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Here's Why Chevy Dealerships are Crap

Here's Why Chevy Dealerships are Crap

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
Michael cologne he says 07 Acura
RDX 90,000 miles called P2263 issued a
check engine light the dealer once
replace the turbo for six grand it pulls
fine and I don't feel any difference I
can't pass inspection please help yeah
you know when you get vacuum leak or
stuff wrong with the system it won't
pass emissions testing they're trying to
say the problem is in your turbo it very
well could be but if it runs okay so
you're stuck between a rock and a hard
place find a mechanic like me maybe he
could just reset it drive it a little
and if it'll pass the emissions test
then go get it tested right away I do
that for customers all the time when he
got some nagging thing that's gonna cost
a fortune but it runs okay a lot of
times you can reset it if it's got some
kind of a vacuum leak at least just
patch it with duct tape or something you
just take duct tape up if you want as
long as it runs okay you know there's
always ways to get around stuff if four
car runs perfectly fine door somebody's
trying to rip you for that kind of money
now if you do have to replace the turbo
don't pay 6 grand don't go to a dealer
you can get refurbished ones from many
places all over the world online and
replace it with a recondition one this
places that will take yours and
refurbish it for you Greg says Scotty
is a 2.7 liter EcoBoost a good reliable
engine over time understand what
EcoBoost is it means that it's GDI
gasoline injection with insane
high-pressure spraying of fuel directly
in the engine and also turbochargers
which brings more air in the engine so
there's more pressure in the engine and
guess what the more pressure the fast or
something will wear out over time if you
took that same engine and it was just a
normal engine with fuel injection and no
turbos and drove them both in the same
vehicle the one that's the EcoBoost is
gonna wear out faster and it's just the
way that it goes strain more they're
gonna wear out faster they work fine for
you know usually the first few years
100,000 miles or more
but eventually it will wear out fast to
realize that if you're the type of
person to trade your vehicle in every
100,000 miles your style you probably be
happy with but if you want really really
long-term now you better not to buy that
complex stuff Senya treasure like says
when should I change all the fluids in my
2014 Durango Hemi I only drive 5,000
miles annually well oil it doesn't
matter its mileage and/or age so you
want to change the engine at once a year
use good synthetic oil change it once
here that's fine the rest of the stuff
you're probably gonna go more by time
than mileage like I would change the
transmission fluid but if you only
driving 5,000 miles a year I change it
once every five or six years yeah and
the coolant you go by the not the
mileage but the year like a few at that
Toyota hoat coolant that's good for up
to seven years the Dodge coolant I
believe the factory stuff is good for
five years find out how long it is and
then change it by the years not the
mileage because things wear out over
find out what time for each and change
it at that time instead of the mileage
because you're not putting on the
mileage they still degrade over time
specially the engine oil, J Texas 1974
live free or die Scotty can you
tell me how long you can drive a car
with a failing or bad torque converter
thanks well of course that depends on
how bad the torque converter is yeah I
got customers with torque converters
that are weak that drive them for years
and years and years in my 94 celcia has
an automatic transmission the torque
converter is weak but it was a weak when
I bought it used and it's still weak and
I still drive it the only problem with
that is it shakes a lot in drive so when
you're driving if you leave it and drive
the engine shakes and idle I just put it
neutral and it runs smooth this can be
so I Drive it that way I really don't
care I'm not gonna take the transmission
off just to change the torque converter
and if it still works like that who
cares but there are torque converters
that physically fall apart when they
start making noise or when the gears
start to slam into gear when you're
driving then they're not gonna let us
talk that long it depends on how badly
worn they are cuz they will wear in
different models in different ways some
of them just have bad welds GM had some with bad welds
when the welds break then it starts
falling apart clang and then you got to
change it sooner than later or it will
destroy a bunch of other stuff Garcia says
Scotty I was a feeling driving on GT
Mustang 65 I've been 2005 in a Celica
2002 I feel like you oh yeah yeah the
old cars the fun to drive they're real
cars that's said
they're not like a modern car you get
turn the key and take off and that's all
you got to think about stuff that's 65
GT that I was showing it's got a hand
choke you gotta start it up play with
the chock a little let it warm up a few
minutes before you drive it seriously
and you know it's a standard
transmission so you gotta shift gears
and it's an old one so that's the clutch
it's relatively stepped you got to be
used to pushing down on that hard clutch
with your left foot the only thing I
ever drove this stiffer than that was a
customer had a Corvette and that you
he had to use both feet on a
clutch pedal to get it down it was so
hard to push it down on that Corvette
they were notorious for having sticky
clutch pedals but you know it's another
experience you're actually being part of
the Machine and you feel it and you get
feedback and bumps and it's a real
driving experience you know if you're
the type of person that just wants a
smooth thing definitely get a new one
don't get it old one, station money says
I got a 07 Ford Focus that has a
pinging sound under load when I use 87
octane using 89 there's no pinging how
can I get it to stop pinging when using
87 octane you know the problem is it's
12 years old
it's just worn with the higher octane
gas I mean you're better just to use it
because all kinds of things are going on
there it's probably that your timing
belt your timing chain is worn somewhat
the engine has a little carbon in it I
mean if you want to try my advice would
be paying mechanic like me to carbon
clean your engine because if there's
carbon buildup that increases the
compression ratio and you need to higher
test gas so it doesn't ping sometimes on
those just having them carbon cleaned
then they'll run normal on the cheaper
gas I tried that burst they make the
most logical thing to do
keoki Tara's says Scotty I changed the
sway bar links on my 08 Pontiac g5
but it still rattles when I hit bumps
what could be wrong you change the sway
bar links
those are links at the end right the
sway bar itself has to hold downs they
have rubber bushings on them check the
rubber bushings they could be worn out
too but of course realize there are a
zillion things that can make rattling
noise on a suspension system jack it up and
pull on it and hope you can duplicate the
noise now if you can't I have a video
called finding the source of car noises
watch that video and with that machine
if you don't want to buy one you're
gonna use one on eBay for like 50 60
bucks or a new one 410 bucks it will
pinpoint any sound in a car but check
the bushings first you changed the
links on the end of the bushings are
worn it'll still rattle around when you
hit bumps, res says toyota oem coolant
or third party pink
acceptable it's okay to mix different
brands of engine coolant all right well I always try to use the same thing but what's
in them is what counts and from my
experience I look around all the pink
and red coolant that I've ever found was
whole coolant hybrid organic acid
technology called the new style one that
Toyota's use and as long as it's hoat
coolant you can mix them it's perfectly
fine just like any olden days you didn't
care if you use impressed on coolant
factory GM coolant whatever as long as
it was the same type the older type
coolant was called inorganic acid
technology IAT and the new one is OAT
organic acid technology and the real
fancy ones like Toyota's are Hoat hybrid
organic acid technology as long as you
keep the same oats or hoat coolant in it
it's fine you can mix them, mike says
Scotty my 2015 Mazda 3 left front wheel
vibrates at 25 to 35 but it goes away at
a higher speed what can cause that you
got sympathetic vibrations in there
odds are to be rebalanced or the tiger
might just be shot go to a good place
where they balance tires have them check
the balancing of the tire if it's off
balance that can do that or it's a tire
itself a shot that often happens when
they're made of various belt wound
around in a circle and if the belts
break internally then they're no longer
perfectly round and at a certain speed
they'll go like mad but don't want to
get spinning faster it expands out and
becomes perfectly round again so had the tire check praise just needs to be
but if the tires crap pink albino your
tire because that will do different
things at different speeds cuz it's
rubber and can stretch and change as it
speeds up it's not like a man on a solid
steel where the speed doesn't change the
shape, Steven Mayer says Scotty are you
stoned dusted sunglasses no I'm blind as
a bat if I take them off I am blinded
and I have studio lights pointing at me
so you can see me otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me all that well I put
them on I don't look as old it's a
show business thing with sunglasses on
you don't look as old but now I'm not
stoned I haven't done that stuff since
college and that was let's see 42 years
ago that's what I graduated, game says
Scotty I have a 2010 Mazda 3 the sound
I had the Bose package mechanic told me
to replace an amp or get a new radio why
are the speakers what should I do
yes when you buy a vehicle with a fancy
stereo system and it breaks often either
to get new parts hardly anybody ever
fixes them right or to replace the whole
thing with a factory unit cost a fortune
you're better just going aftermarket I
do it in all my cars because the
aftermarket stuff these days every two
years they're they work twice as well
and it cost half as much so your carts a
few years old
you put modern stereo in sounds tons
better and it costs pretty nothing
compared to the original
so do that just get another new one
research what particular ones you want
like if you don't have an android and you want to
put an android in now if you want an
Android there's good androids out there now
for a little was doing her 50 bucks
don't buy the $80 androids they stink
I've tried them out but the more
expensive ones they're pretty good
androids that are easy to wire it I got
a video on that it's it's not that hard
to do,
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

Here’s Why Chevy Silverados are Crap

Here’s Why Chevy Silverados are Crap

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
GM has a lawsuit against them now saying
that they were selling diesel pickup
trucks in the United States they
couldn't run correctly on American fuel
it turns out that a bunch of them had
Bosch German fuel pumps refined slightly
differently so people are saying that
it's wearing the fuel pumps out the fuel
pumps are throwing metal shavings into
the fuel injection system and destroying them
of course GM denies all this stuff I
mean they seem to deny everything they
denied that ignition switch thing where
they even changed the number of the
ignition switch replacement parts so
people wouldn't notice that the old ones
were designed wrong and then they got
sued and then they had to pay out a
bunch of money for that stuff that they
were doing and now they're claiming that
oh no that's not the case well I mean if
people are having problems what only
time is gonna tell us what happened I
think it's got the interest soon yeah
they couldn't even design their own fuel
pumps they're buying the German fuel
pumps and they didn't even probably
think before they put them in the vehicles,
jackie says Scotty what would be a
great first car for about two grand if
you want reliability get an old Corolla
or an old camry,
now for two grand its odds are it's
gonna be pretty old you don't get much
for two grand these day two grand today
is equivalent to when I was a kid to a
hundred dollar car and usually can't get
much for a $100 car, do the old trick
that I've always told people do you're
gonna pay that much money for a car get
one with a paint's peeling off they
don't have any value when the paint's
peeling off and then if you really care
go to one of those places like Earl
Scheib that'll paint a car when they're
gonna sale for 250 bucks or one that's
got bashed in founders it still works
good but when they look bad to go for a
lot less money, sing says
all wheel drive or front wheel drive or
rear wheel drive for a winter all-wheel
drive works better than waiting at all
the wheels driving but do you really
need that much as an example my mother's
92 she still lives in Agra Falls she
drives two Toyota Corolla front-wheel
drive car in the snow doesn't you put
snow tires on they plow the roads in
Niagara Falls and she never has any
problems now if you going skiing and
mountains and stuff all-wheel drive is
much better
front-wheel drive is pretty good and of
course rear-wheel drive is the worst for snow
you spin around it turns out that
vehicles are more controllable if you
pull them rather than push them so with
front-wheel drive you got better snow
control and rear-wheel drive because
you're pulling instead of pushing but if
you live where they plow the roads you
don't care one way or another most guys
are front-wheel drive these days anyways
clam dick said why shouldn't you use
full synthetic on an engine at state
semi synthetic 97 Ford Puma you could if
you would have from the very beginning
but my advice to people and I engineers
have argued this back and forth with me
but I don't care I've seen it happen you
have an engine that you've been using
regular oil or semi synthetic oil and
you switch to full synthetic oil and
it's been using the other oil for a long
time a lot of times they'll either start
burning or leaking oil because the full
synthetic oil flows better it's thinner
and a lot of times it'll leak or burn a
lot sometimes the engines start making
noises if you start it out with it you
generally don't have that problem but I
would just leave it alone today if you
want to buy a new car and put full
synthetic go right ahead but don't
switch after it's had a hundred thousand
miles of some other type of oil,
Jacob Roger says Scotty I got a 98
Chevy s10 with a locked up 4 cylinder
can it be unlocked if your engine's
locked up it means it has internal
problems and odds are you're gonna have
to take it all apart and rebuild it or
that old clunker try to find a used
engine from a junkyard and put in it if
you want to try you can get a long
extension bar in a socket put it on the
front crank pulley bolt try turn it back
and forth and back and forth and if you
can break it loose say take the spark
plugs out and put oil in them leave the
spark plugs out with oil in the holes if
you can break it loose maybe you can get
it running again who knows I've done
that some times in the past
Donald says how often should you change
brake fluid love your channel all your
information and tips I personally have
had Toyotas that had 250,000 miles on I
never changed the brake fluid and never
had to change anything but the brake
pads the cylinders didn't leak but on
the other hand if you got some piece of
junk like a Chrysler
I changed the fluid none have them every
four or five years they're not made that
well and they will absorb a lot a lot of
a prett have problem if you really want
to see if yours is any good there are
tests that we make
do we have little machines a test for
the percentage of water in them and the
percentage of copper because a lot of
times the copper from the lines will
infiltrate into it it won't work as well
so it can be tested if you got an honest
mechanic he can tested for you tell if
it's good or not
Rossler go says Scotty my 2010 corolla
tire spin when I hit a bump okay if you
get spinning tires half the time it's
just the tires are worn out or they're
crappy tires if you buy crappy tires if
the rubber isn't soft enough it's too
hard it will actually spin you hit a
bump and hits and it spins because it's
too hard and it slips you want to have
tires that are reasonably soft so they
grip if you're watching those car races
you might think tires in those car races
they're changing them every 110 miles
cuz they're so soft and they're going so
fast that they just erased themselves
going around a track at that speed and
at that temperature
you don't want tires that last 150 miles
but you don't want really hard ones to
skip check the tires first if it's not
the tires generally it's the shocks wearing
out and then they're bouncing and
slipping after you hit a bump, Jeremy
says what do you think of body kits well
if you wanna make your car look tougher
go ahead and bolt or not it doesn't you
know generally affect how they run or
anything problem I see with them I see a
lot of kids that put body kits on these
Honda Civics they put them way too low
and then the pieces get ripped off every
time to go over a speed bump or they hit
something and pieces come flying off,
do whatever you want it's your car I
personally think hey the way they're
made is good enough for me there are
transportation devices you know and
motorcycles generally my thing with them
is naked take everything off of them
except the motor and wheels so I don't want
anybody on them at all
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

