Chevrolet To Discontinue Camaro

Posting Komentar

GM Just Threw Away the Chevy Camaro

GM Just Threw Away the Chevy Camaro

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines, GM says that the six
generations Chevy Camaro z/28 program
has been cancelled all right now for the
car guys out there that are the muscle
there have been rumors going around that
they're not going to be making the
Camaros in the future they don't have
any particular plans that they have
set in stone with it there's even some
rumors that they're gonna make an
all electric cars which may be what
they're going to do they're canceling a
sixth generation I'm assuming that they
are gonna stop making Camaros they
stopped making the things a few years
back and then they brought them back
again they had a bunch of quality
control with the ones they were making
in Quebec and so then they just stopped
making them entirely I mean those are
terrible machines in the end I had them
where the wiring harnesses would go out
to transmissions and blow up and they
brought them back again I who knows
maybe they'll just eventually have them
only as an electric car and shelving the
production of any sixth generation
Camaro kind of tells me they yeah
they're maybe they're thinking about
making the mental electric cars only
time will tell her that but you're
obviously thinking about getting rid of
Camaro is a muscle car by not producing
these, ash says hey my wife has
an old ML 320 it's forty eight thousand
mile keep it and driving myself for
selling wife wants a new car
forty-eight thousand miles isn't much if
you haven't had problems with it it
hasn't been wrecked flooded or stolen
you might as well keep it you said it's
an old one if it's an old one it has
virtually no value nobody wants to buy
an old Mercedes the resale value was
cramped but with 48,000 miles generally
don't fall apart until they are over
100,000 miles so what the heck you got
it why not use it for your car and then
get your wife another car obviously
you'll put that many miles on the cars
it still could last a while cuz you
getting nothing selling if it works okay
now what the heck I personally wouldn't
buy one but you already have it so you
might as well driving around you'll get
much for it if you try selling it, Bologna is
there any way to buy nitrogen to fill
your tires yeah oh that's kind of an
interesting subject matter realize that
Earth's atmosphere is already something
like eighty percent nitrogen dress is
about 20 percent oxygen some trace
elements but
about 80% nitrogen already so what
difference does it really make if you
have a 100% nitrogen you tires or 80%
for years people tried to sell me as a
mechanic at my shop systems that purify
the nitrogen in our atmosphere and turn it
into almost a hundred percent
nitrogen and filling the tires with
because theoretically it doesn't oxidize
inside and the temperatures don't affect
it that much when they change hot or
cold or they do use nitrogen I believe
in like the jet airplanes because
they're up at 50,000 feet and it gets
really cold there and the pressure the
tires would keep going up and down for
them and it makes sense but you're not
driving your car at 50,000 feet out
there so you know if you can find a
place that sells the stuff go right
ahead but far as I'm concerned you're
mainly wasting your money on that stuff
for a car that you're driving every day
nobody's approached me in the last year
trying to sell me one of these stupid
nitrogen systems and it cost thousands
of dollars so so if anybody has one
they're gonna charge your pretty penny
to fill up your tires cause hey they had
to pay a bunch of money for the stupid
Daniel pina says hey Scotty is the 2007
f-150 a reliable vehicle these days
yeah the previous owner took care of it
2007 f-150 is pretty reliable vehicle
they're much better with the v8 sixes meh
any vehicle if you're talking about
buying a used one have a mechanic like
me check it out before you show your
money out cuz you don't know something's
wrecked flooded stolen there's all kinds
of things you can go around and with our
fancy machines we can tell I spend about
an hour checking out used cars I just
checked out a used car for a guy this
morning you know it's a fourth of July, I
he made an appointment so I got up
there anyways they can't be great good
cars but you want to make sure there
isn't a problem in it in the first place
cuz you're not gonna get a guarantee
demon says Scotty I got a
2005 Chrysler Sebring Convertible with
eighty two thousand miles my first car
any thoughts baby that thing that was a
big lemon Mobil that they made the v6
engines those things were terrible it's
still running it's 82 thousand miles
let's say it runs and it shifts good now
baby it you got it it's a convertible a
lot of times people think of verticals
are worth money but convertibles aren't
because everybody knows there were
terrible cars but you gotta take care of
a change the oil every 3,000 miles don't
overheat the engine don't race it don't
peel off
pretend you're a little old lady driving
that car and maybe the last one I got
some little old lady
drive them and they're still going okay
because they drive slow but all the men
that I knew that drove them hard they
all burn out either the engine or the
transmission or both, so if you never
want to miss another one of my new car
repair videos, remember to ring that Bell

News Jun 26th 2019 1:05am Chevy Camaro Discontinued after 2023, Xbox Phil Spencer game quality fedex

News Jun 26th 2019 1:05am Chevy Camaro Discontinued after 2023, Xbox Phil Spencer game quality fedex

Angry Gator:

The 2019 Chevrolet Camaro Is a Horrible Mistake | Carguments

The 2019 Chevrolet Camaro Is a Horrible Mistake | Carguments


Fix your sweater, you've got
your undershirt poking out.
Oh my god.
–Yeah, we can start over.
Edit that out.
Yeah, edit that out.
Hello, and welcome again to “Carguments.”
The show where we argue about—
We're not arguing, we are carguing.
–We're cargu—
We are carguing.
–Where we cargue about the cars.
–What we do here, on “Carguments.”
I am Patrick George.
This is my horrible car son, Mike Ballaban.
We have bad news.
One of the best sports cars,
the Chevrolet Camaro—
We have good news:
It looks good!
–They unveiled a new
one this week, and it—
–It looks fine.
–It looks tragic, it looks tragic.
–It looks fiiiine.
–They really messed it up.
I believe
the new face of the Chevrolet
Camaro is a horrible mistake.
My colleague Mike Ballaban
thinks everything's fine.
OK, granted,
I'm not gonna tell you it's the
best-looking car of all time.
The best-looking car of all time,
we all agree, is the Saleen S7.
However, what is wrong with that?
It looks like a car.
It's just a car.
It's all grille.
It's all grille now.
They just cut off the front
of the old Camaro,
–This is not all grille!
and put this flat-faced—
With these tiny little—
headlamp slits, and it's all grille.
–No, OK, first of all,
the last one had tiny
little headlamp slits then.
They're even tinier now!
–I didn’t hear you complaining.
But second of all, every car’s
got a big grille face now.
–That's the problem!
That's a bad thing!
Toyota Camry's got
a big grille face,
Audi's have a big grille face,
they all have big grille faces.
What's wrong with this
big ol' grille face?
Well, if everyone was—
all your friends were doing DMT
and jumping off the bridge,
would you go do it too?
Just ’cause everyone’s doing something
doesn't make it right, Mike.
I mean, DMT does sound
kinda nice right now.
Ah, it is—it is Friday.
It would make a lot
of the cars look better,
but not the Chevy Camaro,
'cause it looks fine already.
I have issues with this car.
I think that they went
overboard with the grille.
They've taken the grille,
which is supposed to be part
of the front of the car,
and made it the whole thing.
It's all honeycomb,
it's all black plastic.
And I don't know if this is just 'cause
these newer turbocharged
engines just need so much air
to stay cool all the time.
And it's like the whole thing
just has to be a hole.
You're missing the point.
The Camaro used to be a
muscla car, or a muscle car
as some people pronounce it,
but they're wrong.
It is now a sports car, right?
Muscle cars were meant for the drag strip.
You would have one shot.
It would be like, “Ah!”—done.
But now they're going on tracks,
they're under sustained loads
for long periods of time.
You need cooling.
And how do you tell everybody
that your car is fast and needs cooling?
More grille.
This is an advertisement to the world:
“Look how fast I am.”
And even better, even better!
This signifies you that you just might be
in a four-cylinder 1LE.
Which—we used to think
the V-6 1LE was probably
the best Camaro there was,
but no, now it's the four-cylinder
because less power is always better.
–That's the thing about

the Gen 6 Camaro—
it's actually excellent.
It's one of the world's
best performance cars,
at any level.
So you've conceded
already, it's excellent!
Good, done.
Until they ruined the looks of it.
I’ll tell you what happened here.
–It looks fine!
I'll tell you what happened here.
So the new Gen 6 Camaro,
the one that came out a couple years ago,
looks the same as the
old Camaro, the Gen 5.
It's completely new under the skin.
New platform, new engines, new everything.
They tried to make it look different,
and then all the Camaro focus
group Camaro boys were like,
“Nah, it's gotta look the same,
it's gotta look low slung,
gotta look like Bumblebee, yeah,
gotta build the same.”
–The best part about that is, apparently,
so I don't know if you
remember, fifth-gen Camaro?
Impossible to see out of.
–Impossible to see out of.
–It was a danger!
And GM was like, “Don't
you want more visibility?"
And they were like, “Hell naw.”
And they made a very
fundamental and fatal
mistake when they did this.
It's because when
Americans buy new cars,
they want it to look
like a new car.
They want their neighbor
Tom to see the car and be like,
“Well, damn! That sure is
a nice new car you've got.”
And if Tom doesn't say that,
why did you drop 40 grand on a car?
So they're like, “Holy crap,
we gotta do something different,
make it look different,
do something, anything,
make it look different
than the old car."
And that's what they came up with.
They gave it to some intern one weekend,
and he just cut the whole nose off,
and they were like,”Send it.”
No, I mean, Americans
don't want new cars.
They still want—did you
miss the entire period
from, say, 1998 up until yesterday?
When all they wanted was retro cars?
Do you remember the PT Cruiser?
That was like a handful of cars!
And the Ford GT, which everyone
said, “Oh, it looks so great,”
but Ford really just
took some tracing paper
and just made the GT 40 again.
Yeah, the Ford GT's terrible.
It's just terrible, Mike.
–But that's what I'm saying!
People don't want new
cars, they want old cars.
Sometimes I pray a
meteor will hit the world,
so that we don't have to hear
your bad opinions anymore.
This is a great marriage of
old and new, much like myself.
And therefore, it's good.
It's a good-looking car.
You're welcome.
Thank you for watching “Carguments.”
Do you enjoy when the real car-talking men
come to your computer
and talk about the cars
and yell about the cars in front
of your computer and your face?
Yes, you do.
So like and subscribe on
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.
What are the other ones
we're on these days?
Hit us up on LiveJournal,
that's where our secret blogs go.
I'm Deputy Editor Mike Ballaban.
This is Editor-in-Chief Patrick George.
I'm trapped in a living hell
from which I can never escape.

