Forgotten warehouse full of cars must go! | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 21

(engine starting)
- Oh boy.
Some people think this
is what heaven looks like
and other people might think this is hell.
What year is this one?
- '67.
- '67 E type.
So, how long have you owned this?
- He actually gave it to me.
- So its unrestored.
- Yeah.
- And this, oh this is a
sun roof car, a '53 car with
a sunroof, it's a pretty rare item.
There seems to be a lot of
Volkswagens in this area.
We're seeing them cruising around.
We're seeing them in driveways.
We're seeing them in parking lots.
This vehicle is all stock on the outside,
stock on the inside and
really has wonderful patina
and a real solid body.
You know, 11 grand for this,
this is a good vehicle.
A cargo van, you don't see many of these.
Hi, this is Tom Cotter.
I've been hunting down cars
since I was 12 years old,
and I'm still doing it today.
Follow me in this series as we hunt down
hidden classics all across America.
(rhythmic guitar music)
We're in New Hampshire.
We're in the part of New
Hampshire that's part of
a resort area near Lake Winnipesaukee.
There seems to be an over
abundance of Porsches and
Volksagens in this area, so
we're gonna go search out
a couple that we've heard about.
(door closes)
I'm gonna go inside here and
tell them we're going in there.
We're with Randy Courier who has a
foreign car repair shop in
Holderness, New Hampshire,
and he's invited us into his little stash,
his collection of cars
that he owns personally,
and this is a car that's
pretty intriguing.
He's gonna allow us to take a look at it.
What year is this one?
- '67.
- '67 E type Roadster.
And you got a little bit of
history with this car, right?
- Yes, I do.
A friend of mine bought it
brand new back in '67 and it's
quite a story behind him
buying the car also because
he wasn't looking for this particular car.
They we're trying to sell
him a black one and they
finally came up with, I'll take those two,
this car for him and so
he bought it brand new.
I think it has 56,000 miles
on it or something like that.
- So it's unrestored.
- Yep, 68,000 miles.
- So, this is 50 years old right now.
- Yep.
- Man.
- Yep.
- And, so, how did you wind up with it?
- Well, my friend was an
attorney and we used to sell gas
out front here and he drove
in one day before I knew him.
And I was 15 years old and so
I went out and I was pumping
gas and there was a really nice
looking lady sitting in the
driver's seat and I just
said, "really nice car."
He goes, "do you want to sit in it?"
I said "no, I'd like
to drive it actually."
So I took him for a ride
from here to Ashland,
about five miles away at, you
know, a hundred miles an hour,
and came back, and he said,
"You're not gonna have
a license very long, son."
And I said, "well I don't have one yet."
- Ha ha ha!
- We got to be pretty good
friends and then it turns out
he knew my mother from many
years ago when they had a farm
up here on Elbrook, so
Harry's a very unique guy
and he's been inducted in
the hall of fame for hockey
and all kinds of different
things like that too.
- So, how long have you owned this?
- He actually gave it to
me, but he's still alive,
and I keep threatening to
restore it one of these days,
but I've had it probably
30 plus years here.
- I see the last time it
was registered was 1976.
- Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
- Wow.
- It hasn't run in a while.
- Has it been stored
indoors all these years.
- Yes, yep, it's always been inside.
- So it's a solid car.
- It is, and I actually have,
I bought all the right exhaust
systems and stuff back in
the days when that stuff was
available, so I have all the pieces
to put this car together too.
As you know, it's all about time.
You can end up with thousands
of hours into these things.
So I'm not sure, it really
needs a paint job, but the way
these cars are going these
days, the original patina on 'em
is another deal too.
- Yup, just wax this up and little scars,
a little rust is fine.
Have you driven it, I mean,
since you have owned it?
- No, it hasn't been on the
road in 20 years anyways.
- Well, this is a great car.
We like to show on Barn
Car Hunter complete cars,
but this is a unique enough car that its
worth looking at it the way it is.
This is a 1953 Volkswagen Beetle.
It's an oval window Beetle
which means it's got
the small window in the back.
'53 was a split year, so some
of the cars had oval windows,
the newer ones had oval windows,
the earlier ones in '53 had
a split window which is a
divider right down the back of the window.
This is a 1953, a very solid car.
It comes out of California
and it's absolutely complete.
The rocker panels are
solid, the floors solid,
the doors are all solid.
This is where the semiphores would go.
A semiphore's a blinker that comes out.
In Europe these little fingers
would come out and point the
way you wanted to go instead of
a flashing light in the back.
So this is a real early car.
It's got the real early dashboard.
It's a solid car, it's
100 percent complete.
Right now it's stripped, but
he has every piece for it
except the proper motor.
And he has a motor for it,
he would of included this,
but this car is for sale,
I don't know how much he wants for it.
The floor pans are solid, so like I said,
everything is right here.
There's boxes and boxes of
pieces that go with the car.
Here's the little taillights
that go on the back.
So, these cars, when I was
a kid, you could get cars
like this for five hundred bucks.
Well, they're worth quite
a bit more now and there's
a lot of interest.
Ever since Jerry Seinfeld
sold his very, very old Beetle
a few years ago on Amelia
Island for a lot of money,
people's attention has been
spiked about old Beetles,
and also buses and transporters.
And this is a sunroof car.
A '53 car with a sunroof,
it's a pretty rare item.
So, pretty desirable car.
You can't help but see
Volkswagens when you ride around
this area, we've seen them on the road.
We've heard about a couple more
just a couple of miles away
we're going to go check out right now.
This is a 1967 VW Van.
'67's got two flat windshields
separated by one piece
of metal, so it was a lot
cheaper to make a vehicle with
flat glass than to have compound curves.
