Chevrolet G20 For Sale

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Chevy G20 Vandwelling Tour by Survival Bros #vanlife

Chevy G20 Vandwelling Tour by Survival Bros #vanlife

Survival Bros:

Hey Friends.
It's Cameron with Survival Bros, and you're
never going to believe this.
I sold my Volkswagen Vanagon.
Yeah, got rid of the 1986 VW, and got this...
It's a Chevy G20 van, Gladiator edition.
It's a 1994.
Great for touring.
So, this is Chevrolet vandwelling experience
I'm going to make a whole new series on living
in this, what it's like.
You can follow the progress as the system
Let's go in.
Here's my EDC backpack.
I love rocking Kelty.
I've had this one for 10 years.
It has my laptop, journals, different attachments
on here.
On the door handle I have an extra keychain
flashlight, and some Oakley sunglasses that
I got for $5 at a thrift store.
Root-beer colored.
Here is the van...
It's plush, plumb, Presidential.
It's got curtains everywhere.
It's kind of like going to third base when
you're fixing these things up.
I got farther than 3rd base though with this
You know I hit a home run.
The windows are tinted.
So I don't have to do anything to this van
for privacy.
Inside, I have my flip flops for the showers,
and the beach.
Spring water.
Don't drink The Tap.
Got a vegan protein shake, that was delicious.
Need to rinse that out.
The van is loaded with speakers...
Oh, first, I need to show you the steps.
I tested another Chevy G20 van, but the steps
weren't too sturdy.
There was some give, or wiggle there.
These ones are "like a rock".
I love being able to go 1, 2, 3....
Step right in.
And here's The Command Center.
What do you guys (and girls) think?
Make sure to share this video with your friends
if they are thinking about vandwelling.
I've been doing it for about 2 1/2 years.
I'm going to do a whole video on what it was
like to live in that Vanagon, so be on the
There's plenty of room for the passenger,
the driver, and there's two extra Captain's
Very clean.
This thing has been garaged for the last year.
It has new tires, trailer brake controls there,
CD player, no place for MP3 input though.
My phone is fitting in there nicely.
I like that.
Here's the look from the back of the van.
There's extra storage, The Old Timer I bought
it from built right here.
I might take that out so I can walk through.
I haven't decided yet.
There use to be some kind of TV system in
There's audio, or headphone jack inputs holes
right there.
That's interesting.
Cup holders in the back.
The bed is motorized.
I have to hook that back up.
This thing bumps too.
I don't have all my gear in here.
I sold my VW and I had to throw together a
quick kit.
This is the hygiene kit.
I need to work that out a little better.
It has lotion, aftershave, laundry detergent,
and shave gel.
All that stuff.
Shampoo, and body wash.
Some clothing, I didn't have but one set in
my backpack when I was on foot for three days.
All I had was essentially swim trunks, and
a Dri-Fit (Nike) shirt.
I didn't even bring a coat.
I've been staying at hostels, and in a hotel
one night until I got this worked out.
It's so nice to have a van.
I forgot how much it sucks to walk around.
I got blisters breaking in my new boots.
Right now, I have these clips keeping the
blinds closed, and they will also keep them
pinned together.
I can't believe how big the windows are in
this van.
I do have a blind spot with this chair, and
these curtains closed.
Luckily, the mirrors are huge...
Folks, say hello to Bettie Page.
Yeah, she is keeping me safe.
Let's take it around back, and I'll show you
my rear.
It's got suicide doors on the side, and the
That's what I'm calling them.
Huge bed.
It's almost queen size.
I need to put my memory foam mattress pad
on this, so it will be a lot more comfortable.
I'll probably sleep longways here.
Got a duffel bag working right now.
I got the dirty clothes pile.
Sleeping bag.
This is the impromptu junk box, with all of
the books.
Reading Rum Diary, On The Road, and have my
business cards there, because you know I'm
a Professional Cuddler.
Hit me up!
I have some old Jordan Brand boots, to go
with the new Air Jordan 1 low leathers.
Back here, I have a vacuum.
Because you know I will be eating back here.
Oh, check this out, one of the things I love
about this Chevy van is the way the back windows
open up.
So you can throw your banana peel out the
back (like Mario Kart), fling a booger, whatever
you gotta do...
But that was new to me, I didn't have this
on the Volkswagen.
It has it on both sides, with the curtains.
And these doors even open up more.
The Gladiator is ready to haul.
I want to move a motorcycle, and a couple
different types of bicycles.
So, this ride will help me do that.
I couldn't (tow) with a four cylinder.
This is the 350 V8 (engine).
And this is the trailer brake lights, so it's
a new part.




