Chevrolet Kalos 2007 Problems

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2006 Chevy Aveo Repairs

2006 Chevy Aveo Repairs

Easy Auto Repairs:

This is my 2006 Chevy Aveo and it just
clicked over to 54,000 miles. Its still in
nice condition. We been doing a little
work on this car come on Bryant let's
show them the engine.
Our valve cover gasket went out and no
one (at the garage) told us about it. We took it to a shop
they didn't diagnose the problem correct
two times. And it was a winter time and it
was too cold for us to get out and work
on it. That's why we took it to the shop
and we drove it just a little too far
with a bad valve cover gasket and ended
up messing up the catalytic converter
and it blew out the EGR housing and it
blew the EGR tube out. We had to replace
all of that. And here lately we've been
working on the car and
we replaced these two hoses. The main
hose off the intake. This hose here they
were like $11 for both of them. And then
this hose here went bad on us. Its these
little connectors right here, they break.
And they get old and break all of these
connectors did that. And If your car you're
pressing gas on your car won't go
anywhere replace this one. You get a code
saying your intake manifolds bad. Check
this hose right here and the EGR hose (tube).
This makes the second one that we've had
to replace. And if this got cracks in it you
can smell exhaust really bad. If this
gets us crack in it over here. So your
nose can be your best friend. To tell you
if there's exhaust coming from around
this area suspect this EGR tube. But yeah
we got to run a really really good now.
hopefully will stay that way for quite a
while. And she's purring like a kitty cat.
but we all got her all back together and
we even got a new battery the other day
so hopefully were gonna be ok for
quite a while. Alright. Thanks everybody
good luck with your Aveo.

Chevy Aveo Idle RPMs

Chevy Aveo  Idle RPMs

Easy Auto Repairs:

Hello everybody! I just wanted to do a little video
and show people what my car idles at. just, I mean just in case anybody was wondering.
Here is what it shows
Okay, and right now my car it always runs
at this many rpms, when it's running really good.
I don't know about anybody else's but that's right where mine runs when it's running really good.
All right. Well, I just wanted to show everyone
My rpms on my a 06 Chevy Aveo. Thank you so much, Bye Thanks for watching! Subcribe for new videos.

How To - Fix Vauxhall / Opel Gear Box Linkage Fault, Repair Replace And Set Up

How To - Fix Vauxhall / Opel Gear Box Linkage Fault, Repair Replace And Set Up


this is my wifes
Meriva 1.8
I petrol and she seems to have lost
the gears really, you see its really loose and floppy
there is nothing there when you move the gear lever across
Reverse is actually third now
its just
so much free play
so i'm going to take look at it now but it's a
classic sign that the gear linkage
is worn or broken, now I have had a quick look
it's not broken so its just worn out really
so I have purchased this
this one which is the new linkage
It cost me £30
of ebay and it's the modified one as
you can get them for about £15 with the plastic arm
there which is the standard plastic arm
I paid £27 I think it was actually. Twenty seven
pounds and
for the one with the modified arm. you can get
service kits for about 6 or 7 quid which
includes all the plastic bushings
and circlips
things like that but that means stripping all of this
and changing them over so to save myself some time
I just bought a brand new one and I have gone for the one with
the modified metal linkage
OK this should be possible from top
without getting underneath the car
but we will soon find out, so what I have got to do
is basically undo this nut from underneath
normally an allan key just underneath it there, I have got to undo that
remove this "top hat" of the center pivot there, that just clips off
And then get the spring pin out of here
Pull it through, Un clip it from underneath and then pull it through
that's all I have got to do, but where it is
If you have a quick look at the engine
Well, its right down there
and you cant really see. You can get into it
But trying to show you what's going on it's
gonna be a nightmare
I have got the torch but it still does not help allot
The nut is there, you can just see it there
I have got to get to the underneath of that nut
Then we have got to get that plastic retaining cap off there
and then if you can see it, you can just about see
the other end of the linkage which is there
I have got to try and remove that pin, Pull it out from the top
so what I have got to do is, there is a little spring clip
and I will try and show you later when I get it out what you have got to do
there is a little spring clip underneath the bottom end of that pin
and you have to try and hold that spring in whilst pulling the top end of the pin out.
so as you can see
access is very tight but you can get your hand in just about
and I cant really video it whilst I'm doing it because
well you wont see anything because by the time I have got my hands in there
Well you cant see what I am doing. So that's explaining what I am going to do
Once I have taken it off I will show you
the split pin, I am not sure of the correct name for it
actually but when I have taken it off I will show you that pin, and that is the awkward bit
if you can reach the other bits it is just a nut and a clip
but that pin is
very fiddly, simple in theory
but very fiddly to get out because you have to use two hands down there
to get to it
I have taken the old linkage off and
replaced it with the new one which you can just about see down there
I will shine my torch down there and you might see it a bit better

