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How to Aim and Align your Headlights Correctly

How to Aim and Align your Headlights Correctly

1A Auto Parts:

- Hi, I'm Mike from 1AAuto.
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parts for over 30 years.
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quality auto parts,
expert customer service,
fast and free shipping,
all back by our 100%
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for quality auto parts.
- In this video we're gonna be showing you
a universal procedure for checking the aim
on your vehicle's headlights.
Now this is not a specific
or precise measurement
for inspection purposes
but more a way of making
sure that your new headlights
are functioning and at
the appropriate heights
to get the best performance out of 'em.
So if you've replaced your headlights,
the vehicle's been in a collision
or you plan on carrying a lot more weight
in the vehicle than you normally would
it may be necessary to adjust
the aim of your headlights.
I have a homemade
headlight aiming board here
but this process can easily be done
on any flat surface with 25 feet of room
from a vertical straight wall.
What we're going to do
since we can move our
headlight board fairly easily
is this center line needs to line up
with the center of the
front of our vehicle.
In this case it's going to be
the badge on the front of the car
and I wanna make sure that I'm straight
and parallel to the nose of the vehicle.
Some other good indications
would be the body lines,
license plate brackets or a hood ornament
centered in the hood.
So we'll now back our
vehicle up in a straight line
25 feet to the front of the headlights.
It's important that you make sure
all four of your tires are at
the appropriate air pressures,
your vehicle has about a
half a tank of gas in it
and it should also have any loads
that the vehicle regularly carries,
such as tools, equipment
or any type of supplies
that may weigh down any
part of the vehicle.
Check the marking on your headlight.
Ours is a DOT VOR which is
a visibly amiable headlight
as well as DOT VOL and DOT VO.
Also depending on your
vehicle and location
you may have an ECE or E CODE headlamp,
all of these are visually
aimable in similar ways
to the one we're going to show you.
If your vehicle is older
and does not have a US DOT marking on it
then it needs to be aimed with
a mechanical aiming device
that's pretty hard to come by
so your best bet is to do the best you can
visually aiming it with a board or a wall
like we'll show you here.
If you're not familiar,
turn your headlights on
and check which are
the high and low beams.
On our vehicle the
outside are the low beams
and our inside are
gonna be the high beams.
After you've checked all your other things
like your air pressure and
the weight in the vehicle
you'll want to jounce your suspension.
And what we mean by that
is grab a firm part,
either the bumper or the
radiator support here
and rhythmically bounce
it up and down a few times
and allowing the suspension to settle.
This will make sure that it's at
it's appropriate ride height
and isn't stuck in an odd position,
it'll just set everything level
into the proper ride height.
So we have a little dot in our
lens that you can see there
and I just used a dry erase marker there
to you show you where it is.
We're gonna put a little dot over that.
You don't need to do this
but I feel it makes it a lot easier.
Take a tape measure and
measure from the ground
to the center of that dot.
On our vehicle it's just about 32 inches.
The next thing you'll wanna locate
is your headlight adjusters.
Now these are gonna be in
different places on every vehicle
but ours has a toothed wheel
down here with a hex on it
so we can adjust that
with either a ratchet
or putting a little screwdriver in there
and clicking it clockwise
or counter-clockwise.
You may also have horizontal adjustments
but for our vehicle it's just these.
With our headlight on,
we've shut off the lights in our shop.
If you're doing this outside
you'll wanna do it at night.
This line here is our headlight cut off.
That's what we'll be using to adjust from,
above that is dark and below that
is where the brightest
portion of the headlight is.
Now what we're gonna wanna do,
and I'm just gonna stand in
front of it for this purpose,
we now know where are
right side cut off is
and from here it looks to be
just about 27, 26 inches which is low.
We wanna be generally,
two to four inches below
the center line of our headlight.
In our case 32 inches.
So we'd wanna be somewhere
in the 30 to 28 range.
Our left one is actually right about at 32
so it's pretty much dead level
and we want that to be
actually a little bit lower
than the right side.
So what I'm gonna go for here
is getting the left side to
about 28 inches, 29 inches.
And I'm gonna go right to the 30 mark,
on the right side so we'll
have our left cut off
a little lower to prevent
from blinding drivers
on the other side of the road.
And our right side will be a little higher
to still gives us a good view ahead of us.
Block the headlight that you aren't aiming
with a piece of cardboard,
you could use a chair
with a jacket over it
which is what we're going to do.
So we have our socket and
ratchet on the adjuster
and we're gonna see which
way moves the headlight.