I think that was great.
Well, I think the main message I'm trying
to get across is that you're way more
capable than you think you are. The human
spirit seems to be full of unlimited
potential. At least in my own experience
with myself as I continue living I find
that the more I do the more I realize
that I'm capable of way more than I ever
thought I was. You have potential and I
know it's scary to live up to it but you
can do it.
You'll always surprise yourself and the
world is a big mysterious place and it's
better to experience it firsthand than
to experience it through what other people are telling you. Big love! Dylan Magaster, over and out!
First off, before we go any further. Dylan
why are you wearing one glove? Because I
decided it was a good idea to puncture
my hand. Actually I didn't decide it. I
wasn't even thinking and that's the
Long story really short I found a dead
Sea Turtle and I cleaned the skull and I
was like, "I want to mount that on my van"
because it looks badass. I pre-drilled
the skull so that I wouldn't crack the
skull, but I didn't pre-drill the hole
into the van so I was trying to screw it
straight in so it was slipping so I was like,
"well, let me just pre-drill it." That red
case that dropped. And then, this
Oh f*&%, I just punctured my hand.
That like definitely just went into that
muscle. Let's grab the First Aid kit.
We've dressed the wound and now
we can continue on as the Blue Handed
Rael, try to keep me from doing
things that are mindlessly dumb.
So that explains the glove. Hand's all
better now. I've healed from that. Back to
the main event, Gladys 2.0. If you're an
absolute savage you may remember what my
van looked like when I first bought it. And if not!
I bought a van. That's the van that I bought.
Let me show you the features. Two captain
chairs .
Neither which swivel. A stereo that does
not work. 65,000 miles. Fully functional
wheelchair lift with two tie downs that I
don't need so that's gonna be sold. TV and
a VCR of unknown functionability. A
high-top roof for optimal standing
conditions. And a helluva personality.
I bought Gladys on June 6th of 2016. In
August of 2016 I built out Gladys and
created Gladys 1.0 baybay.
I've been making casual upgrades as I've
been going like a light bar and Abel
Zyl made me a little bookshelf in there,
which is dope, but recently I embarked on
a five-week adventure through Baja
California, Mexico, Baja Sur, all the way
down to Cabo with Rael and I had to
make some decent upgrades to Gladys to
make sure that she was up for the
challenge. Those being...I immediately
bought a dirt bike because I mean isn't
that what you would do? So then I had to
figure out how to carry the dirt bike
and so then I had to mount a, what are
those called? Hitch. I had to put a hitch
on Gladys. I went under the van and I
started to install the hitch because it
seemed pretty straightforward, but as is
it everything, I ran into hurdles. This piece
is the piece I'm trying to remove. I got
the two bolts out from right there. That's what these bolts are, but this one I can't
get out. It
keeps spinning. It's just spinning in
place. So I had to take the van to a shop
here in Yucca Valley and they punched
out those bolts. I went to install the
hitch and I was having some issues again
because single person under there and it
was also like not fitting. I took it back
to him and they got it installed, the
hitch, for me. I had to move the spare
tire because of the dirt bike so I had to
put that on top of my van
and then I put the trasharoo up
there and that was all cool and fine and
was hanging out all snazzy like. Every
once in awhile it was falling in front of my
rear backup camera, so that was a problem,
and then also people kept like yelling
at me while I was driving like, "Hey, do
you know that bag is like hanging
off your van?", and I was like, "yeah"...and so
then I decided to just drill it and
mount it straight into the door so
that's straight-up drilled into my door. I
bought a motorcycle rack so that I could
carry the dirt bike down to Mexico. I
stopped by the swap meet here in Joshua
Tree actually in Yucca Valley. If you're
ever in the area you gotta visit swap
meet. That's where I got that black box and
that's also where I got that first aid
box, which is a beauty.
So that black box kind of acts as my
outdoor garage now mounted on the back.
A lot of people are afraid of like
drilling into their vehicle and cutting
holes in their vehicle and I've never
really understood that because my
thought is as long as you seal it
properly, you just mount stuff
to your vehicle and maybe I mean let me
know if you disagree with that but
