Are Chevrolet Cars Good

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I Can’t Believe I Said This About Chevy

I Can’t Believe I Said This About Chevy

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
g garner says Scotty what do you
think of the chevy cobalt 4-cylinder not
much okay not for a small engine it puts
out a decent amount of power yes they
don't hold up over time the whole car
itself is a pile of junk and it doesn't
hold up over time if you want to get a
small car that's got some zip and it's
gonna last a long time go buy a Toyota or
Honda they run circles around those
things but on the other hand I always
want to tell people you got options
let's say you're gonna buy you used one
you can pick those things up for down to
nothing and if you don't mind driving
around one if you get it so cheap for
$1,000 $1,500 and it still runs and
shifts okay and it lasts a while now
you're making out okay I mean in a long
run now it's not a good decision but if
you can get one cheap enough what the
heck you're never gonna get a good
Toyota or Honda cheap because everybody
knows they're good cars and they go for
a lot of money use but those things they
got bad reputation for various good
reasons but you can get them dirt cheap
I've had customers buy those old sandals
for $1000 and driving for four or five
years and maybe spend five six hundred
bucks with me fixing them over four
years that's perfectly fine form you
know on their ugly looking cars and
those particularly ones that bashes on
them so they got then real cheap but if
you want a knock around car something like
that could be okay if you get a dirt
cheap but just don't think it's gonna
last forever
and you're gonna be able to drive it for
twenty thirty thousand miles a year and
drive it for years that's not gonna happen
Nick 20s says Scotty what are your
thoughts on discount gasoline sold
Costco Kroger and kwiki gasoline any
good okay every gasoline sold in the
United States has to meet certain
minimum standards its law and generally
in each area there's all you want to
supply or gasoline all the other
companies buy it like shell is the
largest refinery in the world the last
time I checked so a lot of the gasoline
is refined by shell and then say if you
buy Exxon gasoline in your area if shell
made the gasoline your buying shell gas
and the only difference does Exxon is
putting their protect
and it is on top of it and dying at the
color that they want their gasoline to
look so you know it's not like you got
a wide choice it where the actual
gas things coming from anyways it's the
same thing with batteries there's only a
handful of battery manufacturers left
over in the United States so even though
there's 40 different brands if there's
only three companies making them the
brand doesn't really mean up that much
you gotta find out who's making that
brand for gasoline in most areas same
company making all of it,
trade be hey from Canada I got an 06 5
speed manual Volkswagen Jetta 1.9 TDI
with 173 thousand miles on it
hey you're in Canada you're supposed to
say kilometres I'm wondering should I
sell it before it has engine problems or
hold on to it I got a new timing belt
and clutch I change the oil every 5,000
miles and do highway driving what the
heck drive it it's worth very little
with that mileage on it and being 14
years old and you never know I've seen
some of those things with 300,000 miles
on I just say drive it till the wheel
falls off cuz if you try selling up now
you're gonna get nothing for the vehicle
what the heck there's Scotty telling you
to keep a VW that's a rarity I
believe me but it's a standard
transmission it's a diesel it runs just
keep driving it chains and you never
know how long this thing's gonna last
let's you're gonna get much worried if
you sell it and what the heck up you get
years more out of it you're making out
like a bandit, ronald regan, gee I thought
he was dead
hey Scotty my daughter's 2010 Ford
Focus started cranking by a few
seconds normally it starts right up
tried to spray cleaner remedies and it's
slightly better but still randomly
cranks longer does the cleaning helped
of course try it again now if it still
doesn't change the fuel filter first
since the fuel filter gets clogged it'll
do that that doesn't do it
pressure test a fuel pump now you always
have to change the fuel filter and a ten
year old car before you price your test
the fuel pump because if the fuel
filters clogged up you're gonna get
false readings well why don't you change
the filter if that doesn't fix it then
test the fuel pump pressure and if it's low
replace it, it mean design its way out
which is typical when they get to be 10
years old like that it could just be
that the fuel pump is starting to go out
from old age they're electric pumps
after a while they wear out just like
anything else does, flabo I'm cleaning out
my dad's old
garage I found tons of old new stock 62
Ford parts and several cases of oil
transmission fluid in the old metal case
is dated 1971 is that me this oil still
good I mean you might want to use it for
a lawn mower or something if you wanted but
don't do that either,
put in on ebay people collect
stuff like that you won't believe what
people sometimes will pay for these old
cans with the old oil in them and even
the old 1962 Ford parts put it on eBay
you never know what people are gonna bid
for these days and those old metal cans
that they don't make anymore
those are collectors items lots of guys
have museums they want that stuff and
they pay a pretty penny for it why use
it for oil they can get for two dollars
a quart when you don't know what you're
gonna get for that stuff when it's that
old and this is the original can people
collect all kinds of weird stuff these
days they might give some pretty good
money for that stuff so I put it on eBay
if I were you, honest mechanic Scotty my
grandpa's a 69 Firebird 400 hasn't run
in 20 years I want a surprise I'm
getting it run I know I need a battery
plugs tires and brake fluid there I also
need new fuel lines and brake hose lines
what else do I need you want to check
anything that's rubber to see if it's
cracked and stuff cuz you don't want to
be on safe but of course yes to be
perfectly safe you'd have to do the
whole car all the rubber stuff and
that's an awful lot of money so you're
gonna want to clean the gas tank out
there's probably crowd in it putting in
fuel and change the fuel filter I
changed the coolant and you know why all
transmission fluid and then see what
happens because you don't want to go too
far until you see that it's running and
that it's going good once you do all
that don't give it a grandpa drive it
for you know 10 15 20 miles and see if
there's anything that's leaking if
anything's not working correctly and
then kind of go from there because when
you get an old vehicle like that I mean
it's a 69 you kind of restore it
gradually if it's gonna be kind of a toy
car the original equipment cost a
fortune to do and most people aren't
gonna do that you want to make it a safe
car do what I said and then drive it
around for you know 20 30 40 miles and
see how it feels and then
from there, so if you never want to miss
another one of my new car repair videos
remember to ring that Bell