Right now I'm turning
clockwise or to the right
and the beam is going up.
It's also very important
you don't wanna lean
too much of your weight
onto the vehicle while you're doing this
and you also don't wanna push
against the headlight in any way.
So clockwise is bringing it up.
We're going to rotate it counter-clockwise
until we get down to 28 inches.
And again we're using a
headlight aiming board
but you can easily do
this with a piece of tape.
I'm marking everything off.
So our cut off there is right at 28 inches
just where I wanted it.
I'll move our chair
in front of the driver's headlight.
And you can see there,
that they are pretty
much level at this point
which isn't a bad thing.
But just a couple of turns can get us
a little more visibility.
And that's why we're here.
So I'll rotate this one clockwise
up to 30 inches.
Till that cut offs right here.
So we're now two inches
below the center axis
of our headlight on the passenger side.
And four inches below
on the driver's side.
And that's what your
headlights should look like.
If adjusting fog lights as well
you'll usually find
something similar to this,
like our 2011 Camaro
where it's a Phillips head screw
or possibly a hex bolt or
just a little thumb screw
or something you move with
a flat blade screwdriver
or pry tool.
Really it's going to be very similar
to the style of adjuster and procedure
of adjusting a headlight on any vehicle.
So now we're gonna show you a method
you can use to aim your headlights
assuming you don't have
a headlight aiming board
or access to one and
can't justify making one
just for aiming your headlights one time.
So we already know the center line
of our headlights are at 32 inches.
I have my vehicle pulled up to the wall.
So we wanna mark where the
center of our vehicle is
just as a reference.
In this case I'll be using
the badge on the front of the car.
So mine's a little awkward
because I have this beam here.
You'll be using a flat board.
There's my center mark.
Now I'm gonna go over in
front of the axis dots
in my headlights.
And I'm gonna put it just about straight
and level with 'em.
And this doesn't have
to go all the way down
or all the way up,
just keep it right about in
line with that headlight.
And I'm going straight
to this axis as well.
We'll now back our vehicle up 25 feet
to the front of the
headlights from our wall
or in our case the back of our board.
So I know the heights of my
headlight axis is 32 inches.
So I'm gonna make a mark on my tape
32 inches up from the ground.
Now I already know that I'm gonna want
to adjust my headlight
four inches below this line
on the driver's side.
We'll then make our 32 mark
on the passenger's side.
And on this side,
I know I wanna be two
inches below my axis.
Just to make this a little
easier to see at distance
I'm going to another piece of tape,
I'm gonna put my bottom edge
flat with my 30 mark here.
So my cut off is gonna sit right here
in putting the tape above that line
makes it's easier for
me to see a difference,
if there's any lighting shining up there.
And we'll do the same
thing with my 28 mark
on the driver's side.
Again this isn't super precise
but we're just doing
this to make the vehicle
safe to drive.
Your local inspection station
will have to do a precise measurement
if your state does a
headlight aim inspection.
Now we know roughly
where our headlights are.
You can sort of see the two cut offs here.
Let's make things easier,
I have a jacket on the back of a chair
that I'll be using to
block each headlight.
My driver's side is a good ways higher
than it should be.
And the passenger's side
is quite a bit too low.
So what we're gonna do now
is use the appropriate tool
to adjust the headlight.
And it's important that
you don't put your weight
onto the vehicle while you do this.
I'm gonna start clockwise
which brings my headlight up,
that's good, that's the way we gonna go.
Counter-clockwise would bring it down.
And I'm gonna bring that cut off line
right to the bottom of my tape
so it's light and the brightest part
is just below the tape.
But the tape line is still dark.
Slide the chair over
to the passenger's side
and now I know counter-clockwise
should bring my driver's
side headlight down.
So I'll bring that down, same thing,
until my cut off line,
you can see the tape getting darker there,
right there my brightest point
is at the bottom of the tape.
You can see now that our passenger's side
is about two inches higher
than the driver's side
which is exactly what we want.
So our driver's side won't blind
drivers coming the other way.
And our right side will
stay nice and far out
so we can keep an eye
on the side of the road
for animals coming out of the woods
or pedestrians on a sidewalk.
So we performed this
with a 2009 Nissan Rogue
but the basics of this procedure
are going to be the same on any vehicle.
Your only major
differences are going to be
where that center axis
of your headlight is,
your specific state's
inspection requirements
for headlight height
and the exact location and tool
you'll need for your adjusters.
But what we've done here
is gotten a nice new
set of headlights aimed
so we can drive safely
and still get the best
performance out of our product.
- [Mike] Thanks for watching.
Visit us at
for quality auto parts,
fast and free shipping
and the best customer
service in the industry.

