Elemental RP1 review | Better than a BAC Mono and Ariel Atom V8? | Autocar

LIVING the VANLIFE as DIGITAL NOMADS in a VW Westfalia (Utilitarian Vehicle)

I'm Emily. I'm Corey. And this is our van, Basha.
♫Music Playing♫
We've been on the road for five years.We were in Nicaragua on a surf trip and
we actually ran into Foster Huntington.
He just kind of mentioned at one
point, "you guys should check out this van
life thing. You guys would probably
enjoy it." At that point Emily was a
website developer. We had that ability to
take work on the road. We were really
inspired by the simplicity of the
lifestyle down there. Going with the flow
and being immersed in nature, being more
disconnected from technology. It
began as like an experiment really. Can
we work nine to five and merge that with
this like nomadic, adventurous lifestyle
that we envisioned? We soon learned that it was definitely possible.
We kind of look at work in two forms.
You can be a Digital Nomad where you're
working constantly, always checking in.
Or you get to compartmentalize
your work and your travel, where you get
to work for a bit of time and then
slowly focus on travel. Yeah and I think
that was one of our largest challenges
in the first like three years. We had
to be connected all the time. As a web
manager, anything can happen so you gotta like be there for your client. At this
point I like being able to
compartmentalize I think. It's a balance,
to work really hard and then be able to go.
♫Music Playing♫
This is our 1987 VW Vanagon named Basha.
It's a Westfalia, full camper, pop-top, full
kitchen inside and it sleeps four people
comfortably. Basha is a fairly modified
two wheel drive Vanagon. We have been
working with GoWesty; we upgraded our
engine, which was a huge thing. When we
did that we redid the cooling system, the
exhaust is stainless steel now, upgraded
cooling pipes. We have bigger wheels and
Fox suspension up on front. It's a two
inch receiver hitch, but allows us to
carry our hi-lift jack up here and
hopefully some sort of small dirt bike
in the near future. To give us a little
shelter from sun and rain we have an ARB
awning, bolts right on to the van. They
make like rooms for these and screen
rooms too so you can really like outfit
yourself for some serious glamping. The
pop top is just like one of the key
things that makes the Westfalia so
noticeable and so amazing. Gives you
essentially an 8-foot ceiling for the
cooking area. We've added a couple strut
systems that allows us to carry a
full roof box. I can push it up and down
super easy by myself. David Harrison,
Vanagon Life, makes these these vents
and this allows us this is actually
auxiliary out to be wired up so we can
plug in different devices to get power
out of our battery, and on the other
side the same vent lets us charge our
battery with our solar panel. We have a
50 foot cord attached to this 100 watt
flexible solar panels. One that GoWesty sells. The bumper setup
that we have is made by GoWesty. This was a pretty big game-changer for us. So this
allows us to carry three bikes. I can put
a third one over here. I also have my
bike work stand there. On this side we
have our drinking water so we have four
gallons outside, four gallons inside.
Spare wheel, beside the wheel there we
actually carry snow chains. To have a
vehicle with this small of a footprint
though you can put this much stuff on and still has like off-road capability which
these things do. I mean the clearance
is super high you know having Fox
suspension and bigger wheels and
all-terrain tires, they're pretty
unstoppable. This is another Vanagon Life product. It replaces the glass window and
allows you to carry tools. You can also
put like max tracks and you could also
put your hi-lift jack on this. I choose to have a shovel and an ax for the moment. Emily
found out it's the perfect spot for a hula hoop so my man zone kind of got taken over here.
It's all good though. This is actually a
shower that runs off our propane tank
and off our 12-volt auxiliary battery.
This whole like shower unit fits in this
little box, which is pretty sweet.
We bought the van like pretty much
everything has like been touched or gone
over. This is like the last relic from
the previous owner,
it's a PA system and plays like
animal sounds and sirens.
*Cows Mooing*
So that's kind of creepy, for sure.
♫Music Playing♫
Welcome to the inside of my home, Basha.