This one seems to be a deluxe one.
It's got a chrome emblem on
the front a split paint job,
two colors, nice trim in the
middle separating the two.
And really, this thing is a time capsule.
If you look inside here,
these are probably not
the original seats, this is probably not
the original door panel,
but it is 50 years old.
If you climb inside here,
see how tight things are.
Basically your legs, your
knees, are the bumpers.
If you get hit in a front end
collision with something else,
the big fear that people
had in this day was that
they'd be killed because there's no engine
to take up or chassis
to take up a collision.
I had a crew cab Volkswagen,
it was a three door and I
drove it around a little
bit, not much though.
They're great vehicles, its very nostalgic
to drive something like this.
It really brings back
memories of the old days when
gas was 25 or 30 cents a gallon
and I have a funny story.
I went to borrow my friend's,
actually he's my
brother-in-law now, Bob Mead,
I borrowed his Volkswagen van
in high school to go out to lunch.
I ran out of gas.
I coasted to a gas
station across the median,
into a gas station and I
had 15 cents in my pocket
and I bought 15 cents
worth of gas and that
was enough to get me back to
the high school parking lot.
So, that tells you the gas
mileage these things got,
and also the cost of gas back in the day.
(door slams)
This vehicle is all stock on the outside,
stock on the inside and
really has wonderful patina
and a real solid body.
Floors are really solid on it.
Where it differs from stock
is that the owner has put in
a suped up motor.
It's got twin carburetors.
It's got a degreed fly wheel pulling.
It's got a big warp kit.
I don't know what the cubes
are, the CC's or the horsepower,
but if its one thing
that buses always needed,
was more horsepower and
now this one has it.
And we have another van over here.
Over here is a '68 cargo van.
No windows on the sides.
And the big change here is
a completely redesigned van.
It's got one windshield, which
it's got compound curves.
No divider in the middle,
so this is the first,
the new generation of Volkswagen vans.
And being a cargo van, you
don't see many of these,
with no windows on the side,
although this is the kind
of thing that I would say
should have Porsche Racing
Team on the side of it.
Probably should have
painted it light blue.
It's got lots more leg room.
It probably has some more
body cladding in the front
to give a little more protection
in the event of a collision.
It had a bigger engine, I'm not sure, '68,
might have been maybe '53 horsepower,
but don't write nasty letters if its not.
But you can see the
complete motor in there.
All the air cleaner, kind of
a complex air cleaner system.
Pre-heater tubes, everything's in place.
So, this is a runner.
You know, 11 grand for this,
It's got a nice paint job on it.
Not perfect, it's got a
lot of orange peel in it,
but just for a cargo van,
this would be wonderful to
have for a little business.
But a nice plain jane vehicle
that you never see these days.
Oh this has got dual exhaust
coming out the sides,
it's probably got some kind
of extractor header system.
And you see it's got non-chrome
bumpers, non-chrome hubcaps,
it's kind of a standard
commercial vehicle.
Pretty sweet deal.
(rhythmic rock music)
I love atlases.
I gotta tell ya, I like
GPS, to me, a GPS is a tool.
An atlas is a pleasure to me.
This is 2008, I bought it at a truck stop.
It has a heavy plastic
cover and even though
the pages are coming apart,
its like the family bible, I
don't want to get rid of it,
so I like to see where I'm
going and how I'm getting there
as opposed to just getting there,
which GPS does a good job of.
But this way I can pick
out where I want to go
and since I want to look for old cars,
I don't want to take the interstate,
so it looks like highway 101
and 9 going to Brattleboro
is probably going to
be the best route to go
through some rural areas and
through some small towns.
So that's where we're gonna head now.
(rhythmic rock music)
We're driving down this
road 101 heading westbound,
just saw a couple of interesting
cars in this guys driveway.
We'll have to check it out, right?
One definitely looked like a
Dunebuggy, behind the garage,
I can see the headlight of it,
and I don't know what those cars are,
they're wrapped up
tightly, so I'm gonna go
knock on the door, see what the deal is.
This looks more like a Deserter,
which they were made in
Marblehead, Mass, by Caldwell
Automotive I think it was.
I think this is the first
Dunebuggy we've found on the
Barn Find Hunter series, so
at two grand, this is a really
good starting point to have
yourself a fun summer vehicle.
(rhythmic rock music)
Before I go on a barn-finding
adventure, I go on Facebook
and just say "I'm going to this area,
does anybody have any leads
that we can follow up on
old cars neglected and forgotten?"
So I put out a note recently
on Facebook "I'm going to New
England, does anybody
know of any cars we should
follow up on while we're in
town with the Hagerty crew?"
And so my friend Rick Carey
responded to that and said
"You know I have a friend
who recently passed away
and he has a lot of projects left over
he didn't get time to finish.
Maybe you'd be interested in coming up
and seeing those."
And that's how we wound up here.
- Okay!
- Ha ha, you lead the way.
- You're gonna make me
lead the way, alright.
I have a Viper.
Come down here.
- Wow.
Alright, what have we got here?
Oh boy.
Geeze, wow!
Some people think this
is what heaven looks like
and other people might think this is hell.
- Yeah.
- Ha ha ha, geeze!
This looks like a drag
race '56 Chevy Nomad.
This has a straight front
axle, so this is a gasser.
This is pretty darn cool.
- There's no motor.
- I dig gassers.
Look at this, it's got
a straight front axle
and slicks in the back,
geeze, how could you
put any rubber down when the slick is
that close to the fender lip?
- Maybe you have really strong springs.
- Boy, this is a Chevy Nomad.
It's different than a Chevy Station Wagon
would have been in the day.