Why Not to Buy a Used Hybrid Car

Why Not to Buy a Used Hybrid Car

Scotty Kilmer:

Rev up your engines,
today I'm going to help you decide whether
it's a good idea or not to buy a hybrid car,
now lately people have been asking me,
Scotty I'm thinking about buying a hybrid
car, what do you think about that,
well we'll start with a little history lesson,
hybrid's really started with submarines,
they have diesel engines that would recharge
the battery,
or run the propellers and then necessary and
they were under the water,
they would run only on the electric battery
now the early Honda hybrids used a system
that was rather similar to the submarines
but it was a failure,
people didn't like them, they hardly sold
any of them and they were really slow,
as an example of this,
in 2013 Honda only sold 4,802 Insights,
while Toyota sold 145,172 Priuses,
so right off the bat I'd say don't buy a Honda
hybrid car,
if you want to get a hybrid car you want to
use the Prius design, which actually most
manufacturers use,
and that's an Adkinson cycle 4 cylinder engine
combined with a hybrid generating system,
and using a hybrid battery pack to store the
electrical power,
now the early hybrid used nickle metal hydrate
and they were rechargeable,
the modern ones use lithium ion batteries
but for a long time they used nickle metal
hydrate batteries,
now in the case of the Priuses,
originally they had 28 Panasonic hybrid modules
and each module had 1.2 volt cells in it,
which would make 200 something volts for the
whole system, the price of these batteries
has come down over time,
now you can get a new one for about $2,600,
but I don't advise going any cheaper than
there are places that recondition them, but
really you got an old worn out battery that's
made out of a bunch of little batteries,
if they replace a few of the battery cells
in them, hey the other ones are still old
and they're only going to break down over
you really have to go new if your planning
on keeping the car for a long time,
so you have to decide how long your going
to drive your car,
in the case of the Prius the newer ones come
with a 8 year / 100,000 mile warranty,
so if your happy with that you'll never have
to worry about the battery,
but if your planning on buying a used hybrid
car that's more than 8 years old that has
more than 100,000 miles on it,
then you might want to think twice about that
because not only do the batteries cost a lot
of money,
but other repairs cost a fortune too,
like this one that burnt out the generator,
a customer towed her Prius over to my place
because it died while she was driving down
the road,
and found out that it wasn't putting out any
charging voltage at all,
so I checked all the fuses and relays and
they were all perfectly fine,
then I thought, hey it just needs a new alternator,
but guess what, a Toyota Prius doesn't have
an alternator,
it uses a generator that's built into the
transfer case,
now if it would have been an older Toyota
like this old Celica,
the alternator is right here,
you just take off a couple bolts and a fan
belt and replace the alternator,
you could get a rebuilt one for $100 or so
and put in on in about 10 minutes,
but sadly in this hybrid system that's not
the case,
it doesn't use an alternator to charge the
battery, it uses a generator,
inside the transfer case here it's not seperately
I did a lot of research on the internet and
you have to buy the entire transfer assembly
for $3,459.68,
and if that wasn't bad enough, it takes over
10 hours of labor to take it all apart and
put it all back together again,
so most places are going to charge over $5,000
to do the job, and unfortunately in these
2002 Priuses it's very common for the generators
to short out they overheat and melt,
and unless you want to keep buying giant batteries
and recharging them to drive the car,
you have to fix it to make it able to drive,
and then of course you have to factor in the
cost of the car,
they cost a lot more, how much gas mileage
your actually going to get, and does this
amount to a profit over time,
a lot of times it doesn't for normal people,
but I recently came back from Seattle and
all the Uber drivers there were practically
all driving Priuses,
since they get such better gas mile with regenerative
in town, and a lot of taxi drivers do a lot
of in town driving,
you see all these Priuses because they're
cheaper to operate, it's a business and your
putting a lot of miles on it,
but if your just driving your car normally,
you might find that the extra expense of buying
a hybrid, and if your like me and want to
keep your car for 100,000's of miles,
the extremely high repairs your going to do
as they get old,
it's not really worth it buying a hybrid for
somebody who drives like that,
now my opinion on hybrids is this,
I see them as a type of stop gap technology,
there half way between gasoline cars and electric
cars and since your not fighting a war in
a U boat,
it's really not that necessary for most people,
so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring
that bell!