This is the downstairs bed and let me
show you what it does. Fold it up like this
and then pop the couch up and have a
seat in the living room. I can swivel
the table out. So this becomes the
office. It's a really beautiful table
that was made by a friend at San Diego
Urban Timber. When trees are taken down
by the city or they fall due to a storm,
they come in and they take it and they
divert the trees from the landfill and
they make functional art with it. We eat
here. We eat dinner, we eat breakfast and lunch and work so love love love just truly
love this table. I really really love this table. This is
a Bose speaker and we have been using our...basically, this van is really old and everything is kind of broken
and so we've only had one speaker and the speakers been on the
right door and it like does weird things,
and often doesn't work at all, and so we
finally splurged a couple months ago and
bought a post speaker and it's actually
really amazing. So there's two doors. This
is my door and this is Corey's door.
So when you hook the fruit basket we
wrap it around this post here and we hook into that loop.
Underneath of the couch we have
more storage space. We have our battery
to help jump the car and it also has a
compressor on it too.
Let's go this way.
So we have a closet in here, but we
don't actually access it through this
door, we had an upgrade and got this
door here which is like a total game
changer because we can actually get into
our closet. This is our closet, welcome to my
closet and Corey's closet. We have the
heater. This is our Propex heater dial.
You turn it on, turn it to the right, and we
have heat. We didn't have heat for the first
three or four years on the road. We've got these lights.
These lights are really great because they like, well first of all, they're really great
because they're blue. They're very portable so they can snap on anywhere.
Let's cruise around a bit of the van.
Hmm here. This is the kitchen.
actually made this for us and when we
travel and we drive, we store it behind the seat.
And we swivel the arm around.
It really helps to have this, like
ergonomically right, this is a little bit
this is okay, but it's better for us to sit here. Comfortable seat, really great for cooking, we can talk, we can cook.
We have a two burner propane stove. We have an electric sink, we actually don't have water in
the tank right now so nothing is coming out. When we wash dishes, we dry them here. When we drive, we just
lower the lid. Here, let's go underneath of this thing actually. This is our blender. It's a
smoothie wand. It takes up very minimal
space and it's very easy to use.
You simply plug in...ta-daaaa. We have
a smoothie. Close the door. Oh food, food pantry.
Here we go. This is the food pantry. We go grocery shopping when we're traveling and not on the farm and
eating food from the garden. We're filling this about once a week. We do like a big grocery shop and get
produce and stuff it full and Corey is
very, very good at packing.
Okay, let's go up top. Well, there's
nowhere to really go, but this, this up here
is the top. It's the loft, it's our second
story and right now it's storage space
because we're living the farm life, but
we often sleep up here especially when
it's really hot at night. We sleep up here because there's more ventilation.
These windows zip down
and really open up the airflow in here.
There's one on the front and one on the
side too. And, how do we actually make it into a
bed? We, well we clear all this stuff off,
and we put it into the back over here
and then we flip it down so it folds
down and becomes about maybe eight feet
long and then we hoist ourselves up. So we like come over here, step on the refrigerator.
In the summer we sleep more upstairs and the rest of the year down. Or if Corey and I really need some space
from each other, one can be down, and one can be up. That's a possibility too.
♫Music Playing♫
Anything is possible when you put your mind to it, and nothing is guaranteed. I would say like not waiting
around, like taking charge of what you want to do in your life. We are creating this lifestyle
for ourselves. We're creating our worth.
And you really just got to be proactive
and get out there and make it happen if
you want to live this lifestyle because
there's really no template. There's no
Rule Book. You can have a lot of freedom
and a lot of fun, but it definitely takes,
also takes, like preparedness and hard
work. Go for it. Just do it. Stop thinking
about it. You're always gonna have doubts
that pop into your mind and that's being human. So just keep moving and
hold your vision and step forward.
And it's interesting to see we were born
in this time where it was like a
really materialistic mindset and we're
kind of going back the opposite way and
I don't know if that's just because what
we saw when we were growing up. I think
that happiness definitely wasn't
found through those means and that
happiness has nothing to do with, with material things.
How To Make $1 Billion On Horse Racing

The Happy Valley and the Hong Kong Jockey
it's kind of a Mecca for horse racing.