A Nomad was GM's attempt to
bring styling to Station Wagons.
And so, it's a two-door wagon,
it's got this really nice
slant B pillar, it's got
these ribs across the roof.
This mox, the B pillar
right here, it's got
a slanted back window with
lines on the tail gate
and it was a real stylish wagon.
They made a version
like this '55, '56, '57
and then even though
the name stayed around,
the '58's and beyond didn't
have this classic look.
What do we have back here?
'61 Chevy?
- '61 Impala SS, according
to the chassis number.
- Uh huh, '61 Impala SS,
so is that a 348 or 283?
That's a bubble top.
This is the cat's meow
with a 409 in it, I think.
- Yeah.
- Okay, so where do we go next?
So, we have a late model
VW Beetle convertible,
round window super Beetle.
I know these cars well.
It's probably, I'm guessing,
'79, '80, I'm not sure.
It seems to have a good
top, nice and tight.
It seems to have a good
body, probably a repaint.
Engine's in there and looks complete.
The keys are in the ignition.
These cars, you can get parts for them.
They're easy to service, they're reliable,
they're fun to drive.
It's got such a nicely padded top.
It's got a headliner and padding in there,
that it's a good car to drive.
You can drive in foul weather
and you don't get wet or windy
inside like a sports car.
You could put the kids in the backseat.
So VW convertibles are a
really good way to have a
sporty type car for minimal
money and not a big burden
as far as maintenance and
repairs are concerned.
Okay, so next in our selection
of unfinished projects
is an engine-less shoebox
Nova, looks like a '66, '67.
- '66 SS.
- SS, it's got late model
Corvette wheels and it's got
rack-and-pinion steering I noticed
so this thing has been modified somehow.
I wonder if its got an independent rear.
Son of a gun, it's got a
Corvette independent rear.
Four bar link suspension in the back here.
Somebody did a nice job with this thing.
It's got welded reinforcements
onto the unibody.
Ford suspension A arms,
it's got disc brakes.
It looks like traction bar mount.
It's a pretty cool car.
It's a Corvette in Nova clothing.
That could be a neat car.
Boy, just put a healthy
little 327 in there or LS.
So this is a Brooklyn S1?
- SV1.
- SV1.
- Safety Vehicle 1.
- Safety Vehicle 1.
And these are made by a
guy named Malcolm Bricklin
who made a name in the
auto industry by bringing
Subaru's into the United States
45 years ago or something.
Little tiny Subaru 360's.
Little tiny cars, and when
people didn't buy them,
he turned them into go
carts and you could rent,
he'd put them in first gear
and you could race around
go cart tracks and race these Subaru's
because he couldn't
sell them any other way.
Then he built his own
car and this is it, SV1,
out of fiberglass.
You can see the problem with these cars is
the fiberglass becomes delaminated
and starts warping in temperature so these
gull-wing doors start lifing up.
Ironically, its a safety car.
Supposed to have been built
with internal roll cages
and very strong structure,
but if it went on its roof,
I don't know a way to get out of this car
because the gull-wing
doors have to come up.
If its on its roof they can't come up.
Funny story about
Bricklin, a friend of mine
in North Carolina, Phil
Barringer, had some extra money
back when these were
being built and he said
to his new wife, "honey we
should go broke buying that car
because its gonna be worth
so much money one day
that we can't lose."
So he bought the car brand new,
it's got 30 miles on it still
and he still has the same
wife, but he still has this car
sitting in the garage and he can't get
what he paid for it new 40 years ago,
so they never really went anywhere.
That's a pretty nice thing.
These have a bad habit of rusting out.
Looks like it would be a fiberglass car,
but its actually metal.
We can't find a number
plate on here that will
give us the year of the car,
but it's probably a '74, '75,
I'm not really an expert
on the years of these cars.
Volkswagen things are great cars.
They look like Dune
Buggies, they're really not,
but they have a metal body.
Most Dune Buggies are
fiberglass, this one is metal,
so they are very prone to rust.
This one seems to be in
amazingly good shape.
It looks to have new paint
under these layers of dust.
Inside here its got all the side curtains,
I guess its a convertible
top and seats in here.
It has an engine, which I
suppose is the original motor.
It's got a VW motor and
its absolutely complete
with all the air cleaners and hoses.
Looks to be a good car.
I would own this car.
I mean, except for this
dent which probably happened
during storage, the body
looks to be solid, complete
and well painted all around.
The Hagerty value guide
teaches us a few things
about the Volkswagen Thing.
I said they only made it for two years,
well they made it '71 through '75,
so they made it for five years.
It was called the type 181 and it was an
updated version of Germany's
military Kübelwagen.
So if this car were in concourse condition
which its far from, it
would be worth $33,700.
If you think about that,
if you were to find
a concourse version of this for $33,000,
you could have something you
could drive onto the lawn
of a car show and be proud
of for only 33 grand.
Fair condition is $10,400 and
good condition is $16,800,
so I'd imagine this would fall
under fair condition, $10.400.
If it's complete I bet it
runs, somebody would get
a nice buy here for 10 grand or under.
So, we've just seen what
Bob has in this garage that
now his wife Jean has to sell off,
but what is this I hear about another car?
- Yup, there's another car up in York
about another 20 minutes
drive, 15 minutes drive.
- I don't even know what
it is, I don't wanna know.
- Okay, we'll make it a surprise.
- Alright, cool.
Should You Buy a Classic Car?