Why GM Doesn't Make Good Cars Anymore, What Went Wrong

Why GM Doesn't Make Good Cars Anymore, What Went Wrong

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines, zack says
Scotty my old family are GM fans, do you
know when GM car started to make them
poorly, my guess would be when they went
bankrupt around 2009, well they started
to make them poorly long before that, even
in the early 2000s they started to make
a lot cheaper stuff, I don't know how
true it is, but I talked to an engineer
and an engineer told me one time that GM
and Ford were going neck to neck and
people thought, Oh GM's are made better
than the Fords and then they did a
little research and GM found out that
they were spending 20% more building
their vehicles and that's why they were
better vehicles back decades ago, well
according to the engineer that I was
talking to, GM looked at and said gee
were spending 20% money more than Ford
building our cars, let's make them
cheaper, so they did and then the quality
went down, I know if it's true or not but
an engineer told me that, but they
have been going but down since the
early 2000s, it's just the nature of the
beast with corporations these days, they
want to make a profit and they want to
make things as cheap as they can and pay
people that make them as little as
possible, so they make more profit for
the corporation that's the way that
things go and sometimes it takes the
wrong turn like GM did and make products
that you don't hold up like they used to,
I learned to drive on a Chevrolet
Biscayne the thing was like a tank it had
302 v8 in it and that thing just ran
forever but not the new ones their not made
that wa,y no Oberto says Scotty
I am seriously considering buying the
2019 Land Cruisers, do you consider it to
the best quality built SUV I'm aware of
the gas mileage, yes they are for that
kind of a vehicle if you're willing to
spend that kind of money and get that
kind of low gas mileage, they are well build
vehicles my customers with them are all
pretty well happy with them, other than
the horrible gas mileage and if you're
willing to spend that kind of money, they
can last a long time, I got customers
with those thing that have three hundred and
fifty thousand miles on them and they're
still running strong, yeah if you don't
mind spending that kind of money go
right ahead, me I'm too cheap I'd never
spend that kind of money, Rambo ask
Scotty what do you think about me buying
a 2004 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
all wheel drive with 140,000 miles straight
6 for six grand
from my uncle as a first car,
well first of all some uncle he should
give you the car, now I'm not a Jeep fan
by any stretch of the imagination but
back in 2004 they were building much
better ones than they are today now that
Fiat owns them, that straight six-cylinder
engine can last forever I've seen those
things go 400,000 miles, good engines the
transmission that's an OK transmission
it's not great but it's not totally
horrible, it's a 15 year old Jeep try to
get it for a little bit less than $6,000
see if you can barter it, they can be fun
vehicles to drive around, realize they're
somewhat gas hogs because jeeps are
trucks their high up in the air, their not
aerodynamic or anything but it can be a
fun thing to drive, just try to get it a
little bit of lower, Scotty my SUV keeps
going out of alignment I had new shocks
replaced and no one seems to get the
alignment right, any ideas what as to what
it can be,
here's the thing, front end alignment
work we're talking about thousands of an
inches here thousands of an inches there
it's gotta be a pro who knows what he's
doing, so your best to find a
front-end shop that's all they do, here
in Houston I use cotton brothers front
end, they know what they're doing they
can fix any alignment problem, now the
second thing is, modern vehicles
especially the SUVs they're not like
vehicles when I was young, when I was
young they had all kinds of adjustments
there were like six different
adjustments you could do, today a lot of
times the only adjustment you can do is
the caster and the camber that's it
you can't do anything else, so it might
be that the alignment is off because the
struts bent or an a frame is bent, that's
why you have to start with a really good
front end guy, who knows what he's doing
and does good work you have to start
there, because otherwise all bets are off,
Devon says Scotty and I got a 93
3 liter 4runner, it does 16-17 mile per gallon
on the highway but does five to six in the
city any reason why, I live in Fresno
with hardly any traffic on the streets
Thanks, okay first of all, when you're
driving it in town does it get into top
gear, if you drive it really slow and the
transmission doesn't shift into top
gear, you're gonna get crappy gas mileage
like that, 16 to 17 is what those things
get on a highway, so it's working
normally at highway speed, so I'm
assuming it's not shifting into the top
gear when you're driving in town, go 35
miles an hour count the shifts as it shifts
and it should be into the top gear
if it isn't, you got a problem with your
transmission not shifting into gear
that's about the only thing that would
make sense cuz if you have any other
problem with the vehicle, it's gonna get
horrible gas mileage on the highway too,
the only difference is, it's shifting
into the higher gear on the highway maybe
it's not doing it in town, you should
still get at least 12 or something in
the city not 5 or 6, so if you never want
to miss another one of my new car repair
videos, remember to ring that Bell!