that's what I think. What else did I do?
Oh so, Gladys had a few cancer spots that
I tried to take care of. I'm not a doctor
nor a mechanic nor a physician, but I did
clean the wound and tried to get rid of
any rust and dead areas.
Scrubbed it up all real good then I sealed it with tire, nope, sealed it with truck bed liner.
I ended up doing that all the way around the
bottom of Gladys. There's one main spot
down here near the passenger side fender
that was pretty significant that I ended
up using gaff tape, screen from a
window screen, and then more gaff tape
and then truck bed liner because it
I also added this which you can't see,
exterior light, which has been quite
useful. Highly recommend exterior
lighting. I mounted some max tracks to
the side of the van because well I mean
you are going to get stuck eventually
and so I did get stuck and they came in
handy, but not as handy as I wish they
would have because they didn't get me
out. I made a bed extension so that I'd
no longer have to sleep diagonally. Also
since that last video I had lumpy
cushions I fixed that a long time ago
added just three inch foam so
they're not like extremely comfortable,
but they're I mean they're not bad. It's
kind of like living in a van. And finally, I
recruited Rael to help me install the
awning and that was kind of a pain in
the ass.
Put it up but the roof of my van is like
concave. Five out of six bolts are
mounted. The other one is just filled
with silicone so it doesn't leak, but
it's totally on there. I mean it's been
on there for like two or three months
and I haven't had any issues with it.
Other things that I have added in
addition are a Dometic refrigerator. That
thing, okay, that thing is great. It's huge
so I can hold like a gallon of whatever
type of drink you want and a week's
worth of food. One of the great things
about that fridge is that it's got a
monitor on it so if your battery bank is
low it won't cycle, which is super nice
because like then it's not just gonna
destroy your battery bank. There's been a
lot of other small improvements like
mounting the yoga mat onto the wall with
gear ties. I also added this little
vision from Miguel and Gladys in La Paz. Stayed at an
Airbnb in La Paz and they gave me that
as a gift and it was like, "whoo!" Added a
shelf into the window which was helpful.
Basically made a whole bunch of small
upgrades. This is Gladys 2.0.
Here are the specs.
She's got 200 watts of solar going into
a 200 amp hour battery bank, which powers
a DC compressor fridge as well as a
thousand watt inverter as well as two
lights and a fan. That also charges
camera gear during the day and by night
just runs the fan. She's got over a
hundred thousand miles. Gladys has one
hundred and two thousand three hundred miles.
She gets about 15 miles to the gallon
give or take depending on the roads and
the fuel quality and how I'm driving.
Gallon of propane, 12 gallons of fresh
water, three gallons in a solar shower
which is totally arguable if it works or
not. Common question I get is, "Dylan, how
did you make that
dope ass floor?" Well this is how I
made it. Basically, first you got to get
a giant map. So I cut a piece of plywood
about yay big.
I glued the map to the plywood with
spray glue and then I was gonna cover it
with polyurethane like 80 times until it
developed this like thick resin, but the
plywood was warping and whenever I
straightened it out it created bubbles I was
like, "No!", but I'm aren't committed to this
idea so how am I gonna do it? So I found
polycarbonate on Craigslist like
plexiglass but I used Lexan and so I
got a piece of Lexan, cut it to size
screwed it down, and that's how you
create that floor. Update. So Thursday March
15th I will be live-streaming at 3 p.m.
Pacific time. Come join the channel
for that and you can ask me whatever you
want during that time and I will answer
it because you'll have my full undivided
attention for approximately an hour.
Today I also launched an online store so
you can go buy merch now for FLORB
Floating Orb Productions, which is the
company that I'm starting and last of
all thank you to the Patrons that
support the channel that think that my
content is good enough to actually
support it and so, if you're interested
in becoming a Patron go check out the
Patreon page. There's all sorts of different
perks that you can get. I really
appreciate you guys that have like
committed to support the channel.
So, to recap, live stream March 15th 3 p.m.
Pacific time.
Go buy some merch and if you want to
join the team, join on Patreon. So stay tuned because
this is gonna be dope year! Believe me, it
will be. Have a great day.