People there bet more in terms of their income
than almost anywhere else on the planet.
In 2001 a very large jackpot had built up.
Roughly 20 million dollars U.S.
One million people placed a wager on the Triple
Trio for that race. That's equivalent to
about one in seven of the population of Hong
Kong at the time.
Last leg of the Triple Trio and away they
The Triple Trio is three races, the top three
finishers in any order in all three races,
the odds are something like 10 million to
Bobo Duck in front, Mascot fighting back,
Bobo in front and there's the training double
for Derek Cruz.
No one came forward to claim the prize.
The winner was an American professional gambler.
At that point he was making so much money
from his gambling activities that it didn't
matter to him.
This is the story of a shy computer nerd who
came up with a system to beat horse racing
and made a billion dollars.
My name's Kit Chellel. I'm a reporter for
Bloomberg and a writer for Businessweek.
The fundamental unfairness of sports betting
is that over a period of time, you will almost
always lose if you make a lot of bets. Gambling,
sports betting is slanted against you as a
punter, as a gambler.
Bill Benter decided to beat that system.
He just became captivated with this idea that
these games, which supposedly casinos had
this long standing advantage, you could actually
beat with the right methods.
I'm Adam Kucharski. I'm a mathematician and
science writer.
When he was younger he saw a sign in Atlantic
City that said "card counters are banned from
our games" and for him that sign basically
said card counting must work.
He picked up a book by Ed Thorpe, called Beat
The Dealer, which outlined the fundamentals
of card counting.
You're looking for how many high or low cards
have emerged and how many might remain in
the pack. If you think there's a high chance
that there are lots of high cards left in
the pack, that changes the odds in your favor.
Lots of people went and tried card counting.
Bill was more successful than most,
managed to make some money and make a career out of it.
He teamed up with Alan Woods, an Australian
professional gambler,
but as is always the problem with professional
gamblers, casinos don't like people who win.
And they were systematically excluded from
all the major casinos around Vegas.
So they needed to find a new game.
Alan Woods was interested in horse racing
and between them they talked about it and
became attracted to the betting scene in Asia
and in particular the Hong Kong Jockey Club
where they were aware there was this huge
horse racing market they might be able to tap into.
One of the reasons that Hong Kong has a big
advantage if you're trying to use
mathematical and statistical methods
is it's almost like a laboratory for studying horse racing.
In Hong Kong, you've got two race courses
that dominate. You've got a huge amount of
betting activity. You've got a pool of about
a thousand horses. You've got hundreds of
races a year. So if you're designing something
that's going to generate reasonably consistent
data to study these patterns, Hong Kong is
the place that you want to go.
So they sent Alan Woods to Hong Kong and he
came back with all the results of racing in
Hong Kong going back five, ten years I think.
And they manually fed that into a very basic
early computer to try and create a statistical
They fed the numbers into their computer.
Took them a long time. It took them about
nine months.
measures of horses' quality and come up
with a prediction of each horse's, in a given
race, their chances of winning. And then they
would compare that to what the odds on the
board implied those horses of chance of winning
and what you want is a horse where the odds
imply it has a very low chance, but your model
says it has a pretty decent chance.
In the course of researching this story
I spoke to gambling experts they said it was
impossible, couldn't be done. If you bet long
enough on horses, you will lose money.
There are lots of factors that go into a horse winning
or not. The favorite doesn't always win.
In his first year of betting, I think he lost
It had all sorts of glitches because their
data wasn't perfect.
The fact that the Jockey Club takes a 15,
17% cut makes it harder to be sustainably
profitable. It means you have to be not just
better than the market, but you need to be
about 20% better than the market to start
making a profit.
In a parimutuel system, in this case the Hong
Kong Jockey Club, the odds are determined
by the action. So the number of people betting
on each particular horse, and the sums they
bet, determine the odds.
And what they did, alongside developing predictions,
was find ways of really carefully trickling
their money into the market
if there's a certain amount in the pot and
you go and put a huge amount on a particular
horse, you're actually going to affect how
much money you can make back because you're
going to swing the market so much towards
a particular horse.
Eventually he came to incorporate the public
odds into his model and that was a huge breakthrough
for him.