Camaro - Everything You Need to Know | Up To Speed

Camaro - Everything You Need to Know | Up To Speed

Donut Media:

Oh Shit Fire! Where’d you get that bitchin
Camaro? What chu got in there? 7 liter LS
with big cams blower popping out the hood. Bet that thing’s fast as hell. Dang thing’ll blow
the dang doors off a dang import no problem.
Can I get a ride in it?
Camaro, it’s angry, it’s stylish, it’s
bold and it's loud!
From Chevrolet’s point of view, the Camaro
was born out of necessity. From conception
to execution, it was created with one purpose
and one purpose alone.
To destroy the Mustang.
This is everything you need to know to get
up to speed on the Chevy Camaro.
(8-bit music plays)
This episode of Up To Speed is brought to
you by
Vincero watches.
Shoutouts to Vincero for sending me this cool
bad boy.
It looks good, it's really well engineered.
Speaking of really well engineered let's talk
about Camaros.

Chevy entered into the 1965 model year looking
to to overtake Ford in all their categories,
and their plan was 3-fold...
They introduced their Chevelle to compete
with Ford’s Falcon.
They completely redesigned the Impala
And they made them both available with the
race inspired Super Sport package.
The nimble Nova and the new Chevelle outsold
Ford in the small and mid-sized market, and
the ‘65 Impala dominated the full size American
Market. They sold over one million units.
A million. One comma, zero-zero-zero comma
zero-zero-zero. And as far as I can find
that record still stands.
Full-size, check. Mid-size, check. Small car
Uh check…
We won all of the three categories am I right boys?
Ford debuted the Mustang in 1964, and created
an entirely new class, the Pony Car. How could
Chevy beat Ford in a class that we don't even
have a freakin car for?
Guys when we talked in January we said we
wanted to beat Ford in every class.
Who was on this? Seth I can't fire you 'cus you are
my brother and I love you but I am mad and
I'm not sitting by you at dinner tonight.
Here’s a surprise, like almost every other
two door sports car we’ve talked about on
this show. Someone at a competing company
saw a mustang and was like
“Dang dude, that’s a good idea. We need to do a car like that.”
Without delay- the same year, Chevy Head Bucky
The guy in charge of Chevy Bucky Knudsen took
the guys responsible for the record setting
Impala Irv Rybicki and Henry Haga, and told
them to make a new car that would beat the Mustang.
Chevy codenamed the project “Panther,”
and the team prioritized aggressive, sleek design
a wide wheelbase, and sport inspired
Then, in 1966, Chevy set another record-
this time for the biggest phone call ever,
Chevrolet general manager Pete Estes, announced
the Camaro on a 14 city conference call with
the press. He says the panther is dead, long
live the Camaro. Click. Straight up hangs up.
Everybody in the press is like "I think a Panther
died? What is, what is a Camaro?"
Happened, Google it.
Estes said that the name Camaro evokes the
camaraderie between man and machine
thank you
He also claimed the name was French. It’s not French.
When pressed about what the name Camaro actually
means he slyly responded, “it's a small, vicious
animal that eats Mustangs.”
Estes is the weirdest dude ever.
This first generation Camaro was released
in 1967, and it took everything that was great
about Chevy’s aggressive new styling in
the Impala and Chevelle, and turned that sh*t
up to 11.
(Engine revs)
It had a recessed grill, innovative
front and rear fenders and was available with
up to a 6.5 liter V8. With a Supersport, Rally,
and a Z-28 Packages, the Camaro, from its
inception has been associated with performance.
Ah yes, the iconic Z-28 performance package-
we’ve all seen it- but what does it mean?
Nothing. It’s just the internal Chevy
RPO code for the package. Does it mean anything?
Cars are fun.
The Camaro was an effort to compete with the
Mustang but Detroit’s a small town, and
Ford, aware that Chevy had something up its
sleeve, redesigned their mustang to receive
a bigger engine too. Even in its first year,
the Camaro, while an impressive, cool little car
was playing catch up to the mustang...
Again to compete with the Mustang, the second
generation Camaro came out three short years
later. For 1970, it got wider, pushed the
headlights outside of the front grill, had
a faster looking rear end, and a more prominent
rear fender. This is the fish face that people
love or hate. You know who loved it? Road
and Track Magazine. They named the 1971 SS
350 as one of the 10 best cars in the world
that year. And finally the Camaro outsold
the Mustang, though only a slim margin of
one thousand cars.
I mean that was close.
The Camaro, because of its origins, will always
be compared to the Mustang, but having outsold
it in 1970, it could now develop an identity
of its own.
Chevy was fine with the Mustang being as American
as Apple Pie. Because that meant the Camaro
could be as American as ROCK AND ROLL!
The 2nd gen had quite a few facelifts through
its 11 year run. Just like my little brother Tom.
Rest in peace. Most notable were the
variations to the grill. The Camaro kept getting
more Camaro-y, and while still competing with
the Mustang, it wasn’t in the “hey Mustang
buyers, maybe you’ll like this” way. You
now bought a Camaro because you wanted a badass
(Rock music playing)
The third-generation Camaro rolled out for
the 1982 model year.
Look, the 60s Camaro looked like the 60s,
the 70s camaro looks like the 70s…
and the 80s camaro? I mean freakin look at this thing!
It’s as 80’s as Reagan and Bush, or crimped
hair, or doing cocaine with your boss. Which is
apparently a thing that I totally missed out on.
In 1985, for my birthday, the Camaro was chosen
as the official racecar for the International
Race Of Champions (I R O C)
and to commemorate,
Chevy rebranded the Z28 as the IROC-Z.
Jean jackets everywhere rejoiced!
The "20th Anniversary Commemorative Edition"
was offered in 1987, as well as a "25th Anniversary
Heritage Package" in 1992 .
Camaro. They like anniversaries.
The fourth-generation Camaro debuted in 1993
on an updated F-body platform. It retained
the same characteristics since its introduction
in 1967: a 2-door body with 2+2 seating and
an optional T-top roof or convertible.
In 1998, the 5.7 L LS1 was the first all-aluminum
engine offered in a Camaro since 1969
and this one made 325 horsepower.
Ok I know everyone, like the LS is starting
to get like uh oh my God it's so boring. But,
it''s a freakin all aluminum V8 that's the
size of a loaf of bread.
Weights less than a B16.
If you don't like LS-swapped cars you're a
hater. Don't be a hater.
The Camaro was still pushing that aggressive
reputation, but after 2002, production of
the F-Body platform was discontinued due to
slowing sales, and a deteriorating market
for sports coupes.
The Mustang was finally free to prance fancifully
across the roads of the American Countryside
without fear of the being stalked by a Camaro.
Until… in 2010 after an 8 year hiatus, a
totally re-designed, retro-inspired
"brand new” Camaro made its triumphant debut.
Finally, it was Ford’s turn to play catch-up
the 2010 Camaro SS had about 100 HP more
than the Mustang GT. That’s not even a fair right?
That's like me fighting any man on Earth.
If you want to fight me I'll put twenty-thousand
dollars cash on it. You let me know in the
comments, we'll set up a time and a place.
The only rule is it's to the death and your
kids gotta watch
The car looked great… It looked new and
it wasn't like, “HEY, I’M A CRAZY CAMARO!
LOOK HOW CRAZY I LOOK!” It was meticulous
in design and remained true to its 1967 origins.
It handled better than ever, and could outpace
the mustang on almost any track.
On April 1, 2010, the Camaro was named the
World Car Design of the Year at the World
Car of the Year Design Awards.
What the f**k.
And the winner is, the Chevrolet Camaro.
Is this real? Anyway congrats, we did it guys!
And the experience of driving it? People love
it. It was lighter and more nimble than the Mustang
and in 2016, the Z28 returned, and
made 505 Horsepower!
MotorTrend's 2016 car of the year is the all
new Chevrolet Camaro.
It was motortrends car of the year.
And today, 2017. Happy 50th Camaro. The 50th
anniversary edition had unique interior styling badges.
It’s 200 pounds lighter than
the 5th gen, and the 2018 ZL1 drops about
60 pounds more. Add to this the optional 650
horsepower? I’m telling you- it’s a small,
vicious animal that devours Mustangs. And
sometimes it turns into a robot and saves
Shia Leboof and Megan Fooks.
From it’s inception, the Camaro has had
one job and it has done it well. It was designed
to rival the Mustang, and aside from an 8
year sabbatical, it has been doing just that
for over 50 years.
That's everything you need to know to get
up to speed on the Chevy Camaro.
This episode of Up To Speed is brought to
you by Vincero watches.
All you have to do is click the link below,
enter the code WATCHDONUT.
You can get sweet discounts on all Vincero
products including watches and sunglasses.
What other cars do you guys want us to cover?
How many jean jackets do you own?
Do you guys think that the catfish Camaro
is like one of the last cars that's still
cheaper than it should be?
I want the white one with the orange stripes.
Check out our Evolution series. We take you
through the history of every car in this really
cool animated morphy way.
Make sure to like, comment, share, subscribe,
follow, and come back every week to watch
more Up To Speed.
Only on Donut.
I love you. I love you. Ugh I have heartburn.