Scotty Kilmer:
one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
Today I'm going to help you answer the questions, should I buy a
classic car now lately a lot of my
customers are thinking about getting
classic cars because they say hey
they're simpler they're easier to fix
there's not a lot of computer crap on them
and of course that's true on this
Lincoln that's almost 50 years old the
old carburetor went bad I was able to go
and buy a brand new one the same day at
a local auto parts store there's still
parts available and there's only four
bolts holding it on and that sure beats
the heck out of working on a variable
valve timing fuel-injected modern engine
that can have thousands of dollars of
parts instead of just a simple
carburetor to make it run and here lies
something that you should understand if
you think about buying a classic car you
want to buy one that there's parts that
are readily available for like this
Lincoln it's a Ford there's many common
parts lot of them are still made and
there's plenty of them lying around you
don't want to buy a Ferrari or a
Lamborghini where it's going to bankrupt
you just buying the parts and let's face
modern cars we don't have any style they
all pretty much look the same with
plastic aerodynamic parts to get good
gas mileage but really look there's no
Chrome everything's just painted the
same color as the car though things like
chrome everywhere
Landau roofs the old cars really have a
style of their own and when it comes to
classic cars you don't have to be a
fanatic we're all the serial numbers
match and you spend a small fortune
making it exactly the same as it came
out of the factory you can do classic
cars economically if you want now sure
they're not going to be worth what a
pristine original showroom car is going
to be worth but they can be a lot of fun
and you don't have to throw out all that
much money if you're careful now if you
are looking at a classic car here's one
thing to beware of don't buy one that's
a Hulk of rust check for a lot of rust
before you even think of
buying that particular one now this
Lincoln may be 50 years old but look
when you crawl under and look around
it's got one solid frame there's no
rust on it at all now it's easy for me
here because this is a Texas car so it
doesn't have any rust so if you're
really looking for classic cars you
might take a trip to Texas or buy one
that's from Texas that comes with
pictures all around before you buy it to
make sure it doesn't have problems now
being from Texas this car still has a
factory a/c on it still does work but
don't expect to have working anything on
most classic cars unless you're willing
to spend a whole bunch of money just
doing the whole air-conditioning system
over or if you don't mind
buy one without AC and put an add-on kit
on now since classic cars are a lot
simpler you can do a lot of the work
yourself have fun get the enjoyment of
doing that and still save a whole bunch
of money when you really think about it
because when you consider the price of a
modern car versus an old classic that
isn't a completely redone one it costs
thirty forty thousand dollars for a
decent modern car and then you can find
classics all day long for a lot less
than that and speaking of money if you
buy brand new $40,000 car after five or
six years it's worth maybe one third of
what you paid for it but a classic car
it might even go up in value over time a
much better economic choice there so if
you're thinking about buying something
it has a little more class and certainly
is a lot more fun you might think about
buying a classic, and remember if you've got any car questions just visit the Scotty Kilmer Channel
and I'll answer them as soon as I'm done driving this car.
Parents Reaction to Son Restoring Their 45 Year Old Ford XA Superbird

Wonder World:
In 1973, Tommy's Dad
- who was just a young man at the time -
travelled with his father to the city of Melbourne
on a mission to buy him his first car
The car that peeked out was a brand new, lime green
Ford Falcon XA Superbird Hardtop
The Superbird became the family car. They daily drove it.
As kids, Tommy's mom
used to take them everywhere in it, such as shopping, school
sports, relative's houses - everywhere.
Until one night, when Paul lost control of the car,
rolling it into a ditch, not far from where they lived.
Paul did not have any car insurance to cover the accident damage.
And with the car being in such a bad, beaten-up state
of disrepair, Paul decided not to fix it.
So the decision was made to take it back home
Where it sat on their farm for approximately 20 years
Tommy loved that car.
He recalls one of his fondest memories was sitting on his mom's lap
behind the steering wheel, steering it down
their long driveway on the farm.
Tommy said: "You can imagine me coming to the shed everyday for 20 years
Firstly as a child, then as an adult
working on the farm. I'd see the car every day.
It was never covered up with a top or anything, so it was visible to anyone who'd visit the shed."
The driving passion to fix the car was always in Tommy.
But he had to wait until he was able to do it
As it would not be quick or cheap to fix
The car sat exposed to the elements for 20 years on the farm
Until one day in 2013.
Tommy realized, that if he didn't start the project soon, there would be
nothing left of the car to restore.
Now, unlike some car restoration stories, where the owners spend
all their time for years working on the car,
bit by bit, Tommy did not have the skills needed
for a restoration like this.
His main job in the process was that of a project manager,
organizing work to be done,
having the car shipped from one location to another,
and spending years sourcing all the rare parts needed for the car
using Facebook and car enthusiast forums.
Tommy ended up joining many groups to enlist people's help
to find the parts needed,
as Ford XA Coupé parts are very rare and scarce at the best of times.
Tommy left the car in the hands of two professionals.
One worked on pulling the cover apart
and fully reconditioning the engine and running gear
Because of his vast experience with working on 1970's Fords
2020 Ford Explorer ST: First Impressions –
It's hard to believe that it's been
almost 30 years since Ford introduced
the Explorer. Back in 1990 the Explorer
SUV was a rear-wheel drive 5 passenger
SUV and it was an instant hit. Over the
years it's gotten a little bit bigger. It
even went to front-wheel drive for the
fifth generation in 2011 but here is the
6th generation Ford Explorer SUV new for
2020 and it's on an all-new platform
that has once again switched back to
rear-wheel drive.