He'd worked out that the individual decisions
of a million punters in Hong Kong were actually
a fairly accurate predictor of a horse's chance
of success.
Bill Benter has been betting for a few years
in Hong Kong and he's starting to make serious
money, enough that he can hire employees to
place bets over the phone for him.
He buys a load of computers, he hires a nice office.
It was really operating like a business and
much like you'd see the sort of actions in
a modern hedge fund
in that they were accumulating really good
they were analyzing that data and then they
were developing predictions that they could
act on.
And really the nature of this business, these
syndicates, it wasn't that they were placing
the odd bet and then celebrating. It was just
almost a systematic trading role where they
were expecting to make money over time.
One day he gets contacted by the Hong Kong
Jockey Club
and as a professional gambler who's worked
in Vegas, I think he assumed it was going
to be bad news, they might try and kick him
off the betting pool.
And instead they said "You're one of our
best customers. What can we do to make your
life better?"
Because they take a percentage of the total
betting pool, the more computer bettors there
are, the more money they're betting, the more
profit they make.
Bill wanted a computer and they gave him one.
They gave him something called the 'Customer
Input Terminal' and allowed him to stop having
to have employees pick up the phone and spend
10, 20 seconds each time placing a bet.
He could do it in a fraction of a second. So
it allowed him to make more bets.
The more bets you make, the more likely it
is that your edge pays off. So when he was
suddenly able to make thousands upon thousands
of bets at the click of a button, it dramatically
increased his profitability.
There grew this kind of subindustry of specialists.
I don't think the Hong Kong betting public
had broad awareness that there were computer
experts using statistical modeling to bet
in the same pools that they were. They simply
weren't well known. They never appeared in
the press. No one knew the name Bill Benter.
The amount of money that was coming out of
the pool and going to computer teams just
grew and grew and grew and grew.
The computer betting teams got too good. They
were making too much money, they were making
so much money.
The Jockey Club saw what was happening and
they realized that if word got out, that the
specialist computer teams, foreign-owned and
run, was siphoning money out of the betting
pool to the detriment of the average bettor,
it might discourage people from going to the
race track and making bets.
They abruptly cut off Bill Benter.
But then this record jackpot came along.
I think they made 50,000 bets, they spent
well over a million Hong Kong dollars,
they went into it deciding that even if they won,
they weren't going to claim the money.
They almost did it to test how good their model
was by this point.
Does Bill Benter fit into the stereotype of a
professional gambler?
No, hardly at all.
He had more than 30 winning combinations,
but he had one single winning ticket that
correctly predicted all nine placed finishers.
And that was the one that had the big payout.
There was a purity about what he did, you
know, he was faced with a technical, numerical
challenge. His job was to beat the odds in
horse racing and the way he did it was applying
science to this problem in a way that most
gambling people don't.
He's still working away at that problem,
you know, the algorithm is constantly evolving
and changing and improving.
Bill was really one of the first people to
apply computing power and technology to a
system of odds-making. But that practice is
now spread all over the world, not just by
bettors but by bookmakers too. So in a sense
he transformed the industry.
His obsession is the science of gambling and
and to this day it's what he does.
2015 Ariel Nomad - Matt Prior drives the Atom's muckier sibling

Capital Carboot Sale (Pimlico, London) - Best Carboot in London?

Digital Nomad Girl:
So, today I'm going to the Capital Carboot
sale in Pimlico in London. I've heard it's
the best one in town, Elle Magazine really
recommends it so let's see what we get.
So the market is right in the centre of Pimlico.
It's just opposite St George's Square. It's
corner and they'll find all the guys on the
gate. it's actually called Capital carboot
sale, but Pimlico is your nearest tube stop.
It was really busy when I got there at about
half past eleven, but it was nice to not have
to come to a carboot really super early.
Having it in a school means you can have some
stalls out in the playground and some inside.
So it's a really good Winter carboot because
in wet weather they just move everything indoors.
There was a really good selection of clothes
but also lots of trinkets, homeware, and antiques,
and there were some really lovely things but
not too much of that really junky stuff you
quite often get a carboots.