2010-2013 Chevrolet Camaro Dual LED Halo Projector Headlight Spyder Performance Lighting

2010-2013 Chevrolet Camaro Dual LED Halo Projector Headlight Spyder Performance Lighting

JEGS Performance:

Announcer: Brought to you by JEGS.
Man: Welcome to Sypder Auto's projector headlight
installation guide for the Chevrolet Camaro.
Before we get started, you'll need a 7 and
10 millimeter socket, a T-15 Torx driver,
and a panel popper. Check out how Spyder projectors
change the look of your Camaro.
Start by opening the hood. Remove the six
plastic retainers along the top edge of the
fascia. Remove the two 10 millimeter bolts
at the corners. Moving underneath the Camaro,
remove the two 10 millimeter bolts that secure
the fascia from below. Remove the three T-15
Torx screws that secure the fender liner.
Peel back the fender liner for access. Remove
these two 10 millimeter bolts deep inside
the fender that secure the front fascia. Then
remove the 10 millimeter bolt hidden at the
top of the fender securing the fascia.
Next, remove the seven millimeter bolt that
secures the fascia at the edge. Now, remove
the 10 millimeter bolt hidden behind this
shaft to free the fascia. Unseat the front
bumper by easing it forward. Disconnect the
foglight and sidemarker harnesses, and then
set the fascia aside.
Remove the two upper seven millimeter bolts
securing the headlight. Then remove the lower
two seven millimeter bolts that secure the
headlight. Now, you can unseat the headlight.
Disconnect the headlight harness, then disconnect
the turn signal harness.
We have to transfer over a few things before
proceeding. Take a look at the backside of
your OEM headlight. Remove the turn signal
socket. Never touch exposed bulbs with bare
hands. Inspect the turn signal gasket. Replace
it if it's worn. Reinstall the turn signal
socket into your Spyder headlight. Your beam
adjuster is shown here and its Phillips head.
For information on how to wire the HALOs and
more, check out the FAQs playlist on the Spyder