Conversion Vans for Sale - New- Used - Conversion Vans For Sale

Conversion Vans for Sale - New- Used - Conversion Vans For Sale

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What It's Like to Live in a Chevy Van and Drive Across America

What It's Like to Live in a Chevy Van and Drive Across America

Scotty Kilmer:

welcome to wacky Wednesday's where
everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods and here's this week's winner
hi Scotty I know it's it's a Chevy
Express and the engine is nothing
special is just standard Chevy engine
and the tires are nothing special either
they're just semi off roaders nothing
special about the exhaust either its
smoke comes out of it
just a little it's got regular Chevy
lights same thing in the front nothing
special about the grill no high
performance wiper blades just standard
cargo van mirrors nothing special about
the dash now on top of the roof that's
what it begins to get interesting I not
only have a roof vent I also have a
solid panel and security cameras all the
way around they were very nice while
they worked unfortunately they're
garbage and they don't work anymore this
is a 2014 chevy express its a 4.8 v8
engine it's a six-speed automatic
285 horsepower front and rear disc
brakes with front disc brake wear sensor
front independent suspension two-stage
multi-leaf rear spring front stabilizer
bar stability control traction control
system airbags dual front daytime
running lights theft deterrent system
tire pressure monitor 16-inch steel
wheels front air conditioner power
windows and door locks I also installed
an alarm system and I can go on my phone
turn the van on unlock the doors turn
off the alarm see exactly where my van
is at all times from the outside the van
looks completely like any other van
almost except for the solar panel and
the roof vent and all that but inside
this is where the van shines it doesn't
have a fancy engine it doesn't go
tremendously fast it just works when I'm
not working I'm traveling across the
country in this homemade camper I got
less than 50 square feet of usable space
but I got everything I need I have a
nice comfortable bed
I got a TV I have two refrigerators one
I can turn into a freezer if I want to I
have roof vents I have lights
I have cabinets I have tables I have an
inverter plenty of plugs I have
everything I need in here I can even
take a shower in here if I want to
seriously look one of the first things I
did was installed a rain guard on the
two front windows I connected a device
called the Stirling power it brings
power to my house batteries and allows
me to charge them while I Drive in 2015
and I installed this device called a WA
batsto heater it's very common in other
places like in Europe they use them to
keep the trucks heated it's about the
size of a loaf of bread whatever
temperature I set the heater at it stays
at that temperature all night long until
last year I only had one thirty five
quart refrigerator from Dometic it's
either a refrigerator or a freezer I can
set it for either or bus winter when I
was in Florida I purchased a twenty five
quart refrigerator the settings allow
the refrigerator to go all the way down
to zero Fahrenheit of course I couldn't
have the refrigerators if it wasn't for
my solar panel 325 watts I did all the
wiring myself installed all these lights
I have four different lights I have
three vents to smaller vents that fit
under my solar panel my bigger one is a
fantastic vent so far I don't have an
air conditioner but that's about to
change because I just ordered a 12-volt
air conditioner it's actually an air
condition that works on either 12 volt
or 110 I have a Morningstar MPPT charge
controller I have two AGM batteries from
lifeline 255 amps each everything you
see in here I've done myself all the
wiring all the fans delights the
cabinets everything that's seen here I
did it myself I started building the van
in spring and summer of 2014 I continued
through the winter continue the
following summer and then off and on
I've done some minor changes here and
there or add-ons like this
here used to be a desk and then
eventually I never used a desk so I turn
this into into a cabinet for stuff that
I need more than a desk and I do all the
oil changes what I have to do I do all
the maintenance for the future though I
intend on getting something that I can
stand up in because that makes makes a
whole lot of difference you can compare
when you can stand up versus sitting
down all the time so yes that's for the
future maybe near future
it's not fancy it's just a cargo van but
it has taken me all across the country
to the Badlands and Mount Rushmore to
Yellowstone and to the high plains of
Montana to Idaho to the Painted Hills of
Oregon to the Pacific Ocean and to the
redwoods to the Golden Gate Bridge and
to Reno Nevada
Death Valley Las Vegas to the Grand
Canyon and to Monument Valley the
mountains of Colorado Kansas Missouri
Illinois all across the country to the
nice sandy beaches of Florida on the
west coast and to the Atlantic coast
this is not just a van this is my home
on wheels my van doesn't go very fast
doesn't have fancy stuff but when I come
back here no matter where I'm at in this
country whenever I come back here I am
home my name is Luis and I Chronicle my
journey across this country and Scotty
keep on revving those engines
well that was this week's video and to
have your car mod shown on my channel
here check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

