v8
And that's gonna be producing
420 horsepower and 460 pound-feet of torque, which is definitely very impressive
Couple years back they refresh the transmission. So we now are up to a 10 speed automatic. So that's
one of the best in the class and
0 to 60 is actually very very quick. It's five point eight seconds
So that's incredible
Really when you take into account Jesse how large this vehicle is and that Corvette the distro by there is the same powertrain
So it does sound really good. I want to point that out
Now as far as your fuel economy
It's decent all things considered but you don't buy a vehicle like this for fuel economy
So it doesn't matter too much to Pete most people but what you'll be looking at is 14 City
23 Highway 17 combined
With the two wheel drive and if you go with the four wheel drive, it's going to drop the highway figure by two
But still have the same 17 combined
But anyways, that's enough of the chitter-chatter let's go ahead and take it on the road
All right, so just kind of barely easing on to the throttle
You know, you can obviously tell this is a powerful SUV, you know
it feels it and you also hear it too, you know hardly any engines make such a
Just like a muscular tone
Like the 6.2 liter General Motors v8, you know
It just sounds big and powerful and indeed. It is big and powerful
And I think they really have tuned you know
Especially like when you're just cruising or idling around it kind of goes Harner and kind of birthday
Just you know, it gives you that nice satisfying
Burble that a lot of people look for in here, right
Cadillac has been doing this plenty long enough to know the things that people look for in an Escalade and that's one of them
It's just having that big powerful v8. That sound
You know just that feeling of being the king of the road
That's what people buy this for
I was kind of rounding that corner there
I'd be lying. If I said it didn't feel big
You know that is you know, it's also really part of the appeal as it does feel
Really really large right and it is very large even on the standard wheelbase, but especially so in the ESV
Now as such you know being a big body-on-frame traditional SUV
It does have considerable body roll
But nothing like too sickening or anything
Also, of course it is extremely comfortable on this bumpy road
When you have the magnetic ride control
on this model
so that's gonna help smooth things out and help kind of strike the best balance between
ride control and also
you know softness and I mean
This is a really really rough road because we've been in a lot of different cars in this exact same road and honestly
I just kind of forgot about how rough this road is because it is so comfortable and
Sitting here at a red light even just sitting still
You know, I think it's quite remarkable how commanding of a view you have of the road?
It's just you know, and when you get in these two like large body-on-frame SUVs
You just have a sense that you've owned the road and you're like a little tank just driving down and everyone else is small
Around you and it just feels you know, it feels like it's it's nice
You know, I don't know if that's personally my style but a lot of people in this class that's exactly what they're looking for
And the Escalade definitely will deliver that experience here. That's right. You can look down on other people both
Yeah this
It's just
one of those vehicles it has a weird feeling, you know, there's some vehicles are just so big and then when they go fast
It's just kind of an odd sensation. This is wonderful
We're in our normal touring mode actually. So what we'll try out us also the sport mode
See what types of differences that makes it's kind of weird to have sport mode doing something. So
Large but it is fast. Yeah, it is definitely a fast vehicle
Wow, yeah really ramps up the tuning
Definitely launches with a lot more authority
And I think it it makes us sound really kind of amplified it
Ten speed automatic is definitely very responsive to just subtle changes and how you position your foot
You know you would expect that for having ten speeds
But you know, that's not really a given. Sometimes you have it having a lot of ears can just
Add in a level of confusion
But we you know
We experienced this transmission and other general motors as well as Ford models
Since they are actually shared that this type of transmission here
This is an excellent transmission you a really really good job of
Making sure it stays on its toes it doesn't get confused
Yeah, you're gonna have no trouble getting this big guy up to speed on a highway I
Mean you can tell this thing shares that's powerplant with the Corvette it honestly it maze like a Corvette a CV
It's pretty as pretty neat actually of an experience
I definitely like the body control with braking and acceleration
You have pretty minimal
nosedive when you hard acceleration or heart breaking
That's not necessarily a given the landcruiser we drove
About a month ago was really substantial. Yeah, of course that's more for off-roading and this is for street use
But it's something to keep in mind these big SUV is they can't suffer from that. Yeah, that is very true
You know and speaking about its competition, I mean this car is very distinctly different
from the German rivals
So if you're looking for like a German 3-row like the BMW x7 and Mercedes GLS the all new ones coming out
You can't really fault this car for it's just a different experience
a lot of these
You know the Navigator and this Escalade are really what go head to head and then I feel like it's almost like a different category
The Germans because this gives you a more like luxurious and almost trucky type of feel whereas those cars are more sporty
So it really kind of depends on what your you're looking at
Yeah, not the same type of vehicles at all
But really in conclusion, there's two things that I want to say
The first is for those of you considering buying the 2020 Escalade right now, you know
You're probably wondering is this still a good vehicle? Is this still worth my consideration? The answer is undoubtedly. Yes
This Escalade package has always been a great package and it still remains a great package, you know
Whether or not you want to wait and see what the new one has to offer, you know
Of course you can
but I'm
Undateable it. We'll share a lot of the same characteristics with this one because this is that traditional Escalade
formula that people have always loved so much and
Then the second thing is basically just that
It's very exciting
To see what General Motors is going to come up with for the all new Escalade
because I think it speaks volumes the fact that this is still a
Such a nice vehicle
You know, I believe it's about six years old
So it definitely is
Still an impressive vehicle and I look forward to seeing what they have up their sleeve for the OL new version coming
Later on this year
All righty, and now as far as the pricing is concerned for this 2020 Escalade
You aren't gonna see very many drastic changes as this is just a rollover model
So for the very base model
You're gonna start at seventy six thousand four hundred and ninety dollars the Luxury trim starts at eighty two thousand and ninety dollars
The premium luxury starts at eighty six thousand four hundred and ninety
And then finally, you have the top dog platinum trim
Which is what we have here and that's going to start at ninety three thousand five hundred ninety dollars, which is definitely worth noting
That's actually a two thousand dollar price reduction over the 2019 model on the Platinum trim
Which could have something to do with why these screens are missing?
they might have just decided to give you a little bit of a price drop and
eliminate the screens and it is worth noting that that is with the two wheel drive version and
It is also including the decimation charge for all of those prices and standard wheel basically as well. Yes
Now this particular standard wheel base platinum is equipped with four wheel drive
So our starting price is ninety five to ninety five and then we do have a couple dealer added acessory
So we have all-weather floor mats for 235 as well as the chrome exhaust tip for one hundred and forty and all told
With the decimation charge of one thousand two hundred ninety five dollars
This particular model as equipped comes in at ninety six thousand nine hundred and sixty five dollars
Which is, you know, a very high price point as you would expect out of really any of these flagship luxury SUVs
But you are getting a lot for your money. You're getting a lot of luxury in here
And like I said, it is actually cheaper than last year
So if you're looking for an Escalade this 2020 model might be something that you want to consider
Well guys you enjoyed watching the first in-depth look at the
2020 Cadillac Escalade platinum
Please hit the like and subscribe lens if you haven't already and we'll catch you next time as we sample more of the latest automotive