There were some really lovely antique china
vases and things that I would've loved to
have bought if I wasn't moving abroad!
I talk about these girls in my Haul video,
but they had some amazing stuff and it was
all categorised out by price in big cardboard
boxes - super good find!
This lady had unbelievable necklaces, and
you can see which one I bought in my other
I thought the quality of clothes and accessories
was really high, and there was loads of really
lovely stuff.
Plenty of antiques and vintage as well, especially
these amazing vintage jackets.
I thought this was a really nice touch at
the end, that they encouraged everybody to
recycle all their leftover stuff.
There were so many awesome bargains to be
found and I can't wait to show you everything
I got in my next video!
Thanks so much for watching, please hit like
and subscribe and leave me a comment below
if there's anywhere else you think I should
check out.
10 Outstanding Camper Vans for Sale in 2020 | Living the Van Life

Minds Eye Design:
Camper vans have always been cool, but in recent
times they’ve become even more so with millions
of people taking up this type of vacation.
Intense competition always accompanies high
demand, so it's no surprise that manufacturers
are getting increasingly creative in the battle
to woo buyers.
As a result, we've seen some really cool design
features and conveniences coming to the forefront.
I'm Reacher and today we're going to look
at some of the innovative extras being offered
in camper vans these days.
Number Ten
The German-engineered Spacecamper takes the
usual VW camping experience to another level
with this version having double sliding doors
and a multi-functional design to maximize
the usable space.
A single cooktop and basic cooler chest help
in that aspect, as well as a modular swing-out
kitchen unit which doubles as a work area
when it's stored away.
There is an outdoor shower with a fold-up
screen and a double seat at the back which
converts into a spacious double bed.
The pop-top roof provides adding sleeping
space as well as opening from the front for
those close to nature moments.
Number Nine
Not only has Winnebago gone the 4x4 route,
but this award-winning company has also brought
out its first-ever pop-top. The Winnebago
Solis is a versatile, tough vehicle based
on a Ram Promaster chassis.
It has all-season plumbing and insulation,
a heated bathroom, and a rear annex which
extends the usable space. The fiberglass pop-top
adds headroom and an extra sleeping area to
the design as well.
Uniquely, the upper cabinet doors have magnets
on the outside so that they stick to the roof
when opened, which is a convenient and considerate
Number Eight
Oregon based Outside Van specializes in custom
builds according to the customer's specifications.
Built on a rugged Mercedes-Benz 4×4 chassis,
the custom-built Timber Den offers versatility
and functionality with enough space to accommodate
three passengers.
Onboard battery and water systems, a removable
refrigerator, and solar panels make this van
the ultimate go-anywhere-vehicle.
A zip-up doorway between the driver's compartment
and the back separates the cabin from the
living area, providing a storage space for
any outdoor gear.
Number Seven
The Pleasure-way is a Canadian built pop-top
campervan, similar to the classic California
van. However, the Tofino is based on a Ram
Promaster 1500 and offers more interior space
than its counterpart.
It has plenty of headroom, and the interior
features include an overhead bunk, living
area, and a small kitchen area having a refrigerator,
stainless steel sink, and an induction cooktop.
Measuring just under 18 feet long, this van
offers plenty of cargo space for the traveler
with a lot of outdoor gear.
Number Six
This latest offering from Canadian based 5Mars,
the Inspiration X is an attractive, spacious
and luxurious Class B vehicle with many convenient
features for a longer stay.
The kitchen includes a 100 liter refrigerator/freezer,
a microwave, sink, and dual-burner cooktop.
The Inspiration X has a fully enclosed interior
bathroom, which you almost never see in a
camper van. Swivel seats and a comfortable
fold-down double bed complete the picture.
Number Five
Ohio-based Creative Mobile Interiors built
this camper van on a Mercedes Sprinter.
And just like the last entry, this too has
a fully-enclosed interior bathroom with a
full-size shower. This custom-build also has
screens for the rear and side entrances so
you can keep insects out while enjoying the
fresh air from inside.
Other top features include a wall-mounted
LED TV in the galley, swivel chairs, a queen-size
bed, and diesel-powered heat and hot water.
