What Chevrolet Vehicles Are Made In Usa

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How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5 Billion Company

Success Secrets TV:

How Chevrolet Started, Grew & Became $11.5
Billion Company
The name Chevrolet originated from a Swiss-born
American racer Louis-Joseph Chevrolet, who
founded his company with William Durant in
1911, stayed for four years and then left
his own company to Durant in 1915.
The Chevrolet Company previously called the
Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company
and simply called the Chevy is the automobile
department of General Motors, a manufacturing
company in the United States.
How Chevrolet Began
Twenty years before Chevrolet, Durant was
the founder of a successful Durant-Dort Carriage
Company which manufactured horse-drawn vehicles.
And so Durant wouldn't even touch a car with
a ten-foot pole, let alone allow his daughter
to ride in what he called, "loud and dangerous
horseless carriages."
But as time passed he realized that there
were more cars than carriages on the American
streets; an experience that did not settle
well with the relatively tentative public.
As the government regulated cars for their
safety, Durant had other ideas.
Why not improve the security of these cars
In 1904, Durant approached a struggling Buick
Motor Company and became its controlling investor.
Within a span of four years, Durant demonstrated
his salesman attitude and transformed Buick
into a leading automobile name amongst the
likes of Ford, Oldsmobile, and Cadillac.
For Durant, however, it was only the start.
Durant figured he could further improve his
odds in the industry if he built a holding
company that would control several automobile
divisions, with each division manufacturing
their own car.
With the Buick's outstanding profits, Durant
had sufficient capital to found the General
Motors Company in 1908.
A year later, General Motors acquired several
car brands like Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac,
Elmore, and others.
Unfortunately,Durant got so carried away in
his "automobile acquisition crusade" that
GM suffered cash shortage with their sales
losing to Ford's.
And so, in 1910, General Motors showed Durant
the exit door.
But Durant did not give up.
Having regained his bearings, he reunited
with an old colleague from the days of the
Buick motor company, Louis-Joseph Chevrolet.
Durant knew the Swiss-born American as a man
whose competency for car mechanics matched
his passion for racing.
In 1909, Louis had participated in the Giant
Despair Hillclimb.
An oddly apt name, considering the Hillclimb
race was less about the racers themselves
and more about test-driving the competing
car brands they drove.
Therefore, when Durant offered a chance to
build more automobiles, Louis couldn't resist
signing his name on the dotted line alongside
In 1911, Louis co-founded the Chevrolet Motor
Company with Durant.
Durant used Louis’ racing status as a means
of building a motor company, and his way of
getting back at General Motors.
The first Chevrolet car, the Series C Classic
Six was designed by Etienne Planche with directions
by Louis.
The prototype was ready before the company
was incorporated even though the production
didn’t happen until 1913 where it was introduced
at an auto show in New York.
In 1914, Chevrolet redesigned its logo.
And so a "bowtie emblem" logo was used on
Chevrolet’s first produced cars in 1914:
the Chevrolet H series and L series models.
That same year, Durant and Louis argued about
their differing intentions for Chevrolet’s
future car designs.
Durant wanted simple and affordable cars that
would surpass those of Fords.
On the other hand, Louis preferred playing
it fast and loose, with luxury or racing cars.
These differences split these two associates
and Louis sold his shares of the company to
Now alone at the helm, Durant was able to
focus on his next winning car design.
He achieved this in 1916 when the cheaper
Chevrolet Series 490 finally outpaced Ford
in sales and cemented Chevrolet’s place
among the big automobile names.
To say Chevrolet made huge profits during
this period would be a severe understatement.
Durant revisited General Motors as a controlling
investor, purchasing their stocks, which gave
him the leverage to launching himself into
leading General Motors once more.
By 1917, Durant had become the president of
General Motors.
All was right, now that Durant's "big automobile"
dream was back on track.
And of course, his first directive was merging
the highly successful Chevrolet into the parent
company General Motors as a separate division.
How Chevrolet Grew
In 1918, Chevrolet launched a new V8 powered
model, the Series D for open two-seat cars
and the touring cars that could seat 5 passengers.
These models didn't sell well though and they
were scrapped by the next year.
Given Chevrolet's successful track record
in the market, General Motors rebranded and
sold their commercial grade cars and trucks
as Chevrolet with similar appearances with
the Chevrolet’s vehicles in 1919 from Chevrolet
factories located in Flint, Michigan.
The automobile company built several branch
assembly plants in New York, Ohio, Missouri,
California, Texas, and Canada.
Somewhere between the 1920s and 1940s, Chevrolet
would see Durant's vision for "producing simple
and affordable cars" come true.
In fact, Chevrolet, Ford and Plymouth were
known to Americans as "the low priced three".
During this period, one of Chevrolet's most
notable cars was the Stovebolt introduced
in 1929, which was tag-lined "a six for the
price of four".
This and several generations of the car model
blew away the competition of Ford and Plymouth.
In 1953, the Chevy Corvette, a sport’s car
with two seats and a fiberglass body debuted
to become the first mass-produced sports car
in the United States, championing the "America's
Sports Car" appeal.
The appeal of the Corvette and other Chevrolet
passenger cars would be enhanced with the
first-time introduction of Rochester Ramjet
fuel-injection engine as a high-performance
option for the price of $484.
The Chevrolet small block V8 car design made
its debut in 1955 and remained in circulation
longer than other mass produced engines around
the world.
Modifications to the V8 engine including the
aluminum block and heads, the electronic engine
management and the port fuel injection gave
birth to the designs in production today.
In 1958, Chevrolet introduced the Impala series,
which went on to become one of the best-selling
American cars in history experiencing popularity
during the 60s and 70s.
The parent company General Motors introduced
Chevrolet to Europe in 2005.
With rebranded cars manufactured from the
General Motors branch in Korea acquired Daewoo
The economic depression between 2007 and 2010
hit Chevrolet hard.
But the road to recovery began in 2010 with
the introduction of fuel-efficient cars and
trucks to compete with foreign automobile
Within the same year, Chevrolet introduced
the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Chevrolet
Volt in America, which was sold under the
name Opel/Vauxhall Ampera throughout Europe
with a record 5,268 units soldand became the
world's best-selling plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle (PHEV) car in 2012, winning the award
for the North American Car of the Year, European
Car of the Year and World Green of the Year.
The series was then named the combined Volt/Ampera
that was sold across the world.
It exceeded the 100,000 unit sales milestone
in late 2005 and eleven years later the Volt
family of vehicles had become the world's
best-selling plug-in hybrid as well as the
third best selling electric car after the
Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf cars.
In 2011, Chevrolet set a global sales record
of 4.76 million vehicles sold worldwide
In late 2013, the Chevy brand was withdrawn
from Europe by General Motors leaving the
Corvette and Camero lines.
In 2016, Chevrolet unveiled the first affordable
mass-produced all-electric car the Chevrolet
Bolt EV.
This car too has won several awards.
Where Chevrolet Is Today
Chevrolet now has its headquarters in Detroit,
Michigan, and operates throughout 140 countries
in North and South America, Asia, Australia,
South Africa, and Europe with over two million
vehicles sold annually in the US alone and
a brand value of $11.5 billion.
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GM Lied To The Public And To Trump About Where Chevrolet Cruze Sedans Sold In The USA Are Assembled

GM Lied To The Public And To Trump About Where Chevrolet Cruze Sedans Sold In The USA Are Assembled

Trump Breaking News Network:

GM Lied To The Public And To Trump About Where
Chevrolet Cruze Sedans Sold In The USA Are
by Tyler Durden.
On Tuesday, president-elect Trump tweeted
about General Motors, stating the GM was building
its Chevrolet Cruze in Mexico, importing them
to the US tax-free, and selling them at US
car dealers:
GM quickly denied Trump�s tweet, and in
a press release that same day, the company
claimed that all Cruze sedans sold in the
US are �built in GM�s assembly plant in
Lordstown, Ohio�, and that GM builds the
Cruze hatchback for global markets in Mexico,
with only a small percentage being sold in
the US�..
�and the MSM and other liberal outlets were
quick to pounce on GM�s statement, using
it to slander the president-elect.
US News, ABC News, and many others, including
the Wall Street Journal, all published articles
containing the information in GM�s press
US News went out of its way to post a clickbait
headline which alluded to �the truth�
about Trump�s tweet, with the following
General Motors Company (ticker: GM) is pushing
back after President-elect Donald Trump early-morning
Twitter attack, in which the incoming president
took aim at GM for making its Chevrolet Cruze
in Mexico and shipping them tax-free to the
U.S. for sale.
That�s not the full story, says GM.
�General Motors manufacturers the Chevrolet
Cruze sedan in Lordstown, Ohio,� a General
Motos spokesman told U.S. News & World Report
in a statement Tuesday.
�All Chevrolet Cruze sedans sold in the
U.S. are built in GM�s assembly plant in
Lordstown, Ohio.�
GM says it also builds the Cruze hatchback
in Mexico to sell in global markets, and only
a �small number� of those are sold in
the U.S.
It did not clarify the number.
The hatchback model went on sale in the U.S.
for the first time this fall.
Of course, the liberal think-tanks like Politifact,
ThinkProgress, GOOD, Addicting Info, Salon
(whom I refuse to link to), and countless
others got in on the act.
Addicting Info in particular went out of its
way to imply that Trump was wrong, and dangerously
But as a result of Trump�s accusations and
threats General Motors� stock price tumbled
briefly and then recovered.
Keep in mind that General Motors was nearly
wiped out of existence at the beginning of
the Great Recession, which would have cost
thousands of Americans their jobs.
Trump�s attack on General Motors could have
harmed the company in a way that would have
harmed American workers he the stock price
fallen more than it did.
Trump just flat-out lied to the American people
and got busted for it by General Motors.
Next time Trump decides to attack an American
company he should do his homework first and
then look in the mirror because his company
has most of their products manufactured in
China and Mexico, which make Trump the biggest
hypocrite in America.
It appears that in the MSM�s rush to fact-check
Trump and call him hypocritical, no media
outlet bothered to fact-check GM as well.
So, who did the fact-checking work that the
MSM didn�t bother doing?
Auto enthusiast and Twitter user E.W. Niedermeyer,
that�s who.
Niedermeyer brought the GM and Trump saga
up on Thursday, January 5th in a series of
tweets that began innocently enough�
�Niedermeyer quickly got to the nitty-gritty
of his argument, noting the the VIN sequence
(3G1) used at the beginning of GM cars made
in Mexico�
�and finally, Niedermeyer provided evidence
on where the autos sold in the US were built:
Think about that for a second � GM is selling
Cruze sedans manufactured in Mexico, in the
same Ohio town that builds Cruze sedans.
And at the same time, GM is brazen enough
to say it doesn�t sell Cruze sedans built
in Mexico in the US, saying all Cruze sedans
in US dealerships are built in its Lordstown,
Ohio plant.
And GM did so in the face of the president-elect
of the United States accusing the company
of building Cruze sedans in Mexico, shipping
them to America tax-free, and selling them
in your local dealerships.
Niedermeyer�s entire tweet thread can be
viewed here.
Neidermeyer provides ample evidence demonstrating
the truth about where GM Cruze sedans sold
in the US are built.
Feel free to check the VIN numbers on your
local Chevy dealer�s Cruze inventory, and
see where they were built for yourself.
GM was caught red-handed lying to the public
and to Trump, and we might never have known
if it weren�t for everyday people like Niedermeyer.
It is crazy enough to wrap your head around;
a regular guy did the fact checking the MSM
never bothered to do.
The MSM took GM�s word as gospel in their
rush to criticize Trump, without bothering
to check if GM was just lying to save its
own skin.
If you think GM is somehow more credible than
Trump, recall that this isn�t exactly the
first time the auto maker has been caught
In fact, they have been caught lying again,
and again, and again.
Sometimes their lies result in people losing
their lives.
They have been caught lying so many times,
it would be impossible to list them all here.
But the MSM gleefully took GM at their word,
using any chance it could get to refer to
the president-elect as a dangerous, reckless
liar, when a simple fact-check has shown GM
was falsifying the truth, not Trump.
Allow this revelation to resonate in your
head for a second, and keep it in the back
of your mind next time the mainstream media
tells you Trump is a dangerous liar and/or
hypocrite in his latest tweet.
Because you just might be the fact-checker
that gets the last laugh, right alongside
Trump himself.
As a quick follow-up, The Daily Caller is
reporting that GM effectively confirmed the
analysis above.
But don't worry because all of the imports
in 2016 were just a 1x thing to "supplement
the launch of the Cruze" at it's Ohio plant.