There is the new linkage, which I have just put on
I could not realy show me fitting it
actually because by the time I had put my arm in
you could not see what I was doing so I just had to change it
but it's fairly straightforward but all we have got to do do now
now that we have fitted the new one is we have got to set it up so that the gears are all in the correct positions
which is fairly simple and I'm
just going to show you how to do that next
The first thing to do to set up the new linkage
is to make sure you leave the bolt
from the gear lever shaft loose
and then you
wobble the linkage a bit you cant really see what I am doing but if you wobble the linkage a bit
whilst pressing in that spring-loaded
button there, that will stay in
when it is in the correct position. Once that stays in
you need to go into the car.
inside car just lift the gear lever gator up
and inside here
i don't know whether you can see it, its difficult with this camera but
there is a hole there, about a 5mm hole
and there is a whole there. And all you have to do
is line them up and then drop
a screwdriver, a small pozi screwdriver or
down that hole to hold them in position. And then we go back under the bonnet

Back under the bonnet and just make sure
that the plunger has stayed in and has not come out, if it's still in
all you need to do is tighten that bolt up again, the one that connects to the gear lever shaft
Just tighten that up
and thats done. Wiggle the gear lever
and that plunger will then
pop out and everything should be fine
the gears are now all in the correct positions. And that is it.

How to Reset Your Car’s Computer, Old School Scotty Kilmer

How to Reset Your Car’s Computer, Old School Scotty Kilmer

Scotty Kilmer:

before I started my youtube channel
eleven years ago, I used to do a TV gig
yes it was called crank it up, here's one
of my old shirts don't make fun of the
name, I did that on CBS TV for a couple
of decades and people are saying Scotty
ever happened to those old videos you
did well, I dug around in my messy garage
and found a bunch of these old videos, so
here's some old school Scotty, Scotty
I'm getting some readings that something
is wrong, well Hal let's check it out
now your car's computer me and I do
everything that Hal does but if it
malfunctions, you may end up walking, your
car's computer has a lot in common
with your home computer and if your home
computer has a problem a lot of times
you can just turn it off and then when
you restart it, hey it can be fine but
your car's computer doesn't work that
way, when you turn the key off the
computer still has power, so here's how
you can reset your car's computer, here's
how you can disconnect the power to the
computer, just get a wrench and loosen
the negative battery terminal then pull
it off, that disconnects the power then
turn the headlight switch on, of course
the headlights won't come on but here's
what's happening,
there's capacitors in some of these
computers and that will drain all the
electricity out of them, so they'll go
back to their original format, you should
wait four or five minutes so all the
electricity is drained, then just get the
negative terminal and bolt it back on
now, comes the tricky part,
the computer has got to relearn, so start
the vehicle and put it in neutral, let it
run for about four minutes in neutral,
then you put it in the low gear, not
drive but low gear, leave your foot on
the brake and run it for four minutes
again, then you need to take the car for
a drive, you need to drive about 20
minutes at speeds over 35 miles an hour
but if your computer is bad and you have
to replace it, here's a money saving tip
it used to be that you can only go to a
dealer to get a late-model computer
replaced, because they were the only ones
that could reprogram the new style
computers, but now there's companies like
Cardone that sell a ready program
that you can plug right into your
vehicle, so if your computer is giving
you a hard time, open the pod bay doors
Hal, I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't
do that, now you know what to do if your
computer is acting up, this is Scotty
Kilmer helping you crank it up, so if you
never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring that

Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 Ace,airco,5 drs, cv , nw APK.

Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 Ace,airco,5 drs, cv , nw APK.


Shifter Stuck In Park - It Was A SIMPLE Fuse

Shifter Stuck In Park - It Was A SIMPLE Fuse


I have a shifter that is not able to get
out of park and I'm today I'm going to
show you how to temporarily fix this and
then permanently fix it
actually get to the root cause of the
problem so here this is my 1999 Toyota
4runner and the only way I could get my
shifter out of park is pressing this
white tap here and I think most SUVs and
trucks have this mechanism that if your
shifter gets stuck you are able to press
a tab or something to be able to move it
back and forth so once I got it out of
park I was able to move it in different
in the different automatic gears but on
in my case the cruise control also
started to stop working as well I press
the button and the cruise would just
flash on and off and then it wouldn't
work when I was driving as well then one

more thing happened as well only the
daytime lights would run and the the
brake lights wouldn't work I was
thinking maybe it was a bulb at least in
this case but when I pressed the brakes
the brakes didn't it didn't actually
didn't turn on so I'm thinking well what
do all three of these things have in
common but we're looking at this thing
right here and it's called the brake
light switch this thing right here and
it's called the brake light switch or or
the brake switch now there's this little
black knob right here that when you
press the brake it compresses in and out
I was thinking well this probably has
something to do with the cruise control
the backup lights and I was thinking
well this probably has something to do
with the cruise control the backup
lights and the shifting all at one time
because when you press the brake all
these things need to be able to work off
of this brake switch so I said well
let's go ahead and just change this
brake switch it's a easy cheap part
about twenty dollars
and here it is it's a simple mechanism a
simple fix it just has an electrical
connector as well as a nut that you have
to screw on and off so I went back
underneath the dash and I removed the
electrical connector off of the old
brakes which moved it to the side and
then had to take off this nut right here
I just matched it up made sure it was
the same length and everything and it
looked like it was so I thought I was
good to go right so I cracked the nut
off and then spun it off by hand and
then you simply just twist the brake
switch out of the housing and then there
you go and then I compared my brakes
which made sure that it was the same
style electrical connection as well as
the length as well
the only difference I saw was the color
and I didn't think this was going to
matter so I took the new brake switch
and then I put it back in and I made
sure that the travel distance was able
to compress the little white knob at the
top I went ahead and screwed it all the
way in that I could took my wrench and
tighten up the nut and then I attached
my electrical connector once I felt that
everything was in place and tight I went
ahead and tried to shift and the shifter
didn't work so after a little bit of
research online I was noticing that
there was two different style of brake
switches and I was wondering why mine
was a different color so I went and got
one that was under the conditions of
adaptive cruise control I think the one
that I got was without cruise control so
I'm thinking that the electrical system
didn't recognize it so I went and got a
new brake switch that matched in color
and I attached it up attached electrical
connector screwed it in tighten down the
nut and then again I tried to shift my
knob and it again didn't shift so after
this point I was getting a little bit
frustrated I was thinking well maybe
it's a new electrical component maybe I
have to
detach the battery for a couple minutes
put it back on and then try it again and
the shifter didn't work so at this point
I'm getting pretty frustrated I had I
had actually had somebody already
checked the fuses so I went ahead and
checked them again myself I went online
found a fuse diagram and I found the
fuse that actually connected all three
of those pieces that were broken and I
found that the fuse was actually broken
so if you remember is my cruise control
my shifter knob and my brake lights this
fuse had in common all three of those
things I went out and got it new pack of
fuses went ahead and put a new fuse in
pushed it in made sure it was snug and
then I put the cover plate back on and
then wouldn't you know it shifted
without having to press the white tab I
just wanted to double-check everything
make sure everything worked the cruise
control was no longer flashing and since
then I've been able to drive with cruise
and then all three of the brake lights
worked again
so there you go a simple fix to be able
to get your shifter knob unstuck now I
want you to go down into the comments
and let me know if there's anything else
that along with your shifter knob has
stopped working in your car now here in
this 1999 Toyota 4runner we had the
cruise control and the brake light to go
out as well so if your shifter knob is
stuck you might have some other things
broken that you want to check out as
well and then look online a fuse diagram
to be able to know what else is
connected to the same circuit as your
shift or not find that fuse replace it
and then you should be good to go this
is Auto a domitor don't forget to like
the video and subscribe and thanks for