Here's What I Think About the Chevy Impala in 1 Minute

Here's What I Think About the Chevy Impala in 1 Minute

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
the pillow mafia says, is it bad that I
prefer the Chevy Impala over Toyota
Avalon and Ford Taurus, well just means
what you mean by bad and how you drive
now you're never gonna get the mileage
out of a Chevy Impala that you will with
a Toyota Avalon, it will fall apart long
before the Toyota, and the Ford Taurus
they were up in the air cars, some years
were excellent, some were pieces of junk
so I mean the Toyotas are so much
better made, now if you have an Impala
and if you drive conservatively, and you
don't put a lot of miles on it, it might
last for years, but customers that I've
had with Impalas, once they had a hundred
thousand miles, generally they started to
fall apart if it was city driving and
they weren't happy, the transmissions
went out, or the engines blew head
gaskets, or the air conditioning
compressor blew up, they really weren't
happy with the cars in the long run, but
if you drive low mileage, no car should
fall apart if you don't put many miles
on it, so if you never want to miss
another one of my new car repair videos,
remember to ring that Bell!

Here’s Why Chevy Silverados are Crap

Here’s Why Chevy Silverados are Crap

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
GM has a lawsuit against them now saying
that they were selling diesel pickup
trucks in the United States they
couldn't run correctly on American fuel
it turns out that a bunch of them had
Bosch German fuel pumps refined slightly
differently so people are saying that
it's wearing the fuel pumps out the fuel
pumps are throwing metal shavings into
the fuel injection system and destroying them
of course GM denies all this stuff I
mean they seem to deny everything they
denied that ignition switch thing where
they even changed the number of the
ignition switch replacement parts so
people wouldn't notice that the old ones
were designed wrong and then they got
sued and then they had to pay out a
bunch of money for that stuff that they
were doing and now they're claiming that
oh no that's not the case well I mean if
people are having problems what only
time is gonna tell us what happened I
think it's got the interest soon yeah
they couldn't even design their own fuel
pumps they're buying the German fuel
pumps and they didn't even probably
think before they put them in the vehicles,
jackie says Scotty what would be a
great first car for about two grand if
you want reliability get an old Corolla
or an old camry,
now for two grand its odds are it's
gonna be pretty old you don't get much
for two grand these day two grand today
is equivalent to when I was a kid to a
hundred dollar car and usually can't get
much for a $100 car, do the old trick
that I've always told people do you're
gonna pay that much money for a car get
one with a paint's peeling off they
don't have any value when the paint's
peeling off and then if you really care
go to one of those places like Earl
Scheib that'll paint a car when they're
gonna sale for 250 bucks or one that's
got bashed in founders it still works
good but when they look bad to go for a
lot less money, sing says
all wheel drive or front wheel drive or
rear wheel drive for a winter all-wheel
drive works better than waiting at all
the wheels driving but do you really
need that much as an example my mother's
92 she still lives in Agra Falls she
drives two Toyota Corolla front-wheel
drive car in the snow doesn't you put
snow tires on they plow the roads in
Niagara Falls and she never has any
problems now if you going skiing and
mountains and stuff all-wheel drive is
much better
front-wheel drive is pretty good and of
course rear-wheel drive is the worst for snow
you spin around it turns out that
vehicles are more controllable if you
pull them rather than push them so with
front-wheel drive you got better snow
control and rear-wheel drive because
you're pulling instead of pushing but if
you live where they plow the roads you
don't care one way or another most guys
are front-wheel drive these days anyways
clam dick said why shouldn't you use
full synthetic on an engine at state
semi synthetic 97 Ford Puma you could if
you would have from the very beginning
but my advice to people and I engineers
have argued this back and forth with me
but I don't care I've seen it happen you
have an engine that you've been using
regular oil or semi synthetic oil and
you switch to full synthetic oil and
it's been using the other oil for a long
time a lot of times they'll either start
burning or leaking oil because the full
synthetic oil flows better it's thinner
and a lot of times it'll leak or burn a
lot sometimes the engines start making
noises if you start it out with it you
generally don't have that problem but I
would just leave it alone today if you
want to buy a new car and put full
synthetic go right ahead but don't
switch after it's had a hundred thousand
miles of some other type of oil,
Jacob Roger says Scotty I got a 98
Chevy s10 with a locked up 4 cylinder
can it be unlocked if your engine's
locked up it means it has internal
problems and odds are you're gonna have
to take it all apart and rebuild it or
that old clunker try to find a used
engine from a junkyard and put in it if
you want to try you can get a long
extension bar in a socket put it on the
front crank pulley bolt try turn it back
and forth and back and forth and if you
can break it loose say take the spark
plugs out and put oil in them leave the
spark plugs out with oil in the holes if
you can break it loose maybe you can get
it running again who knows I've done
that some times in the past
Donald says how often should you change
brake fluid love your channel all your
information and tips I personally have
had Toyotas that had 250,000 miles on I
never changed the brake fluid and never
had to change anything but the brake
pads the cylinders didn't leak but on
the other hand if you got some piece of
junk like a Chrysler
I changed the fluid none have them every
four or five years they're not made that
well and they will absorb a lot a lot of
a prett have problem if you really want
to see if yours is any good there are
tests that we make
do we have little machines a test for
the percentage of water in them and the
percentage of copper because a lot of
times the copper from the lines will
infiltrate into it it won't work as well
so it can be tested if you got an honest
mechanic he can tested for you tell if
it's good or not
Rossler go says Scotty my 2010 corolla
tire spin when I hit a bump okay if you
get spinning tires half the time it's
just the tires are worn out or they're
crappy tires if you buy crappy tires if
the rubber isn't soft enough it's too
hard it will actually spin you hit a
bump and hits and it spins because it's
too hard and it slips you want to have
tires that are reasonably soft so they
grip if you're watching those car races
you might think tires in those car races
they're changing them every 110 miles
cuz they're so soft and they're going so
fast that they just erased themselves
going around a track at that speed and
at that temperature
you don't want tires that last 150 miles
but you don't want really hard ones to
skip check the tires first if it's not
the tires generally it's the shocks wearing
out and then they're bouncing and
slipping after you hit a bump, Jeremy
says what do you think of body kits well
if you wanna make your car look tougher
go ahead and bolt or not it doesn't you
know generally affect how they run or
anything problem I see with them I see a
lot of kids that put body kits on these
Honda Civics they put them way too low
and then the pieces get ripped off every
time to go over a speed bump or they hit
something and pieces come flying off,
do whatever you want it's your car I
personally think hey the way they're
made is good enough for me there are
transportation devices you know and
motorcycles generally my thing with them
is naked take everything off of them
except the motor and wheels so I don't want
anybody on them at all
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