Now Ford has said they've done this
because it's better for handling it's
better for towing but in our experience
a three row SUV on a rear-wheel drive
platform usually comes with some
compromises. Sometimes in cargo room
sometimes in passenger room. So we've
come here to suburban Detroit to have a
better look at the 2020 Explorer to see
if Ford has crafted something that's as
good as it ever has been or does it come
with a couple of compromises so you'd be
forgiven for thinking that the styling
of the 2020 Explorer isn't all that
different from the 2019 version because
quite frankly it's not all that
different it does look very similar to
the old one despite this being a
completely brand new platform but if you
look at it from certain angles such as
the side profile view you realize that
the proportions of the new 2020 model
are very different there's a lot less
front overhang it looks longer it looks
lower it looks generally sleeker despite
being roughly the same size. This one
looks a little bit different than most
of the Explorers because this is the
brand-new high-performance ST version
now it comes with slightly different
styling you've got a gloss black grille
gloss black wheels and trim mirrors and
quad tailpipes out the back but overall
the look of the Explorer isn't all that
different on the outside but that's not
the case inside so while it's not all
that different on the outside in here
it's a whole new ballgame this is
obviously a whole new interior and
there's a much more horizontal aspect to
the dashboard with one notable exception
this thing this is the optional 10.1
inch vertically oriented touchscreen
it's running the latest version of sync
3 which has a new user interface and it
seems to be just as quick and clear and
easy to use as the last version was
cluster that's also optional it changes
depending on which mode you've selected
and the terrain management system which
means that if you're in normal mode
you switch to sport mode there's
actually a little animation that happens
before it settles into the new mode it's
very modern it looks very similar to the
Mustang system which were also a big fan
of and it makes this really a cool
experience in here visibility out the
front is really quite good the seat
comfort is good as well the materials
look nice this really is a nice upgrade
to the Explorer now there are a number
of colors available for the new Explorer
and a number of different trims as well
this one is the ST so it's got the dark
leather it's got unique embossed trim on
the seat backs
it's got contrasting white stitching
throughout and it's got a thick carbon
fiber trim look to the dashboard but
overall it looks really sporty it's very
comfortable up here it's a nice place to
be but chances are if you're looking at
an explorer you're probably more
interested in its abilities to haul
people and stuff in which case the
second and third row might be more
important to you than that first row the
second row is available as either a
standard bench or optional captains
chairs now if you get the platinum or
the st those captains chairs come
standard they're also available with
four it's easy entry power tilt and
slide feature which enables easier entry
into the third row now as we feared the
third row is a little bit compromised
because this is a rear-wheel drive
vehicle the load floor is a little bit
higher than the previous generation
model and so sitting back here your
knees are kind of in your chest because
you're sort of sitting on the cargo
floor the seat is very firm and it is
really kind of sized best for either
small people or children and you can put
children anywhere in the second or third
row because Ford has included latch
anchor points for child seats in every
seating position in the second and third
row which should give us some top marks
for families looking for a family hauler
the standard engine in the new 2020
Explorer is a 2.3 liter
turbocharged four-cylinder engine making
300 horsepower it's mated to a 10 speed
automatic transmission that sends power
to the rear wheels as we've talked about
now that setup should sound familiar
because that's the same powertrain that
you can get in the new Ford Mustang
there are two optional power trains as
well a three litre twin-turbocharged v6
making 365 horsepower that you can only
get Anna platinum level of the Explorer
or if you want the full performance SUV
go for the st in which case you get 400
horsepower out of that same
v6 the ST also comes with a
performance tune to its 10 speed
automatic transmission
it's got larger front brakes it's got
vented front rotors and it's got a
special tuned to its shocks and springs
as well so this really should be quite
the performance SUV Ford says that it's
going to be the fastest SUV that you can
buy for under $60,000 so believe me when
we first get our hands on one of them
we're going to put that one to the test
if you're looking for something super
efficient Ford may just have the answer
for you they've created a new hybrid
version of the Explorer the first ever
it combines a 3.3 liter v6 naturally
aspirated with a 35 kilowatt electric
motor that they sandwiched into the 10
speed automatic transmission now we
don't have any fuel economy numbers for
this yet but they say that it is going
to make 318 system horsepower and should
get over 500 miles of range between
fill-ups being one of Ford's most
popular family vehicles they really had
to bring their safety game for 2020 and
four it has definitely upped the ante
they're offering the ford co-pilot 360
as standard that means that the new
Explorer will have autonomous emergency
braking blind spot warning lane keep
assist and a rear view camera washer all
as standard now a rear-view camera
washer it really does kind of make sense
especially in climates like here in
Michigan or during the wintertime that
rear camera lens can get pretty skies
dup they're also debuting something
called Park Assist
2.0 on the new Explorer now in previous
versions of the automatic perpendicular
and parallel parking system you still
had to operate the brake and the shifter
not anymore now as long as you keep your
finger on a certain button in the center
console the car does all the work for
you it'll pull you in or pull you out of
a spot automatically as long as you have
your finger on that button take your
finger off the button and it should stop
we don't yet have pricing on the new
2020 Explorer that hasn't been released
yet but Ford has said that it should
start at a base model level of about
$400 more than the outgoing model which
is pretty good considering it's got
considerably more safety equipment as
standard now these cars aren't going to
be going to on sale until the summer of
2019 which is probably right around when
we're going to get our first drive of
one if you want to learn more about the
new 2020 Explorer definitely come visit
us on
Richard Hammond takes his daughters off-roading

I’m Richard Hammond
and I’m 50 this year.
There you go. I said it.
And yes, I am having a midlife crisis.
But I’m not ashamed of that.
In fact I’m celebrating it.
I’ve already covered
off all the usual cliches:
fast cars, fast bikes,
that sort of stuff,
in fact there was
only one thing left
One giant treat-to-self
to mark the passing
of a middle aged milestone.
And it’s this…
my midlife crisis pick-up truck.
But this isn’t any
old pick-up truck.
It’s a Ford Ranger Raptor,
and it’s built using technology
from off-road racing trucks.