Why Ford And Other American Cars Don’t Sell In Japan

Why Ford And Other American Cars Don’t Sell In Japan


When it comes to cars, Americans
seem to love the Japanese.
But the Japanese don't seem
to love Americans back.
Japanese brands sell remarkably well
in the United States.
Several of the best-selling automakers in
America are from Japan, and
their products seem to dominate entire
segments in sales and critical
acclaim. Japanese automakers sell so
many cars in the U.S.
that they actually employ vast numbers
of American workers in factories
around the country.
Japanese automakers actually build a third of
all the vehicles made in the
U.S. But the Japanese don't seem
to be interested in America's SUVs,
pickup trucks, muscle cars or just
about any vehicle made by Detroit.
Ford left Japan entirely in 2017.
General Motors keeps a presence there, but
it is tiny — the largest U.S.
automaker sold only 700 cars
in Japan in 2018.
And people are divided as to why
and what, if anything, should be done
about it.
President Donald Trump has criticized the
imbalance, but so have U.S.
automotive trade associations, who
blame Japanese protectionism.
While there are no
Japanese tariffs on U.S.
imports, a number of critics say there
are all kinds of technical barriers
that make it harder for U.S.
companies to sell in Japan.
Here in the United States, when we
set regulations for fuel economy or
safety or communications standards or whatever,
all of the automakers that
sell and produce in the United
States are party to that conversation.
In Japan, it's a much more
closed process for regulatory compliance.
It's "these are the rules and
you will meet the rules."
Japanese producers have input into that
and suppliers, but it's pretty
closed to any external companies that
would be doing business there.
But some industry experts say
that really isn't the problem.
Instead, the reasons U.S.
cars are so rare in Japan, which
is the world's third-largest car market,
have more to do with Japanese
consumer tastes, the abiding if outdated
stereotypes the Japanese have about the
quality of American cars, and the
very different way customers shop
for vehicles in Japan.
It is first important to note
that Japanese brands all but completely
dominate local roads.
More than 95 percent of all cars
sold in the country are Japanese.
Imports make up the balance and
most of those are higher-end European
luxury vehicles and sports cars.
This is partly because the
Japanese have pretty specific needs.
For one thing, space
is incredibly tight.
Wildly popular in Japan are these
so-called Kei cars, which are tiny
vehicles preferred by drivers who have
to thread their way through narrow
streets and crowded cities.
Kei Cars alone make up
40 percent of the Japanese
market and U.S.
automakers don't make them.
Americans, on the other hand, tend
to excel in making big vehicles,
particularly pickup trucks and
large sport utilities.
In recent years, American automakers have
scaled back or even entirely
killed off their own lines of
compact vehicles, which are often still
bigger than their
Japanese counterparts.
In fact, many of the Japanese vehicles
sold in America — from sedans such
as the Toyota Camry all the way up
to the pickups — are not even
particularly popular in Japan.
All three Detroit automakers have less
than 1 percent market share.
One of the bestsellers, Jeep, sells about
10,000 vehicles in Japan a year.
The Japanese car buying experience would
also likely shock many Americans,
who often view a trip to the
dealership as one of life's necessary evils.
Much of Japanese business culture is
built around service and hospitality,
and auto dealerships
are no exception.
Japanese dealerships offer customers nearly
white glove service, and the
way buyers choose cars is entirely
different from the traditional buying
experience in the U.S.
Whereas American shoppers will often choose
a car from what is available
on a dealer lot, Japanese buyers can
often custom-build a car out of a
catalog and then have it made for
them in a matter of weeks.
A strong local supply chain and
local factories allow Japanese automakers
to do this.
Furthermore, quality of service
is often quite high.
Dealerships frequently have amenities such
as cafes and complimentary car
washes. They will also follow up
with customers sometimes even years after
a purchase.
Foreign automakers overall have had difficulty
adapting to this way of
selling. Moreover, the Japanese have
longstanding perceptions of American
cars as inefficient and unreliable.
This somewhat outdated view originates in
the decades from the 1960s
through the 1980s, when Japanese
brands were ascending and American
automakers were plagued with criticism and
scandal over vehicles such as
the Chevrolet Vega, the AMC Gremlin,
the Ford Pinto and the Chevrolet

And though American manufacturers have
made far more fuel-efficient engines
in recent years, the U.S.
has historically made some gas guzzlers
when compared with cars made
Yeah, I think there is
a hangover for American vehicles.
You know, what does an American
car say about you in Japan.
That baggage is carried with that.
Meanwhile, the Japanese rose to power in
the auto industry in large part on
their reputation for building solid, efficient
cars that don't break down.
Of course, many observers note that American
autos have done a lot to
close the reliability gap over the years,
and cars overall are able to log
far more miles on the road than
they did even a decade ago.
And U.S.
automakers are adamant that they would be
better able to compete in Japan
if the country removes barriers
that make doing business difficult.
The trouble for Detroit is that Japan
is just one of the international
markets where U.S.
automakers have struggled.
All three Detroit automakers have had
challenges in South America and
Europe. While China which is the world's
largest car market could become a
tougher place to do business
with slowing economic growth, increased
competition, and trade disputes.

If something doesn't change, U.S.
automakers could become just that: American
companies that sell trucks and
SUVs to Americans.

The End of Chevy in America

The End of Chevy in America

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines,
steve says Scotty do you think GM
will ever pull out of the United States,
not completely but of course they have
already begun it, like the other year all
the ones they sold in China were made in
China, so it wouldn't surprise me if in
the near future they start making them
in China and selling them in the United
the handwriting's kind of on wall on that
and people can talk politics all they
want about they don't like this they
don't like that, but the corporation's
pretty much rule with that, if they want to
make someplace else and
selling them they'll get the politicians
in their back pocket to let them slide
it in, there's too much graft and
corruption in Washington for anybody to
say their actually gonna stop
something for real, other than just
empty promises that they are all thrown out
from both sides
onesays how reliable is a
2014 v8 Raptor versus a generation 2
Raptor with the twin-turbo v6, their
relatively new but realize of course the
v8 ones are gonna be more reliable just
because you got a big v8 engine that can
take the power and it doesn't have twin
turbos on it, you get a v6 you put
twin turbos, you're putting more pressure
inside the engine and those twin turbos
and the GDI injectors which push
thousand-something psi into the engine
versus 40 psi in a regular fuel
injected, all the extra pressure and all
that extra technology of course it
breaks down over time, it's only logical
you know you get a v8 engine and take care
of it's gonna outlast v6 that's got twin
turbos and GDI that's only common sense,
plus the newer technology often there
are things that fail, because they didn't
know how long these things are gonna
last 200-300,000 miles, where I see
many v8 Ford engines out there with 200-
300,000 miles on them, Joel says Scotty
what do you choose Mustang or Corvette
well I chose a Mustang I like the
Mustangs, the Corvettes have become more
of a european-style car, they're not an
American muscle car anymore like a
Mustang and I like the Mustangs think
it's kind of fun to drive around in, the corvetttes
the good ones that really
zoom, they cost too much the new ones
over $100,000, you can still get a really
nice Mustang $50k, so half the price I
wouldn't buy the corvette
I'd get a Mustang, but I'm cheap I won't
buy anything, I get to drive them for free
when I'm done working on them and that's fun
enough for me,
Dominic Vargas says Scotty what do you
think of the Mazda Miata 2011 and the GT
Ford Mustang of the same year, basically
you're comparing apples and oranges, you
can't really compare them, the GT Mustang
is a muscle car for screaming around and
they're both rear-wheel drive cars I'll
give you that, but you got a Mustang
that's a screaming car and gets horrible gas
mileage and has a ton of power, versus a Mazda
Miata that's a cute little car, still
their rear-wheel drive, it's fun to drive
around it gets really good gas mileage
you really can't compare the two cars,
you'd have to decide what do you want
you want a cute little car that can last
a really long time and drive around in
or do you want a muscle car, in the
business I'm in repairing cars, the Mazda
Miata are known as a girly car,
the mechanics all call it a girly car
and the Mustang is known as the guys car,
what image do you want to
portray, but they're apples and oranges
you can't really compare them grab
Lee says should the oil in a manual
transmissions be changed or is it not
okay it's a good idea to change it but
you don't need to do it that often, maybe
sixty to eighty thousand miles, manual
transmissions use what's called splash
lubrication, you dive down the road the gears
just splash oil all over the place and
it just drips on the gears and it
lubricates it, automatic transmissions have
oil pumps that pump it through the
system so it's completely different
system, but I still would change it every
80 thousand miles cuz it's easy to do,
most of them just have a drain plug on
the bottom it drains out, then they have
a side plug you take that out and you
pump new fluid in until it comes out of
the hole on the side and then it's full, it's
real easy thing to do, Angela Dolores says
should I get a motorcycle or car, depends
a lot where you live, let's say you live
in Seattle, I wouldn't be seen dead in
Seattle on a motorcycle it's always
raining that's when you get killed and
slid or people slide into you, you got to
think about the weather
motorcycle versus car, you really do
have too, like if you live in Hawaii hey
feel free get a motorcycle or maybe
New Mexico where it's dry most of the time
hardly ever does any rain,
it'd be fun to have one, if you don't
mind being out in the elements and
getting dirty go ahead and get a
motorcycle, just realize that it's the most
unsafe form of transportation, I mean
they don't have seat belts on them because
if they did, then when it crashed you'd be
crushed with the motorcycle
it's dangerous stuff, I've driven them
since I was a teenager, I've lucked out
I've never had any big wipeouts and got
injured, but realize that are extremely
dangerous mode of transportation and if
you live in a place where it's really
cold cold cold like Alaska, you could
never drive in the winter, so if you
never want to miss another one of my new car
repair videos, remember to ring that