Why GM Failed In India

Why GM Failed In India


Over the last 20 years, the
Indian automotive market has grown from
about 500,000 new passenger cars,
hatchbacks, sedans and utilities to
about 3.5
million in 2018.
The market has an expected compound annual
growth rate of about 5 to
6 percent over the next 10 years.
But, some automakers have struggled
to make it work.
Among them is General
Motors, the largest U.S.
car company. GM stopped selling cars in
India in 2017 after years of
declining market share.
It's a striking move for GM, which
in recent years has also closed
shop in other regions around the
world, as leadership focuses on
maximizing profits and making investments
in new technologies such as
electric power trains
and mobility services.
With a population of more than
1 billion people, India is becoming
one of the world's
largest automotive markets.
The country is poised to surpass
Japan as the world's third biggest
new car market in 2021.
So while there is ample
opportunity for automakers, the Indian
landscape has been particularly difficult
to navigate, especially for
American firms. GM watched its share
of the Indian market erode
steadily over several years, bottoming out
at about one percent in
2016 just before the
automaker pulled out.
So if the Indian market is
growing, why did GM struggle, especially
when GM has been
so successful in China?
To be fair, quite a few automakers
tend to have difficulty in the
Indian market. First of all, India
is a massive country with a
diverse population of roughly 1.3
billion people.
India, I think, we are
definitely a complex market.
The income levels
are quite heterogeneous.
We are divided, actually into
urban India and rural India.
The consumer requirements are actually
different even the needs are
different in both these markets.
There are a few criteria a
mass market automaker ought to meet.
They are fuel efficiency, resale
value, proximity of service stations
and the affordability of parts
and low servicing costs.
I think first thing is price.
We are a country with a
very low per capita income.
Indians are very price sensitive.
But price is not the only factor.
So now the customer also needs
some more value, for example, with
styling elements. And then, I think,
the consumer also wants a global
brand. They want a
brand which is aspirational.
The consumer wants an overall combination of
all P's, you know it may
be product, it may be
price, it may be positioning.
Which makes the things
quite complicated for OEMs.
These might seem pretty attainable,
but many automakers have
struggled to meet these
in the country.
There are a couple of companies who
have managed to crack that code
and there are several more with shares
of the market ranging in size
from small to smaller.
By far, the most successful automaker
in India is the Japanese firm
Suzuki, which alone owns
half the Indian market.
Suzuki has enjoyed something of
a first mover advantage.
It was the first major automaker to
enter India, and it did so
through a joint venture
with Indian manufacturer Maruti.
Suzuki also specializes in highly
fuel efficient vehicles, which are
extremely important in
the Indian market.
After Suzuki, Korean maker Hyundai is
the second largest with 16
percent of the Indian market.
After that, Indian, Japanese and Korean
makers such as Honda, Tata,
Kia and Mahindra all more or less
have equal degrees of market share.
Kia in particular, is a relatively
late coming brand that has been
able to succeed in India.
I think an excellent example is
Kia Motors which recently entered, it
was a new brand and
they gave a great proposition.
They were in an SUV segment and
I think suddenly right from the month
one, we saw a great success
for this OEM, in India.
Then the remaining 10 percent of the
market is made up of others such
as Ford, Renault, BMW and Nissan.
Early on, GM entered the India market
with its Opel brand, a mass
market brand GM had
owned in Europe.
While Opel cars tended to be
affordable, they failed to resonate with
Indian buyers.
I think later on they realized that's
not a brand which is really
going to work well in India because
that was not a value proposition
which they were offering
to their customers.
But then GM introduced its Chevrolet
brand to the country, which
brought it more success.
It was a great success.
They launched a few great
products like Chevrolet Cruze Chevrolet
Beat. They had that start which
they were really looking forward.
Despite these efforts, the automaker had
trouble taking share in the
Indian market. It was the first
automaker to introduce a diesel fuel
powered car of its size.
At the time, the Chevrolet beat
was the smallest diesel powered car
customers could buy in India.
It was a strong proposition and
benefited from a government subsidy
on diesel engines.
But in the end, the
diesel Beat had few takers.
The company may also have made a
misstep by trying to introduce a
low-cost vehicle GM manufactured with
its Chinese partner SAIC called
the Chevrolet Sail.
Their plan got derailed with the
introduction of Sail because I think
they underestimated the consumer aspiration
and then, I think, the
decline started. GM also fell victim
to a kind of self-reinforcing
cycle. One challenge it struggled with
was the lack of an adequate
dealer and servicing network.
More premium brands such as Mercedes
and BMW often attract customers
with the means to travel
further for service and sales.
But, mass market brands such as
GM's Chevrolet are targeting middle
class buyers who value convenience.
Dealerships in India often sell a
single brand so GM's low sales
volumes meant a single dealer might sell
only a handful of cars in a
month and risk taking losses on
the costs of running the business.
In the end, such low market share
made it difficult for GM to justify
maintaining a presence
in the country.
The automaker officially stopped selling
cars in India on December
31, 2017.
GM told CNBC it explored many
options for its India business, but
ultimately withdrew after it
determined the increased investment
originally planned for the country would
not deliver the returns of
other global opportunities.
It continues to operate services
for existing Chevrolet customers in
the country. In September, the
automaker entered a long-term
partnership with Tata Consultancy Services,
which will do engineering
design for GM vehicles meant
for markets around the world.
The move out of India was part
of a larger pullback GM has been
making around the world as
it restructures its business.
We're seeing other automakers follow
suit as they're pruning.
They're pruning the dead branches and
focusing on where they can be
strong. For GM, this is a huge shift
because GM of old used to be all
things to everyone everywhere.
And, it has now decided that
is not the proper strategy.
The automaker told CNBC if it doesn't
see a clear path to leadership
and long term sustained profits in
a particular market, it will look
at opportunities to focus its resources
on areas that will lead to
the greatest results. It added that this
is the same approach it has
taken elsewhere.
The automaker also sold its
European operations to French carmaker
PSA in 2017.
At the time it pulled out of India
GM had two factories there, one in
the Gujarati city of Halol
and another in Talegaon.
The Halol plant was acquired by
MG Motor, the once famed British
brand now owned by Chinese
automaker SAIC Motor Corporation.
GM has a joint venture with
SAIC to produce cars in China.
Reports surfaced in November 2019 that
SAIC is also in talks to
acquire GM's Talegaon plant, along
with fellow Chinese automaker
Great Wall. GM told CNBC it
is exploring strategic options for the
plant. The move out of India was
a retreat for GM and for American
auto industry. Ford is starting
to do the same.
It's trimming some
of its offerings.
Global economy and global auto
market is slowing some.
Certainly true here in the
US, it's true in China.
There's just not enough money to
go around to every single market,
too every single vehicle line.
Look at Daimler and BMW,
they've announced major employee cuts.
But in some ways it might
have been a shrewd move.
The other thing that is happening
in the market that has never
happened before is we are on the
verge of massive disruption of the
industry. You know, we're going to
have a future of electric
vehicles, autonomous vehicles and new
ways to acquire personal
transportation and now
mobility service.
There's all kinds of things.
Nobody knows when that's going to happen
or how it's going to happen,
but it's requiring a
lot of investment.
Companies like GM just can't keep putting
a ton of money into the
future as well as a ton
of money in today's stuff.
While analysts do expect the
Indian automotive market to continue
growing in the foreseeable future, it
did hit a slump in 2019.
Maruti Suzuki sales were growing
until February 2019, but have
slipped every month, year
over year, until October.
Suzuki said in November that the slowing
Indian market was one of the
factors behind the company's falling overall
sales and net income in
its second fiscal quarter.
So I think right now the
market is going through turmoil.
Our economy is struggling and if
we only talk about the automotive
market we are talking about a decline
of minus 14 percent in 2019
calendar year light vehicles.
So obviously this year is the
kind of degrowth happening, which has
not happened in last
two decades, in India.
2020, we are just talking about a
kind of a flat growth but then
going forward, in 2021, '22, '23,
the assumption that our economy
should be back, you know, the
GDP growth rate will start growing
above seven percent. Indian
automotive analysts note the country's
auto industry has to contend
with the relatively recent rise of
mobility services such as ride
hailing. The potential of these
competing technologies is still
unknown, but could affect how
interested in car ownership Indians
remain in the future.
In the end, GM did make some of
the right choices when trying to go
into India. GM was right in
terms of localizing their products
typically for the Indian market, making
it, in line with the taxation
because they were able to save tax.
But, at the end of their day, were
really not able to match with what
the competitors were offering.
If the Indian economy picks back up,
GM may find itself trying to
profitably re-enter the country.
GM's rival Ford, which has been in
India since 1995, said in October
2019 it will create a new
joint venture with Indian manufacturer
Mahindra, which Ford said will help
it develop new products faster
and drive profitable growth.

Cheap Mods on a Supercar Prank! | Donut Media

Cheap Mods on a Supercar Prank! | Donut Media

Donut Media:

(hip-hop beats)
- Kind of shocked.
- Yeah, that's interesting.
- I have no words.
- I'm gonna take this McLaren 570S
and put a bunch of $10 parts on it
that I bought off the Internet.
And then, I'm gonna go to a supercar show
and see what actual supercar
owners think about it.
(hip-hop trap music)
Wait, stop the montage.
Forgot the best part,
one of you guys could win this car,
legit, for $10 tax-free.
You could legit own this car.
Let's get silly.
(hip-hop trap music)
Vinyl's here.
What Carroll Shelby was
to Ford, I am to McLaren.
- [Cameraman] You
designed this in MS Paint?
- [Host] No one has been, like,
you know what my McLaren needs?
My McLaren needs a fuzzy steering wheel.
- Feel like a pimp.
- [Man] I love this idea, dude.
- There's probably gonna be some haters.
(hip-hop trap music)
- [Man] Looks like a 90's Firebird.
It's a little much.
- [Cameraman] That
definitely looks the worst.
(hip-hop trap music)
- [Man] I'll just stay
humble with three scoops.
- It's my favorite thing we've ever done.
(hip-hop trap music)
This is a McLaren.
(hip-hop trap music)
- It's a new system that
dropped from Autozone.
It has, like, up to 16
different animal noises.
- Dude, these are terrifying.
Dude, do I have enough wolves?
(hip-hop trap music)
(instrumental "Old McDonald Had a Farm")
The coolest thing so far,
that I didn't expect,
is this car makes me really approachable.
- A McLaren.
- Uh huh. Yeah.
Car drives great.
Car sounds great.
Car looks great.
Ready for cars and coffee tomorrow.
(hip-hop trap music)
(funky music)
(instrumental jingles)
(funky music)
- This is tricked out.
- It's got a two-j in it, VTech.
I'm pretty happy with it.
- It's like 62.
That's without nitrous.
If I hook up the spray,
probably a four second quarter.
- Shit.
- Yeah.
- I'm intrigued, personally.
- I'm just kind of shocked.
I wouldn't think he would
add on to a car like that.
- I don't like the spikes.
I'm sorry, but I just like
a cleaner version of it.
It's a little bit too much,
something you would find in Tokyo, Japan.
- Feelin' really good.
The response has been
great, I though, ya know.
I was a little nervous
on our way down here.
I thought, maybe people
weren't ready for it,
but it turns out everyone
down here is really nice
and people really love it.
Little kids really love it
and that makes me really happy.
How's it goin'?
- Yeah, it's interesting.
- [Cameraman] Would you drive this?
- Probably not.
- So, at first I saw it
and I was like, "Oh, man.
"Like, who would ruin something
"that's, like, immediately so great?"
And then I realized, you know,
everybody should make something theirs.
This is definitely not anyone else's.
It's just so loud.
- Is this a McLaren?
- [Cameraman] Yeah.
- I think it's kind of crazy, no?
(funky music)
This was a lot of fun, but
it was all for a good cause.
You could actually win this car for $10.
Proceeds will go to men's health research.
It's a really good cause.
Go to or click
the link in the description.
Don't worry, all that stuff is reversible.
We're about to take it off,
but if for some reason you
have awesome tastes like me,
then you can come by the
office and we'll hook you up
and probably take you to lunch.
I love you.
(instrumental "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