So it’s got vented
discs all round,
and four, yes four,
off-road tow hooks.
This is a very
serious bit of kit.
Now, I know
what you’re thinking.
Look at that idiot, he’s
basically bought a racing truck.
A racing truck he
can’t even use in real life.
But not so.
You see, crisis or not,
I am a family man
and this is a
brilliant family car,
as I shall now
demonstrate by taking
my teenage daughters
on a trip to the shops…
Hello girls.
road trip!
Hello daddy!
Yes we love you very much.
Right everybody seatbelts on.
You see, I have been
grown up here because
my midlife-crisis
pickup truck is also
a perfect family car.
It’s got everything you need.
And, although it’s got a 213
horsepower twin turbo engine,
it also meets
Euro 6.2 which means
it’s kinder to the environment.
And we all know
how much teenagers
care about the environment.
Don’t you girls?
Alright girls,
I'll see you in half an hour.
They love me.
You’re having a midlife crisis.
I’m not!
do I love you?
Too much.
And who’s paying for all that?
It’s, it’s me isn’t it.
Get in.
Right, seatbelts on please.
What’s that?
Organic smoothie?
Yep, of course it is.
Right, let’s get home.
Another thing that means my
truck is a sensible family car
is it’s got stability
control with roll mitigation.
In case you’re one of those dads
with a reputation for, you know,
sometimes getting into
a spot of bother in a car.
It’s also got something
called load adaptive control
which means the stability
systems actually take...
Right, enough of that.
Girls, I’m just going
to take a little shortcut…
That okay?
We're there in no time girls.
Why didn’t you let me
teach you to drive?
Oh wait a minute,
I’ve done this bit wrong.
Don’t worry hill
start assist, watch this.
Well what do
you think of that?
And we are home.
Come on Girls how
much do you love daddy?
You can say.
Yeah let’s not, let’s not
tell your mother about that.
EPAS Performance Application Specific Electric Power Steering Conversion Kits

JEGS Performance:
Jeff: Hello, I'm Jeff from EPAS Performance
and I'm here to present you our C1 Electric
Power Steering Kit.
The kit is composed of our electric motor,
our pre-wired control module with the wiring
harness, all the couplers required to do the
install, and the installation manual.
This is one of our more challenging kits to
install, it will require knowledge and some
Now Jim will show you how to install it.
Jim: Hi, my name is Jim.
I'm here to show you how to do this install.
First order of business, we've got to take
the steering wheel off, turn signal assembly
Next we'll need to remove the steering column
strap underneath the steering column.
Moving on we're going to go underneath the
car remove the lower half of the steering
column and Pitman arm.
Just going to remove the last bolt here, let
the steering column lie and we're going to
move the topside of the car to remove the
Next you'll need to remove the hood to make
clearance for the steering column to come
With the steering column removed out of the
car you'll need to make your first cut from
this flange 23-1/4 inches up the shaft, cut
it all the way through cutting the inside
You'll need to disassemble the whole steering
gear and you'll need to cut five eighths inches
off this lower shaft and then make a Double
Before reassembly of the lower half steering
gear steering shaft a three-eighths hole needs
to be drilled one inch in from the cut in.
After assembling the lower half steering gear
we'll need to assemble the electric motor
with a steering column adapter and a spline
adapter to Double D and then we'll have to
do the upper half to accommodate the upper
half shaft which gets puts in the vehicle
When you receive the electric motor these
two adapters, the spline and Double D adapter
and this input shaft will come with set screws,
they need to be removed to be replaced at
a later time.
First order of assembly, the lower Double
D Spline Shaft will need to be placed on and
Next is the steering column adapter.
Then we move to the other side of the electric
steering motor and assemble the other adapter.
We're getting ready to reassemble the lower
half steering gear.
First we take our shaft that we just made
our Double D on, reinsert the bearing, insert
it into the steering column and the back half
bearing retainer, we'll have to set pre-load.
Now we're going to reinstall the steering
shaft and steering box.
Things are about to get real easy, we're getting
ready to install the EPAS Electric Steering
Motor into the lower half steering column.
Now we're going to install two set screws
inside the three-eighths hole that we drilled
on the bottom side of the steering column.
I've reinstalled the turn signal assembly,
left it loose, we're going to put the upper
half of the steering column into the electric
motor adapter and then tighten the set screws.
We're getting ready to install the band clamp
on the steering column.
Now we are going to install the upper steering
shaft into the steering column.
Now that we've installed the upper steering
shaft into the steering column there's two
set screws that are in this opening down here.
Before tightening completely a measurement
needs to be taken from the face here to the
end of the splines, and that is an inch and
a half.
Once we've achieved the inch and a half we
need to tighten up the two set screws.
Now that the turn signal assembly has been
reinstalled on the top of the steering column
we need to mount the steering wheel and then
move on to the pre-wired wiring harness.
Now that we've installed the steering column
and electric motor we need to install the
The module has electric output which runs
to the electric motor.
We have Battery In which is going to end up
hooking to the terminals on the battery, signal
going to the top of the electric motor, Ignition
Hot and Feedback Control.
Our control module we mounted behind the center
console free of obstructions and that suited
us just fine.
This is a battery wiring harness coming out
of a five-eighths inch grommet, we're going
to go ahead and hook it up to our battery
terminals down here, we're going to go in
and turn Ignition Hot and we should hear a
click from the module.
Now that I've made it back to the driver's
seat we're going to give Ignition Hot and
listen for the click.
Now we can go cruising.
Thank you very much.
Jeff: Thank you for purchasing our Electric
Power Steering Kit from EPAS Performance.