Chevrolet Bolt EV Traction Motor - Deep Dive

Chevrolet Bolt EV Traction Motor - Deep Dive


Hello, I'm professor John Kelly and this
is the Weber Auto YouTube channel.
In this episode we will be disassembling
the drive unit the electric motor and
gear reducer out of our 2017 Chevrolet
bolt on the hoist behind me here. now
this drive unit and electric motor
combination is is all one piece,
unlike the Nissan Leaf that has a drive
unit that unbolts from the electric
motor. This drive unit is rated at 150
kilowatts which is 201 horsepower, it is
also rated at 360 Newton meters of
torque which is roughly 266 foot-pounds
of torque.
Now let's let's talk about torque just a
little bit. That torque rating is what
the motor itself is capable of producing,
that is not the same as the torque that
ends up at the wheels of the vehicle, so
for example the Chevrolet Spark EV
produced by Chevrolet before the Bolt
actually had an electric motor that
produced 540 Newton meters of torque, the Bolt EV electric motor only produces
360 Newton meters of torque and so you
might be misled into thinking that the
Spark EV had more torque; well, the motor
did, but not the torque delivered to the
axles that drive the wheels. So the gear
reducer right here on the side of this
drive unit has an impact on that because
gear reduction is also torque
multiplication minus frictional losses, so
the Spark EV had a 540 Newton meter
electric motor but it only had a three
point one five to one gear reduction
unit which resulted in about 1700 Newton
meters of torque at the wheels, at the
axles. the Bolt EV electric motor
produces 360 Newton meters of torque a
whole 180 Newton meters less of torque
from the motor, but it has a seven point
zero five one eight to one gear
reduction through this gear reducer
which multiplies that 360 Newton meters
of torque by seven point zero five one
eight, which gives us over 2,500 Newton
meters of torque at the axles. So there
are other electric vehicles out there
that are being produced right now that
have higher torque higher motor torque
than the Bolt EV
but what would be interesting, I and
I don't know what their gear ratios are
yet, is to see what is the torque
actually to the axles what's the torque
to the ground because that's what you'll
feel when you step on that accelerator
pedal, that's the torque to the wheels
that makes the vehicle move. The design
of this drive unit this electric motor
it has a peak amperage draw of 400 amps
versus 450 as for the Spark EV so it
uses less current to provide more torque
so it's a more efficient better design
electric motor. The electric motor in
this drive unit spins clear up to 8810 rpm where the
Spark EV only spun up to about 4500 rpm,
and we'll take a look at some
differences in the electric motor design
and the stator winding design that
allowed it to spin at those higher rpms
without the AC losses that typically
occur at higher rpm. As mentioned in the
previous video on high voltage
components of the Chevrolet Bolt EV this
drive unit uses about 2.9 litres, around
3.1 quarts of Dexron HP fully synthetic
base transmission fluid automatic
transmission fluid. It also is cooled by
the General Motors Dexcool 50/50 mix
of coolant and deionized water. Okay
let's take a look at the outside of the
housing here of this drive unit. The
official name or designation of this
drive unit by General Motors is the
1ET25. The one means it's a one speed
trans axle, this doesn't shift, E means
it's electronically controlled, T means
it's a transaxle, and the 25 is a
relative torque rating. Alright, right
here on the front of the transmission is
the actual last eight digits of the
vehicle identification number and you
can see that MMF right there, that is
the three-digit regular production
option code the RPO code that you can
find on label in the back of the Bolt EV if
you take out the lower compartment
carpet and look in what looks like a
spare tire tub, there's a label on the
driver's side that has a whole bunch of
three digit codes on it
MMF just means that's which transaxle
or transmission this vehicle came with.
Okay right here on the top of the trans
axle is the transmission range selector
actuator and this is a brushless DC
motor with a gear reducer that actually
moves the shift lever to put us in to
Park reverse neutral Drive and low, now
technically inside of this drive unit it
there's really only park and not park,
but there is a position sensor in here
called an internal mode switch that will
monitor which position the transaxle
range selector is in so that the vehicle
can act appropriately. For example the
shifter itself on the center console is
not directly connected to the drive unit,
it's just an input to the computer that
controls this actuator, so when we go to
the reverse position for the neutral or
drive or low, there's a feedback on the
internal mode switch electrical
connector right here, that lets the
engine control module, even though this
doesn't have an engine, know which gear
range you have selected so that it can
request the trends axle act
appropriately. Also, right here by the
electrical connector for the internal
mode switch is the transmission fill
plug, so if you want to put fluid into
this transmission you need a 14
millimeter wrench or socket to take this
plug out and put the Dexron HP fluid
into the transmission. There are two
drain plugs on this transmission, one for
each side, so there's one down below on
each end of the transaxle the driver's
side and the passenger side, there's
there are two separate drain plugs to
get the fluid out of each side, now
there's only one fluid that goes
throughout this entire transaxle but
because of how its baffled and set up
inside to remove all the fluid you need
to remove both plugs.
Now speaking of fluid and fluid level
when you drain fluid at whatever the
recommended fluid change interval is or
if you're doing service work on the
transaxle here and you're adding fluid
you need to know when to stop adding
fluid, so on the other side of the
transaxle right here is the transaxle
fluid level check plug, so the drain
plugs right down here, the fluid level
check plugs here, the fill plug is on the
other side so you take the fill plug out
you take the fluid level check plug out,
and you add fluid until fluid comes out
over here, and then you let it sit and
stabilize for a minute add a little bit
more and make sure that fluid comes out
comes out to a slow drip, and then the
instructions tell us to put both plugs
back in and go drive the vehicle until
the transmission fluid temperature
reaches 35 degrees Celsius or 95 degrees
Fahrenheit and then double-check the
fluid level again to make sure that
comes out at a very slow drip. Alright,
while we are here on this side of the
transaxle we have an electric motor an
electric pump for the transmission fluid
so there's a big filter we'll see when
we take this thing apart down the bottom
center of this transaxle it will pull
fluid up from the filter and then put it
into what's called the oil sump so the
oil sump is basically just a great big
bathtub looking area up here that the
pump fills full of fluid and then there
are these little drain channels that
fluid drains down to cool the stator
windings and lubricate bearings and so
on and we'll see that once we get the
cover off so we have an electric 12 to 14
volt driven electric motor that pumps
fluid throughout this transaxle. From
what I read this pump only works when
you are in Reverse or Drive, it does not
pump when you're in park or neutral.
Alright, we have another electrical
connector right here, this connector is
for the resolver which measures the
angle of rotation the direction of
rotation and the speed of the electric
motor rotor itself, and then there's a
transmission fluid temperature sensor
that is in the bottom of this
transmission case cover here. All of
those are accessed electrically through
this electrical connector right here. As
you may have seen in my other video on
high-voltage components we have the air
conditioning compressor of the bolts up
here and then we have our coolant pipes
that go into what's called a coolant
sump in the bottom of this transaxle and
we'll see that here in a few minutes but
we have coolant going in coolant coming
back out and goes through a series of
cooling fins and cooling circuits to
absorb heat from the transmission fluid
right here on the back we have the
electrical connection for the
three-phase cables that come from the
single power inverter module that sits
two modules above here. Three-phase
orange cables come down to drive the
electric motor, there's a cover
the cables bolt on and then there's a
cover they'll holds the cable in place.
We have a transmission vent right here,
let's just take that vent off while we
vent tube off while we're here now you
can see the oil sump area again on the
top and the cooling sump coolant sump
area here in the bottom all right there
is one additional plug on the side of
the case with the electric motor and
there's nothing in the service
information to indicate this but I
believe this is a pressure test plug to
check the pump output pressure, but I
can't find any information on what that
fluid pressure should be. Okay, I'm going
to be disassembling this transaxle right
here on the workbench but there actually
is a special fixture to hold this
transaxle and allow you to rotate it and
disassemble different pieces of it and
still be able to rotate it for
convenience. I have this special adapter
as you can see here in this photograph
but the way it's mounted it's too high
and too difficult for me to disassemble
in that holding fixture being in a
wheelchair, so the workbench is where I'm
going to disassemble it, but I wanted you
to know there is a special fixture for
that and I tried it it just doesn't work
for me.
by the way this transaxle weighs about a
hundred and seventy pounds or 77.4
kilograms. Okay, well we're ready to
start disassembly, the first step is to
remove this oil pump the 12-volt power
oil pump, it has three bolts right here
and a few seals underneath it as you can
see here there are two seals that seal
the pump to the transmission case right
here there are two bolts that hold the
cover over the pump gears themselves
there are no instructions on
disassembling this so I assume we're not
supposed to disassemble it but that's
exactly what I like to do
take things apart I'm not supposed to as
long as I can get them back together and
make it work again here we go we've got
a Jew rotor style oil pump there's an
o-ring right here that needs to fit in
this groove to seal and then the cover
just bolts on okay the next thing on the
list is to remove the left-hand and
right-hand output shafts that go into
our differential side gears in the gear
reducer this is the left-hand side right
hand side over there it calls for a
slide hammer and a old pilot bearing
removal tool for a manual transmission
so this is the pilot bearing removal
tool right here and a slide hammer and
we are supposed to put this up inside
and put it into the snap ring groove for
the CV shaft and then pop it out well
come to find out the snap ring groove is
thinner than the tip of this tool that's
supposed to go into it and I didn't
realize that's what the problem was and
I had a hard time getting these output
shafts removed I finally got him out but
once I got a mound got looking at the
tool versus what they were supposed to
be grabbing I realized I need to grind
these down make him a little thinner so
that they'll actually fit into the
grooves of the her for these CV shaft
snap rings that are there so since I've
had this entire transaxle apart before
and I'll put it all back together
I've removed those snap rings they'll
hold these output shafts in place so I
can just pull them out by hand right now
this big long left hand output shaft
goes right through the center of the
rotor of the electric motor itself it's
it's hollow in the middle
and it has a big heavy-duty bushing
right here on the outside with the axle
seal and this is our left-hand output
shaft and then the CV shaft itself plugs
into here that goes to the left front
hub and bearing assembly and tire and
we'll assembly so there's our left-hand
axle shaft there's a snap ring that fits
in that groove right there typically and
I've just removed and I've just removed
that snap ring for ease for this
demonstration here obviously I'll need
to put that back in when I reassemble
so that's the left-hand axle shaft on
the other side we use the slide hammer
again and pull out the right hand axle
shaft as you can see this one is much
shorter than the other one and it has
the support bearing in the differential
case itself that holds it in place and
its own snap ring that I've already
removed and of course an axle sill here
on the other side as well okay the next
thing on the list is to remove this
transaxle case to remove the case I've
got to take the linkage off and our
actuator off and then we've got these
bolts to go all the way around and then
we'll be able to see the gear reduction
transfer gear and the final drive ring
gear and differential gear set so I'll
take the clip out and lift up for a
linkage on the shift actuator and then
take the bolts out
okay here's the shift actuator assembly
itself transmission range selector
actuator kind of a great big piece I
I've seen some of these that are smaller
right I'm not sure why this one is so
giant I'm not I've never seen one this
big but it obviously does the job of
mechanically shifting the transmission
range lever since you have an electronic
shifter on your center console alright
let's take these bolts out of the trans
transmission case okay I've got all the
bolts out of the transmission case now
we can attempt to slide it off it has a
couple of dowel pins they'll hold it in
place there's a couple of pry points
plus one right back here and another one
right here there we go
I'm going to come in with a plastic
mallet here and just tap lightly there
we go okay we can see inside of the
transmission case itself and the only
things in here of real interest are the
transmission internal mode switch right
here we got the electrical connector
right here harness right there that
connects to this outer blue connection
connector that will read which Range
Park reverse neutral low you have
selected with your transmission shift
lever and then we have the parking
linkage right here we've got Park
reverse neutral Drive
and low now of course normally
transmission fluid would would be
pouring out of here of whatever didn't
get drained out when you drained it
previously but I've had this apart and
cleaned everything up before we have our
ring gear right here and our
differential gear set and as notice we
have real nice ball bearings here these
bearings since their ball bearings
instead of tapered roller bearings have
to have in place shims so there's a
special shimming procedure to control
the end play of these bearings that will
have to go through when we reassemble it
so you're supposed to take these shims
off and throw them away well and then
replace them with new new ones when you
go back together I suggest that you take
them off and measure them and then hang
on to them because you might you might
need them again when I took these off
previously and measured them they were
almost all identical in the thickness so
there are six of these shims for the six
ball bearings that are in this transaxle
four of these shims measured exactly
half a millimeter in in with the other
two one of a measure one millimeter in
width and the other one measured 0.9
millimeters so you need to keep track of
what thickness shim you had where and
write those down so that you you'll have
an idea of at least what it was before
you took it apart now if you're just
going back together and you haven't
changed any shims or any parts inside
just reuse the old shims but if you're
changing a bearing or any of these
internal pieces you need to go through
the special measurement procedure that
we'll see when we go back together to
determine if these shims are correct
okay so there's there's special shims on
each of these
bearings I've measured all of them RIT
written their dimensions on the ziploc
bag here that I keep them in and will
refer to those when we go back together
all right now we just need to remove the
counter gear right here and the final
drive a ring gear and differential gear
set this is where our short little
output shaft plugged in right here and
then our long one came all the way
through on the other side okay before we
remove these gears there is a an
aluminum gasket with a rubber seal
embedded into it the instructions tell
us that is not reusable
there is also an oil baffle right down
here to channel transmission fluid away
from the ring gear to reduce losses as
it rotates into it and to splash oil up
into different channels to lubricate the
the bearings if we look in this case
half right here you can almost see what
looks like a funnel right there for the
fluid to drain back down and lubricate
this outer bearing and a similar one
here on this other other side for that
bearing so we've got a oil baffle to
remove all right I've got the oil baffle
removed on the other side of that is our
magnet for metallic particles from gear
normal gear wear and other malfunctions
okay now we're ready ready to remove
these gears pull out on the counter gear
and then pull out on the final drive and
it'll come right out if you don't pull
out on that counter gear first there's
not enough clearance for the final drive
Unit two clear so here's our final drive
you can see our open differential gear
set inside there here's our sim on the
other side as well
all right the instructions tell us that
we can if we won't want to remove the
park linkage in the internal notes which
I don't really care about that that's
just regular stuff that you'd see in any
other automatic transmission so let's
continue on with things that are unique
to the bolt
evie drive unit here the one ET 25
transaxle so let's turn the transmission
case around and we'll take off the
transmission case cover here on the
driver's side
now the SAE document the details the the
bolt evey drive unit here that I told
you about in the high voltage component
video tells us that the drive unit
itself was designed to be serviceable in
the vehicle that's why they have a case
removable case cover on one side and a
case cover on the other side for the
gear reduction unit you can leave this
Center portion with the electric motor
in it in the vehicle and just remove one
or both case covers to do service work
on components inside the case covers
seal replacements resolver replacements
internal modes with replacement and so
on but anyway we're going to take off
this case
cover next from the driver's side all
right this case cover is going to be a
little harder to get off than the other
one because the rotor that has internal
magnets embedded inside of it has now
magnetically pulled itself over to the
stator because we are no longer
centering it inside of the stator itself
and so it puts a it pulls it off to the
side just a little bit so there's a
right here
and there's a pride point right down
here another prior point right here
there we go okay so here's our case
cover and it has an aluminum gasket
that's not reusable as well our case
cover has this long transmission filter
that's not serviceable without
disassembling things as you can see has
a temperature sensor down inside of it
right there and then this is our
resolver our serviceable resolver that
measures the position speed and
direction of rotation of the electric
motor rotor inside the transaxle here
let's turn this around oh by the way
down inside of the bearing housing there
is a shim for the ball bearing right
here on the rotor itself so we're
looking at the stator and the hairpin
six conductor deep stator design a
unique design we'll talk about that a
little bit more once we get the stator
out we have a lubrication channel right
here where fluid is going to drip out of
our oil sump and run along and drop down
on to the stator windings themselves and
cool the the stator windings it also has
a drip channel that comes over and goes
down to this bearing here to lubricate
so we've just got an 8 millimeter head
bolt holding the filter in place and as
you can see the filter just has an
o-ring seal on the one side and you can
see the pick up filter screen filter
element on the inside so this is going
to reach all the way in up underneath
the the stator itself to pick up the
fluid on the back side of it and on the
back side of it is the inlet of the
coolant so that would be the cooler oil
on the back side there all right then on
the resolver it just has eight three
eight millimeter head bolts to hold it
in place and one electrical connector
this resolver only bolts in in one
location it's not adjustable it has
automatic learn unlike the older Toyota
Prius resolvers that that would actually
come out of alignment
if you unbolted them and there was no
way for you to line them back up okay so
here is our resolver pull back on the
connector position assurance clip
depress the tab and remove the resolver
itself the resolver is a serviceable
unit when and if it ever goes bad but it
should should never go bad all right
then the remaining wire harness and the
pass-through connector here just goes
over to our temperature sensor okay next
on the list we need to remove what is
called the center support this is what's
supported the driver's side ball bearing
of our differential case assembly
okay this is our center support it's
held in place with six bolts and aligned
with two dowel pins right there now with
that removed there's nothing to stop our
transfer gear from sliding out it's just
a tight fit on the bearing in the bore
as it should be just pray lightly
sometimes these will just slide right
out and right in and other times they'll
they'll fight you here we go okay so
here's our transfer gear it's ball
bearing and shim so put that shit over
here with the others okay right here in
the end of the case we still have a
lubrication channel right here from the
oil trough the oil sump I mean right
there and then we have a cover for the
three-phase electrical connector right
here as well then on the other side we
have that oil distribution channel right
here that cools the stator so we've got
to remove that we are now to the point
where we are ready to pull this rotor
out but we just can't grab on to it and
pull it out it has some super strong
neodymium magnets multiple layers envy
configuration inside of this stator
you're not going to pull it out by hand
and you sure don't want to come in here
and start prying on it so the only way
to get that rotor out of there if you
want to remove it for service replace a
bit bearing on it or the gear on the
other side or another bearing or just
replace the rotor itself for whatever
reason loss of magnetism and trouble
code sets or whatever
it takes a special tool to pull it out
without having it rub on the stator
frame itself and without having it
injure you with you trying to pull it
out and it's pulling back in with all
its magnetic strength so true get that
out there's a special guide tool that
will hold it centered in the stator and
we need to set that up next and it
starts on the other side here so there's
a special tool kit that costs almost a
thousand dollars to Center this rotor as
you pull it out I found one on eBay for
a little bit less than that but but it's
a very expensive tool but if you want to
do service work on this transaxle you've
got to have it so let's bring in the
special tools okay so I brought in the
special tools to keep the rotor centered
there's a special spacer with a notch in
it to clear that notch right there this
is just gonna fit in there just like
that then there's a plate that bolts on
over the top of this to hold it in place
these don't need to be super tight
they're just holding that little spacer
in place so I'll just lightly Snug those
up then there's a sleeve here that's
supposed to fit down the center of that
rotor but these sleeves are a little bit
too big I've had to take sandpaper and
send them down to make them fit inside
of this rotor and I don't know if that's
because the tools were made for a first
design rotor and then they changed it or
if they just made the tools incorrectly
but these tools are from what used to be
can't more tools the special tools
supplier for General Motors it's now
Bosch service solutions so Bosch you may
want to take a look at this this tool
here the DT five two zero one one
- one - three because it doesn't fit
it's not doesn't Center up inside the
the rotor as well as it should
i've had to sand it down just a little
bit and then i'm able to tap it in a
little bit there but I think that it's
supposed to be if it's supposed to be a
tight fit but it should be able to slide
in by hand I believe then we have a
guide pin that's going to go through the
center of that then we have this outer
housing the bolts in place to hold the
guide pin in place so the blue sleeve
this one here because there's one for
the other side also centers the rotor
into this plate and then this sleeve is
centered into this plate so we've now
centered the rotor on this side of the
stator so now we need to go to the other
side to put additional tools in to get
it centered and then pull it up and out
okay at this point if I had the
transaxle mounted in that special
rotating holding fixture I would just
simply rotate it on its side and get the
get the rest of the tools hooked up but
I don't I'm not able to use that so I'm
just going to put some extra long bolts
in this side of the case to hold the
case up off of this tool when I tip it
over to support it as we pull the rotor
okay so here we go we're going to tip
the tip the whole thing up on its hand
just like that so now we've got
clearance for the tool underneath and we
can get the upper tools set up to pull
the rotor up and out all right while
we've got the transaxle tipped on its
side let's take this oil sump cover off
and show you what's inside of there so
it's just a big empty trough and you can
see has one two three four five six
holes in it where fluid is going to go
out and drip down on other parts inside
of the transaxle for stator cooling and
for the ball bearing lubrication the
cover itself has that same aluminum
gasket that's not reusable also while we
have this transaxle on its end let's
turn it over and take the coolant sump
off next okay here's our coolant sump
you can see this pipe right here is
where the coolant comes in and it has to
wind back and forth back and forth and
then come back out over here the coolant
sump which is visible from the bottom of
the car with the under car cover removed
also has that same aluminum gasket
that's not not reusable why are they not
reusable I don't know maybe the aluminum
crushes these I'm going to see if I can
buy replacement gaskets at the local
Chevrolet dealer it seems like I saw a
service bulletin saying that all these
parts are serviceable now and it gave
the part numbers for them but if not
none of these are damaged it only has 35
miles on it and I'll reuse them and see
what happens
okay so coolant sump oil sump so now we
are ready to pull out the rotor assembly
so to pull out the rotor assembly we
have a guide pin it's going to come in
and screw into that dowel they had a
threaded end on it all right so this
threaded guide pin did not line up
exactly perfect with the guide pin down
below I can't tell if we're just
spinning the whole thing there we go
all right it's screwed all the way into
that alignment dowel from below now we
have this tool that has three holes that
go over the holes where the stator bolts
are so we need to remove the stator
bolts next these stator bolts are not
reusable three stator bolts so we put
this tool over the top of that we want
to be very careful that we don't damage
pry lean or set anything on the stator
windings here that could cause damage to
them so we'll get that lined up just
like that now I'm going to reposition
the camera so you can see
how tall this next tool is that fits on
here all right we have two clamshell
type tools that are going to come in and
clamp down over the resolver cam rotor
there and this bearing they're gonna go
just like that except I need to split
them apart so I can get the next tool in
it says this big tall piece right here
that's going to go over and down into
our stator bolt holes so we've got this
threaded shaft we've got this adapter
right here that these little clamshell
tools are going to hook into and then
the threaded shaft with a nut on the top
of it we're going to tighten that nut
and pull the rotor up out okay so the
tricky part of giving this hooked up is
getting both of these
clamshell tools over this lip right here
so I have to loosen the nut on the top
and let it come down let me turn this
you can see what's going on
there we go okay so we slide that open
clamp the clamshells around it put this
sleeve over the top of it to lock the
clamshell in place snug up this nut to
hold the lock in place and then from the
top here we start to pull up on the
rotor itself I'm going to get
repositioned bring my chair up a little
higher here so I can reach that nut it
takes quite a bit of turning to pull
that out okay here we go thirty
millimeter wrench we want to turn the
nut and prevent the shaft from turning
so I'm just going to hang on down here
as it comes up those guide pins the
guide dowels keep it from rubbing on the
stator frame although although there's
almost a strange ratcheting sound as I'm
pulling this out that makes me think
it's barely contacting the the stator
laminations or the rotor laminations
anyway we'll pull it out and take a look
see if we can see any witness marks you
can see the top of the rotor now is
starting to appear
I think we're finally clearing the top
of the yes we are it all of a sudden got
real easy to turn the nut so we no
longer have the magnet pulling out or
resisting us pulling out okay you can
see the entire length of the rotor here
get another bearing down below it and a
gear below that now we're supposed to
just lift up on this and and pull it out
I'm not sure if I'm strong enough I may
have to bring in the the engine hoist to
pull it out of here but it's just
sitting on these three non-magnetic
aluminum poles here and we've got the
weight of the the rotor assembly itself
I measured it earlier but I can't
remember what it is at this moment but
let's see if we can lift this up and out
though I cannot so let me get the engine
hoist we have to lift it up high enough
to clear that alignment dowel so I've
got to lift it up probably four more
inches 100 millimeters or so okay I've
never tried this before it's just a lift
strap let's bring it up
okay the lifting or the tool was getting
stuck in one of the holes for the the
stator bolts there we go
okay here we go
and we've cleared the alignment dowel so
slide the case out of the way here and
we'll let that back down
oh let's see how much that weighs it
says it weighs 60 pounds with the tool
the tools probably 10 pounds of that
okay we have to remember that this rotor
is highly magnetic very strong eight
pole magnetic field around this thing
and so we need to keep it away from
anything any metal particles or any
tools or anything else that could cost
cause it to receive damage on its
laminations here in looking at the the
laminations from removing it I don't see
any obvious damage at all there let's
let this down and take the the tool off
and just look at the rotor itself
little clamshell pieces out of there
these tools are magnet earth iron some
some sorts so we got to keep those away
from the magnetic field as you can see
these blue bars are aluminum they're not
sticking to the the rotor itself and
then plastic of course works great with
the magnetic fields so now we've just
got our rotor we've got our drive gear
down here I've got a ball bearing and
another ball bearing there's another
shim down inside the case a bigger
diameter shim for this bigger diameter
bearing all right I'm going to get some
wooden blocks to put this in all right
here's the rotor for the bolt
evie as you can see this bearing seems
to have some sort of a gray coating on
the outer race where this one does not
and on the counter gear bearings they
also have this gray coating it doesn't
say anything about what that gray
coating is for I suspect it's to prevent
corrosion from the dissimilar metals
with possible induced currents going
through them with the the motor running
vehicle going down the road I've seen
this type of coating on universal joints
in universal joint caps universal joint
caps bearing caps in an aluminum
driveshaft the same color I don't know
if it's the same material but if any of
you know what this coating is for if
you'd please put that in the comments
below I'd appreciate that
I'm just speculating okay so we've got
the rotor out of the way this is a
serviceable piece now the last piece to
remove is the stator assembly itself and
it has three special guide pins that go
into the stator bolt holes and screw
into the transaxle case and then they're
tapered on the top here and that's to
allow you to slide the stator out
without it binding inside so I'll slide
that over there rotate it down and just
pull out slightly
here it comes just like that so here's
the stator for the Chevrolet bolt Eevee
if we zoom in close and look at the
stator windings you can actually see
there are 1 2 3 rows of these hairpin
conductors which means they are 6
conductors deep in this stator and from
what I read in the SAE document on this
new improved motor that helps reduce the
AC power losses at the higher motor rpm
a typical stator like in the previous
Chevrolet Volt had 2 rows instead of 3
so they were four conductors deep in the
Chevrolet Volts and six conductors deep
here and one of the people that was on
the original design team for the
Chevrolet Volt told me that when they
designed this electric motor and it's
designed for maximum efficiency and hand
power that there was no other motor out
there that could even match the
efficiency of this motor and they said
that they designed this motor to be the
next small-block Chevrolet so to say of
power trains so the small-block
Chevrolet was and still is a very
popular very powerful v8 engine and has
been for many many years and their
intent was to have this motor design
maybe even this drive unit be in
multiple platforms with the same high
power high efficiency motor system if we
look at the other side here of the
stator windings you can see the the
other end of the hairpin conductors and
then there's a drip channel right here
for oil to come out of that oil sump and
to drip down and go down and lubricate
the stator windings because these get
really hot this is the heat source
inside of the transmission and it and
although it gets hot it doesn't get as
hot as the fluid
although the fluid gets hot it doesn't
get hot as a normal planetary gearset
style automatic transmission and the
cooling system surge tank reservoir cap
was only pressurized to 5 psi for this
loop of the cooling system so much lower
amounts of heat compared to an internal
combustion engine with a torque
converter heat generating planetary
gearset style of automatic transmission
now just a couple of things to get
wrapped up with this disassembly video
because we will reassemble it showing
the special measurements for the shims
and everything when we go back together
but one thing I wanted to show you about
these electric vehicles is how simple
they are and when I mean when I say
simple I don't mean simple design
meaning it was easy to design these
simplicity is not necessarily easy but
if we look at the number of rotating
parts in this entire drive unit
there are basically three main rotating
parts we've got the rotor assembly that
then turns the counter gear right here
that then turns the final drive three
pieces no clutch packs no bands and no
sprags no roller clutches no Pistons
none of those hundreds of parts that you
would see in a typical automatic
transmission let alone the internal
combustion engine that this is replacing
of course there are three main moving
parts these pieces here but each one has
two bearings on it so there's six more
pieces so there's nine total and then
inside of the differential here we have
two side gears and two differential
pinion gears so that makes for a total
of 13 possible moving parts inside the
of this drive unit and only when you're
turning corners would the side gears in
the differentials
be rotating at a different speed than
the differential case so a real basic
very reliable system these electric
vehicles and and this one is is very
efficient and that the design is very
compact to where this left-hand output
shaft remember goes right through the
center of the rotor instead of being
offset like on the the Nissan Leaf and
other electric vehicles out there so
congratulations to Chevrolet and the
design team that came up with this
amazing and efficient and simplistic
evie drive unit and I think it's
absolutely beautiful so coming up I hope
to shoot a reassembly video with all the
measurements for this drive unit and
then we've got all of these parts out
the drive unit all of the electronics
and our and our Chevy bolt back here on
the hoist is totally empty yeah under
the under the hood so we've got to put
that all back together and and make it
work again even the battery is out the
whole thing is stripped as far as the
powertrain is concerned and we're gonna
put that back together and and make it
work and hopefully get it converted to a
DC fast charge thank you for watching