How To Remove Wax From Plastic Trim - Chemical Guys Detailing - Chevy Cruze

How To Remove Wax From Plastic Trim - Chemical Guys Detailing - Chevy Cruze

Chemical Guys:

Hey guys today we brought in this Chevy Cruze
because the owner was waxing it over the weekend
and accidentally got wax on the trim.
Unfortunately this is a common problem with
a lot of detailers that are rushing or when
they don't notice that the wax has dried in
the pores of the plastic.
These textured plastic surfaces are super
absorbent of waxes, oils, dressings and really
anything that can stain giving this white
So, we're going to show you how to remove
it using the brand new Trim Clean.
This is a wax and oil remover to cut through
the natural oils in wax to reveal factory
fresh plastic.
A lot of people think that they can wash it
off using water or even alcohol.
The old detailers trick was to use diluted
alcohol but that can actually dry out the
surface and using water alone is not very
I'll show you just using DI-water only removes
superficial debris but not the embedded wax.
It looks clean or dark but that is only because
the surface is rejuvenated with the water
until it dries and goes back to white.
I'll use a clean microfiber towel and spray
some Trim Clean onto it, this is to control
over spray.
Now gently working back and forth into the
surface to remove grease, body oils, wax,
sealants and anything that built up on the
plastic so you now longer have that stained affect.
Since it is also cleaning, you can now apply
your favorite dressing and this way it will
bond better which will make it last longer
with a deeper, blacker look.
So if you guys want to learn more about this
product go to our website
If you like this car or this video be sure
to give it a thumbs up and we'll see you next
time right here in the Detail Garage.

Is Chevy Building A Silverado ZRX To Beat The Raptor? + 2020 Powertrain Updates - Truck News

Is Chevy Building A Silverado ZRX To Beat The Raptor? + 2020 Powertrain Updates - Truck News

AmericanTrucks Chevy & GMC:

Hey, guys.
Adam here with
And today, we've got some hot-off-the-press
news coming straight from Chevy Performance.
There may be a new beefy off-road Silverado
ZRX model that could potentially be a competitor
for the Ford Raptor and I have some availability
updates to the 6.2-liter and 10-speed options
as well as some diesel news.
So let's jump right into it now.
Now Chevy announced earlier today via their
Chevrolet Performance Instagram that the Silverado
will be joining The Best In The Desert off-road
racing series using a beefed-up version of
their already pretty capable Trail Boss model,
which could actually be a prototype for the
rumored 2022 Silverado ZRX.
Now, if you're not familiar with this race,
The Best In The Desert competition is an off-road
racing series that takes place all over the
This racing series is absolutely brutal on
a truck, putting it through extremely rigorous
courses over many miles in each event.
Now Chevy entered their extremely capable
Colorado ZR2 model a few years ago and actually
took home first place in the 550-mile race
from Las Vegas to Reno, Nevada, finishing
in just over 14 hours.
So the Silverado that's taking part in this
event is essentially a souped-up Trail Boss
with the Colorado ZR2 suspension and other
upgrades, which I'll touch on in just a minute.
Now keep in mind the Trail Boss is beefed
up version of the LTZ, meant to handle the
The Trail Boss that's running in this event
has even more upgrades to handle the crazier
terrain like that of The Best In The Desert
Now this is why there's a lot of speculation
around this actually being the prototype for
the rumored 2022 ZRX model.
The prototype is going to boast the Colorado
ZR2's multimatic dynamic suspensions spool
valve or DSSM dampers that are meant to handle
extreme driving conditions.
It'll also get 35-inch off-road or mud-terrain
tires, a tough front skid plate, and specifically
designed rear shock skids.
Could this be the Raptor's competitor that
we've been wanting?
Hopefully, this prototype will give us some
In their announcement via Instagram, they
used the hashtag SEMA 2019, so maybe we'll
see this prototype on the showroom floor next
It's also rumored that the 2022 ZRX model
may have extras but the prototype running
at this event does not yet have.
The future ZRX model may have front and rear
electronic locking differentials and possibly
redesigned front and rear bumpers for better
Front approach and rear exit angles are said
to be redesigned with that front and rear
bumper and I'd be surprised if they weren't
already on that prototype before the race.
Shortly after GM filed for the ZRX trademark,
Fox Racing filed for a similar trademark to
use on custom pickups which alludes to a potentially
Fox-equipped Silverado ZRX.
It would be really nice to see this truck
hold up against the Raptor and the Ram's rumored
Rebel TRX.
As of right now, however, the ZRX Silverado
is still said to have the 6.2 V8 with 420
horsepower, which is a little short of the
Raptor's 460 horsepower.
Now fingers crossed that the ZRX gets rowdy
enough to compete with a twin-turbo Raptor
but as of right now, it's only a rumor.
In other news, there are more changes to the
Silverado lineup for 2020 including the new
3.0 Duramax diesel available in the LT, RST,
LTZ and High Country models with 277 horsepower
and 460 torque.
Now Chevy claims that 95% of that torque arrives
at just over the 1200 RPM limit and the peak
torque comes in at 1500 RPMs sustained until
3000 RPMs, pretty impressive.
The 2020 Silverado custom will also be available
with the 2.7 turbo-diesel paired with an 8-speed
automatic transmission.
Well, guys, that's the news I have for you
Some really exciting stuff coming down the
pipe from Chevy.
Drop a comment below and let us know how you're
feeling about the all-new ZRX rumors.
And of course, subscribe to the YouTube channel
for all Silverado news, products and content.
Keep it right here at

