Here's Why Chevy Dealerships are Crap

Scotty Kilmer:
rev up your engines
Michael cologne he says 07 Acura
RDX 90,000 miles called P2263 issued a
check engine light the dealer once
replace the turbo for six grand it pulls
fine and I don't feel any difference I
can't pass inspection please help yeah
you know when you get vacuum leak or
stuff wrong with the system it won't
pass emissions testing they're trying to
say the problem is in your turbo it very
well could be but if it runs okay so
you're stuck between a rock and a hard
place find a mechanic like me maybe he
could just reset it drive it a little
and if it'll pass the emissions test
then go get it tested right away I do
that for customers all the time when he
got some nagging thing that's gonna cost
a fortune but it runs okay a lot of
times you can reset it if it's got some
kind of a vacuum leak at least just
patch it with duct tape or something you
just take duct tape up if you want as
long as it runs okay you know there's
always ways to get around stuff if four
car runs perfectly fine door somebody's
trying to rip you for that kind of money
now if you do have to replace the turbo
don't pay 6 grand don't go to a dealer
you can get refurbished ones from many
places all over the world online and
replace it with a recondition one this
places that will take yours and
refurbish it for you Greg says Scotty
is a 2.7 liter EcoBoost a good reliable
engine over time understand what
EcoBoost is it means that it's GDI
gasoline injection with insane
high-pressure spraying of fuel directly
in the engine and also turbochargers
which brings more air in the engine so
there's more pressure in the engine and
guess what the more pressure the fast or
something will wear out over time if you
took that same engine and it was just a
normal engine with fuel injection and no
turbos and drove them both in the same
vehicle the one that's the EcoBoost is
gonna wear out faster and it's just the
way that it goes strain more they're
gonna wear out faster they work fine for
you know usually the first few years
100,000 miles or more
but eventually it will wear out fast to
realize that if you're the type of
person to trade your vehicle in every
100,000 miles your style you probably be
happy with but if you want really really
long-term now you better not to buy that
complex stuff Senya treasure like says
when should I change all the fluids in my
2014 Durango Hemi I only drive 5,000
miles annually well oil it doesn't
matter its mileage and/or age so you
want to change the engine at once a year
use good synthetic oil change it once
here that's fine the rest of the stuff
you're probably gonna go more by time
than mileage like I would change the
transmission fluid but if you only
driving 5,000 miles a year I change it
once every five or six years yeah and
the coolant you go by the not the
mileage but the year like a few at that
Toyota hoat coolant that's good for up
to seven years the Dodge coolant I
believe the factory stuff is good for
five years find out how long it is and
then change it by the years not the
mileage because things wear out over
find out what time for each and change
it at that time instead of the mileage
because you're not putting on the
mileage they still degrade over time
specially the engine oil, J Texas 1974
live free or die Scotty can you
tell me how long you can drive a car
with a failing or bad torque converter
thanks well of course that depends on
how bad the torque converter is yeah I
got customers with torque converters
that are weak that drive them for years
and years and years in my 94 celcia has
an automatic transmission the torque
converter is weak but it was a weak when
I bought it used and it's still weak and
I still drive it the only problem with
that is it shakes a lot in drive so when
you're driving if you leave it and drive
the engine shakes and idle I just put it
neutral and it runs smooth this can be
so I Drive it that way I really don't
care I'm not gonna take the transmission
off just to change the torque converter
and if it still works like that who
cares but there are torque converters
that physically fall apart when they
start making noise or when the gears
start to slam into gear when you're
driving then they're not gonna let us
talk that long it depends on how badly
worn they are cuz they will wear in
different models in different ways some
of them just have bad welds GM had some with bad welds
when the welds break then it starts
falling apart clang and then you got to
change it sooner than later or it will
destroy a bunch of other stuff Garcia says
Scotty I was a feeling driving on GT
Mustang 65 I've been 2005 in a Celica
2002 I feel like you oh yeah yeah the
old cars the fun to drive they're real
cars that's said
they're not like a modern car you get
turn the key and take off and that's all
you got to think about stuff that's 65
GT that I was showing it's got a hand
choke you gotta start it up play with
the chock a little let it warm up a few
and you know it's a standard
transmission so you gotta shift gears
and it's an old one so that's the clutch
it's relatively stepped you got to be
used to pushing down on that hard clutch
with your left foot the only thing I
ever drove this stiffer than that was a
customer had a Corvette and that you
he had to use both feet on a
clutch pedal to get it down it was so
hard to push it down on that Corvette
they were notorious for having sticky
clutch pedals but you know it's another