192748 - New, 2019, Chevrolet Express, 2500, 3D, Cargo Van, Test Drive, Review, For Sale -

192748 - New, 2019, Chevrolet Express, 2500, 3D, Cargo Van, Test Drive, Review, For Sale -

McCluskey Chevrolet:

If you’re thinking about the 2019 GMC Savana,
then check out this 2019 Chevrolet Express
The 2019 Chevrolet Express has standard driver
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airbags, and side-impact head airbags.
There is also Four-wheel antilock brakes,
traction control, electronic stability systems,
and daytime running lights.
When it comes to reversing and parking, the
2019 Chevrolet Express has a rearview camera
and is also equipped with an available collision
warning system, a lane departure warning system,
and blind spot warning systems.
The rearview camera also has rear parking
Come on down and see why the 2019 Chevrolet
Express is ranked in the top 10 of J.D. power
and associates in reliability.
Take it on one of our free 48 hour test drives.
Once you purchase it, we will cover it with
our free lifetime mechanical warranty.

Chevy Extended Express Van For Sale

Chevy Extended Express Van For Sale

Berger Chevrolet:

This 2012 Chevy Express Van is in incredible
With only 47,503 miles, this low-mileage,
12-passenger van would be the perfect addition
to your church or school.
This extended Express van has gotten the full
Berger treatment, including, brand new tires
and new brakes.
It also features front and rear heating and
air conditioning so everyone can ride in comfort
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Check out our website,, for
more info.
Thanks for watching, and remember, it's always
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Chevy van G20 : VA-T-IL Dร‰MARRER ?

Chevy van G20 : VA-T-IL Dร‰MARRER ?

Cyril Geno:

A16135TR Used 2018 Chevrolet Express 3500 LT RWD Extended Passenger Van White Test Drive, For Sale

A16135TR Used 2018 Chevrolet Express 3500 LT RWD Extended Passenger Van White Test Drive, For Sale

McCluskey Chevrolet:

Take a look at this 2018 Chevrolet
Express. It has about 27,000 miles on the
odometer and underneath the hood there
is a Vortec 6 Liter
flex fuel engine with a six-speed
automatic transmission with electronic
overdrive there is illuminated entry a
remote keyless entry and dual composite
halogen headlamps this Express has a
clean one-owner carfax support and it's
past our 172 point inspection come on
down today and take it on a free 48 hour
test drive once you buy it we will cover
it with our free lifetime warranty.