Best New Cars for 2020-2021 | Latest and Upcoming Cars, SUVs & Trucks

Best New Cars for 2020-2021 | Latest and Upcoming Cars, SUVs & Trucks


CARLOS LAGO: Welcome to
the Los Angeles Auto Show.
Here's a collection of the
majority of model year 2020
and 2021 vehicles you'll see for
sale at dealer lots next year.
In this video, the
Edmunds team is
going to walk you
through what you should
know about these cars,
trucks, and SUVs,
at least the most important
and most significant ones.
As always, if there's
a vehicle that you're
interested in that
isn't in this video,
go to
for more information.
There you'll find
your perfect car
and how much you
should pay for it.
has been on a tear
for the last couple of
years, redesigning everything
in their portfolio.
This year, they're going to
be rolling out and filling out
their line-up with higher
performance S and RS variants.
But they are bucking
the SUV trend
by reintroducing some wagons.
In particular, the
A6 Allroad is back.
It offers the versatility of an
SUV but more driver engagement,
like a smaller car.
The big news, though, is
this mad dog, the RS6 Avant.
With 600 horsepower and a
matching six figure price tag,
it's an entirely different
take on family hauling.
Audi also brought
a sportback version
of the e-tron crossover.
It brings with it
all the goodness
we like about the e-tron, but
it takes a hit for practicality.
This swooping rear roofline--
it cuts into rear headroom
by almost a full inch.
There's also a pretty decent
hit for cargo capacity too.
But this shape is
more aerodynamic
and ends up gaining you about
10 miles of electric range.
Also returning is my
favorite Audi, the R8.
For 2020, it gets a
slight styling update.
But it also gets a little bit of
a horsepower bump for the base
It is the best way to live
out your Tony Stark fantasies.
doors are still cool.
The BMW i8-- there is nothing
quite like it on the road.
It looks like a supercar and has
the practicality of a supercar,
but doesn't really have the
performance of a supercar.
It's a hybrid, after all,
but like an 18-mile EV range.
For 2020, it comes in this
unique limited edition color
And whether you get it in the
two plus two configuration
or the roadster
configuration, like this one,
you can be guaranteed
that there's nothing quite
else like it on the road today.
Let's take a second
and just appreciate
how good this M8 looks.
It's quite pretty, indeed.
And it's hard to deny
the appeal of a vehicle
quite like this, the 8 series
and 8 series Gran Coupe.
And that's what the
M8 is based off of.
This is a very appealing
car, as it should be,
for a vehicle whose price
starts at around $150.
If you step up to the
competition package,
you get around 617 horsepower.
The base car has 600 horsepower.
Very stout.
Of course, the performance
potential of a large luxury
sedan like this--
kind of dubious.
If you want something a
little bit more nimble
and a little bit more
sports car minded,
there's the M2 CS behind me.
Weird name aside, the
BMW 2 series Gran Coupe
has effectively become
BMW's entry-level sedan.
And it's a pretty
attractive one too,
even if you think all BMWs
need to be rear-wheel drive.
This one's available with
all-wheel drive and power,
ranging from 228
to 301 horsepower,
if you get the M235i
variant, like this one here.
It could give the
Mercedes Benz A class,
this luxury sedan that we like
a lot, of run for its money.
It's a weird thing
to say, but we
live in a world where finding
a 600 horsepower luxury SUV
is actually pretty easy now.
And it's going to
be even easier come
next year with the addition
of the X5M and the X6M.
Standard guys, these
things make 600.
Horsepower in their competition
trim, they push that figure
to 617 horsepower.
If that's not ridiculous
enough, the front wheels
are 21 inches in diameter,
the rears are 22s.
What a world we live in, folks.
This is the BMW X3 X Drive 30e.
And that means it's the
hybrid version of the X3.
It goes on sale next
year, and that's
when we'll know more about
its specs and figures
for the United States.
We do know now
though, it's based
on the same motor, engine,
and the battery pack
that you get in the 3 Series
that was called the 330e,
it's a bit less confusing.
And it should come with its
solid amount of EV only range.
WILL KAUFMAN: We've been
seeing prototypes for a while,
but now, Bollinger is taking
preorders with delivery
is slated to begin
sometime in 2021.
This electric dual, the
B2 truck and the B1 SUV
pack a ton of offroad features,
removable doors, and some trick
storage compartments.
Think a big boxy Jeep Wrangler
but all electric and $125,000
to start.
These are definitely
niche vehicles,
especially with Rivian
bringing a more affordable
electric truck and SUV
to the market soon.
But they sure look tough.
CARLOS LAGO: When you think of
large three row Cadillac SUVs,
your mind probably wanders
over to the Escalade,
but you might want
to consider the XT6.
This new model from
Cadillac starts
at around mid $50,000
range and packs
a lot of standard safety,
comfort, and technology
features as well.
It's also pretty dang handsome.
Pretty spacious inside,
especially the third row,
which can seat real
full size adults.
Alas, the third row takes a
crucial bit of cargo space,
so you got to decide
whether you're
going to haul family or cargo.
Cadillac has two new luxury
sedans, the CT4 and the CT5.
If you can guess which
one is the big one
and which one is the small
one, congratulations,
you at least have a basic
level of deductive reasoning.
These are appealing
vehicles, one,
because they're attractive, two,
because Cadillac's problem has
never been driving dynamics.
So we expect them
to kind of drive.
Three, Cadillac is addressing
the bigger problems
we've had with the
previous models, which
is interior quality, namely,
the center entertainment
touchscreens, which were
a bit of a nightmare.
You also get access to
Cadillac's Super Cruise,
which on some freeways,
provides legit hands free
driving experience.
Taken altogether, these become
a very compelling option
among other luxury sedans.
2021 Chevy Colorado
is slightly refreshed
with new looks
upfront new lettering
on the rear tailgate.
But it's got the same
platform, same powertrains,
and same interiors before.
And unfortunately for the
Colorado and its GMC brother,
the Canyon, they still
have to do battle
with offroad kings like the Jeep
Gladiator and Toyota Tacoma,
and the extremely well
rounded Honda Ridgeline.
The Chevy Silverado is
one of the most capable
and one of the most popular
vehicles on sale in America
For 2020, it gets
some new tech features
like adaptive cruise control
and a trailer in camera system
that can support
up to 15 cameras.
And under the hood,
if you want, you
can now get a
three liter diesel.
But even though it's
significantly improved,
the Silverado still falls
behind the Ram and the Ford
in our overall rankings.
An old name with a new
face, the Chevy Trailblazer
is a small SUV that fits
in between the Tracx
and the larger Equinox.
It will hit US shores next year
or two small three cylinder
power trains and the
choice of two trim levels,
this kind of sporty looking
RS and the more outdoorsy
oriented Active.
Prices are going to
start just below $20,000
and the Trailblazer should
come with an impressive list
of standard features.
This is one of the biggest
debuts of the year.
The Chevy Corvette
has gone mid engine.
It gets a 6.2 liter V8, 495
horsepower, and a dual clutch
It goes up against rivals that
are nearly double the price
and it's quickly becoming one
of our favorite sports cars.
While the looks might
be up for debate,
the performance is
definitely settled,
and this is a Corvette
for the history books.
Chrysler Pacifica
is our number two ranked minivan
thanks to its surprisingly
sonorous V6 and excellent
cargo flexibility because
of those stow and go seats.
Of course, those seats are
a little less comfortable
than some competitors.
We also appreciate the plug-in
hybrid versions 30 plus miles
of all electric range.
For this year, the Voyager
nameplate is making a return,
but it's essentially just a
base model of the Pacifica.
Feature loadout is really
the only difference.
Sadly, there's no
would trim option.
Dodge is celebrating
the 50th anniversary
of the Challenger
with a special
anniversary edition.
Got anniversary
badges, new wheels,
unique interior options,
and a brand new color.
Appropriate for
a Golden Jubilee,
Dodge calls it Goldrush.
We think they should have
called it Bananaversary.
For 2020, dodge is offering
a wide body package
on its Hellcat and Scat Pack.
It adds 3 and 1/2 inches which
makes room for wider tires.
Don't worry, you
can still spin them.
If you want a slimmer,
less aggro Charger,
there are plenty of trim options
with the V6 cylinder and 57
hemi, so you can still enjoy
that comfortable interior,
the excellent styling,
and the great infotainment
system that keeps the Charger
a top five in our rankings.
biggest announcement from Ford
is the all new all
electric Mustang Mach E.
This however, is no muscle car.
It's actually an SUV about
the size of a Ford Escape.
It'll offer the choice of
rear or all wheel drives
in two battery sizes.
It'll be available
beginning the fall of 2020
with prices starting
around $40,000.
If you want to know
more about this vehicle,
you can check out
Edmunds' editor
in chief, Alistair Weaver's,
excellent video walk around.
It's been a big year for
Mustang from the new Mach
E to the new high performance
package for the four cylinder
EcoBoost, which makes
it incredibly dynamic.
oh and this subtle 760
horsepower Shelby DT500,
it's new, too, joining
the Shelby GT 350
flat plane crank V8.
The Mustang is currently
Edmunds' number one
ranked muscle car.
Can't imagine why.
The Escape has been
overhauled for 2020,
replete with sportier exterior
styling, a roomier interior,
and four new power trains.
Two turbo charge engines, plus
a hybrid and plug-in hybrid
The sportiest Escape
packing 250 horsepower
is estimated return 26
miles per gallon combined.
while the hybrid is rated
at 41 miles per gallon
with up to 30 miles of
electric range if you
opt for the plug-in version.
There's a lot riding
on this new Escape,
since Ford will soon be
getting out of the sedan
making business,
which leaves just
this and the extra small
Ecosport in their entry level
vehicle portfolio.
We were thrilled when we
heard the all new 2020
Explorer was returning to
a rear drive base platform.
For SUVs, that generally amounts
to better towing and driving
dynamics, which the new
Explorer delivers in spades.
What we weren't expecting was
a comparatively high price.
Prices range anywhere
from the mid 30s
to upper 50s,
which is a bit hard
to stomach when you see what
the competition is offering
for thousands less.
The Expedition became our
favorite non-luxury full size
SUV shortly after it
was redesigned for 2018.
It won us over with its
exceptional passenger comfort,
user friendly tech,
and its ability
to tow over 9,000 pounds.
For 2020, updates
are rather light,
but the biggest news
being Ford's co-pilot 360,
which is a suite of
advanced driver aids
that's now standard across
all Expedition trims.
The Ranger was reintroduced
to the US market
last year to a mixed
reception for 2020.
Ford is offering a new FX2
package on all rear drive
rangers at any trim level.
It includes an electronic
locking diff, offroad tires,
an offroad tune suspension, an
offroad screen within the gauge
cluster, and body decals.
Now for $595, that's a bargain.
Sure, you don't get the advanced
terrain management and trail
control that you would in
an FX4 package and all wheel
drive ranger like you see
here, but you at least get
the offroad looks and some
of the capability for less
than half the package cost.
2020 Genesis G90
looks pretty different on the
outside, but under the skin,
a lot stays the same.
That's not actually a bad thing.
The Genesis G90 90
is a big plush luxury
sedan with available
executive seating in the back.
And a really excellent stereo.
The new exterior
design is handsome.
And I mean, just check out
these excellent wheels.
On the inside, you'll
find upgraded trim
like some nice open pore wood
and an infotainment system that
now supports Android
Auto and Apple
CarPlay, a welcome addition.
And the Genesis G90 is
significantly less costly
than its top competitors.
Redesigned just a year
ago, the GMC Sierra 1500 get
some significant tech updates
for 2020.
It's got available adaptive
cruise control now as well as
a trailer and camera system
that supports up to 15 cameras.
Under the hood, you can also now
get a three liter diesel power
And to top it all off,
it wins our tailgate wars
with the V6 way power folding
multi pro rear tailgate.
This CR2500 is completely
redesigned for 2020
and it uses a little brother,
the 1500, as a template.
It also gets the multiple
rear tailgate along
with updated technology, an
updated interior, and improved
towing and hauling capability.
Unfortunately for the 2500,
it has really strong rivals
like the Ram and the Ford,
so it's got an uphill battle.
CARLOS LAGO: There are
no significant changes
for the Honda Accord in 2020,
but that doesn't stop us
from recommending this
extremely well executed sedan.
It's stylish, fun to drive,
and hits big with utility.
A lot of its competitors have
been updated or redesigned
since this car came out,
but the Accord still
shines brightest in its class.
The Honda Civic is Edmunds'
top ranked small sedan.
And yes, we know this
is a two door SI,
we'll talk about
that in a second.
The civic lineup
gets small editions
throughout the model range.
For example, the hatchback
gets additional sound deadening
and the SI like this one
here it gets a shorter
final drive, which
makes acceleration
feel a bit more lively.
With prices ranging
between $20,000 to $30,000,
there's a Civic for most
shoppers and all of them
are an easy recommendation.
The big addition to
the Honda CRV this year
we should mention too, is
our top ranked small SUV,
is a hybrid model.
Now we don't know much about
the technical details yet oh
then it uses the drive train
of the Honda Accord Hybrid.
It has 212 horsepower,
though fuel economy numbers
haven't been released yet.
But if we had to guess,
it'd be around 40 MPH.
The rest of the CRV lineup
has some nice additions, too.
Specifically, the base engine
is no longer available,
so all you have is the 1 and
1/2 liter turbo four cylinder.
And that's the one
we'd recommend anyway.
The Honda Passport
came out last year
and quickly garnered a
lot of attention from us.
In fact, it's our top
ranked two row midsize SUV
and for good reason.
Essentially, it's a Honda
Pilot without the third row
and with a bit
shorter length, so you
get all the utility
of that vehicle
without of course, the seating
in a very compelling package.
There are no new
changes for 2020,
and that's OK because
it's still a good car.
The Honda Ridgeline carries
over into next year largely
unchanged and it's
still our number one
ranked midsize pickup truck.
Wait, wait, come back,
look, look, we get it.
You're really angry because
it's not a real truck.
Just get a Gladiator
or get a Tacoma.
And bring it in, bring it
in, it's going to be OK.
2020 Hyundai Kona
is our top rated extra small
SUV for its peppy handling,
and acceleration, it's
comfortable interior,
and user friendly technology.
The addition of adaptive
cruise control for this year
only makes it better.
The one drawback-- if
maximum cargo capacity
is your top priority,
it might be worth
checking out a competitor.
The Hyundai Palisade is an
upscale midsize three row
SUV with plenty of
room in all three rows
and lots of comfort and
technology features.
It would have upset the
segment and stolen the top spot
in our rankings if not for
its corporate twin, the Kia
That's not a knock against
the excellent Palisade.
Which you prefer
between the two really
comes down to what
kind of personality
you want from your vehicle,
with the Palisade offering
more of the on road luxury
vibe between the pair.
The 2020 Hyundai Sonata
has been totally redesigned
and it's got a sleek new look.
I mean, just check out these
daytime running lights.
The other thing it's got
is a ton of new features.
The new Sonata
really is a showcase
for Hyundai's next
generation of technology.