experience you're actually being part of
the Machine and you feel it and you get
feedback and bumps and it's a real
driving experience you know if you're
the type of person that just wants a
smooth thing definitely get a new one
don't get it old one, station money says
I got a 07 Ford Focus that has a
pinging sound under load when I use 87
octane using 89 there's no pinging how
can I get it to stop pinging when using
87 octane you know the problem is it's
12 years old
it's just worn with the higher octane
gas I mean you're better just to use it
because all kinds of things are going on
there it's probably that your timing
belt your timing chain is worn somewhat
the engine has a little carbon in it I
mean if you want to try my advice would
be paying mechanic like me to carbon
clean your engine because if there's
carbon buildup that increases the
compression ratio and you need to higher
test gas so it doesn't ping sometimes on
those just having them carbon cleaned
then they'll run normal on the cheaper
gas I tried that burst they make the
most logical thing to do
keoki Tara's says Scotty I changed the
sway bar links on my 08 Pontiac g5
but it still rattles when I hit bumps
what could be wrong you change the sway
bar links
those are links at the end right the
sway bar itself has to hold downs they
have rubber bushings on them check the
rubber bushings they could be worn out
too but of course realize there are a
zillion things that can make rattling
noise on a suspension system jack it up and
pull on it and hope you can duplicate the
noise now if you can't I have a video
called finding the source of car noises
watch that video and with that machine
if you don't want to buy one you're
gonna use one on eBay for like 50 60
bucks or a new one 410 bucks it will
pinpoint any sound in a car but check
the bushings first you changed the
links on the end of the bushings are
worn it'll still rattle around when you
hit bumps, res says toyota oem coolant
or third party pink
acceptable it's okay to mix different
brands of engine coolant all right well I always try to use the same thing but what's
in them is what counts and from my
experience I look around all the pink
and red coolant that I've ever found was
whole coolant hybrid organic acid
technology called the new style one that
Toyota's use and as long as it's hoat
coolant you can mix them it's perfectly
fine just like any olden days you didn't
care if you use impressed on coolant
factory GM coolant whatever as long as
it was the same type the older type
coolant was called inorganic acid
technology IAT and the new one is OAT
organic acid technology and the real
fancy ones like Toyota's are Hoat hybrid
organic acid technology as long as you
keep the same oats or hoat coolant in it
it's fine you can mix them, mike says
Scotty my 2015 Mazda 3 left front wheel
vibrates at 25 to 35 but it goes away at
a higher speed what can cause that you
got sympathetic vibrations in there
odds are to be rebalanced or the tiger
might just be shot go to a good place
where they balance tires have them check
the balancing of the tire if it's off
balance that can do that or it's a tire
itself a shot that often happens when
they're made of various belt wound
around in a circle and if the belts
break internally then they're no longer
perfectly round and at a certain speed
they'll go like mad but don't want to
get spinning faster it expands out and
becomes perfectly round again so had the tire check praise just needs to be
but if the tires crap pink albino your
tire because that will do different
things at different speeds cuz it's
rubber and can stretch and change as it
speeds up it's not like a man on a solid
steel where the speed doesn't change the
shape, Steven Mayer says Scotty are you
stoned dusted sunglasses no I'm blind as
a bat if I take them off I am blinded
and I have studio lights pointing at me
so you can see me otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me all that well I put
them on I don't look as old it's a
show business thing with sunglasses on
you don't look as old but now I'm not
stoned I haven't done that stuff since
college and that was let's see 42 years
ago that's what I graduated, game says
Scotty I have a 2010 Mazda 3 the sound
I had the Bose package mechanic told me
to replace an amp or get a new radio why
are the speakers what should I do
yes when you buy a vehicle with a fancy
stereo system and it breaks often either
to get new parts hardly anybody ever
fixes them right or to replace the whole
thing with a factory unit cost a fortune
you're better just going aftermarket I
do it in all my cars because the
aftermarket stuff these days every two
years they're they work twice as well
and it cost half as much so your carts a
few years old
you put modern stereo in sounds tons
better and it costs pretty nothing
compared to the original
so do that just get another new one
research what particular ones you want
like if you don't have an android and you want to
put an android in now if you want an
Android there's good androids out there now
for a little was doing her 50 bucks
don't buy the $80 androids they stink
I've tried them out but the more
expensive ones they're pretty good
androids that are easy to wire it I got
a video on that it's it's not that hard
to do,
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell
Instrument Cluster Repair – 2003-2006 5.3L Chevy Silverado (Sierra, Tahoe, Yukon, etc.)