The Truth About the New Chevy Cruze, Buyer Beware

The Truth About the New Chevy Cruze, Buyer Beware

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines, Kenneth case of
I really like my 2017 chevy cruze
premiere RS I never had a problem
throughout my ownership should I keep it
thanks, well it's a 2017 it's only a year
and a half old, you better not have any
problems, you might as well keep it cuz
I'll tell you the truth if you try
selling that thing now, you'll see how
much money you will lose, what you owe on
it versus what it's worth it would be
foolish to sell it now maybe you got a
good one that's gonna last, I never advise
anybody to buy it and I got a customer with
one he's got a picture of Mickey Mouse
in his back window cuz she's sued them
under the lemon lawn for some weird
reason they gave him back three thousand
dollars and that was it, they wouldn't
take the car back so, you know but if it lasts
drive it around cuz you would lose your
shirt if you sold it now, CK says Scotty
I'm looking into buying a 2004 GMC
Canyon with two hundred sixteen thousand
miles from a mechanic should I buy it
well it depends if it was the mechanic's
vehicle and he took care of it, not a
bad idea but if he's selling it for somebody
you kind of think now the canyon was
kind of a bizarre truck they weren't
that bad
I mean look that thing's got a lot of
miles it's still running, I just uh
wouldn't pay too much for it, it's a 15
year old GMC pickup truck with two
hundred sixteen thousand miles if you're
looking for a Knockaround truck to haul
a little bit of stuff around why not but
just don't pay too much, it's an old GMC
truck with a lot of miles on it,
Albee says what's your opinion on police
cars mainly 2013 police patrol vehicle
Taurus with the 3.7 Mustang engine with
100,000 miles on it, well that was a fun
vehicle in its time but the thing is if
it was a police vehicle, generally they
drive them like maniacs and they get
the heck burnt out of them, I mean you generally
expect you're gonna put an engine or a
transmission in them in a short period of
time, but if you are thinking about
buying one use, do not touch it until you
get a guy like me a professional
mechanic and gonna check it out with his
computer and road test it and tell you
what kind of shape it's in. you want to
start there if you do want to buy a
vehicle like that, they can be fun to drive
around but of course don't pay much for
it, a used police vehicle the resale
value is not that much, you don't want to
pay much because
you know you're playing with dynamite
you don't know what's left with that
vehicle, why do you think the police get
rid of them every so many years,
Alvaro Tejado says Scotty I got
a 95 volvo 940 when i start it up in the
morning it makes the metallic rattling
sound when I rev it, it goes away for 3-4
minutes, the engine was rebuilt seven
years ago you know what's really typical
with those things, is the catalytic
converters rattle as they age for some
reason they made them crappy inside your
catalytic converter are these honeycomb
pieces that have platinum in them and
that burns hydrocarbons and as they age
especially on those vehicles it cracks
and they will rattle, but then when they
heat up the metal expands and they
stop rattling check that first now, if it
runs okay it doesn't hurt anything and a
new cat for that vehicle cost an awful
lot of money, you might live with it if
it is the cat rattling and it runs okay
when it doesn't run good, the
temperature gauge run hotter and you'll
only be able to go like 55 miles an hour
not any faste,r then you know it's
clogged up and you'd have to replace it
then, US storm says Scotty I have an 07
Honda Civic LX coupe with rear drum
brakes should I upgrade them to disc
brakes, okay here's the thing the rear
brakes on that car are one thing mainly
most of the power is stopped in the
front disc, the rear drums are there
so the car doesn't fishtail when you
stop hard and when you corner and stop for
normal driving those work perfectly fine
and you're not gonna have any problems
with them, it's kind of a waste of money
putting it in a little car like that it
really doesn't need it it's a light car
and disc brakes for all four wheels are
more for racing because they don't fade
when you stop go fast stop go fast stop
go fast, drums will actually stop a car
just as fast one time but in a race they
aren't that's why they were first used
in race cars because they're slamming them on
and hit the gas, slamming them on and
hitting the gas and the drum brakes will
overheat where the discs wouldn't and
that's why they started using them but
on yours are you really wouldn't want to
spend money for that, my Honcho says Scotty
should I put fuel injection on a Dodge
Dart 318 v8 well it's a good question
but depends on what do you want to do
with the thing, if you're planning on
selling it in the future, no because if
it's stock that's a classic 73 Dodge dart
you're gonna lower the value by taking
the factory stuff off,
but if you want it to drive faster
and get better gas mileage, put it on but
save all your old parts, save the
manifold, save the carburetor because
then if you sell it at some point in the
you can say to the guy, look I did this
because I like fuel injection you want
to go back to stock here's all the parts
in the box keep them all, don't throw
any of them away, always do that with the
classic car never throw any old parts
away and if you want to modify it to your
heart's content you're gonna keep it for
years go right ahead
just keep the old parts, so if you never
want to miss another one of my new car
repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