Stephen Sharer - Share the Love (Official Music Video)

Stephen Sharer - Share the Love (Official Music Video)

Stephen Sharer:

- Oh yes, today is going to
be an awesome, awesome day.
Oh hey Carter, what's going on?
- Hey, what's up?
- [Stephen] (gasps) Hey baby
Otter, how are you today?
Carter, are you ready
to get this day started?
- Oh yeah, yeah.
We have something super
epic, meet me outside.
- Okay, I'm gonna go this way.
(upbeat music)
Let's go, I'm so excited for today.
It's gonna be unbelievably epic.
♫ What is up Sharers,
and welcome to the vlog
♫ Today we're gonna hit
you with a brand new song
♫ Let's get the beat
started, you can follow along
♫ Hit a million, yeah we Sharer Fam strong
♫ First started vlogging
with my brother Carter
♫ We modded Nerf guns
to make them stronger
♫ Carter stepped it up
with the Rocket Nerf
♫ Otter repped it up with
the Share the Love merch
♫ Orbeez waterfall lambo fidget spinner
♫ Nerf VS Soda, which was the winner
♫ Orbeez waterfall all over me
♫ Let's dump them, one, two, three
♫ Oh
♫ Built from scratch, we had no clue
♫ Exploring and playing, just like you
♫ Now we're here with a million views
♫ Come and join the Sharer Fam crew
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love around the world
♫ We can share the love
♫ Started the vlog game
'cause we knew we could
♫ Doing black flips like Roman Atwood
♫ Sittin' at the top, afraid I might miss
♫ You gotta be brave to take that risk
♫ Flying high, got the weightless feel
♫ Land in the water feels so unreal
♫ Swimmin' up now just to take a breath
♫ All these stunts, yeah you know the rest
♫ Epic hoverboard with the massive wheels
♫ Always snackin', I don't eat meals
♫ Went to Mickey D's, to hydro dip
♫ Jumping off of jet skis with a back flip
♫ Know you know, we're the Sharer bros
♫ Lime green Lambo with the under glow
♫ Hit a million, that's what we do
♫ Join the Sharer Fam,
let's hit two (subscribe)
♫ Share the love
♫ Smash that like button
♫ Share the love
♫ Yeah you guys know what
to do, let's hit two million
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love around the world
♫ We can share the love
♫ I'm Lizzie Liz, always helping out
♫ I joined the Sharer Fam without a doubt
♫ Came from Cali when they gave me a shout
♫ And now I know what it's all about
♫ In the neighborhood walking baby Otter
♫ Vloggin' all day with Stephen and Carter
♫ You might have seen me running on water
♫ Sharer Fam crew got me working harder
♫ Came with the slime, now
it's time to get serious
♫ Came with the slime,
but I'm sill furious
♫ Feed the koi, modding toys with the boys
♫ Bring the noise, are you hearing this
♫ Yeah
♫ I never got trapped in the water balloon
♫ Trampoline bouncing
'cause it's hotter at noon
♫ Finally time to pop this
balloon in three, two, one
♫ Kaboom
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love around the world
♫ We can share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love
♫ Share the love