welcome to a very special edition of our
fear no fix video series on the BlueDriver
channel today we have one that's
kind of out of the ordinary there's no
trouble codes doesn't really hurt the
way the vehicle drives it's not unsafe
it's just a pain in the butt it's when
your PRNDL indicator is not reading
out so... there's a really expensive fix
and then there's a really cheap fix
Chris this is a great one this is an
honest full-on just repair we're not
replacing any parts we're just gonna
remove the instrument cluster we're gonna
resolder a bad connection
put it back in and we're good to go yeah
this happens all the time on these
trucks so hopefully this saves you a ton
of money and hopefully this video saves
you a bunch of time and if so please
like the video and subscribe to us on
our BlueDriver Channel let's get at this one Chris
the tools you'll need to
complete the instrument cluster repair
are a ratchet, a seven millimeter or
nine thirty second socket a ratchet
extension a soldering iron and wheel
we'll start by setting the steering
wheel as low as it can go next we're
going to put the ignition run for a
second and we're going to put the
gearshift as low as it can go
now we're gonna pry out on this panel
right here from the top looks like
someone already tried this repair a
couple years ago I swear this wasn't me
just start around the edges pull gently it'll pop out
and up and out
now we're going to take a seven millimeter socket and we're gonna remove the bolts here
here up here and back there
we'll have to put the gearshift back as
low as it'll go
pull the instrument cluster out
and then squeeze in on this gray connector right here
and that's it
all right we're set up on the workbench first thing we're
gonna do is take the instrument cluster
apart and then we're gonna have a look at that board
first we're gonna ply up on these clips here and here
and the clips on the other side
push on these two tabs with a
screwdriver and then pull up
now we're going to remove the gauge
needles pry up on the needle on both
sides at the same time and pull them off
the stepper motors
these resistors here are the most likely
culprits small cracks might develop
where the resistor is soldered to the
this can cause intermittent display
issues or the display might fail completely
this is a close-up of the
solder joint under a microscope you
don't need anything like this for the
repair this is just kind of to give you
a good idea of what exactly is going on
you can see at the bottom of this
resistor there's a small crack running
horizontally as the resistor pries up or
down this can make or break contact
causing the display to come on and off
just to play it safe we're going to
resolder each resistor
using your soldering iron melt the existing solder then add a dab of new stuff as well
we'll do this again now for each
now we're ready to reassemble the
instrument cluster snap on the front half
reinstall the gauge needles on the
stepper motors make sure the needles
can't rotate counterclockwise beyond the
zero position for each gauge if the
needles are put on incorrectly then when
you start the truck you might see
something like 5,000 rpm negative 1,000
rpm zero volts etc so they have to be
put on in the same position they came
snap on the back half of the instrument panel
that's it for the repair and now we'll
head back to the truck to see if it worked
now that we've resoldered all those
resistors we're going to put it back in
first we'll hook up this connector
the gray points back towards the front of the truck
put in our four seven millimeter bolts
put the gearshift in the lowest position again
and reinstall the dash piece
and then just push all around the
outside to clip it in
now that everything's reinstalled we're gonna give it a try and see if we can figure out what gear we're in
perfect everything looks great
ah ha! and there it is it works again
nice Chris now I know when I'm in drive
my garage door is safe so this one you
no nothing you're back on the road not
hitting your garage door so if you liked
this video if it made your life easier
if it saved you a ton of money please
like the video and subscribe to our BlueDriver channel and until next time
Fear No Fix