2020 Chevrolet Silverado 2500/3500: First Look – PickupTrucks.com

2020 Chevrolet Silverado 2500/3500: First Look – PickupTrucks.com


this is our first chance to see the 2020
Chevy Silverado heavy duties right next
to me is a 2500 LTZ and you can look at
it and tell that this is an all-new
pickup truck powertrain design interior
everything has been completely redone as
far as powertrains the carryover Duramax
diesel is gonna come to the new 2020
Silverado HD s what you have here are
some Auto Show cables so it might look a
little bit different but still the exact
same carry over engine 445 horsepower
910 foot-pounds of torque but now has a
10 speed heavy-duty Allison transmission
made it up to it also the big news in
all-new 6.6 liter direct injection v8
engine 401 horsepower 464 foot-pounds of
torque now that new gas engine is also
made it up to a revised six-speed
transmission and also one thing to
consider here if you're doing any work
on your engine on these new heavy duties
they're a little taller than they were
before so when you're trying to reach
for this hood it's a little difficult
inside everything is going to be very
familiar to the Silverado half-ton
pickup truck regular extended and crew
cab is going to be larger more legroom
especially for rear passengers but the
inside - very very similar to what we've
already seen on the half tons dual glove
boxes this is the LTZ package very nice
organic looking center console plenty of
storage here in the middle and also a
uniquely designed gauge cluster for the
driver another feature we like an
all-wheel drive capable transfer case on
a heavy duty vehicle that's a segment
exclusive here at the back of the truck
we love the fact that it's got the rear
view cameras push button tailgate drop
does it automatically you also have four
fifth wheel or gooseneck hitches you've
got the 4 and the 7 pin hitches here on
the inside also a three-prong 120 volt
plug here on the opposite side and then
you've got almost 7 inches of extra
width in the beds and the longest beds
in the segment no matter what the cab
and then because this has the auto
dropout a lift tailgate one push button
and it'll send the tailgate right back
up and closed
there's obviously tons to talk about
with this new vehicle and we will be
talking more about this after we get
some time behind the wheel but to call
out just two features that we really
like the DEF tank is right here at the
fuel filler and the fact is that every
single duly equipped Chevy heavy-duty
Silverado 3500 with the diesel will be
able to tow over thirty five thousand
pounds for more information go to pickup