First delivery of the all-new 100% Electric IONIQ

First delivery of the all-new 100% Electric IONIQ

Hyundai NZ:

We think it's the beginning of a new age
in terms of protecting our environment
through an electric vehicle.
Yes we have grandchildren,
we just want to leave a better environment for them.
Well why do we like Hyundai?
I'm very analytical
and Hyundai clearly came out
on top in terms of features
It's clearly a nice looking car
The one thing that
is also nice about it is obviously
the fact that it's aerodynamically designed.
The worst thing is now that we're
worrying about banging it!

The Fatal Flaw of Subaru Cars

The Fatal Flaw of Subaru Cars

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines,
Camden, Scotty thoughts on newer Subarus
and CVT reliability if you heard their
cars not of the 90s I'm looking to buy a
Forester okay, Subarus one main big flaw
was their automatic transmissions were
garbage over time and they cost a
fortune to rebuild, their CV
transmissions are no different, they
still have problems and they cost a
fortune to rebuild, you want something
that you're gonna drive forever do not
buy one, if you want a Subaru and
you want it to last a really long time
get a standard transmission and they
are well-built, there are actually
standard transmissions, but do not buy an
automatic transmission Subaru and think
it's gonna last forever, if you have to
buy an automatic transmission go Toyota
they make the best ones, there's no if
ands or buts about it, but if you like
Subarus and you can drive a standard, go
ahead and get one at standard but never
by any of the Subarus with automatics or
CVT s, because they have lots of problems
I rented a Subaru with a CVT and it had
like 8,000 miles and the transmission was
already shifting crappy, so there's no
way that I'd ever buy one of those
things, I'll run them because if it breaks
it's not my problem it's the rental cars
company, and I always do rent different cars
when I go on a business trip or
vacation because I like trying out all the
different cars to tell people what I think
about them, Kevin
rank says, my parents bought
me a 2006 Nissan Altima in October with over
with over 150 thousand miles they bought
it for $2,800 did they pay too much, yes
they did that's a 13 year old Nissan
Altima with 150,000 miles on it, now $2,800
doesn't buy what it used to buy, but I
wouldn't have paid that much for it for
sure because Nissan's are notorious for
having problems, now let's say it doesn't
burn much oil and the transmission
shifts good, if it does, then at least
it's still a decent car but those
engines are notorious for burning oil
and blowing head gaskets for having bad
automatic transmissions, so baby that car
now I know you can drive them fast but
don't take off Jackrabbits and don't do
burnouts on that thing, because then
you're pushing your luck, it's like
playing with fire, they have weak engines
weak automatic transmissions, so baby it
change the oil every four or 5,000
miles and you never know, you know
$2,800 these days for car isn't that
much money, but they did pay a little bit
too much for it with that mileage
knowing those, if it had been a Toyota no
but for the Nissan yes that's a bit too
much, Shatty says is high
mileage full synthetic beneficial or is
continuing full synthetic fine if you
have no leaks or burning off, oh yeah
you can just stick with full synthetic
if you've been using that, the high mileage
stuff you know, they claim oh it's
gonna do this, it's gonna do that, there's
no miracle additives, if an engine is worn
an engine is worn, and if you're
not burning or leaking oil and you're
using full synthetic just stick to what
you're using, the reason people go to
these, Oh for an older engine and it
helps them out high mileage is because
maybe they got bad seals and it's
leaking oil, it can maybe rejuvenate them
a little, and it might have additives that can try to lubricate the engine a
little bit better, but if you're not
leaking or burning oil
my advice is stick with the oil that
you've been using and it's working why
change something it works,
Greg D says, I got a 2013 Honda with a
CVT transmission it went out at 125,000
miles, we want to replace it what do you
think is the most reliable car out there,
you had a Honda you didn't say what kind of
Honda you had, let's say you had a Civic
well then go get a Toyota Corolla
they're much more reliable or are you
saying you've had an accord get a Camry
the Toyota Camrys costs more but they're
very reliable cars and they're much more
luxurious, depends on what kind of money
you want to spend you know, I mean
sometimes people ask me, should I buy
this car or that car, sometimes they're
completely different cars, I say it
depends what you want, do you want a
luxury ride a lot of acceleration or do
you want a car that's gonna last forever
and get better gas mileage, you got to
decide what kind of car you want and
then go from there, but regardless of
what type of car you want look for it in
a Toyota, because their still the most
dependable cars out there, and I'm not
being paid by Toyota, I wish I was you
know, they probably got a lot of money
because they make really good cars but, fool
eske says, Scotty I bought a 1993 Honda
Accord with a manual
transmission when I'm shifting gears it
takes a while for the RPMs to drop and
the lag in RPMs can be noticed, car
has two hundred sixty eight thousand
miles on it, okay if you shift and
that takes too long for the RPMs to drop
odds are you need a new clutch and it's
just slipping, any mechanic let them road
test it they'll tell you if the clutch is
slipping, the clutch could just be
slipping and wearing out, it winches inside
the disc and as it's worn, the pressure
isn't enough that the disc gets too thin and
it'll start to slip and then the RPMs
won't go down, so odds are you just need
a new clutch in it, it's you know two
hundred sixty eight thousand miles, the
thing is just flat worn out, so if you
never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring
that Bell!