Shaggin' Wagon - A Very "Far Out" 1970's Custom Van

Shaggin' Wagon - A Very "Far Out" 1970's Custom Van


I am Dennis gage and welcome to my
classic car well this week we're in
Appleton Wisconsin for their old car
show and swap meet and man this is a
cool event it's held at Pierce Park huge
Park and Appleton is a really nice pound
- I'm telling you this part this show
there's some stuff here I've never seen
let's get around and check all this
stuff out tripower doing great thank you
you know I dig this show I mean this is
this is a cool event you've got it you
got a lot of cars here there are well
over 900 cars this year man and you know
Appleton is a really cool town - there
was a cruising but Friday night or
something we stopped by classic JD's
drive-in or something yes ladies but man
how long you been doing the show this is
the 41st year have you been involved
with it for very long since day one so
have you always done it here in Pierce
Park it's always been improve spark
we've talked about moving it out because
we could grow the show and get much
larger but we chosen to keep here
because the people that bring their cars
have been very outspoken about it keep
it in your spark it's a beautiful park
in its huge this really says close one
in cars here with this ring to get
around I mean this is really nice
I like Wisconsin shows anyway because
people are really into it you know and
they're real friendly and and there's a
lot of cars up here there are I just
telling someone today I said I believe
you can go anywhere in a city of
Appleton stand anywhere and within two
blocks gonna be a collector car well
funny you say that because that's
exactly we got into town and it was kind
of like that it's like every every few
minutes some would roll down college
Street like oh hey that's cooler I
haven't seen one of those in a long time
but it just kind of rolls by again this
is a big car hug let's go look at a few
of these cars
well Cassie this is really cool this is
a Power Wagon record dually mm-hmm I've
never seen one of these no probably
won't again because they never made one
of these basically right yeah what year
is this
it's a 1946 but they never made the 6x6
version right no it was actually a
military truck really yep when we bought
it somebody had already put a dump body
on the back of it uh-huh and we took
that off and what was the rent with the
record because what else do you do with
the six basic yeah well so have you
I mean really but I mean it looks like
it was made this I mean this is Power
Wagon so gnarly-looking anyway and then
to put a dually you know 6x6 wrecker on
I mean man so you kept a pretty stock
looking cab yeah trying to keep it as
original as that would be fiber board
kind of headliner yeah those are so
strange and then you updated the gauges
though yes so you can actually drive it
now though you can actually use this now
and go like 70 down the highway yeah Wow
they were not known for 70 miles an hour
no no they weren't no what a great
record bed what vintage would this be
the record is probably from the sixty
sixties yeah and you just you just found
the oldest record you could just found
all this we could was it a tough build I
mean a tough conversion it wasn't wasn't
too bad I mean we did it in three months
it was I mean we really just wanted it
done you did it in three months yeah Wow
so this is interesting so it's kind of
got this dual boom what's the deal yeah
so you can oh oh you guys
Oh either side I checked that out and it
just swings back in okay we latch it
boom you hook it up oh I know for a fact
that you don't get 70 miles an hour out
of the old flathead six so let's go see
what's under the hood okay
oh yeah 5.7 Hemi you can get 70 miles an
hour out of that yes Wow
that strikes me as it would be a much
bigger engine than the flathead six but
it's not as big a cram as I thought it
would be yeah it does just fit though
just way down in there I bet at the
Power Wagon rally this is a hit yes we
took best a show last year no kid we
missed by one this year oh man yeah all
right I mean I dig this 1946 Power Wagon
6x6 dually wrecker I love this truck
thank you sir thanks Cassie yeah that's
so Lance this is really a beautiful car
thank you I saw you rolling in from the
front gate I'm like I didn't know what
this is and men that tan top in this
it was just like beautiful color
combination this is a 51 Frazier and
it's really was it the last year of
Frazier last year Frazer
did it go away or was it absorbed by
Kaiser I guess you could say it was
absorbed Joe Frazier left the company
uh-huh and then Henry Kaiser the
shipbuilder continued on with his
venture I see building cars well they
sure were proud of their crests back
then - I mean that insignia is pretty
fancy know what I noticed when I was
standing here is there's almost a little
bit of shark nose gram in it yeah Joe
Frazier was part of that company ah okay
so there is some of that carry over from
from Graham oh Henry Jo - absolutely in
52 through 54 it looked very similar
this on a shrunken scale is this an
original color so this is the original I
mean this is beautiful thank you it's
blue sad metallic you've obviously
redone all the chrome on it absolutely
quite a lot of it tests this is a big
chunk right here yeah yeah not only does
it have a split windshield and kind of
the heart windshield about 50 of the
Iser but it also has window frames that