You'll get the ability to
use your cell phone as a key.
You can pull the Sonata in and
out of parking spaces remotely.
And on the interior, you get
this big new infotainment
screen and a digital display
instead of a traditional gauge
If you want the latest
features from your sedan,
the Sonata should
be on your list.
The Jeep Wrangler
is one of the most capable off
road vehicles on sale today.
And in other news, the sky
is blue and water is wet.
This current generation is
more comfortable, high tech,
and user friendly
than ever before.
And while there's
some compromises made
along the way for
off road capability,
this is the most
liveable Wrangler
that Jeep has ever made.
For 2020, you can get
one with a diesel.
For someone who doesn't
want to spend Wrangler money
but wants the iconic Jeep looks,
the Renegade is a good choice.
It's got a roomy interior
and a high interface.
And it's got more off
road chops than most
of the lifted hatchbacks
in this segment.
But if you want
something that's quick
or something that's quiet, we'd
steer you in another direction.
If you've always
wanted a Jeep Wrangler
but you also needed
a pickup truck,
well, the Gladiator
will solve that problem.
It's based on the same
platform as the Wrangler,
so it's got much of the
off road capability,
but it's got that pickup
truck bed in the back,
so it's got a bunch
of added utility.
It's only our number two
ranked mid-sized pickup
truck because it's behind
the super practical Honda
The Jeep Cherokee is in one of
the most competitive segments
on the market--
compact crossovers.
It goes up against well-rounded
vehicles like the Mazda
CX5 and the Honda CRV.
And while it isn't our
favorite in the segment,
we do like it for its
impressive off road capability
and its high tech interior with
a comfortable highway ride.
Seltos is new to the US
but it's been on sale
for just about a year
in other parts of the world.
It sits just between the
Kia Soul and the larger Kia
Sportage in terms
of price and size,
starting right around $22,000.
Like a lot of
subcompact crossovers,
it benefits from the
convenience of an SUV,
but it's in a smaller package
that's easier to drive
and more economical.
The Seltos distinguishes
itself with a slightly taller
right height and available
all wheel drive, which
isn't available on
the Sul or the Niro
that means you can do some
pretty light off roading.
But you will have to wait
until spring to get one.
And you wouldn't
think you'd have
to wait to get
yourself a Telluride
because it's been on sale for
a while, but you'd be wrong.
Apparently, Kia can't make them
fast enough to meet demand.
That's really no surprise
because the Telluride
is our favorite SUV.
And not just mid-sized three
row SUV, it's our favorite SUV,
With a lot of power,
tons of features,
and an incredibly
refined interior,
if you need something this
big, put it on your shortlist.
The Stinger is mostly
unchanged for 2020,
but it does add a new
mid grade GTS trim.
At a time when sleek sedans seem
to be eclipsed by mass market
action SUVs, the Stinger
is a refreshing detour
with the convenience of a
hatchback, strong performance,
and as any Kia, a very
generous warranty.
Who says fun is dead?
ELANA SCHERR: The Defender
is back in the US.
Ta-da, this it it!
We covered the Defender during
its international launch,
but it is very cool to
see it here at home.
2020 Defender promises strong
offroad performance and lots
of customization options,
including two different engine
Plus, it looks cool.
I think it looks cool.
Do you think it looks cool?
I think it looks cool.
The original Range Rover
Evo was a little bit
of a weirdo with a love
it or hate it design.
For the redesigned
2020 Evo, Land Rover
has gone a little
more mainstream.
It's bigger for more leg room,
and it has new interior tech,
like dual screen
infotainment system.
There's also a hybrid
powertrain option.
I think it looks like a
smaller Discovery sport.
took the wraps and the top
off the 2021 LC 500 convertible.
We thought the
coupe looked great,
but it seems as if the LC was
destined for roofless design
from the beginning, which
is another way of saying
that it looks fantastic.
There are 471 horses
generated from a five liter
V8, which also happens
to make wonderful sounds.
This convertible will make it
all the better to enjoy them.
Lexus says the LC's
top will open and close
in about 15 seconds, and
can operate at speeds
of up to 31 miles per hour.
So you're not stuck
playing stoplight roulette.
This topless LC is set to
go on sale next summer.
Lexus' most popular
SUV and my new favorite
because it has a surfboard
on the roof is the RX.
For 2020, it receives
a slight refresh
with new front and rear styling
and a revised suspension
for sharper handling.
The 2020 RX is also the
first in Lexus' line
to offer Android Auto smartphone
integration alongside Apple
And those can be projected
on a new optional 12.3 inch
Thankfully, this replaces
the old and clunky system
with the remote touch joystick
which we weren't big fans of.
a doubt, Corsair
is a much better name
than MKC, which was
Lincoln's previous small SUV.
The Corsair there is
based on the Ford Escape,
but Lincoln has worked hard to
distinguish itself from Ford
with Lincoln-specific
design options, new tech,
and different engine options,
including a plug-in hybrid.
Then of course, there are
those great Lincoln interiors.
It's not a pair of
sunglasses and it
has little in common with the
Aviator of the early 2000s.
The 2020 Lincoln Aviator
is based on a Ford Explorer
but with its own
here and interior.
If you've seen Lincoln's
interiors recently,
you know that's a good thing.
It's quiet cabin
and turbo charged
V6 make it a powerful
family cruiser.
And there's a plug-in
hybrid option for even more
power and better fuel economy.
What a world we live in.
If you've got the
garage space and you
want to fill it with
yacht-like luxury,
the Lincoln Navigator is
our pick for top boat.
I mean, our pick for most
highly rated large luxury SUV.
Ever since its introduction,
the Lincoln Navigator
has consistently
topped our ratings
because of its gorgeous interior
and impressive performance.
For 2020 safety features
become standard,
but what hasn't changed is
the navigators impressive
tow rating.
8,600 pound capacity, you can
tell a boat with this boat.
MARK TAKAHASHI: If it seems like
there are a lot of weird half
sizes between
conventionally sized SUVs,
you're not imagining things.
This is the latest
from Mazda, the CX30.
It sits between the slightly
smaller CX3 and slightly larger
CX5 with the starting priced
right around 23 grand.
It also pushes Mazda's
styling evolution
just a little bit further.
While other companies are
going with sharp deep creases,
Mazda is going with
these graceful smoothed
out arches that set it apart
from anything else on the road.
As a Mazda, we also
expect the CX30
to drive better than its
rivals from Honda and Toyota.
jumping in the EV game
with the hard top
two door Cooper SE.
This isn't a Tesla killer.
This is more of an alternative
to a more affordable city
runabouts like the basic Nissan
LEAF or the Volkswagen e-Golf.
Prices should
start under $30,000
and the EPA range is likely
to come in around 120 miles.
It is more stylish.
Adding that Mini personality
to the battery electric formula
might just make this
a compelling choice
for consumers looking
for an electric car.
instant hit for Mercedes Benz,
immediately climbing
to best in class.
It has all of the things
you want from Mercedes SUV--
a refined interior, tons
of comfort, lots of tech.
But this time around, they
dropped something crazy on us.
It's the GLE 63S from
AMG with 603 horsepower.
That's just bonkers for the
I don't know, wealthy parents
with racing aspirations, maybe?
And if you need more
space, they also
rode out the GLS and G
version with similar output.
What they didn't
roll out though,
is the top of the line
GLS Maybach edition.
We don't have full
specs on it yet,
but we can guarantee
it is going to be
over the top in every way.
Nissan Rogue doesn't
receive any significant
changes for 2020,
but it remains a highly
attractive vehicle
to shoppers looking for
an inexpensive compact SUV
with a lot of interior space.
And that's really what
you get with this SUV.
That and comfortable seats.
Now the driving experience
kind of pales in comparison
to our favorite SUV in the
segment, the Honda CRV.
But the road
delivers the basics.
The slightly smaller Rogue
sport gets some small changes
for 2020, especially a different
look front and rear bumpers
are updated and Nissan's
suite of safety features
is now standard
on the base trim.
If we're honest,
the Nissan Titan
has felt a bit dated
lately, but that's
because Ford, Chevy, and Ram
have introduced new generations
of their respective trucks.
The Titan has been updated
for 2020 though, fortunately.
Its powertrain gets a new 9
speed automatic transmission
and its 5.6 liter V8 gets
a small power bump, too.
Now 400 horsepower and
413 pound feet of torque.
There's additional
standard safety equipment
and an available nine
inch center touchscreen.
With the starting price from
the low to mid $30,000 range,
that makes the Titan a
pretty compelling value.
With 2020 times introduction of
a new generation of the Nissan
And it actually looks
pretty good, too.
It's a bit wider and
a bit lower in height
than the outgoing generation.
The interior gets
special mention too.
It's pretty attractive.
Plus, standard safety features,
like collision mitigation
and all that stuff.
Base engine is a two
liter four cylinder
with about 150 horsepower.
Look forward to our full view
and we get our hands on one
early next year.
Porsche's first
electric vehicle looks
to be a real stunning entry.
The Taycan promises the
performance of a real sports
car, but also, the driving
experience of an EV.
It's a really fascinating
combination of the two.
It's available in a couple of
different motor and battery
configurations from
the Turbo S which
has eye watering
acceleration, and top speed,
and price, down to this
more realistic 4S, which
starts in about $100,000,
has over 500 horsepower,
and could be a real competitor
to the Tesla Model S.
While the most recent generation
in the Porsche Cayenne
was introduced last
year, this year,
we have the addition
of the Cayenne coupe.
If you haven't been
paying attention
to luxury SUV as for while,
the modern trend with coupes
trade a little bit of rear
headroom and cargo space
for a more swoopy roofline
that mimics what you would find
on an actual two door coupe.
The Cayenne coupe
costs a little bit more
than the equivalent
Cayenne and it
gets all the same trim levels,
so you can get a Cayenne coupe
Turbo and Turbo SE hybrid.
With all the hubbub around
the new Porsche Taycan EV,
you may forget there's actually
a new generation of Porsche
And you may also be able to
tell from the outside too
because it doesn't
look that different.
It's more apparent inside
when you see the new gauge
cluster and all the
touch sensitive controls
on the center console.
When I drove this car
earlier this year,
I really enjoyed it
because, duh, it's a 911.
Starting at around $100,000,
this car gives you really more
than you could ever
need from a sports car.
TRAVIS LANGNESS: The Ram 1500 is
our number one ranked full size
pickup truck.
It's got a really comfortable
interior, a high interface,
and for 2020, it gets
a new diesel powertrain
added to the lineup the
control over 12,000 pounds.
And it enters the tailgate
wars with a new 60-40
split open beer tailgate thing.
the largest vehicle that Subaru
makes, offering three
rows of seating and space
for seven or eight
passengers while it isn't
at the top of our list for
mid-sized three row SUVs,
we do like it for its
standard all wheel drive,
its powerful
turbocharged engine,
and its crisp and responsive
touchscreen infotainment
For 2020, the Ascent adds a
standard rear seat reminder
alert and power folding
side view mirrors.
The Subaru Forrester was
redesigned just last year
and offers a great
blend of many things.
From a comfortable cabin and
ride to strong safety and tech
There's even a
new lane centering
function, which gets added to
its standard list of driving
All it needs is just
a little more power
and we'd be big fans.
The word legacy has
different meanings.
But Subaru is looking to
leave a positive impression
with their new midsize sedan.
For 2020, the Legacy
has been redesigned
and is still the
only one in the class
to offer standard
all wheel drive.
An optional 260 horsepower
2.4 liter engine
should help draw
some fans as well as
Subaru's comprehensive suite
of advanced driver aids, which
come standard.
The Outback is
Subaru's mid-sized SUV
and one of our
perennial favorites,
which somebody mistake
for a tall wagon.
But don't let
appearances deceive you.
This wagon could likely
outperform many so-called SUVs
off road.
Do it with standard
all wheel drive
and surprisingly generous
ground clearance.
For 2020, the Outback
has been fully redesigned
and is offered with two engines.
One of which is a 260 horsepower
turbocharged four cylinder.
There's also a new 11.6
inch tablet style interface
for the infotainment system,
which just looks awesome.
wasn't at the show floor,
company CEO Elon Musk
unveiled the bizarre
looking Cyber Truck.
Lofty targets include a max two
rating of over 14,000 pounds,
payload of over 3,500
pounds, and zero to 60 mile
an hour acceleration in
less than 2.9 seconds
in the most powerful version.
While Tesla has
announced pricing
and is taking
preorders, this thing
is still two years away
from delivery at a minimum.
The Cyber Truck can make you
forget all about the Model Y,
but it should be available
sometime during 2020.
It's an SUV-ish version of
the Model 3, promising similar
range, performance, a
little more cargo space news
ability, and a slightly
higher price tag.
We have one on order.
We've owned a Model 3
for a few years now,
yet answering the
question of what's
new for this year is difficult
because Tesla doesn't
do updates like any
other automaker.
It's more like your phone,
where you wake up one morning
and it has new features.
This experience is unlike
any other car out there,
and combined with the
Model 3's many strengths,
it makes easily for one of
the most compelling EV sedans
you can buy.
What's left to say about
the Model S and Model X?
Well, we really like the S.
At the time of this recording,
it has a simple ordering
process, great range,
and ridiculous-- or rather,
ludicrous acceleration.
And the Model X--
well, the doors
look neat, but severely limit
the utility part of an SUV.
But hey, at least it's fast?
Hey guys, guess, what.
There's a new Toyota Mirai
and it's not ugly, right?
This sleek sedan is going to hit
our markets at the end of 2020
and it's a welcome
departure from, let's say,
the awkward styling
of its predecessor.
It's also going to
be rear wheel drive
and Toyota claims they'll
have 30% more range.
That means you can go up to
400 miles on a single tank.
I'm not fully sold on
the future of hydrogen,
especially when you consider
that electrification
is far more accessible.
For example, Toyota's
best selling vehicle
gets a new hybrid model
in this, the RAV4 prime.
This plug-in hybrid gets
an 83 horsepower boost
over the standard hybrid,
which should push it
to 60 miles an hour a
full two seconds quicker.
Toyota also claims
it'll return 39
miles of electric only range.
When it goes on
sale in the summer,
it'll only be offered
in sporting SE and SXE
trims, with all wheel drive.
We recommend the hybrid RAV4
for over the standard RAV4.
And expect this
to be even better.
Volkswagen Atlas
comes in fifth place and
our mid-sized three row SUV
It was knocked down a
couple of spots this year
by the introduction of the Honda
Palisade and Kia Telluride.
Still, the Atlas is a super
roomy and practical SUV
for families.
It's just a bit down on
power and personality.
For 2020, Volkswagen is
trying to kick the personality
up a notch with the introduction
of the Atlas Cross Sport.
This is a more aggressively styled two row version of the Atlas with a sportier personality.
CARLOS LAGO: Thank you for watching. Hit subscribe.
And for more information about your favorite car, visit
There, you'll find your next car and how much you should pay for it.