Best Hybrid Cars for 2019 & 2020 ― Top-Rated Hybrids and Plug-In Hybrids

Best Hybrid Cars for 2019 & 2020 ― Top-Rated Hybrids and Plug-In Hybrids


Palmerston North Charge.Net.NZ EV charger location review 1080p

Palmerston North Charge.Net.NZ EV charger location review 1080p

Darryl Talks About New Zealand:

OK Here I am on The Square in the middle of Palmerston North.
Here we've got a Charge Net rapid charger. With two parking spaces in front.
It has CCS and CHAdeMO connectors. For DC fast Charging.
This is the case for most of the Charge Net
ones, they have CCS and CHAdeMO.
I think this is also where they have two connectors.
This is in Palmerston North and the Palmerston
North, the Square is right in the centre of the City.
It used to be where the railway line came through,

and they refurbished the are into
a useable space in the city
If we turn around we can see some high rise
Bar, and shops and cafes and shopping centres
and not far away is the movie theatre and
a few other things.
Behind me around that way is the plaza shopping
centre down there.
You have all the types of facilities you find
in the middle of a city.
This is a. good place to recharge if you are
driving through because there is lots of stuff
around, plus you have marked car parks [for
EV charging], plus you have in the building
here, 24-hour toilet.
and if you go not very far from here, one
or two blocks away you will find take away
[food], and around the square there are lots
of restaurants, take away food and dine in
restaurants. The public library and cafes,
all the kinds of things you find in the centre anywhere.
<<There is no voice over for the rest of the video - photo slide show>>
<<Just some photos taken around The Square>>

etrailer | Longview Custom Towing Mirrors Installation - 2006 Chevrolet Silverado

etrailer | Longview Custom Towing Mirrors Installation - 2006 Chevrolet Silverado

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