stay up when the windows are down
correct that's pretty weird essentially
was to give it rigidity to the original
hard tops and then they carried it
through to these which were actually
more of the show cars getting people
into the showroom looking at the cars
and trying to get them to buy out a
sedan how many do they make of these
about 134 that's it there may be 30 left
there may be 15 to 20 on the road you've
got the original leather I'm assuming
correct I and love that steering wheel
yes is that restored or no that's an
original that's the original one for
this card and that is fancy and a horn
ring is fabulous the gauging is really
nice you've done everything back to the
way it was yes everything is Keizer
Fraser specific this is a luxury cruiser
and these I get a little bit of Kaiser
Darren it's certainly the same shaping
and even the Kaiser man hadn't said
something that's kind of like different
man had the layman hands ran up the yes
underline even interesting
good so it's a continental actually
right they didn't make their own engine
no they did not
so it was used in even the checker
taxicabs and it was working forklifts
yeah I mean the other application it's a
bulletproof engine it's just yeah is
that in the oil pass yes okay that goes
over to a single throat carburetor
you got your intake stacked right on top
of your exhaust over here and well this
is great
Lance a fifty-one Frazier Manhattan
convertible that's 100 40 some-odd yep
amazing thanks man thank you
fabulous so Jim you actually came in
cruising in this this 71 Vista Cruiser
behind me and I was like oh that's cool
but your buddy was driving this van here
which my cameraman saw and went oh man
that's the able to express I'm like what
sample of Express and apparently it's a
famous fan from back in the day and this
isn't even a tribute this is the
analytics misses the Emerald Express so
1977 t4g 20 so it's a heavy 1/2 it's got
64,000 miles on it
Larry Warner bought this new in 74 it's
got the original green and white under
the pane and him and his buddy painted
it so they did the lacework there's
hours and hours with the lacework they
put all the paint on here hand-cut these
letters and it's been sitting like this
in 74 yeah it's just crazy and I mean it
was built for the show car circuit back
in the day yeah he did he used to take
it to the indoor show circuit so people
in Pennsylvania would recognize this
because he went around all those places
I got about 30 waist-high trophies from
world of wheels and of course the
interiors on these were just so
ridiculously over-the-top if you like
the outside the inside will kick you and
this is all the shag from 74 that's this
is the way Larry did he bought all this
cowl custom door handles and things was
the wood grain on the dash stock or was
that part of his customization Larry did
that he hand-cut all that his wife made
the curtains those original curtains
from back in 74 well those I mean that's
like 74 wood paneling right that's
basically what that is he might have got
it right out of the basement and it's
like it's party central even the drivers
driver side swivels - yep that's right
the spare tire is under the hassle
oh are you kidding me we got a little
bit of a icebox there the TV I've never
fired up but you know if you get a
signal on
too cute yourself does have a stereo
it's got this 8-track player which works
has got 12 speakers in here and they
sound terrible of course they do like
they did in 74 you know CB works it's
got the PA speaker under the hood so
Larry put all this together and it's
just been sitting like this sense so
there wasn't even that much restoration
and why didn't you do it nobody's done
yeah are you serious yep backlight up
there there's a little Vox box speaking
pulses to the music to the music it's
like 70s 3d yeah oh this is just
hilarious when you take this someplace
it's just got to be a magnet it's crazy
it's like driving a circus around people
just attract to it if I go down the
highway there's truckers beeping their
horns and bikers giving me the peace
sign it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun
hey and it's powered by what 350 350
four-barrel yep yep so it's and it's all
the original engine in their original
drivetrain course Larry put the thrush
beside pipes on back in 74 and they
still work have you been branded
everything other than brand last year I
got brand that I learned yeah I know I
tell anybody that's driving it you
better watch out for the pipes oh this
thing is awesome
so 1974 Emerald Express looks Brown
believable the real deal
look a Saab a Saab Sonett or Sun apt
will go at Senate so this is a 1974
right yes I remember when niece came to
the US and you know there was the rx-7
and there was that the 240z kind of that
same era kind of the same body lines but
it's really it's it's own thing for sure
it sure is it's so narrow a fiberglass
body is that right correct fiberglass
body and they were made in Sweden yep
did you extend the nose or was that the
nose of this car it had a big giant a
really heavy ugly bumper on it and I
thought that maybe we didn't need that
so much I would have to agree with you
that is a really striking nose and I
think I never noticed it cuz of that big
clunky bumper that they typically have
locked all the good parts yeah yeah have
you done any other mods I mean you've
updated the headlights it look I've had