Why Chevy Is Radically Changing The Corvette

Why Chevy Is Radically Changing The Corvette


The Corvette is widely regarded
as America's sports car.
The Chevrolet Corvette has been in production
since 1953, making it one of
the longest running production
vehicles in history.
Of course, it's also one that
has occasionally risked the axe, especially
in times of stress for
Chevrolet parent General Motors.
In spite of that, the car has endured
and it is about to undergo its
biggest change in history.
The Corvette is becoming a mid-engine sports car
and it is one of a small
number of mid-engine sports cars that can
be bought for less than six
GM President Mark Reuss told the crowd
at the Corvettes unveiling that the
car would start at less than 60
thousand dollars and gasps could be heard
from the audience to
understand what this means.
It is important to take
a look at Corvette's history.
The first Corvette was designed
by legendary General Motors designer
Harley Earl.
Earl saw that American soldiers returning
from Europe after World War 2
had gone crazy for European sports cars,
and he wanted to create an
American competitor.
GM built 300 of the first Corvettes
in 1953, while the initial Corvette
was a virtual masterpiece
of automotive design.
The car's performance was mediocre.
GM engineers had put the car together
from materials the company had on
hand. Its six-cylinder engine lacked the
horsepower needed to match the
car's sleek looks.
The first Corvette sold poorly and was
being outsold several times over by
competitors such as
the Ford Thunderbird.
Just a few years after its creation,
the Corvette was already in danger of
being discontinued.
But the car had caught the attention
of a Russian born Belgian immigrant
engineer and race car driver named Zora
Arkus-Duntov, who soon got a job
with GM and became the
Corvettes first chief engineer.
Arkus-Duntov is credited with pushing
for a sportier, higher performing
Corvette. Over time, the car grew a
reputation as a working man's answer
to high end Italian and German supercars
and developed a proud and devoted
following apart from its lower price.
It also, over time, became known for
keeping its engine in the front of
the car. Like many conventional cars.
But the performance and handling of
a mirror engine layout is often
favored among makers of super cars
and high end sports cars.
had pressed his bosses to make a
mid-engine Corvette, and for years the
company experimented with designs.
You know, creating a car with the
drive train centralized in the middle of
the vehicle helps
centralize the mass.
When you do that, you end up with
more equal weight between the front and
rear axles and on the front tires.
Essentially, that makes the car more
stable, even at higher speeds and
even around sharper corners,
braking and acceleration.
Everything you're doing in the car especially
is a performance car is more
stable, more balanced when you have
mass centralised engine design over
Chevrolet developed several different iterations
of what was called the
Chevrolet Experimental Research
Vehicle or CERV.
These cars were outfitted with
mid-engine configurations too, some of
which Arkus-Duntov himself held patents, but
none of the designs ever made
it to production, even as high
end performance vehicles from other
manufacturers routinely demonstrated the
advantages of the mid-engine
That Corvette was able to compete with
many far more expensive cars was
impressive that it did so while keeping
its engine in the front of the
car. For many of its fans added to
its charm, in some ways, the car
appeared to succeed in
spite of itself.
I think that when we talk about Corvette
and the idea that it stayed true
for so long to its heritage front engine,
rear drive and over time, as we
saw more mid-engine cars coming out,
performance levels getting higher and
Part of the mystique and the aura
around mid-engine was literally that was
the engines like right
behind your head.
Changes like ride and
drive dynamics, too.
But it kind of gave this idea that,
to compete at this level, you have to
have a mid-engine.
At the same time, Corvette soldiered on
and it was great Nuremberg lap
It was crazy amounts of power grid,
all despite the fact that didn't have
this latest and greatest
exotic car engine.
Part of its success has come
from the credibility Corvette has established
in racing.
Corvettes have been a popular choice
for racing enthusiasts for decades,
even when General Motors has not
been formally involved in racing.
In 1960, a private race team entered a
Corvette in the 24 hours of Le
Monde endurance race in
Le Mans, France.
In 1999, GM began sponsoring a Corvette
racing team, which has since won
107 races around the world.
That is more than any other car
in the history of the International Motor
Sports Association, one of the major
sanctioning bodies for racing in
North America.
In addition, the current Corvette racing
team has had eight victories in
the car's class and the 24 hours
of Le Monde race since 2001.
The Corvette also benefited from some
clever publicity, courtesy of early
NASA astronauts in the early 1960s.
GM President Ed Cole and a Florida
Chevrolet dealer named Jim Rathmann, a
former Indy 500 winner, offered astronauts
from some of the Apollo
missions a special deal that let
them drive any Chevrolet vehicle they
wanted for a year for one dollar.
Many, of course, chose the Corvette.
That doesn't mean things have always
been easy for the Corvette.
General Motors has been
close to canceling the.
Car a few times, but it's always seemed
to save it at the last minute.
One famous incident was in the 1990s
when GM wanted to shut down the
Corvette program in favor
of more popular models.
At that time, the company was
reportedly losing 1000 dollars on every
Corvette it made.
But Corvette program manager Russ McClain
and his team secretly went to
work on a new Corvette.
McClain told no one except his wife that
he had been ordered to cancel the
The car they created was released in
1997 and became Motor Trend's Car of
the Year in 1998.
Corvette sales have seen a decline
in recent years, falling from 33,329
units in 2015 to
18,791 units in 2018.
GM, along with rivals Ford and
Fiat Chrysler, have rapidly been abandoning
traditional passenger cars.
However, industry watchers say the Corvette
name has now lived long enough
to attain a kind of iconic status,
not unlike the Ford Mustang, which Ford
has decided to hold on to even
as it slowly drains its portfolio of
traditional sedans and coupes.
But General Motors has decided it is
time for a big change to Corvette,
and many industry observers say the
mid-engine gives GM a shot at
attracting a new audience to the car.
I think for General Motors and
virtually every automaker whose main stream
or even the luxury brands
that have these halo cars.
The rationale is literally that is that
we have to have something that
brings you into the showroom or gets
our own employees excited because it
does have that trickle down
effect from said vehicle.
And it's one of those things where
you're never going to justify on paper,
you work in product planning, your
corporate bean counting, whatever you
want to call it.
On paper, it doesn't make
a lot of sense.
Can you truly measure
its effect overall?
Not really.
I mean, if you really want extrapolated
down to word of mouth kind of
thing, which again, is pie 1, the
highest, you know, most reputable things
is , I heard it from X, Y, Z,
and you really can measure stuff like that.
You can say, you know, on the
internet we saw this much activity.
We saw as many clicks.
But at the end of the day, it's
one of those things that you really can't
measure people's feelings.
And we know the cars of this nature,
they stir the soul and they get
people excited.
The new Corvette boasts
some impressive specs.
It will have 495 horsepower.
And when paired with a performance package,
we'll be able to go from zero
to 60 in under three
seconds according to GM.
That is approaching
supercar performance levels.
For example, it is within just fractions
of a second of the times boasted
by the 350 thousand dollar Ferrari
488 Pista and the 573 thousand
dollar Lamborghini Aventador
SVJ Roadster.
Chevrolet said redesigning the new Corvette
from the ground up provided a
historic opportunity Chevrolet designers have
wanted for 60 years.
The company said the Corvette can stand
tall with the best the world has
to offer.
GM President Mark Reuss also said Corvette
has pushed the potential of its
front engine design as far
as it can go.
But not everyone is happy about
the switch to a mid-engine layout.
Some longtime Corvette fans have cried
foul over the change, some
considered a betrayal
of Corvettes legacy.
Some complain the car is just aping
European designs and some don't like
how the mid-engine layout
changes the car's proportions.
Others are more optimistic;
if a bit guarded.
General Motors has been trying to
cut costs and improve profitability, and
its push has resulted in some bold,
if controversial moves such as cutting
production of several of its
passenger cars in late 2018.
As of September 2019, shares of GM
had risen about 12 percent over the
past five years.
With sales being so small, many think
Corvettes status as a kind of 'halo'
car becomes ever more
important to its survival.
It gives GM a chance to make
an inspiring, attention grabbing vehicle and
showcase the company's
engineering talent.
By switching over to
a mid-engine design.
Corvette is showing it can make
a world class vehicle and undercut
higher-end makers of super
cars in price.
It's always fascinating to
watch the supercar evolution.
This is a this is
a segment that doesn't stop.
It's never standing still.
It's never static. Every
not even a year.
It's really more like almost
every three to four months.
There's another super car
coming around the corner.
I think General Motors has stepped
into this competitive segment with a
very capable entry in this
new C 8 Corvette.
And it will be fascinating to watch
how how effectively they compete at
their price point with
much higher priced vehicle.
When they've got a vehicle that already
looks like it's going to be
offering performance based models that
are just being produced, despite
all the data that shows sport
utility is taking over the U.S.
auto market.
The next few years could be
some good ones for sports cars.

Here's Why Chevy Dealerships are Crap

Here's Why Chevy Dealerships are Crap

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
Michael cologne he says 07 Acura
RDX 90,000 miles called P2263 issued a
check engine light the dealer once
replace the turbo for six grand it pulls
fine and I don't feel any difference I
can't pass inspection please help yeah
you know when you get vacuum leak or
stuff wrong with the system it won't
pass emissions testing they're trying to
say the problem is in your turbo it very
well could be but if it runs okay so
you're stuck between a rock and a hard
place find a mechanic like me maybe he
could just reset it drive it a little
and if it'll pass the emissions test
then go get it tested right away I do
that for customers all the time when he
got some nagging thing that's gonna cost
a fortune but it runs okay a lot of
times you can reset it if it's got some
kind of a vacuum leak at least just
patch it with duct tape or something you
just take duct tape up if you want as
long as it runs okay you know there's
always ways to get around stuff if four
car runs perfectly fine door somebody's
trying to rip you for that kind of money
now if you do have to replace the turbo
don't pay 6 grand don't go to a dealer
you can get refurbished ones from many
places all over the world online and
replace it with a recondition one this
places that will take yours and
refurbish it for you Greg says Scotty
is a 2.7 liter EcoBoost a good reliable
engine over time understand what
EcoBoost is it means that it's GDI
gasoline injection with insane
high-pressure spraying of fuel directly
in the engine and also turbochargers
which brings more air in the engine so
there's more pressure in the engine and
guess what the more pressure the fast or
something will wear out over time if you
took that same engine and it was just a
normal engine with fuel injection and no
turbos and drove them both in the same
vehicle the one that's the EcoBoost is
gonna wear out faster and it's just the
way that it goes strain more they're
gonna wear out faster they work fine for
you know usually the first few years
100,000 miles or more
but eventually it will wear out fast to
realize that if you're the type of
person to trade your vehicle in every
100,000 miles your style you probably be
happy with but if you want really really
long-term now you better not to buy that
complex stuff Senya treasure like says
when should I change all the fluids in my
2014 Durango Hemi I only drive 5,000
miles annually well oil it doesn't
matter its mileage and/or age so you
want to change the engine at once a year
use good synthetic oil change it once
here that's fine the rest of the stuff
you're probably gonna go more by time
than mileage like I would change the
transmission fluid but if you only
driving 5,000 miles a year I change it
once every five or six years yeah and
the coolant you go by the not the
mileage but the year like a few at that
Toyota hoat coolant that's good for up
to seven years the Dodge coolant I
believe the factory stuff is good for
five years find out how long it is and
then change it by the years not the
mileage because things wear out over
find out what time for each and change
it at that time instead of the mileage
because you're not putting on the
mileage they still degrade over time
specially the engine oil, J Texas 1974
live free or die Scotty can you
tell me how long you can drive a car
with a failing or bad torque converter
thanks well of course that depends on
how bad the torque converter is yeah I
got customers with torque converters
that are weak that drive them for years
and years and years in my 94 celcia has
an automatic transmission the torque
converter is weak but it was a weak when
I bought it used and it's still weak and
I still drive it the only problem with
that is it shakes a lot in drive so when
you're driving if you leave it and drive
the engine shakes and idle I just put it
neutral and it runs smooth this can be
so I Drive it that way I really don't
care I'm not gonna take the transmission
off just to change the torque converter
and if it still works like that who
cares but there are torque converters
that physically fall apart when they
start making noise or when the gears
start to slam into gear when you're
driving then they're not gonna let us
talk that long it depends on how badly
worn they are cuz they will wear in
different models in different ways some
of them just have bad welds GM had some with bad welds
when the welds break then it starts
falling apart clang and then you got to
change it sooner than later or it will
destroy a bunch of other stuff Garcia says
Scotty I was a feeling driving on GT
Mustang 65 I've been 2005 in a Celica
2002 I feel like you oh yeah yeah the
old cars the fun to drive they're real
cars that's said
they're not like a modern car you get
turn the key and take off and that's all
you got to think about stuff that's 65
GT that I was showing it's got a hand
choke you gotta start it up play with
the chock a little let it warm up a few
minutes before you drive it seriously
and you know it's a standard
transmission so you gotta shift gears
and it's an old one so that's the clutch
it's relatively stepped you got to be
used to pushing down on that hard clutch
with your left foot the only thing I
ever drove this stiffer than that was a
customer had a Corvette and that you
he had to use both feet on a
clutch pedal to get it down it was so
hard to push it down on that Corvette
they were notorious for having sticky
clutch pedals but you know it's another
experience you're actually being part of
the Machine and you feel it and you get
feedback and bumps and it's a real
driving experience you know if you're
the type of person that just wants a
smooth thing definitely get a new one
don't get it old one, station money says
I got a 07 Ford Focus that has a
pinging sound under load when I use 87
octane using 89 there's no pinging how
can I get it to stop pinging when using
87 octane you know the problem is it's
12 years old
it's just worn with the higher octane
gas I mean you're better just to use it
because all kinds of things are going on
there it's probably that your timing
belt your timing chain is worn somewhat
the engine has a little carbon in it I
mean if you want to try my advice would
be paying mechanic like me to carbon
clean your engine because if there's
carbon buildup that increases the
compression ratio and you need to higher
test gas so it doesn't ping sometimes on
those just having them carbon cleaned
then they'll run normal on the cheaper
gas I tried that burst they make the
most logical thing to do
keoki Tara's says Scotty I changed the
sway bar links on my 08 Pontiac g5
but it still rattles when I hit bumps
what could be wrong you change the sway
bar links
those are links at the end right the
sway bar itself has to hold downs they
have rubber bushings on them check the
rubber bushings they could be worn out
too but of course realize there are a
zillion things that can make rattling
noise on a suspension system jack it up and
pull on it and hope you can duplicate the
noise now if you can't I have a video
called finding the source of car noises
watch that video and with that machine
if you don't want to buy one you're
gonna use one on eBay for like 50 60
bucks or a new one 410 bucks it will
pinpoint any sound in a car but check
the bushings first you changed the
links on the end of the bushings are
worn it'll still rattle around when you
hit bumps, res says toyota oem coolant
or third party pink
acceptable it's okay to mix different
brands of engine coolant all right well I always try to use the same thing but what's
in them is what counts and from my
experience I look around all the pink
and red coolant that I've ever found was
whole coolant hybrid organic acid
technology called the new style one that
Toyota's use and as long as it's hoat
coolant you can mix them it's perfectly
fine just like any olden days you didn't
care if you use impressed on coolant
factory GM coolant whatever as long as
it was the same type the older type
coolant was called inorganic acid
technology IAT and the new one is OAT
organic acid technology and the real
fancy ones like Toyota's are Hoat hybrid
organic acid technology as long as you
keep the same oats or hoat coolant in it
it's fine you can mix them, mike says
Scotty my 2015 Mazda 3 left front wheel
vibrates at 25 to 35 but it goes away at
a higher speed what can cause that you
got sympathetic vibrations in there
odds are to be rebalanced or the tiger
might just be shot go to a good place
where they balance tires have them check
the balancing of the tire if it's off
balance that can do that or it's a tire
itself a shot that often happens when
they're made of various belt wound
around in a circle and if the belts
break internally then they're no longer
perfectly round and at a certain speed
they'll go like mad but don't want to
get spinning faster it expands out and
becomes perfectly round again so had the tire check praise just needs to be
but if the tires crap pink albino your
tire because that will do different
things at different speeds cuz it's
rubber and can stretch and change as it
speeds up it's not like a man on a solid
steel where the speed doesn't change the
shape, Steven Mayer says Scotty are you
stoned dusted sunglasses no I'm blind as
a bat if I take them off I am blinded
and I have studio lights pointing at me
so you can see me otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me all that well I put
them on I don't look as old it's a
show business thing with sunglasses on
you don't look as old but now I'm not
stoned I haven't done that stuff since
college and that was let's see 42 years
ago that's what I graduated, game says
Scotty I have a 2010 Mazda 3 the sound
I had the Bose package mechanic told me
to replace an amp or get a new radio why
are the speakers what should I do
yes when you buy a vehicle with a fancy
stereo system and it breaks often either
to get new parts hardly anybody ever
fixes them right or to replace the whole
thing with a factory unit cost a fortune
you're better just going aftermarket I
do it in all my cars because the
aftermarket stuff these days every two
years they're they work twice as well
and it cost half as much so your carts a
few years old
you put modern stereo in sounds tons
better and it costs pretty nothing
compared to the original
so do that just get another new one
research what particular ones you want
like if you don't have an android and you want to
put an android in now if you want an
Android there's good androids out there now
for a little was doing her 50 bucks
don't buy the $80 androids they stink
I've tried them out but the more
expensive ones they're pretty good
androids that are easy to wire it I got
a video on that it's it's not that hard
to do,
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

Best New Cars for 2019-2020: Latest Cars, Trucks & SUVs | Edmunds

Best New Cars for 2019-2020: Latest Cars, Trucks & SUVs | Edmunds


to the LA Auto Show.
This is the first domestic
show of the season.
In this video, we're going to
skip all the behind the scenes
and most of the concepts
and get straight
to what's relevant to you.
You see here is a collection
of all the new vehicles
that you're going to see
at dealerships next year.