Auto YouTube channel.
Reconnect the headlight harness, then reconnect
the turn signal harness. Seat the Spyder headlight.
Reinstall the lower two seven millimeter bolts.
Reinstall the upper two seven millimeter bolts.
Reconnect the foglight and sidemarker harnesses.
Then seat the front bumper fascia.
Moving to the wheel low, reinstall the three
10 millimeter bolts that secure the fascia
deep inside the fender. Then reinstall the
10 millimeter bolt, the hidden behind the
shaft. Next, reinstall the seven millimeter
bolt that secures the corner. Then replace
the fender liner, and reinstall the three
T-15 Torx screws to secure it.
Reinstall the two 10 millimeter bolts that
secure the fascia from below. Stepping out
from beneath the Camaro, reinstall the six
plastic retainers that secure the fascia.
Last, reinstall the two 10 millimeter bolts
at the corners. Just close the hood, and you're
Congratulations. You've fitted your Camaro
with a set of sleek projector headlights from
Spyder Auto. This is the actual projector
cut-off line.
Announcer: Brought to you by JEGS. Lifetime
support. Complete customer satisfaction. Delivering
performance since 1960.

GM Deceiving Consumers on MPG for Nearly Ten Years?

GM Deceiving Consumers on MPG for Nearly Ten Years?

4 Wheel Online:

Hey guys, Ken here, from 4WheelOnline with
another news refresh.
Here’s a list of vehicles you can’t buy
this week: The Buick Enclave, The Chevy Traverse,
and The GMC Acadia.
It’s time for Tracking The Shitstorm Part
2: GM Edition.
While not as big of a shitstorm as the one
Volkswagen brought on itself, General Motors
has become it’s own party pooper.
GM’s Lambda platform vehicle sales were
discontinued this week due to issues with
the miles per gallon on the posted window
Dealers received a memo stating that there
was an “inadvertent error” on the stickers,
affecting 60,000 vehicles on the lots, and
80,000 vehicles already sold this year. A
GM spokesman said that a “data transmission”
issue was at fault.
The stickers overstated the fuel economy by
2 miles per gallon. And while that may not
seem like a lot, it’s actually a 10 percent
difference, which is pretty big in our book.
The EPA estimates that this will cost owners
a thousand dollars over five years.
When spending upwards of thirty thousand dollars
consumers trust that an auto makers is going
to be truthful about their products.
I guess it could be worse, though. At least
they aren't faking the engine noise like these
When Hyundai had a similar problem they gave
owners prepaid debit cards to make them whole.
So what is GM doing to compensate the owners?
So far we have no idea.
By the time you’re watching this, the stickers
have already been replaced, and the vehicles
are back on the lot. But there may be more
to this than meets the eye.
A Consumer Reports article says that there
could be a potential **2 million** affected
GM says that “ other models or model
years were affected.” But isn’t it weird
that this year's and last year’s models
had the same mileage? Especially when the
numbers have been identical for years.
Yeah, that’s weird.
It’s pretty damn unlikely that GM made major
changes to the powertrain on a platform that’s
10 years old. GM declined to give any information
about any changes made, so all we’ve got
is a hunch.
News is always evolving, and of course, the
day after filming this video there’s a significant
GM is now blaming a change to the pollution
control hardware for the mileage drop.
But the internet is calling bullshit. No one
can point out any reason why GM would have
to change out the hardware, EPA standards
haven’t even changed recently. Plus, the
platform’s mile per gallon numbers have
been the same for the past 10 years.
This sounds like PR trying to save face but
instead tripping over their feet and slamming
it into the mud.
Turns out a total of one hundred seventy thousand
2016 models were sold and a class action lawsuit
in the works right now, so if you’re an
owner you should definitely hop on that.
Has this damaged your view of General Motors?
Let us know by voting in our poll right here.
And how would you feel if you purchased a
vehicle and found out you’d be, or had been
spending more on gas all along? Let us know
in the comments, then love or “thumbs up”
the video, and share it with your friends.
Until next time, I’m Ken, with 4WheelOnline,
and you’ve just been refreshed.