1.6 Ecotec Thermostat Replacement - Aveo, G3, Swift

1.6 Ecotec Thermostat Replacement - Aveo, G3, Swift

Lehew Tech:

what's going on guys I've got a 2009
Chevy Aveo it's got the 1.6 liter Ecotec
engine and I'm gonna be replacing the
thermostat today I'm doing this because

it's got a stored code
p0128 which means that the
coolant temperatures not getting hot
enough so most likely the thermostat is
stuck open. so in order to do this you're
going to need a new thermostat which
I've got here some sort of drain pan
under the car to catch the coolant you
will need a Torx a 10 and a 10
millimeter and a flathead screwdriver
so the first step I'm gonna start by
disconnecting the temperature sensor on
the top and in order to do that you just
squeeze the connector there and we get
that out of the way
I think I'm yeah I'm gonna go ahead and
remove this I guess that's a cam
position sensor I'm gonna go ahead and
disconnect that as well in order for me
to get to the sensor just a little bit
better yeah
now with the electrical stuff out of the
way I'm going to loosen this clamp, you may
have a spring style clamp on here I do
this first because once I unbolt the
thermostat it'll be hard to separate the
hose from it and a bunch of coolant is
going to come out which is what my drain
pans for so now we loosen the four bolts
that secure the thermostat to the
plastic housing
when you loosen these you want to push
you want to push the tool into the head
to prevent it from stripping all right
I've got everything loosened
I'm going to pull the bottom bolts out
I believe this parts been replaced
before definitely doesn't look factory
in fact it says Motorrad on the top
which is the same brand of thermoset
that I'm installing hopefully this new
thermostat proves to hold up a little
longer so yeah like I said I'm doing
this because of aP0128 code now
just because you have that code doesn't
mean you should replace your thermostat
the first thing you should do if you see
that is check your coolant level if your
coolant is super low till to the point
where none of the coolant even reaching
the temperature sensor you can make it
read low even though it's actually too
hot there we go pick out the final bolt
out now in order to separate this I'm
just going to grab it and yank straight
out make sure the thermostat comes out
with it
that's easy enough
now my surface looks good
now from here it's basically just the
opposite of everything I filmed so far
got the bolts all tightened up so now
I'm gonna reinstall all the electrical
all right
now once I tighten this down I can top
off the coin I'm gonna let it run a
while with the cap off generally what I
do when I replace thermostats is I run
them with the radiator cap off until I
have the heat on on the inside of the
vehicle and when I actually feel heat
coming out of the vents that's telling
me that the thermostats most likely
opened continuously top off the fluid
some cars have special leaders that you
have to open up this is not one of those
cars but I've got a 50/50 mix
we've got a 50/50 mix of coolant and
distilled water
hey can you start this for me
leave it running
might be due for a flush
yeah that's about it I'm gonna let it
run for a while try to get the air
bubbles out before I take it on a test
drive and use the scan tool to make sure
that the coolant temperature gets to
where it needs to be but yeah let me
know down in the comments if you have
any questions

ABS Light Stays On, What To Do?

ABS Light Stays On, What To Do?

Scotty Kilmer:

one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
today I'm going to show you what to do
if your ABS brake light comes on, now
practically all modern cars have
anti-lock brake systems or ABS, and when
the light comes on if you're driving, it
means there's a problem, and a code is
stored inside the computer, here's how
the system works, when you're driving and
you step on the brake hard, the ABS
system prevents the wheels from locking
up and then skidding on the road, all the
wheels have sensors on them, that tell
the computer what the speed of each
wheel is, and if the computer ABS system
sees that one wheel has stopped moving,
and the other wheels are moving, it will
pulse the brake on the wheel that's
skidding, so that it won't skid anymore,
in theory it's a simple system, but of
course it's all run by computers, so in
order to figure out what's wrong, you
have to have a fancy computer like this,
but for your own peace of mind, these ABS
systems are fail-safe, so if your ABS
light comes on and your abs system isn't
working anymore, it reverts to normal non
ABS brakes, and
I've been driving my old cars for years
without ABS brakes, so it doesn't mean
that much to me, and I live in Houston so