You can use edmunds.com to
find more detailed information
on any of the vehicles
featured in this video.

WILL KAUFMAN: The 2019 Acura
ILX has been refreshed,
and it certainly looks
sharper on the outside.
You'll get more standard
safety features,
an Apple CarPlay and Android
Auto integration are available.
It's comfortable and the
high-revving, naturally
aspirated engine is fun to
drive in certain situations,
but it lacks grunt
in normal driving.
The interior also feels a
bit cheap and plasticky,
because the ILX is still based
on the last generation Honda
However, this is
the cheapest way
to get into a new
small luxury sedan,
with prices starting
at just around $26,000.
This five passenger SUV has been
totally redesigned for 2019.
We've had a chance to
test the all new RDX,
and it ranked competitively
among small luxury SUVs,
coming in a close fifth in
a hotly contested segment.
The turbo motor feels strong,
and the RDX is fun to drive.
It's also comfortable, roomy,
and has great interior storage
and cargo space.
So why only fifth?
Well, it's not quite as premium
feeling as some competitors,
and its German rivals are
a bit stronger dynamically.
Still, with prices
starting under $40,000,
the new RDX should present a
tempting value to shoppers.
take over auto sales,
the Audi A6 takes a
stand for those who still
value performance and handling.
It starts right around
$60,000 and drives a lot
like the previous generation,
which is a good thing.
The big difference is
the amount of technology
they packed into it.
Unfortunately, it's a
little distracting to use.
There's also a new
Audi A7 at the show,
and it drives a lot like the A6.
It costs $9,100 more though,
but you get a lot more features
and a much larger cargo space.
Unfortunately, you also lose out
on a little rear seat headroom.
Check out my first
drive on each of these
to find out for yourself.
Both the A6 and A7 compete
against the Mercedes Benz
E-Class as well as
the BMW 5 Series.
Right behind me as the Audi A8.
As much as I like this flagship,
a lot of the technology
has gone unfulfilled.
The interface is
just as distracting
to use as the supporting models
and its biggest development,
level 3 automated driving,
isn't coming to the US just yet.
Even without that, it's
a really strong choice
in the class that includes the
BMW 7 series and Mercedes Benz
Also notable is the
all electric E Tron.
It goes with more conventional
styling than its rivals
the Jaguar I-PACE, Tesla
Model X and Mercedes EQC.
Like those, it has
all-wheel drive
and is packed with technology.
Judging by the battery
specs, the 200 mile range
should get close to the
Tesla Model X. Performance
should still be good
the 0 to 60 time
of 5 and 1/2 seconds,
which is slower
than the Jag and the Tesla.

BMW's seventh generation 3
Series is here, with the M340i.
382 horsepower from
the turbo charged
six cylinder is a big step
up from the 255 horsepower
in the 330i.
BMW estimates it'll hit 60
miles an hour in 4.2 seconds.
All-wheel drive is
an option, but if you
want a manual transmission,
you're out of luck.
There's more tech that
includes a virtual assistant
like Mercedes
Benz's MBUX system.
The M340i will show
up in the spring
and we expect it to cost
somewhere around $50,000.
I like the 3 Series,
but I love the 8 Series.
I also love convertibles,
and that version
made its debut right here.
It has the same 523 horsepower
turbo V8 as the coupe,
and it sounds amazing,
but with the top down,
that V8 should sound
even more amazing.
Enjoy it for yourself
when it arrives in March
for about $122,000.
For about half that price, you
can get the all new BMW Z4.
I got to drive it, and
it's a huge improvement
over the last generations.
It's a good middle ground
between the Porsche Boxter
and Audi TT Roadster, both in
terms of price and personality.
Prices start right
around $50,000
for the turbo charged,
four cylinder that makes
255 horsepower this March.
The production
version of the BMW X7
also made its road debut here.
This three row SUV
has seating for seven
and a maximum cargo
capacity of 90 cubic feet.
When the X7 goes
on sale this March,
you'll have two engine
choices, a 355 horsepower turbo
charged six cylinder that
sells for about $75,000.
You'll also have a
456 horsepower V8
that sells for around $94,000.
Shoppers are more
likely to gravitate
towards the X5 than
the big X7, and it's
been fully redesigned for 2019.
You get the same engine
choices as the X7,
which means the V8
powered X5 should
be a really strong performer.
This fourth gen model is a
little bit bigger than before
and also gets some light
off-road capabilities.
It's on sale now for around
$62,000 for the xDrive 40i
and $77,000 for the xDrive 50i.
A third row of
seats is optional.
If you're looking
to downsize, there's
also a new BMW X4,
with smaller dimensions
and improved handling and
actually borders on sporty.
Unfortunately, that roofline
cuts into the cargo space
as well as rear seat headroom.
Prices are going to start
right around $51,000
for the xDrive 30i.
Stepping up to the
355 horsepower M40i
should set you back
another 10 grand.

all new 2019 Chevy Blazer.
They've brought the name back.
And while it's not the rough
and tumble Blazer of the 60s
or 70s, or even the
S10-based Blazer of the 90s,
it is an aggressively
styled family crossover.
It's got two rows of
seating on the inside,
and it can tow up
to 4,500 pounds.
I, for one, am excited to get
it into the Edmunds office
and take it for a drive.
The 2019 Chevy Camaro
gets refreshed looks.
New headlights, new tail lights.
It also gets a new infotainment
interface on the inside.
And for this year, you
can get the 1LE track
package with the base
four cylinder engine.
Or if you want to, you can
still opt for two optional V8s,
including a supercharged motor
that puts out 650 horsepower.
This is the 2019
Chevy Silverado.
It's completely redesigned
but it feels a bit more
like a refresh.
We like it for its impressive
towing capabilities
and its quiet and
comfortable interior,
but it still ranked third
behind the Ram 1500 and the Ford
Dodge keeps finding ways
to make the Challenger seem
new and exciting,
the obvious play
making it faster and faster
with the 797 horsepower Redeye
is a-OK with us.
But even in the V6
and Scat Pack models,
Dodge offers new tech, flashy
body mods and all-wheel drive.
Of all of the
American muscle cars,
Challenger seems most
sure of its audience,
focusing on bold colors and
quick quarter mile times.
If you're looking for
old school muscle,
it's right here in
a modern package.
The 2019 Dodge Charger
isn't a sensible car
but man, it comes in bright
colors, makes loud noises
and it goes real fast.
And also really with four
doors and a roomy cabin,
it'll work as a
family car and you
can drive it without giving
up your sense of adventure.
For 2019, the Hellcat
gets all kinds
of race specific technology, and
the Scat Pack and base models
get optional adaptive
suspension and new styling.
The latest generation has
been around since 2011,
but it remains one of
our favorite big sedans
because it blends
hot rod performance
with daily usability.

The Edge failed to impress
us in its early years,
striking us as an
underpowered and under
optioned mid-sized crossover.
But it's gotten better
every single year
and for 2019, it's packed
with safety features,
contemporary technology
and plenty of room
for passengers and cargo.
The Ford F-150 is the
most popular truck
in the United States.
It's more than just a
beefy pickup, though.
The F-150 is a versatile work
truck and a pleasure to drive.
The interior is modern
and comfortable,
and there are half a dozen
engine options for everything
from family cruising to
hardcore hauling and towing.
Tech features such as
SYNC 3 are easy to use
and many advanced driver
safety aides are now standard.
The 2019 Mustang
offers more options
for looking cool and going fast.
The BULLITT is back.
Ford continues to taunt us with
promises of a GT500 and more
than 700 horsepower.
But with a wide range of
pricing and performance
at even the base level, there
is a lot to like about Mustang
for 2019.
With trucks growing
ever larger, it
is a real joy to see the
return of the 2019 Ford
Ranger in a conveniently
sized package.
You can choose a crew
cab with a short bed
or an extended cab
with a standard bed,
and rear wheel drive,
part-time four wheel drive,
or the Fx4 off-road package.
There is only one
engine, the 2.3 liter
EcoBoost four cylinder.
Since the 2.7 liter EcoBoost
V6 is such an overachiever
in the larger F-150,
we think the 2.3 liter
is going to impress
in this smaller truck.

Genesis brand may not
have been around
for a very long,
but they have been producing
some impressive cars.
The all new 2019 G70
is a small luxury sedan
that is good fun to drive.
Material quality and
comfort are good,
although the technology
features don't
come off quite as impressive
as price your competitors,
and you might find the
backseat a little cramped.
This car's lively
character on the road
sets it apart, especially
when it's equipped
with the 365 horsepower V6.
Prices for that V6 model
start at around $45,000,
while the four cylinder
equipped model undercuts most
competitors, starting
around 35 grand.
Be sure to check out my full
first drive video for all
of the details on this car.

fourth among plug-in hybrids,
the Honda Clarity gets three
different powertrain options.
There's the hydrogen
fuel cell, there's
the purely electric
model, and then
there's this, the one we
recommend, the plug-in hybrid.
The plug-in hybrid gets
48 miles of EV range,
and then it switches over
to use both the batteries
and the internal
combustion engine that's
rated at 42 MPG combined.
Now, while that's good,
it's not class leading
and it's not enough to make it
a top-ranked Edmunds hybrid.
The Insight is one of
Edmunds top-ranked hybrids.
It's all new for 2019 and
it's really good looking.
It's kind of sleek
and unassuming
on the outside,
not typically what
you associate with a hybrid,
something more like the Prius.
But it's also got a 52
MPG EPA combined estimate.
That's really efficient and
it's really nice to drive.
So the Insight might be the
perfect hybrid for someone
who doesn't want a hybrid
that looks like a hybrid.
This is the all
new Honda Passport,
and basically it's a two row
version of the Honda Pilot.
It's shorter from
front to back, but it's
got the same wheelbase, the
same V6, and the same nine speed
automatic transmission.
It's available in front
or all-wheel drive,
and we already know
that's going to have
class leading interior quality.
Basically, this is a more
off-road friendly version
of the Pilot as well, thanks
to an additional inch of ground
clearance, and the
shorter length of the back
means it's got a
better departure angle,
the extra height in front
means better approach angles.
We can't wait to get it
in-house and test it off-road.
This is the refreshed
2019 Honda Pilot.
You get some interior updates,
but the outside looks the same,
and you've still got the
same V6 and nine speed
automatic under the hood.
This is one of Edmunds
top-ranked SUVs
and it's the top-ranked
midsized three row.
If you're looking
to avoid a minivan,
this one should be right at
the top of your short list.
The Hyundai Elantra
is refreshed for 2019.
You get some different exterior
styling bits in the front
and in the back, but it also
gets some more standard safety
And if you want a car that's
got a lot of bang for the buck,
we recommend taking a look
at the Hyundai Elantra.
It's got a refined and quiet
interior and a good ride
on the highway.
This is the 2019
Hyundai Kona Electric.
It's got 258 miles
of electric range,
and although Hyundai
calls it an SUV,
we like to think of it
more as a roomy hatchback.
It's also got great
driving dynamics for an EV.
This is the all new
Hyundai Palisade.
It's their three row
premium flagship SUV
and it's got room
for eight inside.
Under the hood, it's got a V6
and an eight speed automatic.
This is the all new
2019 Hyundai Santa Fe.
We've got an early look
at it on a first drive,
and we really like the optional
two liter turbo charged engine.
But when we get it in for
full testing at Edmunds,
we suspect it will be one of
our top-ranked mid-sized SUVs.
The standard Hyundai Veloster
offers 147 horsepower.
Well, this turbo model
makes 201 horsepower.
But if you opt for the
racetrack inspired Veloster N,
you get 250 horsepower, Or
the optional performance pack,
which ups it to 275.
It's definitely enough for
us to call this a hot hatch.

WILL KAUFMAN: We rated the all
new QX50 highly for comfort,
but that comes with a cost.
This five passenger SUV is a
pleasant place to spend time
and has a generous cargo area,
but the infotainment system
feels a bit dated.
And while the much vaunted turbo
charged variable compression
engine delivers
strong thrust, it's
a bit flummoxed by the
awkward CVT automatic,
and the artificial feeling
steering doesn't really
help matters.
The QX50 ultimately fell in the
middle of our small luxury SUV
Prices for this vehicle
start around $37,000.
ELANA SCHERR: We've been
expecting a Jeep Wrangler
pickup and here it is.
The 2020 Jeep Gladiator is
powered by the Wrangler's 3.6
liter V6, which makes 285
horsepower and 260 pound
feet of torque.
The two liter eTorque
engine will not be offered,
but a three liter diesel, which
makes 442 pound feet of torque,
is in the works.
With Jeeps reputation
in the dirt,
Gladiator should be able to
eat the competition for lunch
when it comes to
off-road capability.
the 2019 Kia Forte GT.
Basically, it's a pumped up
version of the standard Forte.
It gets 201 horsepower
from a turbo charged
four cylinder, which is a
big increase over the 147
in the standard Forte.
There's also some different
exterior and interior bits that
set it apart and
the extra power,
along with those different
trim level features,
should be enough to
set it apart and make
it an interesting competitor for
vehicles like the Honda Civic
This is the Kia Niro EV.
And as you'd
probably expect, it's
a plug-in version of
the standard Niro.
Gets an estimated
240 miles of range
and it makes a great competitor
for vehicles like the Chevy
Volt and the Tesla Model 3.
Depending on pricing, this
could be the bargain deal
in the segment.
We're excited to drive one and
get it around our test track
as soon as we can.
This is the all
new 2020 Kia Soul.
It's completely redesigned
from the ground up and man,
does it looks sleek.
It's got that floating roof,
some great new headlights,
and it's got six
distinct trim levels.
That's up from only three
in the previous generation.
It's powered by a two liter,
naturally aspirated engine,
and there's an optional 1.6
liter turbo charged engine.
But there's also
an EV version that
gets over 200 miles of range,
and the same great looks.
What you're looking at
here is the concept version
of the Kia Telluride.
It's big, it's bold, and it's
got a bunch of off-roady bits
on the outside.
It's a three row
crossover SUV, and it's
likely to compete with
vehicles like the Chevy
Traverse and the Ford Explorer.
But with all this
stuff on the outside,
it'll probably appeal to a
crowd that gets more use out
of the roof rack.
This is still the
concept version
and we're waiting on details
to be released, but stay
tuned for more information
after the Detroit Auto Show.