The Best Chevy Ever Made

The Best Chevy Ever Made

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
welcome to wacky Wednesday's where
everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods and here's this week's winner
1967 four-door Impala black I haven't
had this car for very long I've had it
for maybe three months it came from
Florida to Europe here's a flashback
from when I first laid eyes on the car
it was delivered home right to my door
like any other car you buy it always has
minor defects like a million of them and
they have to be addressed some defects
larger than others the first week when I
drove the car the rear brakes locked
three times twice in the middle of the
road and I couldn't for the love of God
move the car and one of those times it
ran out of gas at the exact same time so
I had to leave the car go away and
siphon some gas fuel it up and force it
off the road don't you love cars
when I got it the carburetor was miss
adjusted and the engine timing was off
completely off so it was guzzling gas
like crazy and the first week I ran out
of gas like three times and I had to
walk a lot and after a few months work
it was great and sounds fantastic
so let's take a look around the car when
I got the car didn't have corner lights
or bumper guards I added those later
together with a new distributor a new
dash cluster, the dash cluster that was
in the car was digital and looked
absolutely horrific it did not belong in
that car so we threw it out and replace
it with an original 1967 dash cluster
and speaking of minor faults and defects
this is my first drive with the car and
the horn was honking all the time
I was too stubborn to stop and was
running really bad I'm not a big fan of
having the bass in the back but if you
want good sound you you just have to
accept that there's a lot of air that
needs to be moved back in 1967 the
speakers weren't really that great so we
have to give and take so we get the
sound fixed pretty recently
maybe two weeks ago fix the horn there's
a blanket for my dog pretty nice
it always looks better on camera but
still pretty nice here's the engine it
makes the car go the engine in this car
is a 350 Chevy engine so someone has
some point replaced the engine
because these 67 did not count with 350
engines been known for extreme
durability and not breaking down every
five minutes after some tweaking it runs
great sounds fantastic people complement
the sound more than the cars look and
that's true
my dad used to drive impalas so I
thought I might as well step in the same
footsteps for a car from 67
it handles surprisingly well I figured
that maybe when I get to 90 or 100 km/h
who will start to feel very unstable I
got up to over 150 km/h before I felt
the need to slow down so what about the
future the future plans for this car is
to it during the winter is to restore
the entire underside of the car and the
next winter restore the interior and
some smaller things here and there and
last but not least engine and gearbox so
that's it the journey has just begun
thank you very much for featuring me on
the Scottie Kilmer Channel
rev up your engines, well that was this
week's video and to have your car mod
shown on my channel here check this out
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

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