Customers concerned about cars damaged in dealership fire

Customers concerned about cars damaged in dealership fire

Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV:

Why Not to Buy a Chevy with Traction Control

Why Not to Buy a Chevy with Traction Control

Scotty Kilmer:

one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
today I'm going to show you why you
might not want to buy a GM product with
traction control on it, now this van only
has 45,000 miles on it, but the traction
control light is coming on, which means
that the traction control system has a
problem and we've got to figure out what
it is, now when I hook up my little scan
tool it shows that it has CL 131 which
is traction control system problem with
a pressure system, but in order to
analyze and actually repair the problem,
I need a much fancier scan tool like
this ODC encore, to get into that complex
data, then we select the ABS system and
we basically have to check all these
different data systems, to figure out
what's wrong, which consists of this data
and all this data and then checking
through the code assist is library, it
suggests the brake pressure modulator
valve is bad, and you can even look it up
on google, which also has articles that
suggest the brake modular valve
assembly is bad, and unfortunately the
brake modular valve is built into the
entire modulated assembly, which has to
be replaced, as a unit, and not only is
this unit hard to replace, you saw
those lines that have to be taken off
and the air bled out, but that unit cost
898 dollars, plus on this model, nobody
else can get them, it's a dealer only
item, so you got no choice of where to
buy it from, because they fail quite
often on these things and if you try to
use one from a junkyard
odds are, it either wouldn't work or would
break soon after, you put it on, now with
only 40 something thousand miles on the
car, I think it's kind of a shame that
that system broke down already,
but with the use of such complex
electronics, it doesn't surprise me at
all that they do break down, they're so
complicated, they have so many moving
parts, they're computer-controlled, when
they do break, man they can often cost a
fortune to repair, now it's one thing if
those complicated systems don't break
down, my wife had
a Toyota Cressida, it was 28 years old and
it still had a working system we never
had to do anything to it, but if you're
thinking about buying a GM vehicle, it
was an option on this one, get the one
that doesn't have that option, stay away
from their complex electronics on them,
because when they break down they cost a
ton, but on the positive side, when they
do break down, they go back to failsafe
non traction control and they just drive
like a normal car, so why not just buy
the normal car in the first place, and
remember if you have car questions just
visit the Scotty Kilmer channel

Hummer - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

Hummer - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

Donut Media:

- This episode of Up to Speed
is brought to you by Squarespace.
(engine revving)
It's not a car, it's not a truck,
it's not just another four by four,
it's a wolf in wolf's clothing.
It's a tank in the form of a car
in the form of a tank!
It can drive over anything, up anything,
and through anything.
It wasn't meant for us,
it was built for war.
I don't care what you drive, dawg.
It's bigger, it's tougher,
and the only reason that
we're allowed to buy one
is because The Terminator said so.
This is everything you need to know
to get up to speed on the Hummer.
(upbeat electronic music)
In the early 80's the American military
was bidding for a new transport vehicle
that could carry troops
and heavy cargo anywhere.
In other words, they
needed a high mobility,
multipurpose, wheeled vehicle or himovv,
himvr, what, how am I saying this wrong?
(man speaks indistinctly)
What, H-M-M, hummv?
The H-M-M-W-V, hmmwvr.
The winning bid went to
AM General Corporation,
which created a machine
that had the raw presence
of a nuclear blast!
It could transport heavy equipment
through the worst terrain.
It could cross rivers and
get up and over slopes
that would stop basically anything else.
It had a switch that could
inflate or deflate the tires
on the go and its axle track was designed
to be so wide that it
could slip into the tracks
left by tanks, tanks!
Plus it could be dropped out of a plane
wearing its own friggin' parachute.
AM General was awarded a
one billion dollar contract
to mass produce the
Hmmwvr to the US military.
And by the late 80's,
they were in the field.
They called it the Humvee,
because that was easier to say than Hmmwvr
and it accompanied American troops
during the invasion of Panama in 1989
and during the Gulf War in 1991.
The Humvee was adapted
for all sorts of roles.
The ambulance, communication station,
and my personal favorite,
frickin' rocket launcher.
Let me make one thing
abundantly crystally clear,
the Humvee was a military vehicle,
designed for the military
for military use.
It's like a Black Hawk helicopter
or an aircraft carrier,
an F18 Superhornet.
The Hummer was never ever
intended for ordinary people
or ordinary roads (burps),
but there's one thing the US
military never saw coming,
Arnold freakin' Schwarzenegger!
It's 1990, Arnold
Schwarzenegger is the biggest
action movie star in the world