Over at Lincoln,
the 2019 Nautilus is
really an updated version
of the unloved
MKX, so he sort of
sits between
Lincoln old and new.
The interior particularly
still feels a bit dated.
It's competent enough, and there
are also good deals to be had,
but it doesn't have
the depth of quality
to challenge the segment
leaders, like the Mercedes GLC
and Audi Q5.
This new Aviator really
is Lincoln's big bat.
It's a six or seven seater rival
to Europeans like the Mercedes
GLE and Volvo XC90.
Now, we've get to drive
it, but we're certainly
impressed by the style and
quality of this interior,
and it will be very
competitively priced
when it arrives next summer.

the redesigned Mazda 3.
Now we've always liked
this compact sedan
because it looks nice and
it drives really well, too.
This one looks to
be even better.
Just take a look
at the hatchback.
It's gorgeous.
Big news for this
car is it will be
available with
all-wheel drive and we
expect next year it will be
available with a hybrid drive
train, as well.
We don't know too much
about pricing yet,
but it shouldn't change too much
versus the current model, which
starts at around 20 grand,
but we really look forward
to driving this car.
We really like the MX-5 Miata.
In fact, it's our number
one ranked convertible
on edmunds.com, and the
reasons are obvious.
This thing is
really fun to drive.
Changes for 2019 are
minor, but we like
what they brought to the table.
The engine revs higher,
there's more power,
the suspension has been retuned,
there's some additional safety
features, and thank god, the
steering wheel now telescopes.
Now this thing starts
at around $26,000,
and you'd have to pay a
lot more to have more fun.
When it comes to
compact SUVs, you really
can't go wrong
with a Mazda CX-5.
It's neck and neck in our
rankings with the Honda CRV
and for 2019, this
thing looks like it
might be getting the edge.
There's a new top of line trim
called the signature, which
adds more luxurious features
like leather and ambient
There's also Android Auto
and Apple CarPlay support,
and the big news is the
addition of a turbo charged
2 and 1/2 liter engine
that makes 250 horsepower
and 310 pound feet of torque.
Now all that comes
in at about 30 grand,
and we're really looking forward
to driving this updated Mazda
new A-Class proves
you don't have to break the
bank to enjoy Mercedes-Benz
levels of refinement.
It starts right around $30,000
and tops out above $50,000.
It has great driving
dynamics, luxurious comfort
and a ton of tech.
It's the first vehicle
for Mercedes-Benz
to include the MBUX
infotainment system
and we love it, seriously.
You should check it out.
Watch our first
drive of the A220
to find out why we rank it
at the top of the entry level
luxury sedan class.
That includes the Audi
A3 and BMW 2 Series.
The new GLE Class also gets
the MBUX system, as well as
a lot more space.
You can also get a
third row of seats.
Prices start right around
$55,000 for the base GLE 350,
but I think the one to get is
the GLE 450 for about $62,000.
That's because it's eligible
for the E-Active body control
suspension that leans into
turns almost like a motorcycle.
It's amazing.
So keep an eye out for my
first drive of the GLE.
At the moment, it's my favorite
among the BMW X5 and Audi Q7.
Sticking with SUVs, the
EQC represent the first
in an upcoming line of
EVs from Mercedes-Benz.
It looks a bit different
from the standard gas powered
Mercedes SUVs, but avoids
looking like the typical EV.
It'll have 402 horsepower coming
from two electric motors that
drive the front and rear
axles, with an estimated
range of 279 miles.
Inside you get
all the refinement
expected of a Mercedes, with
a similar interior styling
treatment as the bodywork.
It won't go on sale until 2020.
But we expect it to
start around $80,000.
There is a new
G-Class too, and it's
the first redesign in decades.
It's wider, has
more interior space,
and is way better to drive.
Despite it's better
on-road behavior,
off-road prowess doesn't suffer.
The 416 horsepower G550 is on
sale now for about $126,000.
all new Nissan Kicks
is a subcompact SUV that
returns an EPA estimated
33 miles per gallon combined.
That efficiency comes
at a cost though,
with sluggish
acceleration and longer
than average braking
distances for the class.
You also may not want to
get your kicks on route 66,
as in our testing we found
the front seats lacked
long distance comfort.
There are competitors that drive
better or feel a little nicer
on the inside, but with prices
starting around $18,000,
the Kicks delivers personality
for not much money.
The Nissan Murano has been
lightly refreshed for 2019.
If you look very closely, you'll
see some exterior differences.
You'll also find some new
available active safety
features and driver aids.
The Nissan Murano is our
number four ranked midsize five
passenger SUV, thanks to its
comfort and nice material
Unfortunately, this refresh
doesn't address our issues
with the modest cargo capacity.
Prices for the Murano start
at a reasonable $31,000.
Like the Murano, the
Maxima has been lightly
refreshed for 2019, with some
tweaks to the exterior styling
and a few new interior details.
Of course, you'll
also find those new
available active safety
features and driver aids.
The Maxima is a
bit of an odd duck.
Nissan calls it their
full size sedan,
but it doesn't quite have the
space to compete in that class.
With prices starting
just over $33,000,
we think you can find a room
in your car for a little
less money.

news from Porsche in 2019
is the arrival of this, the
new 911, known to aficionados
by its code name 992.
The outside is
instantly familiar,
but inside it's all new
and a big improvement
over its predecessor.
And my, is it fast.
The Carrera S will debut
with a 443 horsepower engine,
with either rear
or all-wheel drive.
That hits showrooms
in the summer
but by the end of
the year, there'll
also be a standard Carrera
with a Cabriolet, a Targa,
and everything else to follow.
We drive it in January
and we can't wait.
The midlife refresh
for the Porsche Macan
is a classic case of it
ain't bust, don't fix it.
One of our top-ranked luxury
SUV gains detail improvements.
The way that it drives, a larger
touchscreen interface inside,
and a new signature LED
strip across the rear
which is a feature of
every contemporary Porsche.
We've already driven it, So
check out our first drive
on edmunds.com now and place
your order for delivery
next summer.
The big news from the
Porsche Cayenne in 2019
is the arrival of an updated
hybrid, the E-Hybrid.
It combines a three
liter gasoline engine
with an electric motor.
It will be quick, zero to
60 in under five seconds,
but don't expect to go more than
around 20 miles on electricity
In showrooms in the summer.
The GTS variants are normally
the sweet spot of the Porsche
range, and that's certainly
true of the new Panamera.
It uses a detuned version of
the turbo's V8 engine, detuned
that is to 453 horsepower.
We've driven it
on road and track,
and you can read the first
drive now on edmunds.com.

Regular Edmunds watchers
will know that we're
big fans of the RAM 1500.
It's our top rank
full sized truck,
and we own one as part
of our long term test
fleet, that's the V8.
But for 2019, you'll also be
able to choose a V6 eTorque
with a mild hybrid system.
It's marginally cheaper to buy
but should be a lot cheaper
to run, with official
consumption of 22
compared with 17
for the standard V8.
Well worth a look.

WILL KAUFMAN: We like the
all new Ascent's technology,
comfort and build quality.
It also comes with all of
Subaru's off-road goodness
baked in, with generous
ground clearance
and standard all-wheel drive.
You get all of the features
you expect from a three row SUV
with seating for up
to eight, including
plenty of USB ports
and cup holders
to keep everyone
charged and hydrated.
There are some competitors
that offer more third row
room and better on road
driving dynamics, however.
Prices for the new Subaru
Ascent start at around $31,000.
Subaru has introduced a hybrid
version of their Crosstrek.
The Crosstrek hybrid is
a small plug-in crossover
that gets up to 17 miles
of all electric range.
It also has good
off-road ability,
thanks to its ride height
and standard all-wheel drive.
On our YouTube channel,
you can check out
our comparison between the
standard Crosstrek and a Jeep
Wrangler to see just how
capable this platform is.
This hybrid model averages
6 miles per gallon better
than the standard
Crosstrek, but it also
comes with the price
premium of almost $8,000.
The Crosstrek hybrid is only
available in one trim level,
and that is the
highest trim level.
You'll get a lot of great
features and equipment,
but you'll also pay a
price of almost $36,000.
The fully redesigned Forester
may not look very different
on the outside, but it is much
more comfortable to sit in.
It also received all of Subaru's
latest available technology
features, including a
facial recognition system.
The Forester makes an
interesting alternative
to a small SUV like a
Honda CRV, with tons
of cargo and passenger space,
standard all-wheel drive,
and off-road friendly
ground clearance.
Sadly, the old optional
turbo charged motor is dead.
That means you're stuck with
a slightly sluggish, naturally
aspirated four cylinder.
And that also means that
competitive SUVs can
offer better towing capacity.
Prices for the Forester
start under $25,000.
RAV4 is currently
the best-selling vehicle
that's not a pickup truck,
so you're going to see a lot
of this redesigned version
right here.
It's got more aggressive body
work on the outside, sure,
but there's a lot
of improvements
underneath as well.
This hybrid makes around
220 horsepower and returns
about 39 MPG.
And with a price ranging
between 26 grand to 37 grand
for a hybrid limited,
it's easy to see why this
is such a compelling vehicle.
Big news for the
Toyota Prius this year.
It's available with
all-wheel drive.
Now there's an electric motor
powering the rear wheels,
and that's going to
help with traction when
you're accelerating
and it worked up
to about 43 miles an hour.
This will be a big
help for people
who live in colder climates
and have to deal with snow
but who still want
good fuel economy.
And as it sits, this version
still does 50 MPG combined.
The Corolla is one of
the best-selling vehicles
of all time, so it's
kind of a big deal when
there's a new one.
The hatchback came
out first last year
and now we have the
sedan, but we're
going to talk about here is this
hybrid model behind me, which
will be available
in the near future.
Toyota projects it will
have Prius-like fuel
economy of 50 MPG.
And hopefully it'll come with
those blue decals, right?
Yeah, what do you think?
See the wing on this Camry?
No, we're not at SEMA, this
is the TRD Toyota Camry,
and right there is
the TRD Toyota Avalon.
You may not think
of performance when
you think about Avalon and
Camry, but maybe you should.
After all, these have 300
horsepower V6 engines.
And these TRD versions
get upgraded tires,
upgraded brakes, pretty
nice looking wheels
and sport tuned suspension.
Consider us cautiously
optimistic about driving
these next year.

The new Volvo S60
proves that Sweden
can be considered
against the German
sport luxury sedans.
Check out our first
drive and you'll
see that it has the performance,
comfort, and refinement to take
on BMW, Audi, and Mercedes.
With a starting price
just under $37,000
and Volvo's reputation for
safety, it has an advantage.
It also has
stunningly good looks
in an understated kind of way.
Wagons have been
overshadowed by SUVs,
but the Volvo V60
keeps the class alive.
It's based on the S60 and
has all the same features
and benefits as well as an
SUV-like cargo capacity.
We expect prices to
start in the mid $40,000
range when it goes on
sale early in 2019.
For more outdoorsy
wagon enthusiasts,
there's this V60 Cross Country.
Check back with us soon
for more information.
It's been a year since we
first drove the Volvo XC40,
but we're including
it in this video
because it's just that good.
And we ranked it very
highly in its class.
With the starting price
right around $37,000,
it competes very strongly in
the class of luxury subcompact
It sets itself apart
from the BMW X1, Audi Q3
and Mercedes GLA with its super
clean Scandinavian design.
What can I say?
The Volvo XC40 deserves
your attention.
CARLOS LAGO: The Beetle is dead.
That's right, this
isn't new for 2019.
In fact, quite the opposite.
This is the last year of
production for this car.
Volkswagen is commemorating it
with the final edition Beetle,
which is available for
the coupe for 24 grand,
and a convertible form like
this one for around 28 grand.
There some styling updates,
some feature editions and that's
really it.
And now we can take
a moment of silence
for this iconic nameplate.
This year saw the introduction
of the redesigned Volkswagen
Its interior is larger and
more comfortable than before,
and you get good phone support
through Android Auto and Apple
CarPlay as standard.
The sole engine choice
is a turbo 1.4 liter
that makes around
150 horsepower,
and it'll do 30
for MPG combined.
It's a compelling package
with a price range starting
between 20 grand and $28,000,
but we haven't rated one
yet, so keep an eye out
for edmunds.com's ranking
to see if this compact sedan
should be on your shopping
SPEAKER: Thanks for watching.
We'll be testing all
the latest new vehicles
through the next year.
For reviews and
ratings on the cars,
trucks, and SUV as on
your shopping list,
check edmunds.com.