We hope this video has been helpful for your
install and we hope you enjoy it for many
miles to come.
I bought the World's Biggest Puppy

Logan Paul:
My name is Logan Paul, and I have a serious problem
I'm not talking about my inflated ego or my micropenis or my little brother
My problem is I can't stop buying dogs
That's it dude things are happening right now we I think I'm in a puppy face
By the way, you guys my mom's in town there she is
You're so sweet mom. By the way, I love you driving the yeah, you look in your element right now
No way
I got eaten by a coyote and something about that situation made me want to do two things one
To get get more dogs and just make sure they grow up to live a full healthy life without having to worry about being eaten
By a fucking apex predator, what's it makes a predator apex?
She's got a massive thing though ever since I was in high school
There was this one dog that I always loved it looked like a skin lying over dog
It's called the Tibetan Mastiff, like look at this thing. It's an apex predator
Got a bigger dick than all of us, maybe not my mom
But yeah, otherwise, I agree with but anyways
There's this breeder who apparently has like champion Tibetan Mastiff a champion of my dogs are champions browse
Subscribe button we may or may not be getting another member of the family today
I don't know turn the low gang because we are growing every single day mom
I have a question for you were driving so slow. Why because look at this wrong. I'll take over from here
This is the path we go down to get murdered no boy, he's a bettin Mastiff Jiraiya. I think we're in the wrong place Oh
That was a horse this dog is a big dog, it could be both
What are the chances that one animal eats a dog of mine well
These dogs are dogs, you know, I'm saying like boiled balanced and when you put it like that
Oh my yo
He's actually pretty dope if there's one dog I could hunt and kill coyotes yeah, well they don't even come the Coyotes don't come close
This is his wife, he only likes her all the other girls, he's like, he's the exact opposite of me. It's cool. Great
Great, but uh, look at that
We got room for that
All night long keeping away the Coyotes
Sounding the alarm it sure contect silence was deadly she carry a firearm
This is the dog that says let you leave and just let me guard
Oh my god
Upside-down what incredible truth
About that look right there. Can I get a sec to speak with my colleague? You can speak with the colleague?
Yep, she's sitting over there that would good meeting
It's a big dog, I'm a big dog a
Pig you have a small puppy penis head turtle a parrot a penis and a penis
House and you give her back if it doesn't work out you had a chance to give Jake back and you didn't and that didn't
work out
That's the face. That's leg about two just do it
Okay, hey you think it's a bad idea Spencer doesn't seem on board I'm not gonna do it. Oh
My god
Hi girls, okay, she is so cuddly
God my heart
Is so pretty rubber face is priceless. I can't get over this animal
My god, yeah everywhere. Oh my god, it was so silent
It was no warning. I was so close to catching it. I was rolling on the paper towels. They're just wet. Hey guys
I'm starting to think we made the right decision
The good news is actually doesn't shed that much no problem. No problem. Oh my god, what have I done?
I did not know a dog could drool this man. This is insane. I'm not even kidding. Oh my god you go swimming girl
Oh, she's looking at me all sad
I don't know dude. Is there something in that vehicle that I'm not human? I know Logan another animal
it's probably a duck probably a goose could be a rhinoceros a
Teddy bear is it a puppy that it's just oh
I told you mate in the cracks. Yeah. Oh, that's great
It's good because the dog this big probably shouldn't be crazy aggressive. Yeah, you say that would throw up on your ass
I promise I'll take care of you. Okay, what's the return policy they say we?
Already looks like he's drooling already. He's five months old. Can you imagine the size of the ships?
Can you imagine the size of the friendship? That's what I said the ship like cannon Jake?
Hey, should we uh, should we introduce to debroglie?
I really hope they get along cuz they're gonna be brother and sister or potentially make whoo imagine
They breathe the Husky Mastiff off offspring. What a dog. Oh, it's been good. Knowing you buddy. I always did like you
Okay, guys, hey it's all good so bro Lee is three months
This dog is five months and you can tell there's an extreme size difference. Okay, I'm rolling calm down. Calm down. I
Just don't want hurt like snapping you don't saying because you know she snaps and it's over
I'm glad they're gonna get to grow up together because otherwise I'm not sure this would work. No play time. Here we go
I think he's done
As some of you know, I'm inserting the the World Championship Russian slap boxing competition
My mom is not a fan but
We've been practicing right because I'm used to punching and boxing
And obviously slapping is different like these guys are wild they beat the SH each other?
So we've been trying to master how hard I hit figure out which way is the most effective
To my hand
It's the morning after we got the Tibetan Mastiff and I try to bring her back in the backyard
And she just she's been having some problems. She's just really scared you see her
She's terrified, MA
She I played a logic song she ran away
She looks so majestic and terrified
poor girl
I put a crate next to my bed and everything was fine last night and even this morning she was all that cuddly and stuff
But I bet she's having like separation anxiety from her family if I had to guess
It's okay
It's okay. Oh i like spongebob
My god, I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to your okay girl. It's okay. Oh my god
This is definitely a thing, I don't even know what to do right now. I'll come back there with you
Okay. Hey we can do this together
Hi girl, you want to hide I with you. That's no problem. We can do that. Oh my god
This is ridiculous right now
looking I'm gonna try to chill here for a little bit and calm her down and then and we're gonna revisit this in a little
Close well, I think she has an extra
Toe see this. Oh, yeah brothers tooth. There's two toes here her normal paw here
And then there's two talons or two like little thumb toasters, bro. What the fuck?