and not just physically by physically too.
While taking a break from shooting
the classic Kindergarten Cop,
"Are you eating other
people's sandwiches, stop it."
- Stop it.
- And somehow, like,
Arnold's like, "Uh, yo, like,
"I'm in this situation
now, I love your mom
"and I'm your kindergarten teacher,
"time to karate battle
your mom's boyfriend."
My mom had some boyfriends
and I wish there was an Arnold
to kick the (bleep) out of them.
Luckily, now I'm the Arnold, so,
I'll buy you a plane ticket, Steve.
I will fly you to LA to kick your (bleep).
Steve's a real guy.
Steve (bleep), I hate you.
Arnold met his spirit animal
as he saw a convoy of Hummers
passing him on the road.
It was love at first sight.
He was like, "Yo, what is that
big-ass flat-looking jeep?
"That's like the perfect
car for me, can I get one?"
Uh, yo, are you Arnold Schwarzenegger?
"Yeah, I am."
Listen, man, I'm stoked
that you like my car and all
but you can't buy one of these
'cause it's for military use only.
"I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger,
I can have whatever I want."
AM had already kicked around the idea
of a civilian model but with
the Terminator's backing
they bumped it up to the
top of their priority list.
In 1992, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Mr. Olympia,
received the very first civilian
version branded the Hummer,
of course, as a civilian model,
this one didn't have any
rocket launchers on it.
- Ah, there's no rocket.
They forgot to put the rocket
in there, dude, I'm so sorry.
- But it was more or less
the same overall design.
So, it could still drive up,
over, and through anything.
It could still inflate or
deflate its tires on the go
and it was still really,
really, really big,
just like my dad.
Remember at this time movie heroes
are enormous hulks of muscle.
The Soviet Union had just collapsed
and America was frickin' stoked.
Gas prices were cheap, in other words,
subtlety and restraint were not words
in our national vocabulary.
America wanted big, they wanted bold,
they wanted a Hummer,
who cared if it weighed
10,000 pounds and gets
10 miles to the gallon,
(chuckles) literally.
In fact, in a very real sense,
that was the entire point.
It cost about 50 grand
and barely squeezed into most garages.
The Hummer was not expected
to be a mass market car
and that too became a part of the appeal.
A Hummer badge was like a Ferrari badge.
If you had one, it meant you had money
and you weren't afraid to spend it.
It was drivable bling.
By the late 90's it had
become a celebrity hallmark.
Everybody from Coolio,
Ted Turner, Tom Clancy,
Andre Agassi, the four coolest,
most famous dudes ever,
all drove Hummers.
The Hummer was a metaphor
for America in the 90's.
Enormous, expensive, rugged, unstoppable,
gas guzzling, decadent,
and in your frickin' face.
And as you can imagine,
not all of those went over very well.
The Hummer became a symbol
for excess and egotism
and environmentalists absolutely
hated its fuel consumption.
Still, whether respected or reviled,
there aren't many cars that have caused
such strong reactions from
so many people so quickly.
That was the sheer presence of the Hummer.
In 1999 GM bought the rights to the Hummer
off of AM General, where AM General
put their military machine in the hands
of an exclusive few, GM wanted the Hummer
to become a true mass market brand.
The result came in 2002
with the release of
the car's baby brother, the H2.
This model of Hummer was lithe and toned
instead of muscle bound and bulky.
Weighing in at a dainty 8,600 pounds.
Never one to miss a sequel,
Schwarzenegger was personally involved
in the development of the H2.
As much as he loved the
raw size of the original,
he wanted the H2 to be a bit
more manageable on the road
and also compete as a modern luxury car.
People bought them in droves.
Again, the gas guzzling
thing lead to a backlash
from environmentalists and some of them
got pretty crazy about it.
In 2003, 40 Hummer H2s were set ablaze
at a dealership in California
in an eco terrorist attack carried out
by the Earth Liberation Front.
More seriously and sadly,
these weren't the only
terrorists the car was facing.
The original military Humvee
was now deployed in wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq
and, believe it or not, for all
of its incredible ruggedness
the Humvee was never
designed to be shot at.
As IEDs became more and
more common in war zones,
the lightly armored
Humvees just weren't able
to protect their occupants.
The Pentagon began shopping around
for a new transport vehicle and the Humvee
was relegated to backline duty.
Back home, people began shopping
around for new models too.
Rising gas prices and increasing
environmental awareness
both cut into the Hummer brand deeply.
The heavy days of 90's
excess were a distant memory
and the Hummer now looked gaudy
where it once looked
gaudy but in a good way.
Plus, with two wars dragging on,
military chic is just sorta douchey.
- [Together] Yeah, so?
- General Motors tried to save the brand
with the release of the H3 in 2005.
The smallest Hummer model ever.
Weighing in at 5,800 pounds.
The smallest one was three tons.
And GM increased the fuel economy
to a whopping 16 miles per gallon.
Hummer also tries to prove that their cars
are for more than just big dudes
by making ads for women too
but it was just too little, too late
and in 2009, the global financial meltdown
makes any kind of luxury spending uncool,
plus it bankrupts General Motors.
As part of GM's chapter 11 restructuring,
they tried to spin off the
Hummer brand to a new owner
and they actually found an
interested party in rural China.
Unfortunately, the Chinese
government stepped in
and killed the deal.
China was in the process of cleaning up
its environmental image and purchasing
the most polluting car
brand in the world ever
didn't exactly fit with that ideal.
Out of options, General Motors
shut down Hummer for good.
In the end, the Hummer
was about pure presence.
Nothing looked like it,
nothing towered over traffic like it.
It was a statement with four wheel drive.
It was a car that said,
"I am huge and I like huge things,"
It served America and
its allies in wartime
and at home it was a symbol of luxury
whose excess would be its own undoing.
The Hummer is a visual icon
like almost no other
vehicle has ever been.
It's not a car, it's not a truck,
it's not just another four
by four, it's a Hummer.
This episode of Up to
Speed is brought to you by
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This is everything you need to know
to get up to speed on the Hummer.
What's your favorite Arnold
Schwarzenegger movie?
Do you guys think I should get super buff?
What's the biggest car you've ever owned?
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