2020 Chevy Equinox: FULL REVIEW | 2020 Updates Put Safety at the Forefront!

2020 Chevy Equinox: FULL REVIEW | 2020 Updates Put Safety at the Forefront!

Car Confections:

What's going on YouTube?
Now everyone knows that the Silverado is the best-selling chevy model
but what a lot of people forget about is this equinox is also a great selling vehicle as
A matter of fact this year sales increase has it nipping at the heels of the rogue and CRV
That's why today we're taking a look at the latest 2020 version at Sutherland Chevrolet in Nicholasville, Kentucky
Of course if you're in the market for any new Chevy be sure to stop by their showroom or visit them via their website
which we provided a link to in the video description, so
With that all said, let's see if Chevy has made any changes in this year
So kicking things off with the exterior styling
There is one update right off the bat and that's this new midnight blue metallic paint color
Which as you can see is a very dark shade of blue
Other than that the front design does carry over unchanged this year
So for the premiere you have this fully chrome finished grille and on the other trims you have black bars with just the crumbs around
The other important premiere difference are these full LED headlights as
Opposed to the HIDs on the LT and the halogens on all the rest
In a separate housing down below you have the turn signal and for the premiere only the halogen fog lights
Far as the rest of the styling it continues with the same look for 2020 with the signature elements like the wraparound rear window
These tail lights also have the same design across all of the trims except for the LED elements that are premiered exclusive
Then finally at the bottom you have a single hidden exhaust outlet unless you go for the more powerful 2-liter turbo model
So all in all the equinox has a conservative design that looks handsome and will continue to age very gracefully
Now while the main part of the design has not changed there are some wheel updates for 2020
the biggest change is the fact that these
18-inch wheels on the premier now do without the black contrast inserts from last year, which does now give them a more subdued look
There are also some optional 19-inch wheels on this 1.5 liter model or standard on the 2-liter model
But otherwise you're going to be looking at 17 inch alloys as standard across the other three trips
Moving on up to the mirrors they come in three different finishes
Black body colored or chrome reserved for the premiere along with auto dimming abilities and standard blind spot monitoring
All models however, do get heating
And now that brings us to probably the most important change for
2020 and that's that most of the advanced safety systems are now standard across the entire
Equinox line up instead of just being optional on the premier
That means that even the base LS comes with forward emergency braking with pedestrian detection
Lane Keeping Assist and Auto high beam headlights and
Then the premiere also has the option of adding adaptive cruise control
This is definitely a great addition to the lineup especially since the base price has not changed
Well it pretty much finishes up everything to look at on the exterior, so now let's go ahead and check out the cabin
So unlike a lot of the rivals the equinox does actually give you Chevy's smart entry system standard across the board
And if you ought for the premiere you go get remote start on the file, or as an option on the LT
Now to get inside the vehicle itself there is not a sensor behind the handle so you just press the little button
All right
So checking out the cabin of the 2020 equinox
As you can probably tell there have not been any significant changes to the interior this year
That doesn't mean you'll continue to be presented with these same color options and materials as last year
So for your L and LS that's gonna be a cloth seat in medium
Ash gray only there if you go for the LT it does come shared with the same cloth
But you can option on leather and you can also get the additional color. Um jet black
Now when you go for this premiere
This is where you have standard real leather and jet black this ash gray combination or a special brandy color
Now turning over here to your door trim, it is very nicely finished
So you have this nice piece of leather that goes all through here and up to the top
Your driver's window is OneTouch auto up and down all the others are just Auto down
Towards your memory seats these two-person memory seats do come standard on the premier only
Now heading down to the see here the LT and the premiere do come standard with this 10-way power adjusting seat
And then the other models come with a six-way manual seat instead
And like I was saying here on the premiere we have the real leather seats
They feel very nice and they also look very good. I like the color contrast
So you basically have the jet black accents around the side and then the gray in the middle
So as far as the materials of the cabin they do carry over this year
So across the upper dash this will always be hard touch plastic across all the trim levels
but when you go for a higher-end model like this premiere we have this really nice piece of leather at
Two different types, so you've got the plain and then also the perforated and the real stitching to connect them
Your lower areas are hard touch, but everything does fit together very nicely
Standard across every Equinox is push button start
When you press it, you'll see one of two different displays fire up
On this premiere. We have the 8 inch display and on all the other trims. You will come standard with a 7 inch display instead
I'm checking out the gauges here. This is the premium arrangement with the larger multifunction display now starting last year
Chevy did bring this down to the LT. So it's on both the LT and the premier
And basically it just has the larger 4.2 inch multi-function display and you can scroll through all the different types of information
Including through different things like safety systems if you do have them equipped
Now coming back to the steering wheel
It is electric power assisted and the steering wheel is wrapped in leather if you go for the premiere
Or as an option on the LT
Now you do have your buttons for your cruise controls where some of your safety systems
And we also have the optional heating here on this premiere on this side
You get your phone voice and then your buttons for your multi-function display
As far as the steering wheel itself, it does manually tilt and telescope
Now moving on to interior storage this is one area where the equinox really thrives compared to the rivals
So starting out here with your center console
This is honestly bigger than just about anything in the class
I don't know if the camera can fully see this but this goes down like a foot and a half
Time does have a nice little pad down at the bottom. But this is like I said definitely bigger than most of the competition
You've also got two USB ports in there
Then we close that off. We got another storage cubby right here our two cupholders and
Then a really large console up here. You can stick your phone
This pad here does serve as a wireless phone charger if you go for the premier
And then back there you can see a regular USB port a USB type-c and aux track and a 12-volt outlet
Now Chevy has been able to give you that much space without going to the electronic shifter like its sibling the GMC Terrain has
So this just has a regular shifter you just pull back for drive. You can't shift manually with these little toggles here
But you will not find paddle shifters on any of the bottles
Now when we head into reverse, you'll see one of the other standout features of the equinox and that's this
360-degree camera system that's optional in the premiere through the convenience package -
This is one of the best systems in the industry, it's General Motors latest high-resolution camera system
Like in the Silverado. So basically you've got default in your 360 view and your traditional back view
But you have tons and tons of other views
So as you can see, we can cycle through all these different things including a trailer view this kind of three-dimensional look side. We use
And you can turn on and off your lines as well
Basically, like I said overall it's one of the best
360-degree camera systems in the industry right now and it is available here on equinox
And then back behind the shifter you do have an electronic parking brake
I'm moving on up to the climate controls. This is the dual zone automatic setup that comes standard on the premier only
However, you can option that this onto the LT through the confidence and convenience package
but of course as you can see
This is very simple to use you. Just have these two easy knobs to adjust the temperature
And then all your other buttons are laid out physically here for you to press though
They do pop-out redundantly up here on the display to you know, show you what you've selected
As far as the seat climate controls
three-stage heated seats come standard on the premier and
then the three stage ventilation ventilated seats that we have they come in the convenience and confidence package -
That's a premier only option
All right
And now that brings us up here to our audio system
Now every single model does come standard with a six speaker system throughout the entire lineup
However on the premiere you can option on the bow system when you choose navigation, and that's what we have
So let's go ahead and take a sample
Style quality of this system is excellent. Definitely one of the best systems I've heard in this class
All right, so now that brings us up here to our Chevy infotainment 3 system this was updated last year to the latest software
So we'll just go ahead and take a real quick look through the system. So what you're looking at here is the home screen you
Have these little tiles that you can click on that can take you as a shortcut button there
you also have the little shortcut buttons along the bottom that you can real quickly toggle between
Now I just hit the highlights here. One of them is going to be our models navigation system. This is optional on the premier
And like I already mentioned it does come with the Bose audio system as well. So
This is General Motors newest map display as you can see it is a very nice graphics
it's also very responsive to pinch-to-zoom and other types of motions and you can even do
Interesting things like change the tilt with three fingers kind of like Google Maps
now the other main thing I want to mention is that
Even if you choose the base models that come with the lower-end system and the smaller display
Those also come with apple carplay and android auto just like this one
So rest assured even if you do not get integrated navigation, which the majority of models will not have integrated navigation
You will still be able to access Google Maps or Apple maps through apple carplay or Android auto
But anyways, that's a real quick discussion of some of the main features of this system
However, we do have a dedicated tech tech help video available
For those of you who want to learn more a link to that video is in the description
I'm moving on up
We do have an auto-dimming mirror on the premier or option on the LT and that comes with three Universal home link remotes as well
And one thing you'll notice missing from this model is a moonroof
It's because Chevy does not offer a standard size moonroof
You have to choose the panoramic one, which is available as an option on both the LT and premiere
But obviously we don't have that option checked off
But overall the cabin of the Chevy Equinox continues to be a very pleasant place to spend time
The redesign that they did in 2018, really
Amplified and made this cabin a lot more pleasant of a place a lot more luxurious
And you definitely have all the features to make it a very class competitive environment
But anyways now go ahead and hand it off to my brother Mason who would check out all the back areas
Already so heading around to the 2020 equinoxes mercy
You are going to find a really large amount of space even for its class
You'll find 40 inches of rear legroom and 39 inches of rear headroom
Which does place it above the main rivals like the Toyota rav4 and on par with the Honda CRV
Now turning over here to the door trim. We do have a really nice one
so it is leather wrapped all the way through here and
It does have a nice color contrast stitching going through here
And you do have a power window now down below that we do some bottle storage
And as far as the seats themselves, they are that beautiful color contrast design. So you do a black on the outside
Grey on the inside and they do also recline
Now here in the center area Chevy has given us some very nice features as standard equipment
So you do have these rear air vents and standard equipment across all of the trim levels and down below that you will also
notice our heated rear seats
which are optional in the premier trim and
Down below that you will also find two smart charging USB ports and on this high-end model
We do also have a household style outlet down below that
Now here in the center we do have a fold up armrest with covers inside
Off to the left here. We have LED lighting and an assist grip and
like I mentioned
Before this is one of the largest offerings in the class and that definitely shows behind drew seating position
I have about I would say at least a foot of space
Between my knees in the seat back, which is very impressive and my feet can easily slide up on the seat
So hitting around to the tailgate of the equinox
It is standard hands-free power on the premier trim or it's optionally just regular power on the LT
So to open it just wave your foot under the bumper
Now once inside the equinoxes trunk
You are gonna find a little bit smaller space than you would in most of the rivals
You'll find 30 cubic feet of space behind the second row seats
And if you fold them it expands to 64 cubic feet now
Like I said, that is a little bit smaller than a lot of the main offerings like the Honda CRV and Toyota rav4
However, Chevy does finish it very nicely back here
So you do have a carpeted floor board and underneath of the floor. We do have a little bit more storage space
It actually goes all the way to the very back and it's probably eight inches deep
Now off to the side you will find the controls do fold the seats
So if you just grab these little low lovers and pull and they do fold nice and flat
Now over here on the passenger seat it is optionally eight-way power in the premier trim
while the other trims do have a four-way manually adjusting
Now in front of the passenger you do have nice materials and down below that you will find a good sized glovebox
it is nicely dampened and
Up top, we have a Sun Visor with integrated lights and a mirror and it does also detach and exit
Well guys that sums up all the rear areas of this Equinox
So now let's go ahead and get on the road and see how that 1.5 liter turbo performs
All right, so let's go ahead and talk about the powertrain options
Now this vehicle unlike a lot of the competition actually has three different engine options
so what we have is the base option, that's the most common configuration is a 1.5 liter turbocharged 4-cylinder making
170 horsepower and 203 pala feet of torque and it is paired with a 6-speed automatic transmission
now Chevy also offers a more powerful 2 liter four-cylinder engine and that makes 252 horsepower and
260 to pound-feet of torque and is paired with a 9 speed automatic transmission
And finally, there is also a diesel model now. I've heard some rumors. It's a little unclear
What trims are going to be offered with the diesel this coming up here
they're going to be eliminating some different configurations of it and it's not been EPA rated or anything yet for 2020, but
as a that what we've probably at 1.6 liter turbo diesel making
136 horsepower and 236 pounds of torque and that's routed through a 6-speed automatic transmission as well as
Far as your fuel economy the 1.5 liter with front-wheel drive gets 26 City 31 highway 28 combined
the 2-liter front-wheel drive is 22 city 29 highway 25 combined and
Then like I already mentioned that diesel does not have ratings at this time
But anyways that is it for the powertrain information so let's go ahead and see how it works on the road
so upon initial acceleration there
The equinox feels pretty good. This is a you know, small displacement engine, even for the class you usually the engines are
naturally aspirated or
a larger turbo
But it certainly doesn't feel too weak or anything
Yeah, I think it feels kinda competitive it's you know, it's not the most powerful one in the class or anything like that
But you know, it feels pretty class competitive here in the space form
And if you don't find that acceptable then it is worth noting that Chevy does have the 2-liter option if you want that
And it even even though it does cost a little bit more, you know
You have that option and that will put it at the top of its class in terms of comfort
That's right. Chevy is pretty unique in that
That's certainly not been
So we're cruising down the highway here at 55 MPH
Very smooth and very quiet
This is a really loud road I know from personal experience no matter what you drive on this road, usually it
a lot more Road roar than
Typical roads give you but this is handling it well, it's still hushed in here
I feel like I have a conversation at a
normal speaking voice
Then I also don't hear any wind noise whatsoever
Yeah, and her rides really really comfortably too you know it almost felt like we were sitting still, you know, I'm driving 55
I've been around in that corner there
You could definitely tell the equinox is a more luxury minded option compared to some of the rivals
The steering is very light
but of course that is typical
And you have a little bit of body roll. Nothing too bad. I'm going to like make your passenger's for sick or anything
But just enough to keep things real nice and comfortable like we already said it does ride very well. I mean we're up to
55 again I mean, I'm really really comfortable the seats are nice, you know, and it's quiet
Just very smooth we're about to hit the bridge here. Just very little makes it into the cabin it's almost pretty
uncharacteristic for the class to be that smooth
It really it kind of feels like a bigger car
I guess a big way to put it if it rides like it's a bigger and heavier
Vehicle what a lot
So overall, this is definitely a pleasant driving vehicle
You know the I don't really know exactly what to say about it. And I think that is actually a compliment in this class
It's not an exciting vehicle to drive. Sure
In this class of vehicle what you're looking for is that comfort that everyday you
Know driving abilities so you can just get in it Drive be comfortable
Have a nice experience each time, you know, and I think it really does that. Well, there's no characteristic of this that
Like there's no fatal flaw I guess is what I'm trying to say. It does everything well with
The driving experience and should be very satisfactory
All righty, and now let's go ahead and discuss the pricing for the 2020 Chevy Equinox
so for your very base L model that's going to start at twenty three thousand eight hundred dollars and
All of these prices are for the one point five liter turbo engine and front-wheel drive configuration
Then you have the LS one rung above that and that's going to come in at twenty six thousand three hundred dollars
Which is up four hundred over last year?
then one more rung up on that is the LT for twenty seven thousand five hundred which is up three hundred dollars and
Then you have the premier which is the fully loaded model
Which is what we have and that's gonna start at thirty one thousand four hundred dollars
Was which is also up three hundred dollars over last year
now if you want to opt for that 2-liter engine
That's going to be around twenty five hundred dollars extra and all wheel drive is an extra charge on top of that as well
now as far as how this particular
Equinox is equipped
We do have the premier trim with the 1.5 liter engine and optional all-wheel drive, and we do also have several options
packages checked off. So we have the confidence and convenience to package for
1650 as well as the
infotainment package for eleven twenty five and
Then we have the destination charge which has been raised this year from nine. Ninety five to eleven ninety five
So the price for this one as equipped comes in at thirty six thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars
Which is pretty class competitive
but it is worth noting that if you want to get it fully loaded it is going to be quite a bit more expensive than
a lot of the rivals
As you can tell we don't have a moonroof or anything like that and that is going to be additional charges
And it can you know go well over forty thousand in the upper trams with the higher end engine
Well guys we've enjoyed watching this first in-depth look at the
2020 Chevy Equinox
Pleased at those items and scribe buttons if you haven't already and we'll catch you next time as a sample more of the latest automotive

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