we don't get much snow and ice, so I dont have to
worry about skidding on snow and ice
very often, maybe four times in the last
40 years, but if you want to figure out
what's wrong with the ABS, you get one of
these stand tools I have someone who has
one, plug it into the dash, and as you can
see it's found a fault in the ABS system,
it found a trouble code, it has an open or
short in the ABS solenoid relay circuit,
now without such a scan tool, you're
never going to figure out what's wrong, so
you got to have one, or pay a guy that
has one, to analyze such ABS problems, and
I have to admit that I cheated here,
because the ABS in his Lexus, I've
never seen one actually break unless it
was in a wreck or a flood,
I pulled the fuse for the relay and
that's why the light came on, now if it
had been a more complex problem, check
out all the information this thing can
go through, it can go through a lot of
testing, a wheel speed sensor was bad,
it'll show you that it's not showing
speed, while the other ones do, you can do
all kinds of tests with one of these
machines, but you can't do it without it,
and sometimes it's super expensive
parts, like this abs modulator that can
be more than $1,600,
but as I said earlier, they are fail-safe
systems, when the system stops working it
goes back to normal non ABS braking, so
if it comes on while you're driving on
a road, you don't have to stop driving the car,
if it's snowy and icy, you got to be a
lot more careful, but you can still drive
the car, so now you know what it means
when your ABS light comes on, instead of
freaking out, use a little knowledge to
understand what's going on, and remember
if you have car questions just visit the
Scotty Kilmer channel.

How to unlock a car door without keys, the easy way.

How to unlock a car door without keys, the easy way.


hey guys back with another quick video
here I just thought I'd show you the
quickest way that I found to unlock a
car door if you've got your keys locked
inside and you need to get your car door
unlocked this is the quickest and
easiest way that I have found this
particular tool that i'ma show you is
fairly inexpensive it can be bought
online in fact I will put a link down
below in the video description where you
can find it this is a 2015 Dodge Ram
1500 pickup and it's got the vertical
locks here and I'm gonna use this airbag
this particular airbag that's made by
access tools they could be found online
you know various places and they just
get a little bit started there and I'm
gonna throw another one in there just
for good measure and this is basically
the same thing it's just a hair bigger
get it in there and if you don't have
those air bags you can use these wedges
plastic wedges they're sold in various
places all over the internet there's
another one here that's this one this
particular one is called a one-hand Jack
anyway you could use I mean if you're
working on a vehicle that you don't care
about you could use a wedge-shaped piece
of 2x4 lumber you could use a
screwdriver if you don't care about it
but anyway this is the tool and it's
made by access tools I believe it's
called the remote control button master
and when I pull the handle here you see
how the cable comes in and out when I
pull the handle it's just a matter of
pulling the handle in and out and it
tightens up that noose on the end and
you just go in here takes a second to
get in kind of fudge it between the
weather stripping
sometimes a little bit difficult to get
believe oh I haven't waited list I went
out yet okay so sometimes it takes just
a second to get behind the
weatherstripping there and all you got
to do is just find the right angle and
the curvature of the tool basically see
what I'm doing there I'm tightening up
that newest lift up on the door lock
pull the tool back out and then of
course if you can't always make sure you
get the airbags removed out of the door
that relieves any pressure on the door
latch and then doors open just like that
now if I wasn't explaining this job I
could probably open this trunk in about
15 seconds I mean it's really compared
to the old slim jim days this is it now
granted this only works on tools that
have are on cars that have a vertical
lock the locks that go up and down like
that on the door panel
obviously if it's if it's way down here
inside the door it requires a different
tool but I have found that a lot of cars
you know had that style locks years ago
and they never really went away that
particular style lock is very common
even on today's newer cars these
vertical locks so this tool here is very
handy to have they're very inexpensive I
think they're under $40 and like I said
I'll put a link down below in the video
description of where you can find it and
as always thanks for watching be sure
you like share and subscribe watch for
more videos thanks

No Start, Engine Cranks Okay, Troubleshooting With Basic Tools (No Power to Injectors)

No Start, Engine Cranks Okay, Troubleshooting With Basic Tools (No Power to Injectors)


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