the flip up headlights and I hope I felt
that it didn't need those also there's a
big aerodynamic problem right the
interior is you know it's kind of
surprisingly roomy and is that the
correct upholstery for the area this is
really kind of a 70s euro looking - so
what's this guillotine there by the
that's the seat belt and like Saab likes
to do is keep everything simple and you
just kind of cross it in there so that
was your shoulder harness and your belt
Wow yeah so is it what it's a four-speed
man no did they didn't originally have
the sunroof did they know the sunroof
was added by the previous owner and you
got a fuel cell in it I put a fuel cell
in just to make it more enjoyable and
take out some of the headaches
yeah an car otherwise stock back here
pretty close yeah it also had a big
giant ugly buggy bumper there too huh
let's go look at that power plant that
gets this thing around let's do it this
is the European Ford Motor Company it's
a V for which they change to after the
three cylinder two-stroke yeah cuz it
was it was two-stroke and it was only
three cylinders it's got that offset
valve cover like that six cylinder Ford
it is that six on there only they cut
off a couple cylinders and that's the
same engine otherwise same block that
amazing so these are rear-wheel drive
probably Drive they're front-wheel drive
yeah and the weird part is it goes
engine differential than transmission
how does that happen all right
so 1974 Saab Sonett just sign it three
correct thanks for bringing it out look
that's that pleasure that is a cool car
well Eric this is a neat car and not
kind of rare a little bit rare a little
bit right most people don't even know
what it is this is a 76 Capri - a Capri
- it's actually a German car yes they
were made in Germany and imported here
for about 71 to 76 and marketed as the
sexy European sports car this was the
last year they imported yes and the body
changed ends in the last two years
correct yes
so the first ones same roofline but what
was different same roofline but they had
sort of a hockey stick shape moulding on
the side and a fake vent in front of
yeah wheels totally took that off and
just made it a little more modern
looking so these flares are fiberglass
flared a fiberglass they did some
aftermarket kits in the 70s so people
could make their own clones but one of
the tell-tale signs is that each
fiberglass fender flare has a Ford logo
stamped in it and they were pretty raw
inside originally or they fully decked
out I just raised this up right yeah I
had some fun with this and instead of
spending money on reupholstering things
I just got it at spent money on gauges
and I'd imagine the spoiler was part of
the kit those are were the stock
taillights - stock taillights and dual
exhaust but it had it it came with
either a four or six but anything even
the six was dual was no no the the dual
exhaust was an upgrade on they are
aspersa this thing's been you know kind
of souped up a little bit under the hood
let's go see it a little bit so is that
a steel hood still steel hood okay man
you know that's such a compact
six-cylinder engine it is it's nice it's
easy to work on and we had a rebuild
that it bored out 30 over increase the
compression mid grade race cam had some
custom headers made and found a rare
often Hauser four-barrel intakes a penny
for it but for the luxury of sucking a
lot of gas real
quick what what more can you end up all
right well I struck me about this engine
was the offset on the valve covers
they're staggered yep I was told that
the V fours and the Saab Sonett are
essentially the same engine just that
right well and you've got to be the only
kid on the block that's got one yes it's
a lot of attention at the stoplights
yeah people not knowing what it is what
is that yeah so well so and to answer
that question it's a 1976 Ford Capri 2
RS correct wow thanks for pretty much
well thank you appreciate it
cool car oh man the old car show and
swap meet here in Appleton Wisconsin is
an absolute kick and I'm telling you
before it's all said and done all right
thousand cars here got a couple
Wisconsin and check this baby out

1995 Chevrolet G30 Van - Is Clean

1995 Chevrolet G30 Van - Is Clean


Here goes the 1995 G30 Van.
So I went to the car wash.
And it's nice and shiny now.
It's been sitting here parked for almost well over a year.
So it's now..
nice and clean.
Was taken to the car wash yesterday.
All nice, clean and shiny.
On top of here.
It was all, see there is still a little bit left.
See that little black stuff right there?
That was all over the place.
All the gunk from the trees and all that crap.
Was just all over the place.
Can still see a little bit of it right here.
Imagine that all over this.
So it's all nice and clean.
ABS brakes.
Give you a preview of how freaking huge those brakes are.
those brake drums.
Huge eh?
ABS, They're huge.
Yup, got some rust going on.
Should see the other side, other side is worse.
Here goes what the other side looks like.
Big heavy duty.
yeah, I'm not going to go chase after it because I'm not sure if he wants to be recorded or not.
Yep there you go, G30 Van.
V8, I think it's the 5.8L. 180HP that ain't much for a 5 point.. i think it's the 5.7L, yeah
180HP ain't much for a 5.7L
With 295ftlb of torque
A lot if liters for a little HP.
Yup, but it's not a T-Ruck, it's a van.
As CORVAIRWILD would say.

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