Number Four
Built on an extra-long Peugeot Boxer chassis,
the Fairford Plus offers plenty of space as
it's able to accommodate up to four people.
The twin lounge layout is a versatile touch
providing dinette seating in the front as
well as a rear living area, with both areas
able to convert into double beds.
Interior amenities are a four-burner cooker
with an oven, a fridge, and a sink. And just
like the last two entries, this one has a
fully-enclosed interior bathroom which seems
more common that I originally thought earlier
in the video.
Number Three
Canadian-based Nomad Vanz built this one on
the versatile Mercedes Benz Sprinter chassis
vehicle with simple accommodations.
It has a cool, comfortable interior design
with classic wood-look cabinetry, a small
kitchenette with a refrigerator, and a double
bed which has ample storage underneath for
just about any outdoor activity gear.
There's also a privacy screen that attaches
to the back doors so you can change or wash
off using the external shower attachment.
Everything in this van is cold and heat resistant,
as well as UV-proofed, to create a comfortable,
functional living space.
Number Two
Winnebago is pretty much the name that put
camper vans on the map. This trusted American
brand has been making classic campers since
1958 and it’s never failed to deliver high-quality
experiences for its customers.
The company has now decided to go off-road
with the Revel 4x4. Utilizing a Mercedes Sprinter
chassis, it can stand up to whatever terrain
you encounter on your travels while offering
comfortable interiors with ample space.
The entire living experience is solar-powered
and includes a refrigerator, stove, lights,
heater, and television.
Other unique features in this van include
a power lift bed and an all-in-one wet bath.
Extra features include a ten-foot side awning
and a power sliding door.
Number One
Custom built in England, the Doubleback is
one of the most innovative designs around.
When it’s not in use, the rear door opens
like an ordinary van, but one flick of a switch
and a rear pod extends six feet out the back
of the vehicle. It's supported by two electronically-controlled
legs and can hold up to 900 pounds.
The back seat folds down into a double bed,
while the roof of the van also has a pull-down
double bed.
The kitchen include a sink, a dual-burner
cooker, and an oven.
Extreme Minimalists Living Full-Time in a Pickup Truck Camper

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10 Viewer Suggested Camper Vans and Motorhomes for 2019 - 2020

Minds Eye Design:
The RV industry is currently worth around 20 billion dollars
Which means there are loads of camper van and Motorhome options out there for lovers of the great outdoors
I'm Reacher all of these choices may make choosing the right one all the more difficult
So if you're looking for an RV to call your own why not start by taking a look at these camper vans and motorhomes
Suggested by you our viewers
Number 10 the
Voyager x from polish company globe traveler RV is a fiat based high-roof
Campervan that's been cleverly engineered to accommodate for people and comfort
The front has a dining area with a wall-mounted table behind
This is a centrally located kitchen having a 110 litre refrigerator a stainless steel sink and a dual burner cooker
Moving back finds an enclosed wet bath which has a folding sink and chemical toilet
Next to this is a full size bed with ample storage below
Additional sleeping arrangements can be had using the fold down bed above the cab
Number nine
This next entry hails from San Francisco's glamper van
Offered as an alternative to the ever increasing prices of the local housing market the Promaster muv has room for just two people
It's versatile design allows it to serve double duty as a run around while providing somewhere to rest your head at night
The interior amenities are minimal with the kitchen having a stainless steel sink and 65 litre refrigerator
But no cooktop
the fold-up table serves as a dining area or workspace between the two cab seats which swivel towards each other a
Murphy bed folds up against the back side wall and drops down to provide an almost queen sized sleeper
To 200 amp hour batteries and an optional solar array can provide all the power needed for lighting and those must-haves tech gadgets
Number eight
Another French classic the Shouse on
6:27 GA comes with a choice of either a Fiat or Ford chassis
the main feature of this motorhome is its large rear cargo hold having plenty of room for
bicycles chairs and other bulky items underneath
Inside are two single beds above the garage which can be modified to a bigger bed if needed
Moving forward finds a centrally located kitchen with an oven refrigerator
Three burner cooker and sink while opposite this is an enclosed wet bath up
Front is a dinette with an adjustable table an l-shaped bench seating
Number seven
This one from benomar is one of many camper vans currently offered by the spanish company
The benefi and one-one-nine is built on a fiat ducato
Chassis having a multifunctional layout with a stylish interior allowing for comfortable trips whether short or long
features include swivel seats an extendable table and a compact cooker with a slide-out work surface and sink alongside that
The bathroom features a toilet shower sink and extra storage
The rear of the van has two bench seats which convert into a double bed with another double bed that can be mounted above
I'm ali and it's mines I triviatime by looking at just these images. Do you know what this is and where it's from?