We got a mutant dog got 12 toes bro. This is the craziest thing what he's so sad
You got too many toes can't find a pair of shoes that fixed. It's gonna be okay. Oh
My god
I can't believe she's a puppy. Holy she's just like a little floppy dude, though, dog
She gets scared of noises and she heard a noise yesterday
She ran through the music studio and got like caught in a corridor
Some shit was connected to a piano and dragged the piano through the yard
This is the type of problems. You haven't you get big dollars. It's perfect. You recognize this. Pianos is your
Responsibility. I can't wait to see what else goes wrong with this dog. Tell them we got a
Dinosaur coming in uh, come on man - see here. I'm gonna try thing. She ways especially 70 80 pounds 32 pounds
So she's not even halfway done growing
Up with a name for her
Her name is ginger the giant because she's a ginger dog and she's a giant that looks
Just like Broly like she's just a giant dildo dog
She's just super floppy
Let's ginger ginger the giant what's your fur?
So we wanted to make sure just like with Broly that everything was okay figure out why she's got extra toes or something
Extra toes that is genetic, right? So the only bad thing about it is they don't hit the ground
So don't wear the claw down. They can actually grow like a ram's horn and go right back into
I'm not
Doing my dog will not participate. I can't I just like collect boot from my ass another choice that
I will get you poop keep your fingers away from my dogs
You remember when I hit my head and the doctor was like
And I jumped across the bed knows like what though he put his glove it was a classic like
Oh even worse so like I was literally just like blocked I was like this is Doc's turnaround finger popping asshole, and I'm the victim
Healthy dog and a new member of the family low gang meet ginger the giant 70 pound red Tibetan Mastiff was going to double in
Size hence ginger the giant hit her up on the gram. Also hit that subscribe button the low Gang Gang Gang
Yeah, guys, I freaking love you. I'm done buying dogs. By the way. I'm done. I promise I might get another pig though
Don't forget guys
We're going to Russia in like eight days or so to enter the World Championship Russian slap contest big things are happening low game
I freaking love you guys and I'll see you next time. Take it easy
Look there's lettuce in there. How'd you smell it?
Counting Cars: Dean's Classic Collection (Season 7, Episode 13) | History

Where Stolen Cars go in New York City, Chop Shop Paradise

Scotty Kilmer:
welcome to wacky Wednesday's, where
everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods, and here's this week's winner,
hi guys I'm here in Corona Queens that's
right Corona Queens, I'm here where the
Mets play baseball at Citi Field over
there the Mets do play baseball there
and right next to Citi Field for those
who are not New Yorkers is what's called
Willets Point, which is an area of Queens
Coll that's nicknamed the Iron Triangle
why because it's trying it's a
triangular-shaped plot of land where
pretty much all stolen cars end up to be
chopped apart in chop shops and if you
look around it's pretty scenic I mean we
have garbage on all sides, we have
leftover car parts over there and it's
quite post-apocalyptic that's the honest
truth, the roads here are nuts so we're
gonna take a tour of the Iron Triangle
for those who don't know
this is the last part of New York
City that doesn't have underground
plumbing or sewage, so when it rains it
just simply puddles up on the ground and
you can imagine there are no bathrooms
period it just doesn't exist, so we're
gonna take a tour the roads here are
full of potholes and everything it's
quite wild, check this out
I forgot to mention one key factor, in
the Iron Triangle that's really
old-school there gonna be people who
come up to the car and say what you need
what you need, and that's because they
want to work on your car and they're
offering your services they're not
coming up like to sell drugs or do
anything illegal, although they are
probably all illegal workers but that's
a different story, but it's totally safe
here despite how it looks it looks
freaky deaky, but they're actually
really nice people and after after a
while coming here I've been coming here
for years you started to see the same
people and they're here for years they
know you and it's all good but it is
freaky when you never seen it before,
check this out,
here's the Iron Triangle there's exactly
one place that's zoned for residential
use and it has one residence that's
right the entire Willets Point has
exactly one person living in it, and he
lives right here in this house we're about
to drive past, a gigantic pothole
so this here is his house,
this is the one and only resident
residentially zoned house in all the
Willetts point, there's an old man who
lives there and refuses to leave so I've
been told, he's in something like in his
80s and he don't want to give this place
up which is understandable I guess if
you want to live around that
I am in the Iron triangle and I actually
can't pass the street because there's
just two gigantic of a puddle in there
garbage in the way up here, so I'm just
driving straight down the sidewalk which
that much better, oh man,
look at that old car there,
this place is bonkers and I love it,
yeah this car isn't getting through that
that's just not
happening not in this car, oh man you
need like Hummer or something make it
through these potholes
I so apparently no one's coming up to
the car cuz they see the camera stick
at the top of the sunroof and fail
I guess in that department but if I
hadn't had that they'd be walking up and
go what you need what you need after
every single person who you saw standing
in the street would be doing that
towards the far end of the Iron Triangle
which I believe is the northern point
there's also the garbage Depot where the
garbage trucks park for the night and man it
stinks on the side it's also got areas
that are marked as being contaminated
land and caution and toxic waste and
whatever other nastiness, there's also no
real Road rules here I mean you could
just kind of drive where you want I'm
told for my friends who are Indian that
in India it's kind of like that
everywhere but here this is New York
City and this is about the only place
that's like that,
the interesting thing about the Iron
Triangle is it's right next to Citi
Field where the baseball
to play baseball
and it's not just next to it I mean
that's literally the field
that's the iron triangle, it's just like no
I'm actually trapped at the car because
I can't cross that, that's just too deep
turn around here, but this is bonkers, for those
who aren't familiar with the area it's
all filled with cars that people repair
or strip for parts pretty much all
stolen cars in New York end up here and
everybody knows it and no one seems able
to do anything about it,
well that was this week's video and to
have your car mod shown on my channel
here, check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
How to Obtain a Car's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

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