GM Just Threw Away the Chevy Camaro

GM Just Threw Away the Chevy Camaro

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines, GM says that the six
generations Chevy Camaro z/28 program
has been cancelled all right now for the
car guys out there that are the muscle
there have been rumors going around that
they're not going to be making the
Camaros in the future they don't have
any particular plans that they have
set in stone with it there's even some
rumors that they're gonna make an
all electric cars which may be what
they're going to do they're canceling a
sixth generation I'm assuming that they
are gonna stop making Camaros they
stopped making the things a few years
back and then they brought them back
again they had a bunch of quality
control with the ones they were making
in Quebec and so then they just stopped
making them entirely I mean those are
terrible machines in the end I had them
where the wiring harnesses would go out
to transmissions and blow up and they
brought them back again I who knows
maybe they'll just eventually have them
only as an electric car and shelving the
production of any sixth generation
Camaro kind of tells me they yeah
they're maybe they're thinking about
making the mental electric cars only
time will tell her that but you're
obviously thinking about getting rid of
Camaro is a muscle car by not producing
these, ash says hey my wife has
an old ML 320 it's forty eight thousand
mile keep it and driving myself for
selling wife wants a new car
forty-eight thousand miles isn't much if
you haven't had problems with it it
hasn't been wrecked flooded or stolen
you might as well keep it you said it's
an old one if it's an old one it has
virtually no value nobody wants to buy
an old Mercedes the resale value was
cramped but with 48,000 miles generally
don't fall apart until they are over
100,000 miles so what the heck you got
it why not use it for your car and then
get your wife another car obviously
you'll put that many miles on the cars
it still could last a while cuz you
getting nothing selling if it works okay
now what the heck I personally wouldn't
buy one but you already have it so you
might as well driving around you'll get
much for it if you try selling it, Bologna is
there any way to buy nitrogen to fill
your tires yeah oh that's kind of an
interesting subject matter realize that
Earth's atmosphere is already something
like eighty percent nitrogen dress is
about 20 percent oxygen some trace
elements but
about 80% nitrogen already so what
difference does it really make if you
have a 100% nitrogen you tires or 80%
for years people tried to sell me as a
mechanic at my shop systems that purify
the nitrogen in our atmosphere and turn it
into almost a hundred percent
nitrogen and filling the tires with
because theoretically it doesn't oxidize
inside and the temperatures don't affect
it that much when they change hot or
cold or they do use nitrogen I believe
in like the jet airplanes because
they're up at 50,000 feet and it gets
really cold there and the pressure the
tires would keep going up and down for
them and it makes sense but you're not
driving your car at 50,000 feet out
there so you know if you can find a
place that sells the stuff go right
ahead but far as I'm concerned you're
mainly wasting your money on that stuff
for a car that you're driving every day
nobody's approached me in the last year
trying to sell me one of these stupid
nitrogen systems and it cost thousands
of dollars so so if anybody has one
they're gonna charge your pretty penny
to fill up your tires cause hey they had
to pay a bunch of money for the stupid
Daniel pina says hey Scotty is the 2007
f-150 a reliable vehicle these days
yeah the previous owner took care of it
2007 f-150 is pretty reliable vehicle
they're much better with the v8 sixes meh
any vehicle if you're talking about
buying a used one have a mechanic like
me check it out before you show your
money out cuz you don't know something's
wrecked flooded stolen there's all kinds
of things you can go around and with our
fancy machines we can tell I spend about
an hour checking out used cars I just
checked out a used car for a guy this
morning you know it's a fourth of July, I
he made an appointment so I got up
there anyways they can't be great good
cars but you want to make sure there
isn't a problem in it in the first place
cuz you're not gonna get a guarantee
demon says Scotty I got a
2005 Chrysler Sebring Convertible with
eighty two thousand miles my first car
any thoughts baby that thing that was a
big lemon Mobil that they made the v6
engines those things were terrible it's
still running it's 82 thousand miles
let's say it runs and it shifts good now
baby it you got it it's a convertible a
lot of times people think of verticals
are worth money but convertibles aren't
because everybody knows there were
terrible cars but you gotta take care of
a change the oil every 3,000 miles don't
overheat the engine don't race it don't
peel off
pretend you're a little old lady driving
that car and maybe the last one I got
some little old lady
drive them and they're still going okay
because they drive slow but all the men
that I knew that drove them hard they
all burn out either the engine or the
transmission or both, so if you never
want to miss another one of my new car
repair videos, remember to ring that Bell

The Only Chevy Product I Recommend

The Only Chevy Product I Recommend

Scotty Kilmer:

Rev up your engines,
mike says hey whats your take on the chevy
colorado inline 5, everybody knows I don't
like GM products, but that said I still have
customers with chevy colorados with the inline
5 and their running strong with 250,000 miles
on them, and they use them for their work
trucks, they just drive around in them all
the time, their not taking 15 tons of pipe
line here in Texas, they are actually a good
engine and they can be a decent vehicle, like
any gm vehicle their electronics stink so
your going to have problems with the electronics,
ac systems and stuff like that your going
to have to fix just cuz it's gm, but the engines
and transmission in those seem solid, I've
had customers with them that had pretty good
luck with them, so fool people I'm not always
saying everything they make is horrible, just
most of them,
sing says scotty what do you think about the
subaru brz, well they are fun cars to drive
around, if you want to get a zippy little
Japanese zoom around car you know they can
be good cars, they do like all subarus if
you push them too hard those boxer designs
they have a tendency of blowing head gaskets,
it's a type of vehicle that if you really
like it, either lease it or buy it new, because
if you buy a used one it's kind of like playing
with fire, you might get burnt, and it might
be like a stick of dyno, you lit the fuse
when you bought it and then you know a few
months later there goes the engine, so if
you like the way they drive and ride, either
lease one or get a new one, you might have
fun with it if you don't mind spending that
kind of money, just realize you got to spend
some money to get a decent one,
pepper white says hey scotty advice please,
I'm considering buying a used 3 series bmw
with a manual transmission, reliable or a
money pit, well it's more reliable than the
automatics theirs no arguing that, and they
do have extremely low resale value, if you
can get one cheap enough and you want something
for a weekend toy that you want to be like
"oh I'm riding around in my BMW" you know
you might think about doing that, but do not
ever buy one and think your going to put 20,000
miles a year and use it for an everyday driver,
cuz if you do I guarantee it will eventually
turn into an endless money pit, I got a customer
who's a doctor, he got one and even he got
sick of it and he made a lot of money, he
said I'm just sick of this thing breaking
and paying all this for fixing it, even he
gave up on the thing, so if it's a toy go
ahead, but everyday driver, meh,
marcus says I got a limp mode in my infinite
g37, when you get into a limp mode, that means
the computer has found a problem that is going
to destroy the catalytic converter or overheat
the engine, a serious problem, so it puts
the computer system into limp so you have
a limited amount of power to try and save
the catalytic converter and the engine, whatever
the system has a problem in, the first thing
you have to do, is get the vehicle scanned,
you get a bunch of codes, and you have to
have a mechanic like my analyse those codes,
and see ok is this a serious one, which code
do you fix first if theirs multiple codes,
and then you reset the codes and drive it
a little and see what happens, because a lot
of times they go down the line, if you get
one code that will trip another code and another
code and another code, and it might only be
one that's tripping the code so, you have
to start there, because there's something
somewhat serious is wrong, so have it scanned
soon to see what's going on,
j morris says hey scotty I got an 06 cadillac
sts with a northstar v8, it sounds like a
diesel when I accelerate could it be an exhaust
system issue, well let's pray that it is,
have it jacked up in the air and have somebody
rev it while your crawling around looking
and do it when it's cold so you can feel with
your hands too, and feel if there's exhaust
leaking and if it is great fix it, cuz if
it isn't the exhaust leaking and it sounds
like a diesel and making a lot of noise, it
means your engine is going out, and those
northstar engines are endless money pits,
I mean even something as simple, well not
simple anymore, but as a head gasket job on
those northstar racing design engines, it
can cost you $4-5,000 to do a head gasket
job on one of those, so you want to pray that
it's just an exhaust leak and not internal
engine problems, las vegas says scotty I have
a 2006 scion tc and sometimes it grinds in
3rd gear, is it a serious problem, when cars
only grind in one gear, that generally means
that they syncromesh in that gear is starting
to wear out, so what you can do is baby 3rd
gear, don't rev it up really high in 2nd gear
and then rip it into third gear, shift a little
bit earlier and take your time shifting it
to third gear, now if it does it once in a
while I mean just baby it and if your not
a race car guy, you can go from second and
go high rpms in second and then just skip
3rd and go from 2nd to 4th and then you won't
even be using it, cuz eventually if you do
drive it hard and it keeps making a noise
and grinding, eventually third gear would
break and then you'd have to rebuild the transmission
cuz if it broke and pieces fell out in the
tranny, that's the end of the transmission,
you can baby them though like I said and they
can last a long time,
so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos remember to ring
that bell!

The Best Chevy Ever Made

The Best Chevy Ever Made

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines
welcome to wacky Wednesday's where
everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods and here's this week's winner
1967 four-door Impala black I haven't
had this car for very long I've had it
for maybe three months it came from
Florida to Europe here's a flashback
from when I first laid eyes on the car
it was delivered home right to my door
like any other car you buy it always has
minor defects like a million of them and
they have to be addressed some defects
larger than others the first week when I
drove the car the rear brakes locked
three times twice in the middle of the
road and I couldn't for the love of God
move the car and one of those times it
ran out of gas at the exact same time so
I had to leave the car go away and
siphon some gas fuel it up and force it
off the road don't you love cars
when I got it the carburetor was miss
adjusted and the engine timing was off
completely off so it was guzzling gas
like crazy and the first week I ran out
of gas like three times and I had to
walk a lot and after a few months work
it was great and sounds fantastic
so let's take a look around the car when
I got the car didn't have corner lights
or bumper guards I added those later
together with a new distributor a new
dash cluster, the dash cluster that was
in the car was digital and looked
absolutely horrific it did not belong in
that car so we threw it out and replace
it with an original 1967 dash cluster
and speaking of minor faults and defects
this is my first drive with the car and
the horn was honking all the time
I was too stubborn to stop and was
running really bad I'm not a big fan of
having the bass in the back but if you
want good sound you you just have to
accept that there's a lot of air that
needs to be moved back in 1967 the
speakers weren't really that great so we
have to give and take so we get the
sound fixed pretty recently
maybe two weeks ago fix the horn there's
a blanket for my dog pretty nice
it always looks better on camera but
still pretty nice here's the engine it
makes the car go the engine in this car
is a 350 Chevy engine so someone has
some point replaced the engine
because these 67 did not count with 350
engines been known for extreme
durability and not breaking down every
five minutes after some tweaking it runs
great sounds fantastic people complement
the sound more than the cars look and
that's true
my dad used to drive impalas so I
thought I might as well step in the same
footsteps for a car from 67
it handles surprisingly well I figured
that maybe when I get to 90 or 100 km/h
who will start to feel very unstable I
got up to over 150 km/h before I felt
the need to slow down so what about the
future the future plans for this car is
to it during the winter is to restore
the entire underside of the car and the
next winter restore the interior and
some smaller things here and there and
last but not least engine and gearbox so
that's it the journey has just begun
thank you very much for featuring me on
the Scottie Kilmer Channel
rev up your engines, well that was this
week's video and to have your car mod
shown on my channel here check this out
so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell

Why Not to Buy a Chevrolet HHR Car

Why Not to Buy a Chevrolet HHR Car

Scotty Kilmer:

rev up your engines,
Marco's Delgado says Scotty I want to
get an HHR with a manual transmission
has 130,000 miles what are your thoughts
okay I don't like those GM products they
generally don't hold up over time, but
it's a standard transmission the worst
thing about the HHR are their automatic
transmissions are garbage and you don't
have one it's a manual transmission, now
that sets got 130,000 miles it's got a
little bitty four-cylinder engine in it
don't pay much for it, because they are
worth much when they're used, you get a
standard you get it at a cheap price
right, change the oil a lot take care of
it, who knows but don't pay much for it because just realize it when they get older
they're not worth that much money and
you want to pay much for it, and if you
get it cheap enough, hey you never know
it might last a long time just don't pay
too much for it because it isn't worth
that much, Theresa B says I got a 1998
Ford Taurus W hundred and sixty-four
thousand miles for free, but the radiator
was rusty, flushed alone, suspensions bad
valve cover transmission leaks
needs transmission motor mounts are
Ford Taurus is good car, okay
that's 98 Ford Taurus they actually had
quite a bit of problems, now the thing is
you got that car for nothing,
it runs decent and shifts decent do the
valve cover, oil leaks if it's not
leaking that bad, transmission fluid and
engine oils cheap just keep adding it,
and if the suspension is bad get some
struts and put them on it on and it will ride a
lot better, just don't put a whole bunch
of money into it, my advice would be,
drive a little while see how you feel
with it, does it feel solid enough does
it run and shift good enough and if it
does fix things a little at a time, if
it doesn't have just drive until the
wheels fall off and get rid of it, you
got it for nothing so you're not really
gonna be losing anything,
MDS 81 68 says, Scotty I have a shake or
wobble in the front when I take off from
a stop once in a while I thought it
could be the engine, clean the MAF
throttle port cleaner I had strut
replaced and it's still shaken or wobble
when I take off from a stop, a lot of
times it's just the motor or the
transmission mount is worn, because when
you take off, there's more torque on the
engine and so if the mounts are gone it will
wobble as it bounces back and forth
you want to check those mounts first to
see if there's any problem with that, now
let's say you have a car that is a
notorious problem like say, a Chrystler minivan that's doing
odds are two transmission is starting to
go out, because when you take off, if it
wobbles a lot of times it's the
transmission just starting to go out,
because if you got a suspension problem
like a bad tire or worn tie rods, the
faster you go the more it's gonna wobble
and yours is the other way around, it's
wobbling when you're taking off, you want
to pray that it's not an internal
transmission fault, because if it's that
you would have to go and get it rebuilt
which costs a fortune, so pray that it's
a motor or transmission mount first
because they're very easy to check, Zeno
2019 says Scotty I got a 2004
and my dash lights aren't working what
could be the cause, people had the radio
out before the original dash cluster
and we got three more clusters put them
in and the light still didn't work what
could it be
it could be not having the radio when
you swap it out, because GM has these
insane designs, some of the modern cars
won't even start if you swap the radio
because part of the starting system
is in the radio circuitry, so you want to
check all the wiring by where the radio
was, something could easily be off now if
you hadn't had that radio taken out and not
replaced, the problem often is on those
you turn your lights on then you got
those things to make the lights brighter
or dimmer, that part often breaks now
that can be bypassed
because you can just take the wire off
of that and you can run it directly to
the clusters, when you have the car
running the cluster will get 12 volts
all the time and then the lights would
stay on, you couldn't adjust them and
make them dim or make them bright they'd
be bright all the time but hey, look at
me I'm getting old I want a bright so I
want those things as bright as they can
be, first thing I do is go to the light
feed on that cluster and just give it 12
volts and as it lights up, just rewire it
so that power comes from the ignition
switch to there when you start it up and
they'll be lit up all the time, Edoardo
Becerra says, Scotty hello from Italy I
have a 1984 Audi Quattro it overheats the
fan works I checked the inlet and outlet
temperature the two radiators and enters
in at 240 and exits at 140 what can it be, okay well it's leaving at a lot lower it's your
radiators are losing a hundred degrees
so they're getting rid of heat they're
doing their job, now the problem with
Audi's is, as they age they often have
problems with blown head gaskets, your
engine could just be putting out so much
heat that it's overheating
you want to watch my video, how to tell
if your head gasket is blown, do that test
because if the head gasket is blown it'll
overheat no matter how fast your
radiator can dissipate heat the engine
will create too much heat and then it will
keep overheating, so if you never want to
miss another one of my new car repair
videos, remember to ring that Bell!

Chevy LS: Best Engine Swap Ever? | WheelHouse

Chevy LS: Best Engine Swap Ever? | WheelHouse

Donut Media:

It’s a cliche at this point: “Dude, cool
project, got any plans for it?”
“Ah Dude, LS swap, throw a cam in there,
put the LS6 heads on it, it’s gonna be sick!”
“Oh, cool”.
Yeah, LS Swaps are a little played out.
But I wanted to find out why more people are
doing them than ever before.
From muscle cars, to drifters, to this Delorean.
Welcome to WheelHouse.
In the early 90s, GM knew that time was limited
for their small block V8.
Foreign competitors were selling cars with
less power but much better fuel economy.
But GM was like “Nah dude, we’re good”, And
got to work redesigning their workhorse small
The LS1 debuted in 1997 with the release of
the new C5 Corvette.
The block was made of aluminum
which was super light, and the 5.7 liter engine
made 345 horsepower and 350 pounds of torque.
Drivers and critics were
like, yo, this LS thing is sick.
Then in 1999, Chevy released a cast Iron version
for use in trucks and SUVs, which they’ve
since branded “Vortec”.
In 2001, Chevy updated the LS1's design with the
release of the LS6.
It was stronger, better flowing, and had higher
But why’d Chevy go from LS1 to LS6?
Well, the LS6 was used in the 2001 Corvette
So you have LS6, and Z06, I guess that makes
Anyway, the LS1, LS6 and every other LS all
share a common architecture.
Ultimately, this means that parts between
engines are stupid interchangeable as long
as you do some research.
I can’t tell you who the first person was
to LS swap their car- BECAUSE THEY’RE DEAD.
But I can tell that whoever they are, ignited
a trend that swept the US.
People will LS Swap literally anything.
Muscle cars make up a large majority of LS
For decades the go-to small block for muscle
cars was the Chevy 350, I mean I had one in
my Trans Am, but people when people started
seeing the benefits of fuel injection, they
started putting the LS in their project cars
But what if you don’t want muscle car?
The Nissan 240SX is a prime example, with
tons of Formula Drift competitors using the
LS in their race cars.
The Miata is another good option.
Who wouldn’t want a lightweight roadster
with a V8 up front?
That’s what the Shelby Cobra was!
But Nolan, the 240 and Miata are so predictable,
everyone and their mom does LS Swaps on those
I hear you.
Here are some of the craziest swaps we were
able to find.
This is a 1936 Cord Westchester, notable,
for being one of the world’s first front
wheel drive cars That’s right, this quirky
looking pre-war sedan has a Corvette engine
sending power through a Porsche
transmission to the front wheels.
It’s nuts.
But that’s nothing!
This guy, Connor Hofford, stuffed an LS into
his 1984 VW GTI.
His car debuted at last year’s SEMA show,
and blew people away with it’s custom tube
chassis, that was pretty much all hand built.
Thing is just insane.
Connor, if you’re watching, let’s hang
out dude.
Bring the car by the office, we would love
to see it.
And it doesn’t end there.
This Delorean has an LS in the back!
It’s finally as fast as it looks!
Okay so we know a little bit of the LS’s
History, and why it’s a good engine, and
that a lot of people have put them in a wide
variety of cars that aren’t Chevy’s.
But none of that really tells us why they
Luckily, there’s a pretty simple answer.
The LS is small.
And I’m not talking displacement.
When someone says that an engine is big like
a 427 cubic inch, they’re not talking about
the engine’s physical size.
Engines are basically air pumps, and displacement
refers to the amount of air that passes through
an engine when each piston goes from top to
bottom dead center..
So if we use the LS1 as an example, its a
5.7 liter engine.
It’s got 8 cylinders, a stroke of 3.62 inches,
and a bore of 3.898.
We take those measurements and put them into
this equation, and we get 347 cubic inches.Convert
that to metric and our engine breathers
5.7 liters of air.
So the LS keeps a typical V8 displacement,
while being physically smaller than its competitors.
well most new engines use overhead camshafts which
allow for more aggressive valve lift at higher
RPMs and the use of more than two valves per
Chevy didn’t bother doing that that.
The LS still has it’s cam in- block with
two valves per cylinder, just like your grandma’s
old Buick Special.
And since the cams aren’t hanging out in
the cylinder heads, the engine is shorter
in height and skinner too.
Conventional wisdom says that overhead cam
engines should easily outperform in-block
cam engines because they can put more air
into the cylinders.
But more air is no good if it has a hard time
getting into the cylinder.
So Chevy decided to focus their energy on
And that’s why, despite having fewer valves,
the LS is one of the best breathing engines
ever made.
It just breathes really, really well.
And that’s it’s main advantage.
So, it has a physical size advantage, stellar
airflow, and keeps the conventional V8 displacement.
This makes it the perfect candidate for swapping
into oddball cars like the Miata, Delorean
and that GTI.
It all comes down to size.
Going back the 240SX, a built LS will be the
same size and sometimes lighter than the stock
turbocharged four cylinder engine.
And there’s no turbo lag.
You might be like me, thinking about which
car you would swap an LS into.
You might have something in your driveway
right now that would make a perfect project.
But how do you choose which LS to get?
It can be pretty challenging there’s like...a lot
of them.
Well if you’re on a shoestring you should
look for a 5.3 liter Vortec.
Remember these are LS engines but they’re made of
cast iron so they’re about 100 pounds heavier
than the aluminum ones.
BUT, they’re everywhere, and that means
they’re cheap.
a lot of magazines say you can find these
things for like 500 bucks.
Not a bad place to start.
Maybe you want to turbo a V8.
You should go look for a 4.8L Vortec.
It’s another cast iron engine, and it’s
the smallest of the LS's, but smaller displacement
means more meat on the cylinder walls, and
that means you can run a ton of boost without
worrying about cracking the block.
The 4.8 is a great option for people looking
for budget boost.
But what if you want to be completely insane
and build an LS swapped Honda?
Well you can do that too.
The LS4 was designed with front wheel drive
cars in mind like the Impala SS.
I found this build online by Ryan Standke,
where he transplanted an LS4 into his Aruca
RSX AND boosted it.
This thing is insane.
And I think of all the builds we’ve talked
about today it’s my favorite, because it’s
so wrong but so right.
So as you can see, there’s limitless potential
for the LS swap.
And yeah, it’s a popular thing to do right
now but for good reason.
I’ll admit I was a hipster about this LS
Swap thing before I looked into it.
I’m not even a Chevy guy but who doesn’t
love the sound of a V8?
(Righteous V8 noises)
Who doesn’t want that power in their car?
(More righteous V8 noise)
It’s a no brainer.
And the only limit is your own creativity.
(dat good good V8 rumble)
Do you have an LS swap in your car?
I’d love to see it, post it down in the
The LS is nowhere close to being the first
engine but if you want to know what the first
car was go back to last week’s episode right
If you like the Corvette, check out the up
to Speed on the Corvette.
If my Mustang ever dies, i would definitely
think about LS swapping it, I think that would
be hilarious.
Ford, Chevy guys go fight in the comments.
Thanks for watching, bye :)

Everything You Need To Know About The Chevy LS Engine

Everything You Need To Know About The Chevy LS Engine

Dust Runners Automotive Journal:

What's up guys, this is Bryce with Dust Runners Automotive Journal and today we're going to talk about why the Chevy LS engine family is so awesome.
The Chevy LS was first debuted in the
1997 Chevy C5 Corvette.
GM called it the "Gen III" small-block, now known as the LS1. The LS1 is a 5.7 liter engine
and it features an all aluminum design.
It also features coil near plug ignition and various other new engine management features these new features made it vastly greater than the previous
generation small-block. In 1998 the LS1 replaced the LT1 found in Camaros and Firebirds, Chevrolet
then began producing iron block "Gen III" small-blocks which came in pickups and SUVs.
Chevrolet later produced the "Gen IIII" small-block, which featured mpg boosting cylinder deactivation.
The Gen IIII also featured larger displacements compared to the Gen III and a reengineered camshaft sensing system.
These were all great improvements to the LS engine family making it a world-class engine
the Gen 4 family includes the LS2, LS3,
Supercharged LS9, supercharged, LSA and the LS7. One of the many reasons is Chevy
LS is so good is its strength, after al,l what would a good engine be without solid foundation?
Chevrolet designed the gen 3 LS block as a "Y" block.
This "Y" block design helps increase rigidity in the main cap area by using six bolt main caps on the crankshaft,
four bolts are facing vertically and two bolts
horizontally that clamped the block wall to the main cap. This is what GM engineers call snap fit cross bolting. This design provides great
crankshaft and block rigidity. Previous small-block Chevy engines did not use this design.
Chevrolet took it a step further by not
just designing an incredibly strong bottom end, but also a very strong top end Chevy designed the block to take extra long head bolts
that thread deep into the block. This minimizes cylinder bore distortion and variation in the head bolt torque.
Chevy also raised the camshaft up and further away from the crank, which allows them to clear a four inch stroke crankshaft.
Chevy used a 4 inch stroke crank to achieve the 7 liter displacement of the LS7.
To further increase the strength on top of the engine they used a valley plate.
The valley plate is a large plate of metal that covers the valley where the lifters reside.
This increases the strength of the block by bolting each side of itself onto one metal plate.
The pistons are the weakest point in the LS engine. They're pretty strong, but once you start getting into serious performance
they are the first component to fail. All of this combined made the LS stronger and smaller than any other GM small-block before it.
Since the Chevy LS was put into so many cars and trucks there are tons of them laying around.
This has helped keep prices fairly low and with the rising popularity of LS swaps the prices dropped even further.
You can literally walk into almost any junkyard in America and find an LS engine within a few minutes.
A great example would be the world-famous beater bomb which is the true meaning of ballin on a budget.
The beater bomb is a world-famous street racing Fox Body Mustang. he has blown up a few LS engines from spraying a ton of nitrous.
Luckily all he has to do is walk into a junkyard with a couple hundred dollars to get a new LS engine.
Another great thing about the LS engine is how many different displacement options there are.
Chevy trucks came with either a 4.8L, 5.3L, or 6.0L engine.
Newer Chevy trucks have the option for a 6.2 liter engine.
Car engines came in 5.3L, 5.7L,
6.0L, 6.2L and 7.0L sizes. Some were even configured for front-wheel drive cars.
The rise of stroker kits has also increased in number of displacement options. The LS7 can be pretty expensive,
but you can always buy a 427ci stroker kit for your LS3.
If you count Chevy Performance LSX engines then the biggest available LS engine would be the LSX 454.
The cheapest of the LS engine family is the 5.3L truck engine that came in most trucks and SUVs that Chevrolet is produced.
All of these engines have been pushed past 1,000 horsepower by racers and have done
so fairly reliably. As you can imagine the aftermarket for the Chevy LS has exploded since its massive rise.
From just basic bolt-ons like an intake and exhaust, all the way up to race spec cylinder heads and turbo kits.
The most common modification being a high performance camshaft, which is the best bang for buck upgrade you can do on the LS engine.
The rise in popularity of LS engines has also helped mold some of the world's best engine builders into LS masters.
Companies like Nelson Racing Engines have become extremely popular due to their knowledge of the LS engine.
These companies really know how to get the best bang for buck out of them, from
mild builds to high horsepower street cars to full race cars.
Companies like Nelson Racing Engines can build one incredible little LS engine for your application.
Chevy has also jumped into the aftermarket game with its own engine. Chevrolet Performance
produces the LSX, the holy grail of Chevy LS engines, the most powerful being the LSX454r
which produces around
770 horsepower and 620 foot-pounds of torque.
Chevrolet Performance also produces high strength blocks as well as many other components to hop up your LS engine.
The aftermarket also makes tons of swap kits making it a breeze to swap an LS engine into basically any automobile you want.
Chevy really knew what they were doing when they design LS engines the factory heads flow nearly as good as
Nascar heads did at the time which is around 300 CFM.
They achieved this by using modern computer technology to test different port lengths and designs to find the best performing head design.
You may be surprised by how port shape, size, and length can affect torque and horsepower ratings.
Chevrolet also designed the intake manifold using similar technology.
They aimed for the LS engine to produce usable power really low in the RPMs and decent power up high. They also made the cam core massive
Which means you can easily fit a .600"+ lift camshaft and it won't be that harsh on your motor.
Chevy LS engines are known to respond to modifications really well even an intake and exhaust will gain a substantial amount of horsepower.
The typical head cam swap is known for gaining well over 100 horsepower.
Some people even leave the stock heads on and just have them worked over
Combined with a big cam many LS engines are making over 440whp.
The LS engine family is known for having smaller proportions than its competitors engines making it much easier to swap into cars with small engine
bays like the Mazda Miata.
The main reason they're such a compact engine is because of their old-school push
rod design. As well as all of the modern technologies they used when designing the engine block.
The push rod design that they continue to use is almost unlike any other modern engine which have overhead cams. You
can achieve better performance and economy with an overhead cam, but at the cost of a much larger and heavier engine.
Thanks to the all aluminum design a fully dressed LS1 is nearly as light as a cast-iron
4-cylinder. For example a stock 1995 Nissan 240SX with a full tank of fuel weighs around
2,900 pounds
The same car under the same circumstances with an LS1 swap weighs in around 2,950 pounds.
That's a gain of around 50 pounds which is pretty much nothing when you consider you're gonna be gaining hundreds of
foot-pounds of torque and horsepower.
Here's the bottom line the LS is cheap, light, compact, and makes a ton of horsepower.
It can fit it into nearly anything you want and it can be done on a tight budget.
From the average Joe to a professional racer the LS engine is perfect for nearly anything.
Be sure to hit that subscribe button if you like this video and let us know in the comments what we should talk about in
our next video. This is Bryce with Dust Runners Automotive Journal signing off.

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