We'll leave the correct answer or your best guess in the comment section below
Number six
The Challenger two-five-zero is big on comfort as well as size with all the panache that you would expect from a French design motor home
Including plush
Stylish finishes and carefully thought-out extra touches their swivel seats in the front with double benches and a folding table
Next to this is a compact kitchen area with a dual burner cooker sink and a refrigerator
The bathroom spans the entire width of the vehicle with a shower on one side and toilet on the other
The entire rear end of the motorhome consists of storage in the form of shelving
Retractable hanging racks and enough space for bicycles and other adventure gear
Sleeping arrangements come in the form of the double bed over the lounge area that lowers from the ceiling
Number five
Uk-based McLaren Sport. Ohm
specializes in building all-terrain campers specifically designed for dirt and mountain bike
Enthusiasts the main feature of the savage a name that sells itself is the reinforced garage with a power lift double bed
This allows the owner to adjust the bed according to the height of the cargo
Another design element is the pass-through aisle in the front of the van which provides a seamless space running from the cabin to the rear
Load doors the kitchenette has a dual burner cooktop a sink an oven and a mini fridge down below
There's also an enclosed wet bath hidden away in there somewhere
Exterior features include a driver's side awning and a 300 watt LED light bar
Number four
Canadian-based snow MADD vans builds these off-road vehicles with the whole family in mind including the family pet
The finishes are typical of the brand with colorful cushions to complement the light wood cabinets
The interior can accommodate four people with a double bed over a large rear storage
Area and a seating area that folds down into two single beds a dual burner cooker
Refrigerator and ample storage are standard features as well for those washing days
There's an exterior shower hookup with a door to door privacy screen
Number three
The heimer brand is known for its practical and innovative RVs with the flagship exes being no exception
A major feature of this motorhome is its very large anterior hold which has ample room for any outdoor gear?
inside twin beds rest on top of the storage area
Moving forward finds a centrally located wet bath with a large shower and bench toilet
Opposite this is the kitchen which has a three burner cooktop sink oven and refrigerator
Finishing off. The layout is a lounge area having a space-saving l-shaped design with a fold away table
Number two
Built on a volkswagen t6 chassis the australian-made track
80 features everything you could hope for from a 4x4 campervan with specialized off-road suspension
And upgraded shock absorbers the lounge area
dinette utilizes the captains chairs a sliding rear bench and a wall-mounted table a
Kitchenette runs along the passenger side having a dual burner induction cooktop a sink and a mini-fridge
Sleeping accommodations are provided by the previously mentioned rear bench which folds down flat to create a double bed
Up above is a pop top roof adding to the interior height as well as providing extra ventilation
For those of you with a furry traveling companion this conversion kit from Terror camper may be just the thing you need
The dogs camper makes traveling a lot easier as the package comes with crate walls dual doors and a ramp for easy access
Number one
Airstream is one of those classic camper brands that's become synonymous with RVs
The Tommy Bahama interstate lounge lives up to this fine reputation with its unique brand of island style sophistication
and fine American craftsmanship like
Cabinetry and tropical touches add a real sense of relaxation to the interiors of this supremely luxurious motor home
Which comes complete with a minibar onboard so, you know
They're serious about you taking some time out
While on the road has seating for up to nine people with swivel chairs and sofas as well as onboard entertainment
The kitchen includes a dual burner cooktop and sink with an oven and mini-fridge down below
When night falls the entire rear lounge area folds down into a large bed
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