Chevrolet Bolt EV Traction Motor - Deep Dive

Chevrolet Bolt EV Traction Motor - Deep Dive


Hello, I'm professor John Kelly and this
is the Weber Auto YouTube channel.
In this episode we will be disassembling
the drive unit the electric motor and
gear reducer out of our 2017 Chevrolet
bolt on the hoist behind me here. now
this drive unit and electric motor
combination is is all one piece,
unlike the Nissan Leaf that has a drive
unit that unbolts from the electric
motor. This drive unit is rated at 150
kilowatts which is 201 horsepower, it is
also rated at 360 Newton meters of
torque which is roughly 266 foot-pounds
of torque.
Now let's let's talk about torque just a
little bit. That torque rating is what
the motor itself is capable of producing,
that is not the same as the torque that
ends up at the wheels of the vehicle, so
for example the Chevrolet Spark EV
produced by Chevrolet before the Bolt
actually had an electric motor that
produced 540 Newton meters of torque, the Bolt EV electric motor only produces
360 Newton meters of torque and so you
might be misled into thinking that the
Spark EV had more torque; well, the motor
did, but not the torque delivered to the
axles that drive the wheels. So the gear
reducer right here on the side of this
drive unit has an impact on that because
gear reduction is also torque
multiplication minus frictional losses, so
the Spark EV had a 540 Newton meter
electric motor but it only had a three
point one five to one gear reduction
unit which resulted in about 1700 Newton
meters of torque at the wheels, at the
axles. the Bolt EV electric motor
produces 360 Newton meters of torque a
whole 180 Newton meters less of torque
from the motor, but it has a seven point
zero five one eight to one gear
reduction through this gear reducer
which multiplies that 360 Newton meters
of torque by seven point zero five one
eight, which gives us over 2,500 Newton
meters of torque at the axles. So there
are other electric vehicles out there
that are being produced right now that
have higher torque higher motor torque
than the Bolt EV
but what would be interesting, I and
I don't know what their gear ratios are
yet, is to see what is the torque
actually to the axles what's the torque
to the ground because that's what you'll
feel when you step on that accelerator
pedal, that's the torque to the wheels
that makes the vehicle move. The design
of this drive unit this electric motor
it has a peak amperage draw of 400 amps
versus 450 as for the Spark EV so it
uses less current to provide more torque
so it's a more efficient better design
electric motor. The electric motor in
this drive unit spins clear up to 8810 rpm where the
Spark EV only spun up to about 4500 rpm,
and we'll take a look at some
differences in the electric motor design
and the stator winding design that
allowed it to spin at those higher rpms
without the AC losses that typically
occur at higher rpm. As mentioned in the
previous video on high voltage
components of the Chevrolet Bolt EV this
drive unit uses about 2.9 litres, around
3.1 quarts of Dexron HP fully synthetic
base transmission fluid automatic
transmission fluid. It also is cooled by
the General Motors Dexcool 50/50 mix
of coolant and deionized water. Okay
let's take a look at the outside of the
housing here of this drive unit. The
official name or designation of this
drive unit by General Motors is the
1ET25. The one means it's a one speed
trans axle, this doesn't shift, E means
it's electronically controlled, T means
it's a transaxle, and the 25 is a
relative torque rating. Alright, right
here on the front of the transmission is
the actual last eight digits of the
vehicle identification number and you
can see that MMF right there, that is
the three-digit regular production
option code the RPO code that you can
find on label in the back of the Bolt EV if
you take out the lower compartment
carpet and look in what looks like a
spare tire tub, there's a label on the
driver's side that has a whole bunch of
three digit codes on it
MMF just means that's which transaxle
or transmission this vehicle came with.
Okay right here on the top of the trans
axle is the transmission range selector
actuator and this is a brushless DC
motor with a gear reducer that actually
moves the shift lever to put us in to
Park reverse neutral Drive and low, now
technically inside of this drive unit it
there's really only park and not park,
but there is a position sensor in here
called an internal mode switch that will
monitor which position the transaxle
range selector is in so that the vehicle
can act appropriately. For example the
shifter itself on the center console is
not directly connected to the drive unit,
it's just an input to the computer that
controls this actuator, so when we go to
the reverse position for the neutral or
drive or low, there's a feedback on the
internal mode switch electrical
connector right here, that lets the
engine control module, even though this
doesn't have an engine, know which gear
range you have selected so that it can
request the trends axle act
appropriately. Also, right here by the
electrical connector for the internal
mode switch is the transmission fill
plug, so if you want to put fluid into
this transmission you need a 14
millimeter wrench or socket to take this
plug out and put the Dexron HP fluid
into the transmission. There are two
drain plugs on this transmission, one for
each side, so there's one down below on
each end of the transaxle the driver's
side and the passenger side, there's
there are two separate drain plugs to
get the fluid out of each side, now
there's only one fluid that goes
throughout this entire transaxle but
because of how its baffled and set up
inside to remove all the fluid you need
to remove both plugs.
Now speaking of fluid and fluid level
when you drain fluid at whatever the
recommended fluid change interval is or
if you're doing service work on the
transaxle here and you're adding fluid
you need to know when to stop adding
fluid, so on the other side of the
transaxle right here is the transaxle
fluid level check plug, so the drain
plugs right down here, the fluid level
check plugs here, the fill plug is on the
other side so you take the fill plug out
you take the fluid level check plug out,
and you add fluid until fluid comes out
over here, and then you let it sit and
stabilize for a minute add a little bit
more and make sure that fluid comes out
comes out to a slow drip, and then the
instructions tell us to put both plugs
back in and go drive the vehicle until
the transmission fluid temperature
reaches 35 degrees Celsius or 95 degrees
Fahrenheit and then double-check the
fluid level again to make sure that
comes out at a very slow drip. Alright,
while we are here on this side of the
transaxle we have an electric motor an
electric pump for the transmission fluid
so there's a big filter we'll see when
we take this thing apart down the bottom
center of this transaxle it will pull
fluid up from the filter and then put it
into what's called the oil sump so the
oil sump is basically just a great big
bathtub looking area up here that the
pump fills full of fluid and then there
are these little drain channels that
fluid drains down to cool the stator
windings and lubricate bearings and so
on and we'll see that once we get the
cover off so we have an electric 12 to 14
volt driven electric motor that pumps
fluid throughout this transaxle. From
what I read this pump only works when
you are in Reverse or Drive, it does not
pump when you're in park or neutral.
Alright, we have another electrical
connector right here, this connector is
for the resolver which measures the
angle of rotation the direction of
rotation and the speed of the electric
motor rotor itself, and then there's a
transmission fluid temperature sensor
that is in the bottom of this
transmission case cover here. All of
those are accessed electrically through
this electrical connector right here. As
you may have seen in my other video on
high-voltage components we have the air
conditioning compressor of the bolts up
here and then we have our coolant pipes
that go into what's called a coolant
sump in the bottom of this transaxle and
we'll see that here in a few minutes but
we have coolant going in coolant coming
back out and goes through a series of
cooling fins and cooling circuits to
absorb heat from the transmission fluid
right here on the back we have the
electrical connection for the
three-phase cables that come from the
single power inverter module that sits
two modules above here. Three-phase
orange cables come down to drive the
electric motor, there's a cover
the cables bolt on and then there's a
cover they'll holds the cable in place.
We have a transmission vent right here,
let's just take that vent off while we
vent tube off while we're here now you
can see the oil sump area again on the
top and the cooling sump coolant sump
area here in the bottom all right there
is one additional plug on the side of
the case with the electric motor and
there's nothing in the service
information to indicate this but I
believe this is a pressure test plug to
check the pump output pressure, but I
can't find any information on what that
fluid pressure should be. Okay, I'm going
to be disassembling this transaxle right
here on the workbench but there actually
is a special fixture to hold this
transaxle and allow you to rotate it and
disassemble different pieces of it and
still be able to rotate it for
convenience. I have this special adapter
as you can see here in this photograph
but the way it's mounted it's too high
and too difficult for me to disassemble
in that holding fixture being in a
wheelchair, so the workbench is where I'm
going to disassemble it, but I wanted you
to know there is a special fixture for
that and I tried it it just doesn't work
for me.
by the way this transaxle weighs about a
hundred and seventy pounds or 77.4
kilograms. Okay, well we're ready to
start disassembly, the first step is to
remove this oil pump the 12-volt power
oil pump, it has three bolts right here
and a few seals underneath it as you can
see here there are two seals that seal
the pump to the transmission case right
here there are two bolts that hold the
cover over the pump gears themselves
there are no instructions on
disassembling this so I assume we're not
supposed to disassemble it but that's
exactly what I like to do
take things apart I'm not supposed to as
long as I can get them back together and
make it work again here we go we've got
a Jew rotor style oil pump there's an
o-ring right here that needs to fit in
this groove to seal and then the cover
just bolts on okay the next thing on the
list is to remove the left-hand and
right-hand output shafts that go into
our differential side gears in the gear
reducer this is the left-hand side right
hand side over there it calls for a
slide hammer and a old pilot bearing
removal tool for a manual transmission
so this is the pilot bearing removal
tool right here and a slide hammer and
we are supposed to put this up inside
and put it into the snap ring groove for
the CV shaft and then pop it out well
come to find out the snap ring groove is
thinner than the tip of this tool that's
supposed to go into it and I didn't
realize that's what the problem was and
I had a hard time getting these output
shafts removed I finally got him out but
once I got a mound got looking at the
tool versus what they were supposed to
be grabbing I realized I need to grind
these down make him a little thinner so
that they'll actually fit into the
grooves of the her for these CV shaft
snap rings that are there so since I've
had this entire transaxle apart before
and I'll put it all back together
I've removed those snap rings they'll
hold these output shafts in place so I
can just pull them out by hand right now
this big long left hand output shaft
goes right through the center of the
rotor of the electric motor itself it's
it's hollow in the middle
and it has a big heavy-duty bushing
right here on the outside with the axle
seal and this is our left-hand output
shaft and then the CV shaft itself plugs
into here that goes to the left front
hub and bearing assembly and tire and
we'll assembly so there's our left-hand
axle shaft there's a snap ring that fits
in that groove right there typically and
I've just removed and I've just removed
that snap ring for ease for this
demonstration here obviously I'll need
to put that back in when I reassemble
so that's the left-hand axle shaft on
the other side we use the slide hammer
again and pull out the right hand axle
shaft as you can see this one is much
shorter than the other one and it has
the support bearing in the differential
case itself that holds it in place and
its own snap ring that I've already
removed and of course an axle sill here
on the other side as well okay the next
thing on the list is to remove this
transaxle case to remove the case I've
got to take the linkage off and our
actuator off and then we've got these
bolts to go all the way around and then
we'll be able to see the gear reduction
transfer gear and the final drive ring
gear and differential gear set so I'll
take the clip out and lift up for a
linkage on the shift actuator and then
take the bolts out
okay here's the shift actuator assembly
itself transmission range selector
actuator kind of a great big piece I
I've seen some of these that are smaller
right I'm not sure why this one is so
giant I'm not I've never seen one this
big but it obviously does the job of
mechanically shifting the transmission
range lever since you have an electronic
shifter on your center console alright
let's take these bolts out of the trans
transmission case okay I've got all the
bolts out of the transmission case now
we can attempt to slide it off it has a
couple of dowel pins they'll hold it in
place there's a couple of pry points
plus one right back here and another one
right here there we go
I'm going to come in with a plastic
mallet here and just tap lightly there
we go okay we can see inside of the
transmission case itself and the only
things in here of real interest are the
transmission internal mode switch right
here we got the electrical connector
right here harness right there that
connects to this outer blue connection
connector that will read which Range
Park reverse neutral low you have
selected with your transmission shift
lever and then we have the parking
linkage right here we've got Park
reverse neutral Drive
and low now of course normally
transmission fluid would would be
pouring out of here of whatever didn't
get drained out when you drained it
previously but I've had this apart and
cleaned everything up before we have our
ring gear right here and our
differential gear set and as notice we
have real nice ball bearings here these
bearings since their ball bearings
instead of tapered roller bearings have
to have in place shims so there's a
special shimming procedure to control
the end play of these bearings that will
have to go through when we reassemble it
so you're supposed to take these shims
off and throw them away well and then
replace them with new new ones when you
go back together I suggest that you take
them off and measure them and then hang
on to them because you might you might
need them again when I took these off
previously and measured them they were
almost all identical in the thickness so
there are six of these shims for the six
ball bearings that are in this transaxle
four of these shims measured exactly
half a millimeter in in with the other
two one of a measure one millimeter in
width and the other one measured 0.9
millimeters so you need to keep track of
what thickness shim you had where and
write those down so that you you'll have
an idea of at least what it was before
you took it apart now if you're just
going back together and you haven't
changed any shims or any parts inside
just reuse the old shims but if you're
changing a bearing or any of these
internal pieces you need to go through
the special measurement procedure that
we'll see when we go back together to
determine if these shims are correct
okay so there's there's special shims on
each of these
bearings I've measured all of them RIT
written their dimensions on the ziploc
bag here that I keep them in and will
refer to those when we go back together
all right now we just need to remove the
counter gear right here and the final
drive a ring gear and differential gear
set this is where our short little
output shaft plugged in right here and
then our long one came all the way
through on the other side okay before we
remove these gears there is a an
aluminum gasket with a rubber seal
embedded into it the instructions tell
us that is not reusable
there is also an oil baffle right down
here to channel transmission fluid away
from the ring gear to reduce losses as
it rotates into it and to splash oil up
into different channels to lubricate the
the bearings if we look in this case
half right here you can almost see what
looks like a funnel right there for the
fluid to drain back down and lubricate
this outer bearing and a similar one
here on this other other side for that
bearing so we've got a oil baffle to
remove all right I've got the oil baffle
removed on the other side of that is our
magnet for metallic particles from gear
normal gear wear and other malfunctions
okay now we're ready ready to remove
these gears pull out on the counter gear
and then pull out on the final drive and
it'll come right out if you don't pull
out on that counter gear first there's
not enough clearance for the final drive
Unit two clear so here's our final drive
you can see our open differential gear
set inside there here's our sim on the
other side as well
all right the instructions tell us that
we can if we won't want to remove the
park linkage in the internal notes which
I don't really care about that that's
just regular stuff that you'd see in any
other automatic transmission so let's
continue on with things that are unique
to the bolt
evie drive unit here the one ET 25
transaxle so let's turn the transmission
case around and we'll take off the
transmission case cover here on the
driver's side
now the SAE document the details the the
bolt evey drive unit here that I told
you about in the high voltage component
video tells us that the drive unit
itself was designed to be serviceable in
the vehicle that's why they have a case
removable case cover on one side and a
case cover on the other side for the
gear reduction unit you can leave this
Center portion with the electric motor
in it in the vehicle and just remove one
or both case covers to do service work
on components inside the case covers
seal replacements resolver replacements
internal modes with replacement and so
on but anyway we're going to take off
this case
cover next from the driver's side all
right this case cover is going to be a
little harder to get off than the other