Cornelius Albert:
How To Replace Front CV Axles 07-17 Chevy Silverado

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Aircraft Mechanic Has Chevy Truck That Sounds

Dad Dare:
so yesterday you met Tom and Pam and
this is David one of their four children
and he's gonna show us a project that
he's been working on this last year yeah
what we could did in here it's okay so
David if I understand correctly this is
like a senior project for you yep so
tell us a little bit about it so about
the time I graduated from high school I
saw this on the side of the road for
sale called the guy he wasn't asking
much for it
thought it ran and drove and everything
and then after a while it became evident
that you know you needed a new engine
and transmission my cousin found engine
and transmission that a guy had rebuilt
that he was planning on putting in a hot
rod but decided to go a different way so
he was selling it for pretty cheap I
bought it started the process of pulling
the old one out and putting the new one
what's the engine that's in there that's
a 305 305 so you swapped it with that's
real five the same same engine same
engine has a little bit of
ham on it and I put headers originally
in taking carbon so when did you get
into mechanics gee I don't know it's
just been kind of kind of a necessary
thing to survive on the farm so a little
backstory I met David the first time it
was probably ten years ago and how old
are you 10 years ago I would have been
eight or nine yeah and we were working
on this property and I was working there
and then his family came to help and so
I got to meet you and your siblings and
we just had a lot of fun one of the
things I did for fun was we trapped
squirrels there was just a ton of
squirrels like way too many and we were
on the mouth of an inlet and so we would
trap the squirrels and we'd take them
over to the other side of the inlet and
release them over there and if they were
gonna come back they'd have to travel a
long ways to get back or they have to
swim across the inlet and stuff I was
something we did this in expert time is
really fun but I haven't seen you since
been right and so you've grown a lot
since then I mean you're yeah
and you have studied mechanics yep and
so tell him a little bit about the
schooling that you just finished and
then also the job that you just got yeah
so I went to whe see in Wichita it's a
tech school and learned about aviation
mechanics went through the program to
get my EMP license that was a 18-month
program after all that schooling
graduated looking for a job now I just a
couple days ago got hired on at Yingling
aviation that's awesome man so you're
gonna be working on what was the tech
planing reciprocating engine mostly
probably Cessnas stuff like that okay
and then y'all said it so hopefully
you'll get your pilot's license
eventually yeah that way you'll be able
to fix the plane and fly the class and
that's the goal that's a good
combination right there yeah thanks for
showing us your truck today yeah fun
project and hear it run yeah you want
started up
all right so we've been here the last
few days hanging out with David and his
parents and hanging out on this property
it's been super peaceful and if you're
new to our journey we are heading
through Kansas we have a few more stops
in Kansas then we're headed to Tennessee
and my wife and I we've been on the road
for the last six months meeting up with
friends and family other youtubers and
so push that subscribe button all the
way in if you haven't done so yet click
the bow so you get notified and hit the
thumb war button down below we'll see
you later hats off to you
GM Instrument Cluster Repair and Service

GM Gauge Repair: is your source for
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How To Replace Hub Assembly 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD

Car Addict Garage:
Camrose Autos Service Repair shop - McClellan Wheaton Chevrolet

McClellan Wheaton Chevrolet:
David: "I'm David Cassidy from McClellan Wheaton
Chevrolet, Camrose, Alberta. I think a customer
should be treated very fairly. We like to
make lifelong friends with all our customers.
We have 11 service bays, 4 detail bays. We
offer half hour lube, oil filter changes.
We guarantee all
our work. We offer one of the best warranties
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We have GM backing us, so if we run into any
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there will help us out.
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Vehicle Inspection Completed During Auto Repair in Eau Claire, WI

Markquart Motors:
An oil change can be completed just
about anywhere
but are all oil change equal?
in our experience too many customers
assume they are getting
good inspection with the oil change, when
it's not always
It take some well trained technician,
the right style of lift,
a great system,and a dedication to excellence.
to deliver the type of inspection the owner can count on.
The purpose of this video to show you
how Markquart Motors delivers a top
quality multi-point inspection.
So you could drive with the confidence
that comes from knowing your vehicle is
safe for the road ahead.
A multi-point inspection
is usually done when your vehicle is
having its oil changed and its tires
rotated. We begin
up front by doing the visual inspection
of the engine compartment.
As well as checking the air
the cabin air filter and the wiper blades.
while your old engine oil is draining,
we inspect the underside of the vehicle
for fluid leaks and any signs of damage from
road hazard of normal wear and tear.
The suspension and steering components
are critical to the safe operation of
the vehicle.
and they take a beating from the pothole
curb hits and other hazards that are so
common here in Wisconsin.
The control arm, ball joints, tie rod ends,
struts, springs and wheel bearings need to
be inspected for leaks,
wear, and damage. The brake system is also
essential for safe driving
so we inspect the brake lines for cracks
damage and leaks.
and on older vehicles for corrosion. While
we're under the vehicle
we also inspect the exhaust system and
the fuel lines.
When all the under vehicle inspections
are complete
we replace the drain plug and install a new
oil filter.
the vehicle is then partially lowered
where the tires are removed
and the brake linings, calibers and, brake
rotors are
inspected. The tires are then installed in their new position
and the lung are torqued to factory
The last step in the tire rotation is
to reset the tire pressure monitor
In the final phase of the inspection,
we refill the oil and top of the washer fluid
we also check the fluid levels
and conditions on the transmission, coolant,
power steering, and brake fluid. Finally
we verify the oil level, reset the oil
life monitor,
and replace the next service reminder
The multi-point inspection
presented to the customer uses a simple
color-coded key
to assess maintenance terms
Red indicates that items need immediate
attention. Yellow
indicates that item should be addressed
in the near future.
and green indicates that no attention
is necessary. Now keep in mind
that not all red conditions are you
equal. For some it is critical for safe
to have the condition repaired as soon as
practica. For others the repairs could be
delayed or even ignored.
Your service consultant can provide you
with pricing for the repair
and help answer any questions that you
have about the inspection
or the severity the items that indicate
the need for repair
Protect your family can keep your
vehicle in top working order
when you get an oil change tire rotation
and a professional multi-point
from Markquart Motors
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