one because the rotor that has internal
magnets embedded inside of it has now
magnetically pulled itself over to the
stator because we are no longer
centering it inside of the stator itself
and so it puts a it pulls it off to the
side just a little bit so there's a
right here
and there's a pride point right down
here another prior point right here
there we go okay so here's our case
cover and it has an aluminum gasket
that's not reusable as well our case
cover has this long transmission filter
that's not serviceable without
disassembling things as you can see has
a temperature sensor down inside of it
right there and then this is our
resolver our serviceable resolver that
measures the position speed and
direction of rotation of the electric
motor rotor inside the transaxle here
let's turn this around oh by the way
down inside of the bearing housing there
is a shim for the ball bearing right
here on the rotor itself so we're
looking at the stator and the hairpin
six conductor deep stator design a
unique design we'll talk about that a
little bit more once we get the stator
out we have a lubrication channel right
here where fluid is going to drip out of
our oil sump and run along and drop down
on to the stator windings themselves and
cool the the stator windings it also has
a drip channel that comes over and goes
down to this bearing here to lubricate
so we've just got an 8 millimeter head
bolt holding the filter in place and as
you can see the filter just has an
o-ring seal on the one side and you can
see the pick up filter screen filter
element on the inside so this is going
to reach all the way in up underneath
the the stator itself to pick up the
fluid on the back side of it and on the
back side of it is the inlet of the
coolant so that would be the cooler oil
on the back side there all right then on
the resolver it just has eight three
eight millimeter head bolts to hold it
in place and one electrical connector
this resolver only bolts in in one
location it's not adjustable it has
automatic learn unlike the older Toyota
Prius resolvers that that would actually
come out of alignment
if you unbolted them and there was no
way for you to line them back up okay so
here is our resolver pull back on the
connector position assurance clip
depress the tab and remove the resolver
itself the resolver is a serviceable
unit when and if it ever goes bad but it
should should never go bad all right
then the remaining wire harness and the
pass-through connector here just goes
over to our temperature sensor okay next
on the list we need to remove what is
called the center support this is what's
supported the driver's side ball bearing
of our differential case assembly
okay this is our center support it's
held in place with six bolts and aligned
with two dowel pins right there now with
that removed there's nothing to stop our
transfer gear from sliding out it's just
a tight fit on the bearing in the bore
as it should be just pray lightly
sometimes these will just slide right
out and right in and other times they'll
they'll fight you here we go okay so
here's our transfer gear it's ball
bearing and shim so put that shit over
here with the others okay right here in
the end of the case we still have a
lubrication channel right here from the
oil trough the oil sump I mean right
there and then we have a cover for the
three-phase electrical connector right
here as well then on the other side we
have that oil distribution channel right
here that cools the stator so we've got
to remove that we are now to the point
where we are ready to pull this rotor
out but we just can't grab on to it and
pull it out it has some super strong
neodymium magnets multiple layers envy
configuration inside of this stator
you're not going to pull it out by hand
and you sure don't want to come in here
and start prying on it so the only way
to get that rotor out of there if you
want to remove it for service replace a
bit bearing on it or the gear on the
other side or another bearing or just
replace the rotor itself for whatever
reason loss of magnetism and trouble
code sets or whatever
it takes a special tool to pull it out
without having it rub on the stator
frame itself and without having it
injure you with you trying to pull it
out and it's pulling back in with all
its magnetic strength so true get that
out there's a special guide tool that
will hold it centered in the stator and
we need to set that up next and it
starts on the other side here so there's
a special tool kit that costs almost a
thousand dollars to Center this rotor as
you pull it out I found one on eBay for
a little bit less than that but but it's
a very expensive tool but if you want to
do service work on this transaxle you've
got to have it so let's bring in the
special tools okay so I brought in the
special tools to keep the rotor centered
there's a special spacer with a notch in
it to clear that notch right there this
is just gonna fit in there just like
that then there's a plate that bolts on
over the top of this to hold it in place
these don't need to be super tight
they're just holding that little spacer
in place so I'll just lightly Snug those
up then there's a sleeve here that's
supposed to fit down the center of that
rotor but these sleeves are a little bit
too big I've had to take sandpaper and
send them down to make them fit inside
of this rotor and I don't know if that's
because the tools were made for a first
design rotor and then they changed it or
if they just made the tools incorrectly
but these tools are from what used to be
can't more tools the special tools
supplier for General Motors it's now
Bosch service solutions so Bosch you may
want to take a look at this this tool
here the DT five two zero one one
- one - three because it doesn't fit
it's not doesn't Center up inside the
the rotor as well as it should
i've had to sand it down just a little
bit and then i'm able to tap it in a
little bit there but I think that it's
supposed to be if it's supposed to be a
tight fit but it should be able to slide
in by hand I believe then we have a
guide pin that's going to go through the
center of that then we have this outer
housing the bolts in place to hold the
guide pin in place so the blue sleeve
this one here because there's one for
the other side also centers the rotor
into this plate and then this sleeve is
centered into this plate so we've now
centered the rotor on this side of the
stator so now we need to go to the other
side to put additional tools in to get
it centered and then pull it up and out
okay at this point if I had the
transaxle mounted in that special
rotating holding fixture I would just
simply rotate it on its side and get the
get the rest of the tools hooked up but
I don't I'm not able to use that so I'm
just going to put some extra long bolts
in this side of the case to hold the
case up off of this tool when I tip it
over to support it as we pull the rotor
okay so here we go we're going to tip
the tip the whole thing up on its hand
just like that so now we've got
clearance for the tool underneath and we
can get the upper tools set up to pull
the rotor up and out all right while
we've got the transaxle tipped on its
side let's take this oil sump cover off
and show you what's inside of there so
it's just a big empty trough and you can
see has one two three four five six
holes in it where fluid is going to go
out and drip down on other parts inside
of the transaxle for stator cooling and
for the ball bearing lubrication the
cover itself has that same aluminum
gasket that's not reusable also while we
have this transaxle on its end let's
turn it over and take the coolant sump
off next okay here's our coolant sump
you can see this pipe right here is
where the coolant comes in and it has to
wind back and forth back and forth and
then come back out over here the coolant
sump which is visible from the bottom of
the car with the under car cover removed
also has that same aluminum gasket
that's not not reusable why are they not
reusable I don't know maybe the aluminum
crushes these I'm going to see if I can
buy replacement gaskets at the local
Chevrolet dealer it seems like I saw a
service bulletin saying that all these
parts are serviceable now and it gave
the part numbers for them but if not
none of these are damaged it only has 35
miles on it and I'll reuse them and see
what happens
okay so coolant sump oil sump so now we
are ready to pull out the rotor assembly
so to pull out the rotor assembly we
have a guide pin it's going to come in
and screw into that dowel they had a
threaded end on it all right so this
threaded guide pin did not line up
exactly perfect with the guide pin down
below I can't tell if we're just
spinning the whole thing there we go
all right it's screwed all the way into
that alignment dowel from below now we
have this tool that has three holes that
go over the holes where the stator bolts
are so we need to remove the stator
bolts next these stator bolts are not
reusable three stator bolts so we put
this tool over the top of that we want
to be very careful that we don't damage
pry lean or set anything on the stator
windings here that could cause damage to
them so we'll get that lined up just
like that now I'm going to reposition
the camera so you can see
how tall this next tool is that fits on
here all right we have two clamshell
type tools that are going to come in and
clamp down over the resolver cam rotor
there and this bearing they're gonna go
just like that except I need to split
them apart so I can get the next tool in
it says this big tall piece right here
that's going to go over and down into
our stator bolt holes so we've got this
threaded shaft we've got this adapter
right here that these little clamshell
tools are going to hook into and then
the threaded shaft with a nut on the top
of it we're going to tighten that nut
and pull the rotor up out okay so the
tricky part of giving this hooked up is
getting both of these
clamshell tools over this lip right here
so I have to loosen the nut on the top
and let it come down let me turn this
you can see what's going on
there we go okay so we slide that open
clamp the clamshells around it put this
sleeve over the top of it to lock the
clamshell in place snug up this nut to
hold the lock in place and then from the
top here we start to pull up on the
rotor itself I'm going to get
repositioned bring my chair up a little
higher here so I can reach that nut it
takes quite a bit of turning to pull
that out okay here we go thirty
millimeter wrench we want to turn the
nut and prevent the shaft from turning
so I'm just going to hang on down here
as it comes up those guide pins the
guide dowels keep it from rubbing on the
stator frame although although there's
almost a strange ratcheting sound as I'm
pulling this out that makes me think
it's barely contacting the the stator
laminations or the rotor laminations
anyway we'll pull it out and take a look
see if we can see any witness marks you
can see the top of the rotor now is
starting to appear
I think we're finally clearing the top
of the yes we are it all of a sudden got
real easy to turn the nut so we no
longer have the magnet pulling out or
resisting us pulling out okay you can
see the entire length of the rotor here
get another bearing down below it and a
gear below that now we're supposed to
just lift up on this and and pull it out
I'm not sure if I'm strong enough I may
have to bring in the the engine hoist to
pull it out of here but it's just
sitting on these three non-magnetic
aluminum poles here and we've got the
weight of the the rotor assembly itself
I measured it earlier but I can't
remember what it is at this moment but
let's see if we can lift this up and out
though I cannot so let me get the engine
hoist we have to lift it up high enough
to clear that alignment dowel so I've
got to lift it up probably four more
inches 100 millimeters or so okay I've
never tried this before it's just a lift
strap let's bring it up
okay the lifting or the tool was getting
stuck in one of the holes for the the
stator bolts there we go
okay here we go
and we've cleared the alignment dowel so
slide the case out of the way here and
we'll let that back down
oh let's see how much that weighs it
says it weighs 60 pounds with the tool
the tools probably 10 pounds of that
okay we have to remember that this rotor
is highly magnetic very strong eight
pole magnetic field around this thing
and so we need to keep it away from
anything any metal particles or any
tools or anything else that could cost
cause it to receive damage on its
laminations here in looking at the the
laminations from removing it I don't see
any obvious damage at all there let's
let this down and take the the tool off
and just look at the rotor itself
little clamshell pieces out of there
these tools are magnet earth iron some
some sorts so we got to keep those away
from the magnetic field as you can see
these blue bars are aluminum they're not
sticking to the the rotor itself and
then plastic of course works great with
the magnetic fields so now we've just
got our rotor we've got our drive gear
down here I've got a ball bearing and
another ball bearing there's another
shim down inside the case a bigger
diameter shim for this bigger diameter
bearing all right I'm going to get some
wooden blocks to put this in all right
here's the rotor for the bolt
evie as you can see this bearing seems
to have some sort of a gray coating on
the outer race where this one does not
and on the counter gear bearings they
also have this gray coating it doesn't
say anything about what that gray
coating is for I suspect it's to prevent
corrosion from the dissimilar metals
with possible induced currents going
through them with the the motor running
vehicle going down the road I've seen
this type of coating on universal joints
in universal joint caps universal joint
caps bearing caps in an aluminum
driveshaft the same color I don't know
if it's the same material but if any of
you know what this coating is for if
you'd please put that in the comments
below I'd appreciate that
I'm just speculating okay so we've got
the rotor out of the way this is a
serviceable piece now the last piece to
remove is the stator assembly itself and
it has three special guide pins that go
into the stator bolt holes and screw
into the transaxle case and then they're
tapered on the top here and that's to
allow you to slide the stator out
without it binding inside so I'll slide
that over there rotate it down and just
pull out slightly
here it comes just like that so here's
the stator for the Chevrolet bolt Eevee
if we zoom in close and look at the
stator windings you can actually see
there are 1 2 3 rows of these hairpin
conductors which means they are 6
conductors deep in this stator and from
what I read in the SAE document on this
new improved motor that helps reduce the
AC power losses at the higher motor rpm
a typical stator like in the previous
Chevrolet Volt had 2 rows instead of 3
so they were four conductors deep in the
Chevrolet Volts and six conductors deep
here and one of the people that was on
the original design team for the
Chevrolet Volt told me that when they
designed this electric motor and it's
designed for maximum efficiency and hand
power that there was no other motor out
there that could even match the
efficiency of this motor and they said
that they designed this motor to be the
next small-block Chevrolet so to say of
power trains so the small-block
Chevrolet was and still is a very
popular very powerful v8 engine and has
been for many many years and their
intent was to have this motor design
maybe even this drive unit be in
multiple platforms with the same high
power high efficiency motor system if we
look at the other side here of the
stator windings you can see the the
other end of the hairpin conductors and
then there's a drip channel right here
for oil to come out of that oil sump and
to drip down and go down and lubricate
the stator windings because these get
really hot this is the heat source
inside of the transmission and it and
although it gets hot it doesn't get as
hot as the fluid
although the fluid gets hot it doesn't
get hot as a normal planetary gearset
style automatic transmission and the
cooling system surge tank reservoir cap
was only pressurized to 5 psi for this
loop of the cooling system so much lower
amounts of heat compared to an internal
combustion engine with a torque
converter heat generating planetary
gearset style of automatic transmission
now just a couple of things to get
wrapped up with this disassembly video
because we will reassemble it showing
the special measurements for the shims
and everything when we go back together
but one thing I wanted to show you about
these electric vehicles is how simple
they are and when I mean when I say
simple I don't mean simple design
meaning it was easy to design these
simplicity is not necessarily easy but
if we look at the number of rotating
parts in this entire drive unit
there are basically three main rotating
parts we've got the rotor assembly that
then turns the counter gear right here
that then turns the final drive three
pieces no clutch packs no bands and no
sprags no roller clutches no Pistons
none of those hundreds of parts that you
would see in a typical automatic
transmission let alone the internal
combustion engine that this is replacing
of course there are three main moving
parts these pieces here but each one has
two bearings on it so there's six more
pieces so there's nine total and then
inside of the differential here we have
two side gears and two differential
pinion gears so that makes for a total
of 13 possible moving parts inside the
of this drive unit and only when you're
turning corners would the side gears in
the differentials
be rotating at a different speed than
the differential case so a real basic
very reliable system these electric
vehicles and and this one is is very
efficient and that the design is very
compact to where this left-hand output
shaft remember goes right through the
center of the rotor instead of being
offset like on the the Nissan Leaf and
other electric vehicles out there so
congratulations to Chevrolet and the
design team that came up with this
amazing and efficient and simplistic
evie drive unit and I think it's
absolutely beautiful so coming up I hope
to shoot a reassembly video with all the
measurements for this drive unit and
then we've got all of these parts out
the drive unit all of the electronics
and our and our Chevy bolt back here on
the hoist is totally empty yeah under
the under the hood so we've got to put
that all back together and and make it
work again even the battery is out the
whole thing is stripped as far as the
powertrain is concerned and we're gonna
put that back together and and make it
work and hopefully get it converted to a
DC fast charge thank you for watching

Don't Buy Auto Parts Without Reading Our Reviews!

Don't Buy Auto Parts Without Reading Our Reviews!

Hi! I’m Matt.
If you’re like me, you like to tinker with
your car.
In fact, when my car needs any work done,
I like to take care of it myself.
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Absorbers and Fuel Pumps,
I enjoy getting my hands dirty.
The problem was, I spent a lot of money at
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I knew there had to be a better way.
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The Truth about Hydrogen

The Truth about Hydrogen

Real Engineering:

This episode of Real Engineering is brought
to you by Skillshare, home to over twenty
thousand classes that could teach you a new
life skill.
As the world grapples to eliminate fossil
fuels from our energy diet, electric cars
have seen an incredible boom over the past
few years.
Last year, over one million electric cars
were sold around the world.
The number of Nissan Leafs, Teslas, and other
electric vehicles in circulation worldwide
is now more than three million.
And while there are many brands of electric
car to choose from, there are only two choices
when it comes to powering electric vehicles:
fuel cells or batteries.
Both produce electricity to drive electric
motors, eliminating the pollution and inefficiencies
of the fossil fuel powered internal combustion
Both hydrogen and electricity for batteries
can be produced from low­ or zero ­carbon
sources, including renewable energy like solar
and wind, and therefore both are being pursued
by car manufacturers and researchers as the
possible future of electric vehicles.
However, a great debate is being waged by
supporters of each technology.
Elon Musk has called hydrogen fuel cell technology
“incredibly dumb,” claiming they’re
more of a marketing ploy for automakers than
a long-term solution.
In contrast, Japan has announced its intention
to become the world's first hydrogen society,
with the Japanese government and the auto
industry working together to introduce 160
hydrogen stations and 40,000 fuel-cell vehicles
by March 2021.
So which is actually better?
At first glance, hydrogen seems like an extremely
clever way to power a car.
Compressed hydrogen has a specific energy
(aka energy per unit mass) of neary 40,000
watt hours per kilogram.
Lithium ion batteries at best have a specific
energy of just 278 wh/kg, but most fall around
167 wh / kg.
That's 236 times as much energy per kg for
And because of its energy density and lightweight
nature, compressed hydrogen and fuel cells
can power cars for extended ranges without
adding much weight, which as we saw in our
last video is a gigantic road block for incorporating
the technology into the aviation industry.
The designers of electric vehicles are caught
in a catch 22 with energy density and range.
Each extra kilogram of battery weight to increase
range requires extra structural weight, heavier
brakes, a higher torque motor, and in turn
more batteries to carry around this extra
mass, This weight compounding limits how far
a battery powered vehicle can travel, until
new technology can help reduce the weight
of the batteries.
For hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, this weight
compounding is not an issue.
Additionally, a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle
can be refueled in under 5 minutes, where
a battery powered electric vehicle, like the
Tesla model S, takes over 3 hours to fully
When looking at the range and refuel times
hydrogen can offer, you can see why some car
manufacturers are investing in this technology.
On the face of it.
Hydrogen is a clear winner, but it falls behind
when we start considering the end-to-end production
While both batteries and hydrogen fuel cells
are both forms of electricity storage, the
cost differ drastically.
Fully charging a Tesla Model 3 with a 75 kiloWatt
hour battery, costs between 10-12 dollars
depending where you live.
With a rated range of 500 kilometers, that’s
between 2 and 2.4 cent per kilometer.
A great price.
In a previous video, I visited a petrol station
that introduced a hydrogen pump, fed by its
own on-site production facility.
which used off-peak electricity to produce
The hydrogen from this station cost $85 dollars
to fill the 5 kg tank of the Toyota Mirais
on site, which had a range of 480 kms.
That’s 17.7 cent per kilometer, 8 times
the price.
And here lies the problem, Hydrogen simply
requires more energy to produce.
To understand the economic viability of hydrogen
let’s dig deeper into the production process.
Before any hydrogen vehicle can hit the road,
you first need to produce the hydrogen, but
hydrogen is not a readily available energy
Even though hydrogen is the most abundant
element in the universe, it is usually stored
in water, hydrocarbons, such as methane, and
other organic matter.
One of the challenges of using hydrogen as
an energy storage mechanism comes from being
able to efficiently extract it from these
In the US, the majority of hydrogen is produced
through a process called steam reforming.
Steam reforming is the process of combining
high-temperature steam with natural gas to
extract hydrogen.
While steam reforming is the most common method
of industrial hydrogen production, it requires
a good deal of heat and is wildly inefficient.
Hydrogen produced by steam reforming actually
has less energy than the natural gas that
the steam reforming began with.
And while hydrogen fuel cells themselves don’t
produce pollution, this process does.
So if we want to assume a future scenario
with as little carbon emission as possible,
this method won’t cut it.
Another method to produce hydrogen is electrolysis
- separating the hydrogen out of water using
an electric current.
While the electricity needed for this process
can be provided from renewable sources, it
requires even more energy input than steam
You end up losing 30% of the energy from the
original energy put in from the renewables
when you carry out electrolysis.
So we are sitting at 70% energy efficiency
from hydrogen fuel cells if traditional electrolysis
is used, before the car even starts its engine.
A slightly more efficient method of producing
hydrogen is polymer exchange membrane electrolysis.
Using this method, energy efficiencies can
reach up to 80%, with the added benefit of
being produced on site, which we will get
to in a moment.
But this is still a 20% loss of energy from
the original electricity from the renewables.
Some experts say the efficiency of PEM electrolysis
is expected to reach 82-86% before 2030, which
is a great improvement, but still well short
of batteries charging efficiency at 99%.
[1] A 19% difference in production costs doesn’t
explain the difference in costs yet, so where
else are we losing energy.
The next hurdle in getting hydrogen fuel cell
vehicles on the road is the transport and
storage of the pure hydrogen.
If we assume the hydrogen is produced on site,
like it was for this petrol station, then
we eliminate one energy sink, but the cost
of storage is just as problematic.
Hydrogen is extremely low density as a gas
and liquid, and so in order to achieve adequate
energy density, we have to increase its actual
We can do this in two ways.
We can compress the hydrogen to 790 times
atmospheric pressure, but that takes energy,
about 13% of the total energy content of the
hydrogen itself.
Alternatively we can turn hydrogen into liquid,
The advantage of hydrogen liquefaction is
that a cryogenic hydrogen tank is much lighter
than a tank that can hold pressurized hydrogen.
But again, hydrogen's physical properties
means hydrogen is harder to liquefy than any
other gas except helium.
Hydrogen is liquified by reducing its temperature
to -253°C, with an efficiency loss of 40%,
once you factor in the added weight of the
refrigerators and the refrigeration itself.
So pressurisation is a better option at a
13% energy loss.
Once the hydrogen is produced and compressed
to a liquid or gas, a viable hydrogen infrastructure
requires that hydrogen be able to be delivered
from where it's produced to the point of end-use,
such as a vehicle refueling station.
Where the hydrogen is produced can have a
big impact on the cost and best method of
For example, a large, centrally located hydrogen
production facility can produce hydrogen at
a lower cost because it is producing more,
but it costs more to deliver the hydrogen
because the point of use is farther away.
In comparison, distributed production facilities
produce hydrogen on site so delivery costs
are relatively low, but the cost to produce
the hydrogen is likely to be higher because
production volumes are less.
While there are some small-scale, on-site
hydrogen production facilities being installed
at refuelling pumps, such as the station mentioned
in the last hydrogen video.
until this infrastructure is widespread, we
have to assume that the majority of hydrogen
is being transported by truck or pipeline,
where we know that energy losses can range
from 10% up to 40%.
In comparison, assuming that the electricity
that we use for charging the batteries comes
completely from renewable resources (like
solar or wind), we just have to consider the
transmission losses in the grid.
Using the United States grid as a reference
for typical grid losses, the average loss
is only 5%.
So in the best case scenario for hydrogen,
using the most efficient means of production
and transport, we lose 20% of energy during
PEM electrolysis, and around 13% for compression
and storage, amounting to a 33% loss.
In other systems, this could be as much as
For battery power, up to this point, we have
lost just 6% to the grid and recharging.
Bringing our best case efficiency difference
to 27% and our worst case to 50%.
The next stage of powering electric vehicles
is what is called the tank to wheel conversion
For hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, once the
hydrogen is in the tank, it must be re-converted
into electric power.
This is done via a fuel cell, which essentially
works like a PEM electrolyser, but in reverse.
In a PEM fuel cell, hydrogen gas flows through
channels to the anode, where a catalyst causes
the hydrogen molecules to separate into protons
and electrons.
Once again the membrane only allows protons
to pass through it, while electrons flow through
an external circuit to the cathode.This flow
of electrons is the electricity that is used
to power the vehicles electric motors.
If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen,
it has the potential to be up to around 60%
efficient, with most of the wasted energy
lost to heat.
Like hydrogen fuel cells, batteries also come
with inefficiencies and energy losses.
The grid provides AC current while the batteries
store the charge in DC.
So to convert AC to DC, we need a charger.
Using the Tesla Model S as an example, its
peak charger efficiency is around 92%.
The Tesla model S runs on AC motors; therefore,
to convert the DC current supplied by the
batteries into AC current, an inverter has
to be used with an efficiency of roughly 90%.
Additionally, lithium ion batteries can lose
energy due to leakage.
A good estimate for the charging efficiency
of a lithium ion battery is 90%.
All of these factors combined lead to a total
efficiency of around 75%.
However, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles also
have some of these same inefficiencies.
Any kind of electrolysis requires DC current,
and therefore, a rectifier will be required
to convert the AC current from the grid to
The conversion efficiency here is 92%.
We also need to convert the DC current produced
by the fuel cell to AC to power the motor
through an inverter with an efficiency of
Finally, the efficiency of the motor must
be considered for both fuel cell and battery
powered vehicles.
Currently, this is around 90-95% for both
of them, which is amazing when you consider
that internal combustion engines running on
petrol have an efficiency of only around 20-30%.
If we add up all these inefficiencies and
compare current generation batteries, to the
best and worst case scenario of current gen
We can see how they measure up.
Even with the BEST case scenario.
Not taking into account any transport due
to onsite production, and assuming very high
electrolysis efficiency of 80%, and assuming
a HIGH fuel cell efficiency of 80%, hydrogen
still comes out at less than half the efficiency.
The worst case scenario is even worse off.
So while you may be able to go further on
one fill-up of hydrogen in your fuel cell
vehicle over a battery powered electric vehicle,
the cost that is needed to deliver that one
fill up would be astronomically higher compared
to charging batteries due to these energy
losses and efficiencies.
Based on our worst case scenario, we would
expect the cost per kilometre to be about
3.5 times greater for hydrogen, but as we
saw earlier it’s actual 8 times the price.
So additional costs of production unrelated
to efficiencies are obviously at play.
The cost of construction of the facility is
one and the profit the station will take from
sale is another.
For now, these inefficiencies and costs are
driving the market, where most investment
and research is going into battery powered
electric vehicles.
So which wins?
Both are equally more green than internal
combustion engines, assuming equal renewable
resources are used to power them.
Fuel cells allow for fast fill up times and
long ranges; a big advantage.
But battery powered vehicles might catch up
in range by the time there are enough hydrogen
stations to ever make fuel cell vehicles viable.
While fuel cells are efficient relative to
combustion engines, they are not as efficient
as batteries.
They may make more sense for operation disconnected
from the grid or as we saw in our last video
using hydrogen for planes actually could make
a lot of sense, but once again that’s a
topic for another video.
For now, battery powered electric vehicles
seem to be the sensible choice going forward
in the quest for pollution free consumer transport.
As battery-powered cars become more common,
we’re also starting to see self-driving
cars become the norm.
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We needed to rethink our strategy for branding,
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As usual thanks for watching and thank you
to all my Patreon supporters.
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of this video on my instagram stories, so
if you are interested in having some questions
answered the link for that is belo

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